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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Well duh. Everyone knows the Alad buys your email address from the Grineer after they send you the battle pay. If it wasn't that way, then why is it that the harvester only attacks people who get Grineer battle pay?


Yuck! Even in the FUTURE, there are scammers! Tell me the telemarketers got wasted... please!

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Too bad Wrath. I finished my speech...WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS. Time for me to get back to my studies. 


I decided to take the liberty and outline the fundamental steps involved in the mission. I hope it doesn't conflict with your plans. if it does, please let me know.




“We’re almost there,” said Kris, turning towards everyone. The port observation deck showed their location. Aiden saw a massive asteroid, covered in metallic machines. From what he could see, it looked like the asteroid was being harvested.


A smart decision. Those asteriods contain substantial amounts of ores and resources. But the design and scale. It looks…brutal. Uncaring.


He now understood what Acantha had told him about the Grineer. He held his Karak close to his torso, ensuring that the safety was on. He checked the armour plates on his thighs, which held 12 magazines of ammunition for his weapons: 8 for his Karak, and 4 for his Lex. He grimaced slightly at the amount of ammunition he received.


Normally, he would have gotten much more, but Kris had said that he wasn’t expecting that many people to respond to the call. Whatever it might be, Aiden was ready to give it his best. I just need to make every single shot count.


Kris stood near the door, his posture exuding nervousness. Aiden walked up to him.


“Kris, are you alright?”


The Vauban appeared to be surprised by the sudden question. “Yes…I am.”


Aiden placed a massive hand on his shoulder. “You are worried. That isn’t an ideal state of mind before a mission.”


Kris nodded. “I know. It’s just…”


Aiden interjected before he could finish. “You care for her. I understand. Do not worry, friend. I will ensure I get her out of here till my very last breath.”


The Vauban nodded. ‘Thank you…?”


“Aiden. My name is Aiden.”


“Aiden,” said Kris. “I deeply appreciate it. Thank you.”


The Rhino shook his head dismissively. “No need for thanks. You are Tenno, and above that, you are a friend. Friends never thank one another for providing help.”


Kris laughed, the nervous ebbing away slowly as he did. “Very well then.”


Aiden looked back at the others. “Would you mind if I spoke to the others?”


“No. Go ahead.”


Aiden turned around, and ensured that he was in a position where the others could see. He cleared his throat and spoke up.


“I need all of you to pay attention to me. Now, we are moments away from embarking on our mission, and I wish to provide a few guiding words to all of you. Now, I do not hold a standing amongst any of you, considering I woke up just recently. But this practice was something that I had with my men back in the Great War, and I wish to continue this tradition.”


“Our objective is to rescue one of our own. Her name is Sophia, and she has been captured for nearly two days now. We need to hurry and extract her from this place. As Kylar has mentioned, The Grineer have been holding Sophia hostage, and they captured her by using a psychic dampening device. We have two in our group who will be affected by it,” he said, pointing in the direction of Ghost and Idhren.


“They are both part of the distraction team, and there is yet one more issue. The Rhino in the group is clearly inebriated. This is an unfortunate time for such a thing to happen, but it has, and we must move on. Nyght is responsible for protecting Idhren and Ghost from the rear. Lycanos, I need to protect their front. At all costs.”


“I need Ghost and Idhren to focus and attempt to pinpoint the source of the psychic dampener. The further away it is, the more difficult it will be to pinpoint the source. Considering Ghost’s prowess with her frame, I expect her to detect the source of the dampener as fast as possible. Once she does, I need the whole distraction team to hunker down in a defensible position and cause as much chaos as possible. Our task might be more complicated since we need to combat two factions as well as two high value targets.”


“Lech Kril and Tyl Regor,” said Kylar, checking his rifle for the umpteenth time. Aiden noticed his agitation, but decided to say none of it.


