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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So, in trying to write something else, this came out instead. It's completely unrelated to anything, but I was convinced to post it. If it's worth pursuing I might continue it. Dunno. Maybe now though this character will get out of my head long enough for me to finish what I need to finish lol





She stood high on the edge of a precipice, looking down at the tangled green world below her and feeling the wind gust around her. She loved this feeling; winds like these blew nowhere else. The cramped ships of the Corpus and bloated monstrosities spawned by Grineer engineers couldn’t offer such wild currents. Even the open-air of Grineer settlements, with the hot desert atmosphere and searing air, which when whipped into frenzied storms would scour the skin off of anyone fool enough to step out in them, didn’t compare. The bitter, cold zephyrs spawned on far off bases, with the cold stars glittering sharply above them, held nothing to this. No, the winds on Earth, reclaimed from the pollution and corruption of what once was; moistened by rain, made lush by the untamable jungle that blanketed it, malevolent to anything other than itself, was a feral, intoxicating thing, and she adored it; madly, obsessively, comprehensively, and elatedly.


She spread her arms, feeling the fluid, graceful, playful, fickle, and deadly air dance around her. She felt it curl like a cat’s tail around her fingertips, brush shyly across her legs like the waves of the sea, caress her face like a lover, tangle through her hair like the hands of a mischievous spirit, and rush in her ears with the voice of a thousand whispers. She could hear its quiet, intimate voice, like that of the ocean trapped in a shell. It was a delicate sound; one she felt that, if she could but listen to it closely enough, she could understand the words it crooned to her. She strained, listening, as it washed around her, seeming to linger for a moment before, all too soon, it was gone. She stood, frozen, longing, as the wind left her. She thought she could almost hear it laughing, like a child who could never stand still, as it rushed away from her, making the trees dance and the clouds race. She strained after it. She’d felt so close that time, like if she’d had but a moment more she’d have finally heard what it had been trying to tell her, but it had left her too soon, and she felt bereft.


With a grimace that crossed her face looking almost like pain, she let her hands fall to her sides, empty. No, not empty, she thought, with the wind to aid me, my hands will never be empty. With the unseen and the untamable; with what is taken by all for granted, I will conquer. With what sustains life, I will create endings. And in so doing, I will fly. She raised her hands again, feeling the wind respond to her call. Her hair whipped around her face in a frenzy, part madness part joy, and she laughed, exultant.

Edited by Jeahanne
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That was beautiful. I got a thrill chill from reading it.


I don't want to double post, so here's the promised story. Enjoy!



He woke up as he always did, restless from the dream, the nightmare, the memory, whatever it had become. He pulled his legs in and rocked upwards, standing up picking up his weapons. The Wraith Vipers were disassembled, cleaned, reassembled, and holstered. His Fang blades were sharp enough, and immediately sheathed at the small of his back. His Hate needed a bit of sharpening, so he sat on the bed, restoring the wicked blade to its original self. The serrated blade was now gleaming, and he gazed at his reflection in the blade. He could feel its brutality singing out, crying to slake its thirst with blood, whether it be Grineer, Corpus, Infested, or even…. Tenno. “The Stalker may be right… We kill, we butcher, we annihilate by the hundreds. We do it for money, for prizes and rewards. Do they all deserve it? Maybe, maybe not. What if I chose to appeal to him, to join him, when he next shows his face to me? What might his response be? I wonder…..”


He got up and walked over to the utility mirror hanging on the wall. He stared at his face, scouring it with his dark eyes, for any sign that he still truly lived. The scar that ran from his forehead to his chin hurt today. It pulsed with a pain that he had grown used to, he realized. Tyl Regor had almost killed him that day, when he tried to destroy all of the sociopath’s research. He lost his Scorpion helmet that day, and reverted back to the standard Ash helmet, perhaps because of stinginess, perhaps for the change. “What am I?....” He shook his head to dispel the regret, the unnatural feeling that had been visiting him more and more frequently still clung to the edges of his consciousness, vowing that it would never leave him alone. He turned around and picked up his helmet  from the bed, and donned it, and once again became a malevolent killer, with a single purpose. To stand against those who had wronged him, and those who would do so in the future. His task was clear.



Edited by MandoKarla
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I lied.


HAHA! Got around the Wingdings~! Now you get to read my work with shorthand curses!



"Awwwwwww~ What a cute story. Could have had more explosions and dead Grineer, and certainly-"


All Artorias had to do was raise an eyebrow and look towards Eros. That was threat enough to make whatever Flagrans was going to say stop right in its tracks. Not even Flagrans dared voicing such her preference aloud near her sister. That was something that was likely to get even Flagrans to get an introduction to Eros' very serious side. It was bad enough she barely got away with innuendo.


