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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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So, Dulcia hasnt done much of anything, so would anybody mind if i made some pretty drastic changes to her? im not even sure if shes mentioned what kind of frame shes using lol

Do what you want, it's your character and I'm not going to be posting anything because my dad is an A******. So you can finish the backstory or just pretend we didn't even start on it.

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*A lotus watches lotus*


How many times had she seen these "things" and sent them off to bring the destiny of the void


The lotus ran her hand across her pristine desk and reflected how it stayed clean despite having more dealings of blood pass by it than any blade she


held. The lotus knew of many like her who held a thousand cogs to grand secrets yet she never tempted even herself to think of them. She wandered if


these "tenno" knew that they had not all chosen to become the bearers of the void kiss. She wondered if they could even remember they were alive.


Were they alive?


certainly they died but eons had only served to relieve them of ambition and memory.


Both very useful but truly unbecoming of a true tenno.


She reached into her bossom and pulled a void key. She breathed in the power that emenated from it. The lotus knew some of her tenno had begun


searching in the void for answers. She never stopped them because out of all her answers one she tended to avoid is that these things had long since


shedded their mortal passes and were now immortal beyond all hope.


She coiled around this thought. Too late to stop reflecting on these secrets now.


She wondered which of her tenno who visited the void knew that what they saw had not always been.


She wondered if they could feel their memories agonize over not being able to penetrate their frames.


She wondered if on those protection missions if her tenno really looked into thos pods and realized they were no beds but cages


No CREATURE would willingly invoke the voids wrath without first having a desire to destroy itself.


She wondered if her tenno knew once they had cut through each other's frames.


War as her mind now began to let go of itself was an evil that the tenno had taken to very well in the past and wondered what peace is their that


demands killing all of your men and women to create more war, and to then use a war to end a war.


What a thing is this that so beautifully tears into itself


swallowing itself whole and greedily burning into its own ashes


what beauty is this but a lotus


the lotus in her immense mind had only but stared at this lotus of an idea that had made the ancient tenno become such a ever looming shadow on


the battlefield.


That brought her somber humour she neglected.


A lotus looking at a lotus.


what an idea to have amongst all her schemes

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How is he on the wrong site?... The word "bosom" just means chest... *doesn't understand how this relates to wartank being in the wrong place*


ANYWAY! Ahem.... one of us, one of us, one of us....


*edit: fixed it so "bosom" was spelled right...

Edited by Jeahanne
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Welcome to the greatest thread on the forums Wartank111. Hope to read more from you!

I don't know that this is the absolute "greatest" thread, but it is certainly the longest. It is certainly a good one, though


ahem... One of us, one of us, one of us.... *retreats into shadows so you can only see eyes shining from the darkness*

Edited by Entari0
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Sanity? What is this sanity of which you speak? Tis time to add my two cents to this wonderful minangerie of colourful stories and chronicles of Tenno adventures with my own rather.. Odd take on the whole thing. Enjoy!





  Many towers have been reactivated in the wake of the Tenno and their meddling, the automated defences fell to superior power and technology that could have come about thanks to the reverse-engineering of designs that had long since been thought lost to time. Or rather, that’s what I’ve allowed them to think. Throughout the many years since the very first of my kind stepped out of the Void and back into real-space, the Tenno as they know call themselves have slowly risen to power like a mighty island rising out of the ever-shifting seas. But not without help.


                Oh, I had sat back and watched as those I called brethren tore their way back into real space, wreathed in the new-found energy that only the Void could provide. At first I’d thought them to be killed on transit, or perhaps destroyed upon re-entry into the system that we had discarded so long ago. But no, they were alive and well, and locked into suits of flexible metals to better conduct the primal powers that they had been gifted with. Does this somehow sway my choice? Of course not. I know what I must do to ensure the survival of the system and that of the technology that is lost to the twisted storms of the Void.


                In fact, I remember the very first incursion quite clearly, it was during a time of change, unbridled by those that knew how to reign it in.


                The original craft was little more than a retro-fitted science vessel, ill-fated for combat, its sole purpose was to fly into the Void and seek out what unimaginable power was hidden within. Our aptly named ship, the Event Horizon, was fitted with shielding that held out long enough against the Sentient onslaught for the Void Borer to rend a hole into the pulsating dimension that was what we called the Void.