“Thank you. As I said, we have two HVTs in the base, and we must ensure that we are prepared to combat them. After detecting the source of the dampener, team 1 will attempt to eliminate the source of the dampener. If successful, Sophia will be able to contact us, and we will know her exact location. It is team one’s duty to recover Sophia as fast as possible. Once we succeed with our objective, we will make our way towards team 2, and together, extract.”


He took a deep breath. “That is the general gist of it. If we work together with utmost precision, nothing can stop us. We are Tenno, and our strength lies with our brothers and sisters. Protect them and they will protect you. Thank you for listening.”


The others began checking their weapons after they realized Aiden had finished talking. Nyght walked up to him.


“Quite a detailed speech you had there!” he said with a chuckle.


Aiden nodded. “I felt like we all need a clear sense of direction.” He nodded towards Kris and Kylar. “Especially them.”


“I agree,” said Acantha, the Nova walking up to the two of them. “ You did a good thing telling them the plan. Following instructions should ease the tension to a certain extent. “


“Yes, that was the goal. Nyght,” he said, looking at the Excalibur Prime. “You are the strongest member in the distraction team, at least in terms of balance. I need you to watch out for Ghost and Idhren. Lycanos is not as capable as he could be, and I’m quite sure that they can take care of themselves. But-“


“We don’t know how much volume of fire we will be walking into. Don’t worry, I understand. I promise to give it my best.” He said, his determined grin hidden behind his helmet. “But might I make a request?”


Acantha piped up. “What do you need?”


Nyght clicked the safety off on his rifle, as Kris told them to be ready to drop.


“Hurry the hell up.”

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Yuck! Even in the FUTURE, there are scammers! Tell me the telemarketers got wasted... please!

Television got wasted, so sure.

But when someone brings back the idea of "entertainment" to something close enough to "profit" for the Corpus mind to assimilate, they'll be back, one way or another.

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Television got wasted, so sure.

But when someone brings back the idea of "entertainment" to something close enough to "profit" for the Corpus mind to assimilate, they'll be back, one way or another.

I've thrown around the idea of Tennoflix, which is basically a credit-based monthly service that allows you to access all the archived Pre-Orokin entertainment, (like movies, old tv shows...Archer on FX, etc.)

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I've thrown around the idea of Tennoflix, which is basically a credit-based monthly service that allows you to access all the archived Pre-Orokin entertainment, (like movies, old tv shows...Archer on FX, etc.)

Tenno do have archives (since Ric arrived at this thread, i have to assume his whole collection arrived with him). But the real market is in the masses. The not quite so brainwashed/fanatic masses. Infested just aren't profitable. one watches and they all see.

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Up for the challenge?

-I'm a chivalrous, gentlemanly Tenno with a fancy sword and a shiny frame.

-We have a damsel in distress.

-Bad guys to beat up.

-Potential for some serious crossfire and drama.

-And I have a secret weapon... Good old British 'Stiff Upper Lip'!


It can only go south from here on out. I wonder how mutilated Team 2 will end up from this.

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So I have a drunk, overly armed rhino, and two psykers in a place with some sort of psy dampener.

 And We're causing the 'distraction', so we -should- get most of the heat.


Oh boy. Radial flashbang... I'm going to need you.

You forgot the Valkyr and Ash.

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Up for the challenge?

-I'm a chivalrous, gentlemanly Tenno with a fancy sword and a shiny frame.

-We have a damsel in distress.

-Bad guys to beat up.

-Potential for some serious crossfire and drama.

-And I have a secret weapon... Good old British 'Stiff Upper Lip'!


It can only go south from here on out. I wonder how mutilated Team 2 will end up from this.

Don't worry. You guys will be safe. I'm running some ideas through Jeahanne and it involves a certain Rhino nearly dying, trying to protect you 6.

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Darius sat up, stretching, still groggy from his reprieve of drama.


He looked around, gave Eden a nod of acknowledgement who returned it with a stifled scream.


He got up, and started wandering the dojo, leaving Alane,  Nakarn and Eden behind for the time being.



