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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Another short thing. I hope this sets people up to continue things while I'm gone better than my last post.





The irony of the fact that the closest Tenno installation to her and the others was Aequitas Dojo was not lost on Acantha, and she worried about landing there. Here they were, returning, injured and battleworn, from a mission that had centered around two Tenno that had once run rogue through its halls, wreaking havoc and then afterward being banned from ever returning. And yet, Aequitas was the only place that they could go that had the medical facilities that they needed. Circumstances had forced their hand, and none of the Tenno, not even Kris, could avoid returning to its now once again pristine halls. It was home to many of the Tenno of that mission, but it was also a place of incredible danger and risk to others. Still, she doubted harm would come to anyone; even the angriest would be forced to acknowledge the necessity of their actions, or so she hoped.


She glanced out a window as they landed, noting that it looked as if they’d been expected. The snub the others had boarded had landed before them, and was already being emptied, activity buzzed around the small craft as the injured were taken to medical bay. A stretcher and various nurses, including a fully equipped combat medic outfitted in a Trinity warfame, were already waiting where Galen’s ship would land, and rushed for the vessel as soon as it touched down. Once the door opened, they quickly and efficiently moved Aiden from the cot he was on to something more mobile, and rushed him to somewhere where he could be treated comprehensively. A couple of the other healers held back and moved to hover around the three other, less injured Tenno. One in particular seemed to attach himself to Acantha, but she waved them off, eager to get out of the claustrophobic atmosphere of the ship and into someplace more open.


The ship Qarin and the others had arrived on still swarming with personnel by the time the Nova had extricated herself from her own. She was immediately assaulted by the Djinn, who flew out of the tangle of people around the ship despite all attempts that were made to stop him, and glued himself to her side. He refused to move once he found her, glaring aggravatedly and possessively at anyone who came too close to his mistress, even if they were medical staff. “Kindly never pull such an illogical and foolish stunt again. You and your kind have no sense of self-preservation. How am I supposed to retain a Tenno partner if all of you insist on rushing to your deaths at the nearest opportunity?” He lectured her, practically buzzing with irritation.


She smiled tiredly, and removed her helmet with a sigh. “I am sorry Qarin, but as you can see, I am still alive and whole, which is more than can be said for many of the others.”


“Ma’am,” she heard an unfamiliar voice behind her and turned to see a nurse, looking a bit strangely at the Djinn, who was managing to look threatening despite his size, “As per regulations, I must insist you submit yourself to medical bay for treatment.”


Acantha frowned, “There are others who need more help than me, and I only wish for rest. Is this truly necessary?”


The medic seemed to wilt slightly at the look on her face, which was something between annoyance, exhaustion, and exasperation. He swallowed audibly, “Yes, ma’am.”


She glowered, “Fine, if I must. What is the news on the conditions of the others, especially the Nekros who arrived on the first ship and the Rhino, Aiden, who arrived with me?”


“Their conditions are still being assessed,” he said, leading her away. He seemed relieved that she’d decided to come quietly, but was still throwing nervous looks at her Sentinel. “You can ask the healers about them later, they’ll know more than I do.”

Edited by Jeahanne
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Nova-Quinn walked out of Memorial Hall, leaving Heus to contemplate her request. Something was different about her. Where was her spunky demeanor? Heus realised that they were in a sacred place, but the cheery Nova wasn't exactly known for her reservation. 


Ah well, nothing better to do. 


Heus sullenly got up and retrieved his Gram, walking to the Duelling Room to face whatever trials awaited him. 

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Well everyone, here is quick update from me. It looks like i will be "scrapping" my friends "character" from my stories, seeing as he has not even attempted to write anything about him or mention him to me in weeks. SO that means i can continue with my stories finally, i shall have something up soon, i somewhat regret doing this but i have no choice. 

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I don't see you guys writing enough about our 'enemies', but I have an idea for one of those kinds of stories.