"Eros, do you have any opinions on this? You've been quiet so far."


"Yes, you usually take Dominus Ruina with you, why not?"


A fair point. Why didn't he take the Galatine he was fond of? It would have made short work of the Grineer, never mind their heavy armor. What it couldn't cut with its blade, it crushed with its sheer weight. So why?


"It would have slowed me down, I guess."


A good start.


Flagrans butt in. "But you were using Burst Cover Tactics, it would have been great for that situation! Hell, thrived in it!"




"I was expecting to get in undetected, and get out relatively undetected, maybe blow the ship up out of spite. Thus, higher mobility was needed. I was not expecting to trip over a magazine of all things. We really need better traction on the soles of Warframes or something."


Much better.


"...You're off the hook. For now, Artorias. You might have to make that up to me later."


"No way Flagrans."


"I don't bite... Much."


"Still no."


"Awww~ But I'd like to-"


Once again, Artorias gestured towards Eros. And once again, Flagrans gripped tightly on her sexual hunger trying to exit her mouth and shoved it back in. So worth it. So what if he was trying to hide behind gentle Eros? He didn't feel like getting mauled.


By Flagrans. In bed. Not worth it. Because beds aren't for mauling. Beds are for luring unsuspecting targets into a false sense of security and quietly-


What the in the nine circles of f*cking hell!? Where did that thought come from?! From the look in Eros' eyes, he must have had quite a visible reaction to the thought. Or she was reading his mind again. Or both.


"Its time for me to start writing up my report anyway, so in accordance with innocent ears here, I'm going to have to decline."


Viviane chimed in. "Yup, you ain't gettin' this 21 cycle virgin here! He's going to keep his intact for 'the one'!"


Definitely not cool. She knew his stance on women. They weren't sex objects or creatures to be pitied. They were living, feeling, beings. They were same as men.


"That's not funny. I'll know when I see."


Funny, how chivalrous he could be. Back in his heyday, he wouldn't care. He'd just kill those who had brought harm to the Tenno, even other-


Okay, seriously. Where were these thoughts coming from!? Artorias already knew the feeling of killing, and remembered bits and pieces of his past and the war against those infected with the Technocyte Virus. But the the thoughts about assassination through seduction? Killing other Tenno?


What exactly was he before The Sleep? He was afraid. This enemy, he could not fight. He couldn't shoot or cut it. Grasp it and choke the life out of it with his bare hands like that one-


WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F*CK WAS THAT!!? Holy duck-f*cking hell. It was suddenly a lot worse than before. Much, much worse. He could sort of see what he had done before, though blurry.


Now Artorias could hear and vividly see what he had before. The sound and sight of that poor woman dying slowly by his increasingly constricting hands. He had felt nothing during the time of that flashback. It nearly made him sick on the spot. He had to figure out some way to-




"Hey! Talkin' to ya here, ya freakin' idiot!"


Viviane stared at Artorias. His eyes had suddenly glazed over after he stiffened. Sometimes he had these periods where he just... stopped whatever he was doing. It happened every now and then, but this one seemed worse. His eyes had never done what they were doing now.


It looked like the very life had been sucked out of them. Those damnably beautiful blue eyes that danced with curiosity and knew things most others did not. Orbs that shone with what seemed like the light of the very universe- Stop it now you horny little f*cker! He hasn't shown any interest, so stop your pining for him!


...But damn, that didn't stop her from wondering what it'd be like. Or just falling into those eyes. Like she had wondered hours earlier, it was amazing how he didn't have armies of women chasing after him. And stalkers. And people beating at the proverbial fuckin' gates.


How fun that would be. This aside, Artorias had responded after what seemed like ages, and was probably more like seconds.


"Huh? Oh, must be more tired than I thought. Still won't prevent me from writing that report."


"Yeah right! You'll just pass out on your desk again in the middle of writing! I'll write it up for you."


"No, that's okay. Thanks for the offer though. See you guys around!"


Artorias and Viviane went their separate ways. Eros and Flagrans went to their shared room. Forty five minutes later, Viviane checked on in on Artorias, after she had written her report to the Sound Witch. Like she predicted, he was passed out on top of his report, pencil in hand. She took up his report and read it.


Seriously, why didn't he just- Something suddenly caught her eye in his report. This was weird. This was strange. This was... horrible.