Edit: This'll probably lead up to something related to the foundry, the AI starts asking questions, etc.

Edited by EDeN153
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Tiptoeing that spoil line there...


(although I'm quite anxious to see where Jea manages to take us)



Edit: That's a thought - it could be useful for us to have a full list of involved characters for your reference.


well here's mine.


Nyght - Excalibur Prime, Immortal Pattern, Blues and White.

Loadout: Braton Vandal, Magnus, Dakra Prime (MoonShard)

Edited by NyghttheClassy
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This was supposed to get Galen involved, but time's running out, apologies for being late.

If people say I'm too late now, this post can be ignored.

If people say I'm still in time, Galen'll meet up with the rest at the Grineer base, just before they enter.

Galen was on a mission once again, this time to capture a high rank Grineer traveling under heavy escort.

The mission went without trouble, while clearing the ship room by room, hall by hall.

Not a single Grineer saw him and lived to warn the rest.

He captured the target and was on his way back out.

Suddenly, a deafening blast of noise erupted from the frame.

The noise raised heads and guns through half the ship.

"S#&$, S#&$, S#&$, knew I should've put the damn thing on silent." was what Galen said as he ducked behind something resembling cover.

He answered "Gale's on this side, who's on the other?" as every gun in the room was pointed at him and his cover.

"Acantha. The Nova you helped out on the station a little while back?"

Wait, what, how did she get this number, was what he wanted to say. "Hey, I remember you. How are you?" was what he actually said.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"Great, absolutely great."

"Good to hear. Hey, what's that interference on the background?"

"Bullets. Quite a lot of them too."


Bullets were exchanged in rapid tempo,

"So, what's up? Is this just a social call?"

Bang. Bang. Bang. Came the steady reports from a Vectis.

"Well, I'd like to ask you to help me and some others on a mission."

"YOU'RE ALL DEAD, YOU HEAR ME?" followed by the rapid fire of the Wraith Vipers.

"Okay, wait a sec, did I hear that correctly?

First, I never said you could contact me. Hell, I didn't even tell you HOW to contact me. Classified intel, if I'd report this to my boss, within a few days, one of us would pay you a visit."

Another burst of Viper fire.

"Second, you're seriously asking me, one of the most dangerous, most lethal, most insane warriors alive, on a mission when there's half a system of Tenno to choose from?" a small burst punctuating every 'most'.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, completely serious. We could really use your help." No hesitation, not a hint of fear, or anything else for that matter.

"Hah, tell me, what's this mission?"

"A rescue. A Tenno has been captured by Kril."

"You're talking like you've got a team already. What do you need me for?"

"Infiltration and bodyguard.

You go in before the rest of the team.

Then, when we start the rescue..."

"DIE, DIE, DIE, ALL OF YOU! Sorry, keep talking."

"Like I said, when we fight a way in, if the Grineer decide to go after the hostage, they'll find you between them and her."

Galen carefully considered what he heard, replaying the words in his mind while randomly firing the sniper or the pistols.

"Protection duty? Might be able to do that."

"It would be great if you'd help us out."

"Just one thing, why should I help? I don't know this captured Tenno, your team or you."

"I know, just thought we need someone for this and you're the first one I could think of who could do this."

"I SAID DROP DEAD, YOU UGLY BASTARD! Not you, sorry. Give me a second, okay?"


Two more Vectis bullets were send out.

"Okay, done. Know what? I'll join in. Better than sitting at home.

Send me the coordinates and I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay, till then."

Galen closed comms.

Half of him respected the girl. She knew some of what he could do, but didn't back down.

Had this chat been in person, he had the idea she wouldn't even have flinched had he made the same threat then.

That he'd never follow up on the threat was something nobody needed to know.

The other half of him wondered what kind of trouble he got himself into this time.

Edit: fixed missing spoiler (thanks) and removed some typos.

Edited by Craven287
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