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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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This is most likely not going to be a very well liked post, But honestly I think it needs to be done. I'm not naming names, but im certainly not the only one who feels like we are dangerously close to tipping this whole thread into the abyss of canon-breaking horror. Sure, Its fun to do Crossovers into anime/romance/time travel/whatever, and yes comedy is fine once in a while to break up serious writing....But that was not what this thread was about.

We have gotten to the point where literally anything could happen and nobody would say anything about it. We should really get back to what this thread is about, which is directly in the title "How we Envision our Tenno". This thread is easily the largest i've ever seen, and its full of some of the best writing you can find anywhere, but its also strewn about with some seriously out of canon stuff.  I think before we continue with the line of great stories, We should set up some sort of Guidelines as to what is and is not canon. Im not saying we have to be Nazi-Strict about it, but we definitely need to address this. Just to get my point across, I've come up with a small list. This by no means says the stories are bad, please don't think that, it just means that some of these occurrences need to be kept to a minimum.


1. Time Travel - Its already been discussed, and agreed upon that it really shouldnt happen again.


2. Talking Sentinels - Perfect example of Bending (but not breaking) canon. Its totally within the realm of what we have seen Tenno/Orokin tech is capable of.


3. Sex and Pregnancy - We don't even know if Tenno have Genitals to begin with, and if they did, We have no way of knowing that they would be capable of becoming pregnant. Plus, Its not exactly something DE would approve of, if they happened to read it. We know some of DE have been watching this thread, so its totally possible that one (or several) of us may be contributing to ACTUAL lore. If they don't have to sift through stories of Tenno Romance stories, all the better.


4. Warframe Modification - Again, something that i can easily see happening, but should probably be kept to a minimum.


5. PvP Stories - This one is very hard to codify. When done correctly, it can be great fun and amazingly good to read, but when not done well, it becomes a juvenile case of "My X beats your Y, because i say so"...So please, When you are writing something like this, Realize that the other person's Character(s) are just as important to them, as yours are to you. Even if you plan to beat them to a pulp, thats fine, as long as you don't make them seem like an inferior character. Sure, I could write Aigloblam taking on Heus, Acantha, and Igilblix all at the same time and have him totally beat the living crap out of them, But thats totally unrealistic. In a real fight against those odds, He would be picked apart in no time. So if he were in such a situation, The best way to go about it is to have him escape, but barely. That way nobody's character is shown as inferior to anyone elses, but the Hero of the story (if i'm writing it at least) gets to win in the end. If i were to do something like this, I would make absolutely sure to run the story by anyone involved, before its posted. This may take a bit longer, but it will ensure that everyone is happy in the end.


I know i honestly don't have any Authority here, All i have is Seniority and that doesn't amount to anything really. I can't force anyone to not write something, So this may just be me squawking and making trouble. But in the end, I really do think its for the good of the thread as a whole.


So i think the best way we should go about this is that everyone who wants there to be official canon rules, PM me and say so. The same goes for anyone who doesn't want their infinite creativity hindered by anything, PM me and tell me. Ill keep a count of how many votes i get for Each, and then we can figure out the next step from there.

Sound Good?



Edit: Just to make 100% sure that nobody is singled out for any reason (other than me really), I'll keep the votes confidential. If you don't want to elaborate on why or why not, A simple Yes or No will do.

Dang maybe I should make a new topic then.


Sorry for causing trouble.

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Dang maybe I should make a new topic then.


Sorry for causing trouble.

Nah, The whole idea of this is to stop trouble before it really gets started. You're all groovy big chief. We all need to reign things in every once in a while...Dont worry about it. Theres already another thread if you want to something way far out there, Wrath took the initiative and got that started. You are obviously still welcome here for as long as you feel like being here. :)

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It's the face and the no color. As far as we know, she could have been showering and bejuizb took a picture. That and I live in the gutter.


But you don't HAVE to stay there! And you don't HAVE to pull us all down into it with you...


Wait... yes, I guess you do...


Carry on.

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About Aiglo's points,



Frame mods could be possible. Using my own character for an example, he's used an Ash for a good amount of years, with frame and wearer often in harsh, dangerous, conditions. Instead of, for example, completely replacing the frame once a year, isn't it a lot cheaper and easier to repair it?

And in that case, what's to stop him from upgrading (or having it done by someone else) the shield generator, or making invisibility an on/off instead of a timer, powered by an additional 4 Cells and a Reactor?


And shouldn't that mean that snipers should lose a lot of function?

After all, there's no way to calculate for distance, bullet weight, elevation, wind strength and direction.

You could say it's automatically done by the gun/scope itself, (it's actually possible, see this link to an article from about a year ago) I think that's possible by the highly advanced Tenno. Though a sniper with a radar built in aiming for automagical headshots on anything that moves goes a little too far, IMO.


I'd say think about it. "Increasing the invisibility generating thing... might be possible, all the scouts/spies could greatly benefit. Hey Lotus, here's my idea. Think it's any good? If so, could you help me out with funding or even research or if there's been someone with an idea like this, send me on?"

