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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Still in school guys. Sorry everyone. My dad's leaving after visiting us for a week, so I'll be sending him off in 2 hours. Then, I'll join you all on le Skype.

Its aiight, Me, Kitty, Craven, Igilblix,  and previously Corgi are enjoying it. I wont be able to stay awake much longer though, i gotted no sleepings....

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Remember this guy? He got caught up in the bar fight. Now he has his own story.

I got bored



Milamber ducked as a sword slashed over his head, before retaliating with a powerful swing from his Duel Heat Swords, slashing in an X shape as his opponent, a Volt, leapt backwards to avoid the stroke. It was Milamber’s time to prove his worth, and become a full Tenno in his own right. Win or lose this fight, there was more than just fighting to prove your worth on. That’s what his master insisted on anyway.


Milamber had been lucky. The group he was with used all kinds of warframes, not just the basic ones, such as Excalibur and Mag. This was thanks to the groups master, who had so many spare blueprints and materials that any group who trained could use a frame that they liked, not one that they were forced to use. He was a young Tenno, born after the Collapse. He had never seen Orokin in its glory, or as it fell. His entire life he had been raised to fight. He knew little else. He was only eighteen.


Milamber was forced to concentrate again as the Volt, whose name was Laurie, swung fast, aiming to disarm his left hand of the Heat Dagger held there. Laurie was a good swordsman, among the best in the group, and he outmatched Milamber by quite a long way, so Laurie was surprised when Milamber managed to move his heavy Frost warframe so that the swing went wide. What surprised him even more was when a bolt of freezing energy shot from Milamber, causing him to fall flat on his face as he tripped over his own feet. He could not move before he sensed the heat infused metal at the back of his neck.


“That wasn’t honourable Milamber,” the voice of their master came from the edge of the arena. Milamber looked up at him.


“With all respect sir,” he replied, “you did teach us to win any way we could.” The master grunted. 


“I guess I did,” he said with reluctance. Milamber walked towards the edge of the arena. His fight was over, but others still had to fight. He watched as the next two initiates to take the test, a Saryn and an Ash, stepped into the arena. This would be a good fight. Both were very good with their chosen weapons. The Saryn held Dark Dagger in her left hand, whilst the Ash powered up his Obex, the energy fields crackling into life. Laurie came and stood next to him, having been defrosted by an Ember.


“That was really sneaky Mil,” he said, his voice sounding slightly hurt. Milamber just chuckled.


“You would have beaten me to a pulp,” he replied, still watching the fight. Both Tenno were going all out on this one. The Ash seemed to have the advantage though, being able to fight with four limbs, but the Saryn held her own for several minutes before she received a round house kick that came out of nowhere to slam into her side. She was sent flying, and was pinned before she could rise again. The two walked out of the arena, the Saryn muttering rude words under her breath and massaging her side slightly. The melee tests were over. Milamber smiled as he heard the next test announced. Side arms. He was going to enjoy this one.


He went to the range, and retrieved his side arms. The care with which he handled them made you think they were priceless. They weren’t really, but Milamber loved them. He had won them in a competition about five months ago. Kunai Throwing knives. Lethal, quiet and the envy of the rest of his group. Some of the others had managed to get more exotic weapons then a Lato or a Sicarus, such as a Lex or a Vasto in a few cases, even a Cestra, but none like these. Milamber had trained with them for long hours in his spare time, until he could hit targets blindfolded and facing the wrong way. He was grinning like an idiot as he took up his position on the range, and waited for the targets to appear.

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