If this was his taste, or a joke then-  The appearance of the victim, for that's what this woman was. She vaguely remembered the appearance of her neighbor, Sansa. Before she died, she remembered the doctors saying that her neck had awful bruises on them, and that her spine was snapped at the base of the skull.


No, this had to be a joke. Yes, Tenno killed, but this was other beings or traitors. If this actually happened to a fellow Tenno, a murder that was never solved, and the man passed out on his desk was behind it... Yes, a joke, or perhaps a side effect from... something! Artorias would never kill like described in his report.


He wouldn't. He simply- Loud snoring suddenly interrupted the blonde's thoughts.


"Yeah... I just can't see it. Not him. Maybe Mare, or me to those Corpus bastards, but not him. No fuckin' way could he murder anyone like that."


She redid his report, being so very kindhearted and whatnot. Minutes later, she finished and turned towards the door to head to her bed. Until she heard one word muttered.




A name. That sounds feminine. And was muttered with longing? Holy fuckityfuckfuckin'F***!!! Why did Artorias never mention this person!?


Oh he was in for it. He was in the sh!t now!! He thought brushing with death was horrifying? Well, how about he try her when she was angry!? Oh, she was heated.


Oh was she mad. Oh she was so fuckin' &!$$ed that she wanted to throttle him right there and then! Oh how she was... Jealous. Jealous of some woman she had never met and was most likely dead. Or maybe...


"Probably just a sister or something. I know I miss home some-"


"I love you Morrighan..."


Silence. Such heavy silence permeated the room that you could hear a pin drop. Not one of those thick ones either.


Viviane graciously left. With anger on her face and a flush on her cheeks. Oh, how she couldn't wait to bring this to light in front of Flagrans. Artorias would deny this 'Morrighan's' existence, and she would chase after him! Eros would want to know as well, so there was no chance of Artorias being able to go to her for safety.


Not even he could be able to hold out that long! Viviane's voice dripped with venom.


"I can't fuckin' wait for tomorrow~"

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FellArtorias...Really man...Really?


Any Story that contains the phrase "Horny Little Fuc*er" is probably not going to fit well here. You're going to get our whole thread shut down if you can't tone it down.

Edited by Aigloblam
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The point is, Fell needs to tone it down. There's no need to swear like that in a post. Artorias, your stories would be great if they didn't contain so many unnecessary F-bombs. I mean, sure you could include a few, but you do it so much it detracts from the story.

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^ If you're using f-bombs for comic relief, I'd suggest reworking all your stories. That's just me personally, don't take it as an offence. I personally feel like your stories lose meaning when it's laden chock full of swears and unnecessary cuss words. People, hell even sailors don't swear that much. Tone it down man. They're anchoring your stories down.

Edited by bejuizb
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^ If you're using f-bombs for comic relief, I'd suggest reworking all your stories. That's just me personally, don't take it as an offence. I personally feel like your stories lose meaning when it's laden chock full of swears and unnecessary cuss words. People, hell even sailors don't swear that much. Tone it down man. They're anchoring your stories down.

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^ If you're using f-bombs for comic relief, I'd suggest reworking all your stories. That's just me personally, don't take it as an offence. I personally feel like your stories lose meaning when it's laden chock full of swears and unnecessary cuss words. People, hell even sailors don't swear that much. Tone it down man. They're anchoring your stories down.


Some people DO use curse words a lot. But most people really don't get it. Ask a Drill Instructor sometime. The IDEA of cursing is to get people's attention or break the monotony. Some people just use them as regular words and that loses the impact.


I wrote a character once who cursed every third word. It was hilarious and HARD to do. Because if you use the EXACT SAME curses, people's brains turn off. They say 'ok, more cursing' and fast forward through whatever the person/character is saying.


I'll add a link to my story which was co-authored with another writer on SWTOR.




It was HARD to write Jikirt. but it WAS fun.


But with anything, it is SO easy to fall into the trap of more expletives, less story. Lots of soldiers I knew cursed a lot, but it wasn't the only things they said ad even the MOST grizzled and foulest mouthed sailor I knew (an actual Master Chief btw) never used the same expletives more than twice in one sentence. I asked him once why he didn't and his calm reply was that it diluted the impact and made people ignore his words. He... didn't like it when people ignored his words. Don't ignore anyone with four stripes AND four rockers. It will hurt.

Edited by Kalenath
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You know.. the WORST dressing down I have ever heard, the General doing it never raised his voice and never used a single curse word. The colonel receiving it (who deserved it) looked pale as a ghost the whole time. He came in full of bluster and left with no career.


There is something starkly terrifying about someone who utterly destroys your world while calm and serene.

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