                Aesthetically speaking, the ship was little more than a colossal girder of metal with an engine at one end, and what appeared to be a monumentally large boring drill at the other. However, the drill was made not of iron, but of an energy that was contained behind magnetic fields that all fluctuated to a single point in space. It was at this point that the hole was opened, that the unprotected monster of the Void forced its tendrils through to tear asunder those ships that pursued us, as if it was actually sentient.


                It was then that we waited for inevitable, for this beast from the bowels of hell to swat us away was it further tore itself into real-space, but it did no such thing. In fact, the entity seemed to dissipate, as if real-space was somehow its bane. We cared little for details, we simply saw a way out of the murderous hellhole of real-space that gnashed at our heels, it was then that our captain made the choice to fly unprotected into the Void itself.




               The Void was another plane, another world that paralleled our own in some twisted parody of all that we had built before the Sentients had arrived to tear asunder our great works. The space around the ship was little more than a conglomeration of swirling vortexes and unnameable colours that twisted and pulsated with each second. This was the Void in all its primal glory, seen without the protective shielding of the bulwarks that the Tenno how call towers. We as a crew knew not what the future held for us in this hellish landscape, nor did we know just how long we would be stuck in this existence for. Then, the sirens blared.


               Their noise bounced across the hollow halls of our ship, weaving their infernal racket through every room and corner of the Event Horizon seemingly without cause, but those few of us that weren’t immediately disorientated by the sound knew what it meant; the shields had faltered. The cascades of energy that the Sentients had fired at our vessel were so powerful in their magnitude that the damage had been done, in mere moments the ship and everyone aboard would be torn to atoms amidst one of the countless swirling vortexes that made up Voidspace.


               The modulator units near the engines of the vessel gave out first, unsheathing the stuttering drive and leaving it naked to the raw power of the Void, from then it was mere seconds before we had all been blown apart, torn atom from atom in a cataclysmic fire that sparked and died in the same instant. But did we die? Did we succumb to the impossibilities of the Void and end up as little more than motes of dust constantly floating through a pocket dimension? No.


               Instead, we became something more, something that the Orokin couldn’t possibly hope to understand or comprehend with their narrow-minded intellect. We became beings of energy, controllers of the primal workings of Voidspace and forever entwined with its fate as a force to be reckoned with in its own universe with its own laws. Of course, this transition from beings of flesh to beings of light wasn’t without its difficulties, some of us simply gave themselves to the Void in a way that was both wasteful and nonsensical. Yet they did so anyway, thinking that there was some kind of a way to return to realspace without being transformed and turned into the natural embodiment of countless possibilities.


               And so, we became the masters of this pocket of the Void, this small pit of pulsating colours and warped universal laws with little to show for it besides envy for those we had left behind. But as fate would have it, luck was on our side this day.

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!!WARNING!! VERY LONG!! Also contains questionable material.



   Artorias was in his bed in his quarters. It had been an hour since he had plopped into the bed, yet he still had not fallen asleep. So he decided to fold more cranes at his desk. He was getting better.

"Why do I not want to rest? Is it because that in the back of my mind, I know some piece of my memory will return? I wonder if it will be good..."

   Then he fell asleep. Artorias would chalk it up to exhaustion later, but somewhere else, someone was watching. Watching. Waiting.


   I was with other Tenno in the lifespan what Humans called 'teenagers', the point in life before adulthood. Another job with a squad. I had a feeling that they were sticking me with my physical age-group to annoy me. They all had their helmets off. Except myself... and another

   The one who called herself Tessa, a Tenno whose face I hadn't seen yet. She had promise, if it wasn't for her attitude. What a haughty person. There was confidence and then there was being too arrogant. I was fairly confident she had personal issues.

"You there! What's your name?"

   This would be 'fun'. I idly took apart the rifle -for the third time- I had been issued when I was dumped onto this unorganized squad. It was a standard issue Braton. None of the others besides Tessa had checked theirs yet.

   I didn't so much as look up. I simply looked out of the corner of my eye, not that she could tell. This just seemed to make Tessa frustrated. Damn idiot. You don't lose your cool in front of your squad, that was just a sign of bad leadership skills.

"I don't have one."

"Cut the crap, you have to have a name! What do they call you, unless they call you 'Boy'!?"

"People call me that. ...The people that know that I'm coming for them also call me 'The Hunter'. The Council calls my person 'Michael', though that's just the name they gave my Warframe. You know, the thing I'm wearing? The thing the others should be wearing as well?"