Tenno. Just the thought of that word would send a shiver down your spine and have the commanders watch their backs. As cloned out of the strain of the gene pool of the grineer reserved for Ballista-class warriors, Charzel had a standard Vulkar and infantry-class body armor. However, she had only about two-thirds of the usual Ballista-class cybernetic augmentations, leaving the nerves in her brain and eyes completely intact and unchanged, relying completely on her own natural eyesight and hand-eye coordination, which would be completely impossible for a run-of-the-mill Ballista, having this ability through a mutation that occurred to her gene-string while she had been grown, working against the constant degeneration occurring to the cloning-palettes the grineer soldiers were cast from.


The sirens had been blaring for almost half an hour now on board the grineer battle-cruiser transporting the main body of the grineer army heading towards Kappa, the terror of the situation even greater once the sensors and reports had shown it was a single Tenno, who had already slaughtered over a hundred identical lancers and troopers that had rushed blindly towards him.


Char, however, always had seemed significantly more intelligent than her counterparts, especially the ones stationed on this ship. While a few Ballista took a stance behind a wall of Shield lancers, she had found her way up into an air vent, hiding her presence and aim behind the spinning blades of the rubedo fan. 


The noise of the fire-fight behind the locked door was immense, the sheer noise of multiple Bombards and Napalms blasting away mindlessly at the same target making it sound like that part of the ship would be shattering and flying off the ship soon unnerved Char, but she steeled her nerves as she pulled up a single bullet from the ammunitions pouch on her waist, bringing it up to her lips and kissing its side for luck, before she inserted it into the barrel of her Vulkar. 'Easy now... The Tenno can't get through the army of heavies, you won't have to face it...' she told herself, but the constant decrease in explosions rocketing through the other room didn't help those wishful thoughts at all. She lowered the lever of the Vulkar, hearing the metallic click of another deadly armor-piercing payload prepared always helped her calm down, thinking of this as just another battle. Well, she had experience at blasting away corpus crewmen and proxies from afar, but a real-life Tenno? The thought unnerved her.




The last explosion sounded from the other hall, and immediately a heavy gunner took up point on one side of the room, the plan obvious if it was the Tenno that had survived the battle on the other side: The gunner would provide covering fire, drawing attention to herself, while the trio of ballistas behind shields would line up shots and try to take the Tenno down. They were the last line of defence between it and the ship's navigational mainframe.


'It's too simple to work...' Char thought to herself as she lined her aim down at the door, the distinctive noise of lockdown ending making her heart skip a beat. This was it, to live or to die. The door opened.......





.....revealing nothing but an empty room?





'That's not right.' Was all that more than one of the grineer troops could think right before a black Ash with purple highlights seemed to materialize behind one of the trio ballistas, severing the connection between her head and body with his dual Kamas, who in turn had the same colour scheme as his frame, as his shade sent a silent dart into one of the shield lancers, the latter crumbling down on the floor, dead already before he lost consciousness.


Char quickly moved to the other side of the vent's opening, trying to line up a good shot while one of the ballista duo left tried to run away, only to be met by another swing from a Kama, splitting her from shoulder-to-waist, as the shield lancers finally turned around to face the Tenno. The only thing that could increase the level of chaos was the sudden storm of bullets that bombarded the Tenno's shields for a moment.


Char's eyes went wide open as she saw the Tenno swat a few of the bullets away mid-air with his Kamas before covering behind the shield lancers, the Shade slaying the third Ballista. The Shield lancers were not so lucky with their type of death, slowly torn apart by a hail of bullets as the gunner didn't seem smart enough to stop shooting, just shredding them apart until they weren't in the way anymore, unleashing the hail of rubedo-based projectiles all over the Ash's shields. 


He ran at her head-on, his shade providing a little distraction from the gunner, as Char lined up the perfect shot, seeing the absolutely weakest point in the entire frame, a tiny crack formed from the heavy onslaught he had taken head-on in the earlier hall. She, however, knew she had to wait, watching the heavy gunner wear his shield down bit-by-bit as he kept swatting bullets out of the air to preserve it. Then finally, when the Ash jumped and sent his Kamas in a great overhead-swing, did the gunner take his shields down. However, it was much too late for that lieutenant, as the kamas dove right through her helmet, absolutely crushing her skull as the twin blades were shoved down through her brain, her eyes and out through her neck. On the other hand, it was not too late for Char, who finally pulled the trigger, and watched anxiously as the deadly payload was sent flying, soaring through the air and into the shield-less frame.