To me, that could be possible. To others, maybe too. But, for example, I think everyone'd agree the auto-headshot-rifle is a little too much.


PvP or having other people's characters engage in dialogue: I'm writing a good amount with Jea, but before I post anything, I send it to her to proofread, "have I got this correct, have I worded this in a good way, if not, could you change it, would your character act like this in a situation like this?". This way, there should be nothing that can go wrong, right?

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So...uhm...guys...After seeing what Kale and Aiglo wrote and vented, may I tell you about myself and the things of me I actually put into Kris? 's Okay if you don't want to know.

as i have suggested, perhaps writ it into a story, and then say "this actually happened, by the way."


Of course, only do that is you can. I you cant, feel free. :3


Edit: on a barely related note, how far in the future is warframe? (may want to have my characters visit some places that I have, for the purpose of sharing experiences)

Edited by Entari0
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 We are all friend here, i treat this place like a second home, the one im at the most, and your all my friends. it also feels like a venting day so go ahead or as enati said try writing in a story format and if not then please do tell. We listen, erm read.

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This won't need to be inserted in a story. It literally just has to do with how I originally created Kris.


Ok, so to those who remember, when I Started writing Kris, He was a depressed character who blamed himself for all of his failures. That part was based on a quite literal 12 years of bullying, from 6-18 years old. During that time, I was depressed and suicidal. I isolated myself and blamed myself for all the bullying.Ever since the bullying finally ended, I have trouble controlling my emotions. I can be extremely happy at one point or angry or sad or indifferent, much like the current Kris, whose mood seems to switch every time I write. This leads to problems, both in me writing and in my personal life, but thankfully I have friends I can trust.


This is basically what I wanted to say.

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And hopefully once the 'venting circle' ( like the circles at those 'deal with your problems/addictions' it seems) has run it's course, two things will have happened:


A- Everyone will feel better and closer.


B- More story will have been completed for us merry men/women to enjoy.



Btw, who is writing atm? T'was Jea & Spike currently, right?

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My issues might be different from yours, but from what I've learned myself, having confidence and peace with oneself is the ultimate strength you can have. You just need to keep saying to yourself : I AM AWESOME. I don't mean, call yourself the king of the world or anything, but I'm simply saying this: no matter what people say or think about you, you need to hold yourself up. Never doubt your capacity to work wonders and you will truly be happy.


Hope this helps, and remember, all of us are your friends here. Feel free to share.

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Ah, bullying. Went through that myself for time, although not as long - mine was more just a few (like 4-6) years, through latter half of Primary school (Don't know the US term for those years, I know they have all these 'grades' and such). Literally no friends at the time in juniors who I could actually -always- call on, only a couple would side/help most of the time. Got to the point where my parents noticed a visible change in my character/attitude, brought it to the head's attention and -Threatened- to bring it to the police.

 That ended the bullying mostly, then spent all of secondary school actually building up any semblance of a trustworthy group of friends. Even then, there were a couple of incidents, either with 'old bullies' or someone who had become a friend of them.


Still, always helps to vent/share a little, reflect occasionally. And to have Good, trusting friends to lean on for support when you have 'one of those days'.



And Jea, thx for the heads up. And am I the only one who isn't bothered by the large number of sorry's? :D

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Bullies are... different now that when I went to school. It was just one of those things you survived. Of course it was helped that by my third year of high school, I didn't care whether I lived or died. A few broken bones and they learned to leave me alone because I would NOT stop even when they knocked me down. Even when they brought friends, they learned to leave me alone, because I brought weapons.


Now, it's all about social pressure instead of actual physical violence. But bullies still think it makes them strong to hurt people weaker than them. It makes up for their lack of courage to show how big and tough they are. It doesn't matter if it is a 6 year old on the schoolyard or some Senator showing how strong and mighty he is by turfing people out to make room for a summer house. Same mentality. Me strong, you weak, me hit, you cry, me win.


Funny thing was, the last time I got in a fight -just off school ground by the way (BIG lesson, don't do it on school grounds or in sight of cameras)- I beat the crap out of a bully. A little old guy walked up to me where I was cleaning my folding baton and he asked me if it felt good to hurt fools. He was just a weird old guy, but I replied 'No'. He smiled and told me to come by his dojo.


His name was Sensei Williams. My first sword instructor. Yoda may have said 'size matters not', but Sensei Williams MEANT it. He taught me more in a year of sword study than I learned in twenty years after he passed away. Most importantly, he taught when to fight and when not to.


Bullies fight because they want to feel strong when they feel weak. A TRUE warrior fights when he must.

Edited by Kalenath
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Dear god....Kalenath with a sword....*shudders*


You know... If I WERE to carry a sword... I wouldn't use it on bullies. It would be dishonorable to use a sword to kill fools.



But I do have several swords actually. And a naginata, an axe, 2 longbows and a mace. And yes, I  have trained how to use them all.

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I have no true skills in real life for defending myself. I'm a pacifist, even when I get hurt or people anger me, I can't even force myself to hit them. Shouting at them is the furthest I would go. I think it is a sign of weakness physically, since most of society nowadays doesn't give a rat's arse about chivalry, honour and things of the like.

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