   I had a feeling in my chest. Was this what people called 'fun'? ...I don't know. But the look on her face was odd.

"Oh? Then maybe you should lead the squad!"

"Don't get your hopes up with them. They haven't even killed anyone. Your first happened by accident, rather than free will and design. I can smell it on you."


"I'm reading your file, Theresa Neros. Sixteen years and three months of age. Your figure shows signs of former malnutrition and slight atrophy in the left hand. A burn perhaps. Evidence of a troubled family life.

   ...Which you had. Father, Zaran Neros, was an alcoholic man who had a fetish for domination. Was cited several times for public drunkenness. Mother, Sara Neros -maiden name Granylls-, was a prostitute who was addicted to T-Neo. She was hounded by drug distributors several times for not being able to pay.

   One day, your father-"

"That's enough!!"

"...I can't say I know, Theresa. I can't say I'm sorry, because I had no hand in this, and thus, do not need to apologize. What I can say is, get your act together right now, otherwise these two greenhorns won't make it out of there."

"What do you mean?"

"The Braton I was issued is modified for ripping through body armor and flesh. I can assume yours are too. Therefore, I surmise we're going up against a Cartel. From the grain and size of the bullets, I can also assume we're going up against one with considerable firepower. Decent body armor and bullets meant for taking the lives of what I presume to be veterans of this kind of thing?

   It doesn't take a genius to figure out who we're going up against."

The transport rocked slightly in the thermals in silence. Then one of the new guys broke said silence.

"By the Doctrine... The Lycans!?"

"Yes. I can assume that we're going to be killing several members, and the target of interest will be their leader, Asria. The Council takes a little pay from the largest Cartels to look away from some of their activities, it's no secret. I also heard through the 'grapevine' the other day about a certain Cartel not paying their dues. We're most likely a show of power from The Council."

   Suddenly, the transport descended. Time to dance. I checked the blade I was given. A poisoned Scindo that was adjusted to my build. Good for ripping through armor and flesh.

   The greenhorns bleated and whined. Theresa nipped this in the bud.

"Hey! Shut the hell up! We may not have been told who were were up against, but I'll make sure we get out of there! Now stuff your whining holes and check for jamming!"

   I inwardly grinned. She showed promise alright. The newbies suited up, and made sure their seals were in place.

"Okay, 'Michael' or whatever your name is, get on the other side of the transport door! New guys, take up the middle, but kneel so that there's less of you to shoot! Get ready to kill when that door drops and watch yourselves!"


   The door dropped. The Tenno were surprised to see children in Warframes pointing weapons. Then they saw me. They visibly paled. I contacted them through their comms.

"The Council sends their apologies."

   They lifted their rifles as if in slow motion. I sprayed most of the gang members down before they could get a shot off. Theresa got the rest. She was almost as fast as me. The green horns sprayed wildly.

"Cease fire! Lets get in there! Michael, on me! Greenies, you get the rear!"

   Theresa led point, with me beside her and the greenhorns taking up the rear. We killed several Tenno, and encountered little difficulty. The greenhorns whooped and cheered while dancing about. Idiots. I knew they had died before this mission even began.

   They had no killing intent. Three seconds after the initial whoop, bullets had whizzed through their heads. No skin off my back. Damn greenhorns should have listened. Theresa audibly cussed.

"Sniper! Get in cove-"

   I'm not sure what had come over me. Perhaps I had become attached. Perhaps I wanted to see her flourish. It would remain a mystery to me until adulthood when I saw her again. I tackled her and brought our bodies to a large box.

   Just as the crack of a rifle split the air and hit the ground where we once were. The voice who I presumed to be Asria whistled in amazement. Theresa yelled at me.

"I didn't need your help! Why the hell did you freakin' wrestle me to the ground like that, huh!? You could've broken something!"

   Then the sniper spoke.

"The Council must really not like me paying their exorbitant 'fee' for doing business relatively uninterrupted to send you after me and kill my men, kid. Their pet murdering wolf. The one every baddie soils their pants at the mere mention that he's around. 'Michael'. How cruel!

   Am I, the lovely Asria, to do here in this place? How about a deal? I'll pay you to kill for me. Think about it. If you're good enough, I may just reward you, little boy."