The effect, was something no Ballista was used to ever seeing.


The Ash fell down on his back, a smoking hole in his warframe where the bullet had struck, gotten through an insignificant crack between two plated parts in the frame's side, digging deep into the flesh below, even managing to spill blood on the floor.


Char was both amazed and surprised at what she had just managed to do, as she had gone almost entirely by instinct and her senses, but what she saw now would trump even that.


The Shade hovered over the Ash, and suddenly a strange greenish gas started pouring over the Tenno. Only when the bullet-hole had disappeared and the Shade shut down, did Char realize what just happened: The shade had been filled with medical nanites just for a situation like this.


The Ash got up as his shields charged, spotting the vent where Char was hiding. Suddenly, he wasn't where he had been standing, he had vanished.


Char gulped as she heard something behind her and slowly turned around, only to face the Ash that had decimated her entire squad. Her limbs froze as she saw him reach towards her, first out of fear, then out of confusion as the Ash had taken her Vulkar from her and seemed to be examining it. Then something happened that she had never heard of: The Tenno spoke.


"You got through my armour with that? And into a crack how small?" The Ash said, sounding honestly surprised as he looked at Char, snapping her rifle in half with the slightest of movements, before he started examining her. 


Now, Char fell back, literally tripping over herself in fear and closing her eyes, as the Tenno looked over her. Then, she heard: "Hmm.. strange.. no mecha-eyes. You did this with natural, un-augmented senses? Hmm... If you ever feel like your talent is being wasted and you want a real challenge, go by this." Then she heard a tiny clinking noise, like a nav-drive being dropped on the floor. Then the sound of an Ash teleporting away could be heard.


Char remained still, frozen with fear from the experience, alone in the vent, for many minutes, not daring to open her eyes until an announcement could over the speaker-system of the ship. A snub had unboarded the ship, the Tenno was gone.

Then she finally found herself able to move again, and she picked up the nav-drive as she sat up, quickly stashing it in her ammo pouch. 'A real Tenno.... he talked to me... he let me live....' was all that she could think of right before she looked into the room her vent opening was over, seeing the carnage the lone Tenno had done. "What could he have meant... with challenge....?" she asked herself, slumping down on the floor again, the tension in her body and all the cumulated fear and adrenaline making her exhausted, even with the bodily endurance and strength augments she had.




So.... any thoughts?

Edited by Pyjamalama
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I had toyed with the idea of a Grineer specialist actually joining our side. Its not Totally against canon...we have worked for them before. But i decided it was just too far of a stretch, since that Grineer would need to be severely "Augmented" to stand a chance of survival where the rest of us Tenno go.

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"You know its times like these I really appreciate what you Tenno do for me."


Clan Bellum Forma had a love-hate relation with Corpus merchantmen these days. On the hate side of the spectrum Corpus usually ended up getting killed. On the love side...well, Darvo was not exactly what one would call normal. Oh sure he offered up weapons and other supplies at prices that weren't in the Corpus norm, but the Clan usually dealt with him at a distance.


"Yeah sure," Janice said as she fired off a long tearing burst with her Soma rifle. "Keep your bloody head down."


Darvo ducked then winced as a barrage of plasma bolts rained over their heads. "Just saying."


Kevin put another burst into a crewman's head. "We need to move, we can't stay here forever."


"Well, I think that it's about time we went on the offensive!" Minerva said with a smile. The Saryn moved, using her Molt skill as she did drawing fire away from the other Tenno in her cell. She let off a withering stream of fire from her Akstilletos in return forcing the Corpus to keep their heads down.


"Let's go!" Levi snapped off a burst from his Burston Prime following Minerva. Kevin took the rear and Janice took the middle to keep Darvo from getting holed.


"Tenno, this is a family matter. You will not interfere!" Frohd Bek really did not sound very happy.


"Damn it Father I can make my own choices!" was Darvo's angry reply. "Sorry Tenno, this is really embarrassing."


"Less talking more running!" Janice snapped, firing her Soma.

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