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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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does "has volunteered" roughly equate "has been railroaded into?"

I hope not. I don't want to force it on her. Tell you what...I'll get a gist of the combat sequences and write down my epic fight tonight. I'll send Jeahanne a copy and ask her to post it when the time is right.

Hmmm that might work very well.

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Claws met steel. Insane Rage met concentration. Kevin was not a swordsman and neither was he a marksman. He was support, just like Emm but whereas Emm had risen through the ranks with her hard working nature, Kevin etched his place into Clan Bellum Forma with icy nerve and the willingness to survive no matter what the cost.


Kevin met Val's charge, parrying each of her claws with the blade of his Skana. The Valkyr wasn't herself, Kevin just had to weather this assault until Ivan's team arrived. If they arrived, he mused to himself as he readied his Skana again for another blitz. Val went for his head with a swipe, Kevin parried the blow and spun into her guard slamming the hilt of his sword into her stomach. Val's feet left the ground for a moment as the Nekros knocked her back.


"Thanks Adam..." Kevin whispered then swore under his breath as Val went after him again. "Oh great..."

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Here you go.


Darius was milling about the dojo, desperate to find either the clan foundry or a helpful Tenno. After going through several hallways and doors he was met with the latter, Tenno in all sorts of warframes were walking and talking amongst themselves.
Darius overheard snippets of conversation, 'Sophia-' and 'Yeah, rescue mission-.' The general buzz was enough to overwhelm him, Tenno weren't usually this chatty. Then he started to get noticed, with his haggard look and torn bodysuit. Several Tenno walked over to him, muttering things like 'Gone and done something stupid...' A few inspected small wounds, poking and prodding him. Then one finally outright spoke to him.
“Who are you?” Demanded the Excalibur.
“I am Darius.”
“Darius? Then, where do you come from, Darius?”
“I was capture along with another Tenno, we escaped.”
“By, who? Corpus? Grineer?”
“No, a rogue Tenno who had experimented on himself. He is half-infested, stumping the manifestation of the virus on himself.”
At this the Excalibur was shocked, the Tenno around him started talking, where eventually the crowd was roaring with the news.
The Excalibur asked one more question.
“Is he dead?”
“No, we brought him with us.”
Edited by EDeN153
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And so at last he disembarked from his vessel; the long journey was over. Two months. He had been caught in that infernal maelstrom for two months. He dearly missed his friends and the familiar sights and sounds. Explosions, screaming, and the rather common flying potato.


He looked around, and as he walked through the halls that for so long felt like home, he noticed. Something felt strange. Something was different. He looked and looked at the roster of names, and the weary traveler realized. He hardly knew any of them. One or two from his glory days, perhaps six or seven from the time that came after, but the rest were unknown. He walked, and walked, and walked, in his distress grew. Everything was different, so vastly different. Everyone was new. Who in Seven Voids was Aktos? Or Aiden? Or Galen? Avatars of men and women - he supposed there must be at least one woman - he didn't know.


He had never felt more hollow. He was a ghost. Insubstantial. He dwelt in the ether, seeing their adventures and not able to relate. Who were these people? What were they doing? The last time he was here, the strangest thing he had heard of was a woman telepathically inseminated. What whas happening now? It was freezing. Why was it freezing?


And so he moved on, feeling more and more lonely with every step. He saw where he had left; he remembered the number as well as anyone. Had it only been two months? When the tree that he had loved first started, it grew perhaps an inch or so every week. He had tended it with dedication. There were times when they had only been three, then two who would go into the orchard, desperately staving off the weeds, always cultivating the  ground.. It made him feel proud. In the two months he'd been gone, it had grown a mile. It had grown, and in some places, the growth scared him. Why was this branch pointing here? When he was a gardener, he'd never have done that. Never knew anyone who would. Had it really been only two months?


He sat, defeated. All was done. He was alone. And yet, he looked around. Things were very different, to be sure. Colors he had never thought to introduce, some he would have never painted, and many of his favorite murals had been washed over. And yet, it somehow struck him that it felt the same. Different, but the same. More like the growth, the progression of an organism than anything else. The beasts were loose, and they would mate as they will, and if he found the occasional oddity, it was only to be seen as a natural occurrence. Something to be accepted, even loved, after a fashion. He knew he could not join them, not yet. He was not yet done with the sea. But one day, he knew he would be back, and he would create once more. He extended his hand, and a Skana appeared in it. He went to the nearest wall, brandished the sword almost as though conducting an orchestra, and sliced into it, his blade flashing silver.


There. In two dozen strokes, it was done: Tyranthius.




Yes, I just got back. No, I'm not writing anything yet; my midterms recently finished, and my professors see this as a reason to hand out more work than ever. I'm at the top of several classes, though, and I have other good things happening to me, so it's not completely bad. I will write again, though. And all of you had best be ready for all the tubers.

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