   Sickening. I was aware of Asria's tastes the few times I was around when she visited The Council, but this was a bit much. She was desperate, as well as angry. As soon as I pop my head out to "talk", I would be shot. It's how I would do it, after all.

   I established a link to Theresa. I had to get her to do what I wanted her to.

"Alright, listen up Theresa. She's a crack shot with that thing, and she's fast. I've seen her. I need you to go right when I signal you. Since most people are dominant in their right hand, she'll assume I'll go right, being a creature of habit herself."

"Screw you! Why should I?!"

"If you don't comply, she'll kill us both eventually. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to live a little longer."

"Fine! What's the signal!?"


   I popped my rifle above the box to shoot at the catwalk Asria was on. Then, as Theresa started moving, I rolled to the box to my left. Two cracks and a yell of pain. Theresa had been hit. That provided the distraction I needed.

   I popped out from behind the box and shot at Asria. Then I did the unexpected. I tossed the Scindo at her, lodging in her shoulder. She dropped the rifle. I walked up to Asria.

"Dammit! Are you happy with yourself, boy!? I'm bleeding all over the place! How are you going to make this up to me?!"

"I won't. You're dead."

  I took the axe out of Asria and decapitated her, sending a fountain of blood into the air. I remembered that Theresa had been hit. Probably dead. Then I heard the moans and complaining.

"Shouldn't have listened to him. Got me freakin' shot. Bastard's probably walking away laughing now... Dammit, losing focus."

   She wasn't dead. Good. ...What was this I felt? Relief? I walked over to Theresa to examine her.

"You damned bastard... Probably gonna die now. Having fun?"

  I knelt and cocked my head. She had been hit in the left side of her chest. Why wasn't she dead? Ah, I remembered now. Her heart was more to the center than most Tenno.

"I do not find the slaughter of my people 'fun', Theresa. I'm more than a little insulted you would assume such a thing."

"Screw... You."

  Her breathing was getting shallow, I needed to do something. I was sure this was going to come bite me later, but why not help her. I took out the MediFoam from my pocket. These cannisters were one of two things that were found in field to be indestructible unless shot at. The other was a Fyran Churro.

"The bullet passed through, but this is going to hurt. A lot."

  Before Theresa could protest, I shoved the nozzle of the cannister into her wound and sprayed. She cried out very loudly in pain. A few seconds later, the procedure was done. I looked up and saw her head was relaxed. I slung Theresa over my shoulder, and carried her back to the transport.

  I keyed in coordinates to one of my safehouses because the pilot was dead. I needed to get her better medical attention, and if I brought Theresa to a hospital, they'd ask why we were in Warframes. I couldn't very well tell the staff that were killing the Lykos Cartel. Fifteen minutes later with the transport at half speed, and we were at my safehouse.

  I then picked Theresa up and held her in my arms. I went in and was greeted by the clean white glow of my home and set Theresa on the couch. Then I went in search of my first-aid. Ten seconds later, I returned and peeled her out of her Warframe as I set her on my sturdy table. I was curious as to what she looked like, as that part had been redacted from her file, but I needed to focus on her wound.

  I went through with patching her up. Twenty minutes later, I had done a patch job worthy of envy from most accomplished doctors. I checked her vitals, and deemed she would live. I cleaned the table and wrapped bandages around her chest. Then I placed her on my bed and walked away.

  It had been quite an adrenaline-filled day, and I was tired. I removed myself from my Warframe and set it into the workshop niche so it could be fixed and re-calibrated. Then I plopped myself on the couch while still in my bodysuit and turned off the lights.

   While sleeping, I felt a weight on my person. By reaction, I simultaneously put my hand on the nearby lampshade, grabbed the pistol under the cushion, and aimed for what I thought was the assailant's face. Then I heard a voice.

"Why'd you do it?"

   I recognized the voice. Theresa.

"...You needed medical attention and-."

"There has to be some angle you're playing at! You want my body, is that it!? It's all guys are interested in! You're a fuckin' pig!"

"...I won't deny your figure is pleasing to the eye. But you are a fellow Warframe user who has gone through a horrible life. I have no desire to take advantage of you."

"Then what do you want!!?"

...A good question. What do I want?

"...I don't know. To make a difference, I guess."

"...Then can I show you what want?"

  She placed her hands on mine, lowered the gun, and turned on the light. This was a night I would not forget for a long time.







Theresa had golden hair and eyes.

Edited by FellArtorias
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