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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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And apparently doing the whole Skype thing was pretty lucky. Me and KItty were playing a survival and got hit by the Harvester, and then Jea got hit in her game too. My Detron is on the build :)


Anyway, I'm finally awake (slept from the time i left the call till like 7am....i was a tired cookie)  so im good for another if anyone wants to.

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With Sophia, my plan is that she will eventually 'burn out' due to the amount of power that she has been using. Her power rampage will end soon, don't worry.


Edit: by burn out i mean she will completely drain her power and have none for the rest of the mission.

Edited by Spikey844
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Since it was demanded, let there be Nova-Quinn!




It had been ages since the red and black Nova had graced Mercury's nodes, and with good reason. Well...reasons if one wanted to get overly technical. First and foremost was because Lotus had essentially banned Nova-Quinn and anyone teaming up with Nova-Quinn from going to Mercury period. She had a tendency of overdoing things with the explosions, giving new Tenno that happened to fall into missions with her very little to do besides walking to extract. It defeated the purpose of Mercury being what was basically considered a training planet.


The second reason Nova-Quinn hadn't gone to Mercury in a while was because she had been rather busy acquiring new friends and playing her favorite pass-time. It was fortunate Nova-Quinn had not been present for many recent events, particularly Berserker's rampage which everyone was eager to forget. As for the present, NQ had snatched Juliet from Quinn's Foundry in order to have a tea party with her Banshee friend.


"Tasty cherries everywhere and not a snack to eat~" Nova-Quinn spoke to herself in a sing-song voice as she trotted along, anti-matter bits zipping through the air to kill weak Lancers without any hint of difficulty. Under her arm was a beeping Juliet, permanently replenishing the careless Nova's shields even as she headed for the perfect spot to have a tea party. "The queen demandeth snackies!" Exclaimed Nova-Quinn as she stopped, holding her free hand in the air pointing toward the ceiling, hopping in place to turn around to face her friend. "Let fly the potato chips!"

Giggling madly the Banshee produced a large bag of potato chips from her inventory, popping it open with a crinkly crunchy sound that attracted every Grineer unit in three rooms around the pair. Juliet, of course, beeped and wiggled like crazy, trying to get the psychotic Tenno to rethink their plans even as Lancers swarmed in droves to their current location. The pair sat upon a storage crate, not really paying much attention to the dozens of guns now trained on their position.


Why were they not swiss cheese at the moment? Well, for one no Grineer had ever seen Tenno acting so passively in such a dire situation. That and Vor would be extremely pleased with the individuals who brought him two live Tenno to get technology from. Even now they were speaking amongst themselves in their crude, Grineer dialect that grated upon the ears of the two females in the room who were current munching on potato chips as if nothing were wrong. For the next twenty or so minutes they argued and argued until the sound of loud crunching and crackling came from the Banshee balling up the empty potato chip bag, tossing it behind her and perfectly beaning a Lancer on the head.


"I say, about time for some music, wouldn't you think madam?" She spoke in an obviously false british accent as she put her helmet back on, Nova-Quinn doing the same with a delighted grin.


"That would be wonderful! Off to the gardens then, for the tea!"


"For the tea!" They shouted in unison, raising their arms just as the Banshee unleashed a Sound Quake that blew away all the unfortunate Grineer Units in the room. It would be a normal Sound Quake except for the dubstep thumping that themed in the Banshee's 'music' as they continued on their way to Vor's chamber in the mining facility. Needless to say, every Grineer in the facility could hear the music and was heading toward it and their demise.


With sonic blasts and anti-matter shards flying this way and that, it was a miracle the entire facility didn't just come crashing down, something that Juliet feared more than being stuffed into a small maid outfit being forced to carry a platter of crumpets. It really didn't take long to get to the location of the tea party, Vor standing in the center of where the two women had decided they'd hold their party. Nova-Quinn gasped and bounced up and down excitedly before using Wormhole to zip up to Vor. "The Duke hath come to join us my good lady-in-waiting! Come! We must offer him tea!" She exclaimed even as Captain Vor reeled backward, ripping the Orokin Key from his chest to fire a laser at the excitable Tenno.


"No need to be rude ser~" The Banshee chimed in, tilting her head ever so slightly to the side as she blew the key from Vor's grip with a vicious sonic blast, severely damaging his arm. "Milady, I feel the duke must learn his manners~"


"Oh I do believe you're right." Both females starting chuckling menacingly, starting to crack their knuckles as the headed for the unfortunate Grineer Captain. Juliet merely shook itself from side to side and beeped sadly.



5 minutes later



"Exquisite tea!" NQ proclaimed as she took a sip from her cup, sitting upon a storage crate that had been moved to the center of the area. Low-volume dubsteb was coming from the speakers in the area and Juliet was stuck, as predicted, floating near the two Tenno holding a platter of crumpets. The giggling of Nova-Quinn and her Banshee friend echoed in the room nicely with the dubstep, a fair warning to anyone coming in hopes of fighting Vor to stay far...far...away.

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Alright, I want you to be serious when you tell me what you want Goliath to do. If I get half-arsed information, I have no choice but to just do what I can do. If you want something specific, type it out yourself. Make Goliath (canon breaking already) believable enough. Jst remember, Aiden's fight is one single part. When I post the fight, it's already over.

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