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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Kal, I do wonder what goes on inside your head sometimes.


Never claimed to be sane.




Don't tell Rebecca. She will want one and the LAST thing we need is a special ops trooper in the form of a CAT walking around these forums...

Edited by Kalenath
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I have a feeling I'm going to expand upon this later, but this is what I've come up with so far. That being said, Vauban has to be my favorite of the warframes, so I decided to pick him as my writing subject. What follows here is more of a prequel idea of what Vauban was like during the Orokin Era and the wars. Hope you folks like it!





In the ages long past, he was known by a different name. To his peers and allies, his name assured the day would be won, but to his foes, the mention of his name was a sign that their defenses would surely be cast down and their plans would be for naught.  All respected this name he was known by, this title bestowed upon him. 


To both enemy and ally alike was referred to by a simple title: The Tactician.


In his prime, The Tactician was akin to the warrior poets of old, being an intellectual as well as a warrior.  Methodical and calculating, his mastery of warfare was unparalleled, and his grasp of tactics and maneuvers unquestioned.  With his innate abilities granted by his warframe, The Tactician wrought havoc on the battlefield, creating traps and obstacles to slow and halt the advance of his enemies. Many times entire squads of enemies would find themselves hoisted into the air and immobilized, only able to watch as The Tactician appeared to quickly decimate their ranks and then move on to his next carefully conceived trap. In other instances, lone scouts or enemies would often either be knocked unconscious or killed outright by an incredible jolt of electricity, courtesy of the Tactician's many Tesla grenades.


Though a skilled warrior in his own right, it was the Tactician's skills as a tenacious commander that earned him his moniker. Alone he could do significant damage to his enemies, but fighting alongside his other Tenno, he could work wonders. Entering a battle, he was able to quickly formulate plans or grasp the flow of the current engagement and more often than not was able to turn the tide in his favor and achieve victory where none though it possible. Utilizing not only the abilities of his own frame, but those of his allies, The Tactician was able to set up defenses that would hold against the mightiest of opposing forces and create traps that even the most cunning of enemies could not avoid. 


In days long past, his name was revered and his exploits were legend. 


However, in this new era, his title and his actions are ancient history, lost to the Long Sleep of the Tenno and the slow pace of time.


Heeding the waking call of The Lotus, he has returned to the battlefield, known only by the name engraved upon his cryopod:



Edited by Dresden42
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Very nice Dresden, it definitely reminds me of other awakenings we have born witness to on this thread in its level of potential epic to ensue. ^_^


On the note of Zen, he shall be drawn and he shall NOT be a talking animal. Pets don't traditionally talk, Zen will be no exception.

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A small snippet today. I don't have too much time or inspiration at the moment. Hope you all like it.




Aiden's right eye opened to a sea of white. He faintly heard the sounds of machines beeping in the distance, and his own shallow breathing permeated the silence of his nightmare. Relief washed over him as he realized that he had escaped from the hellish realm of his mind. He was still in the land of the living.


He was still alive.


On realizing this, he tried to look around, hoping to see a familiar sight, something that could confirm his sanity. Agonizing pain pulsed through his head as he moved his neck ever so slightly. It quickly subsided as he turned his head back to it's normal position. His heart pounded in his skull as he tested his extremities, hoping to gauge his physical state. He winced as his limbs moved, and decided to keep them as still as possible.


He did not need anyone to tell him that his body had gone through hell. It would have given up long before him had he not wanted to survive. His entire chest applied pressure on his lungs as he took in a deep breath, savoring the cold air. His heart had calmed down once again, beating slowly as his body grew acclimatized with the room he was in.


I'm at the clinic, he thought as he recollected experiencing the same smells when he woke up here for the first time. He was not able to understand how he was back at Aequitas. The others had already left. Unless...


“So, you're awake,” said a female voice from somewhere to his left. It was soft and fuzzy, as if his ears weren't used to listening anymore.


Aiden tried to speak, but his throat felt like sandpaper and he couldn't move his lips. He frantically tried looking at the source of the voice, but he stopped as he saw a face appear above his. Curious brown eyes looked down at him from amidst a tangle of curly hair. She was smiling pleasantly, observing him as he tried to refocus his eyes on the newcomer. She looked at him for a few more seconds before talking again.


“Can you talk?”


She received her answer as she looked into his eyes. The blue orbs were confused, but they possessed the steel of an intellectual. He wasn't able to talk. She nodded in understanding.


“It's fine. You've been through hell. I'm genuinely surprised you've woken up so soon.”


Aiden continued looking at the woman, her words slowly processing in his fuzzy mind. He was fighting the urge to go back to sleep, back to the never-ending nightmares that plagued the dark realm of his mind. He strained his waning mind as she continued to talk.


“You need to rest for now. Regain some strength. I will talk to you later.”


He felt his mouth become slightly pliable. Focusing on speaking as he faded into the darkness of sleep, he managed to utter a word, a pitiful croak that was barely heard.




Name. He wants to know my name. She was taken aback at his resolve, and at the fact that he had asked such an odd question. He was not supposed to be able to move any muscles, yet alone be able to talk. She saw his eyes slowly lower, and quickly responded back.


“Arina. Sleep brother, you're safe.”


Aiden faded into the darkness, all sounds completely vanishing as he ran through the forest, chasing after the figure darting in between the trees. But something was different this time. Fear did not plague his senses as he ran through the flashes of white; instead, he felt an eerie warmth through the field of silence, and a single phrase made him smile as he ran after her.


You're safe.”

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-snip- "You're safe."

No one is safe bej. Even more so in the confines of their nightmares. Good story!

I'm back guys! Gonna need some of your best stock to get me back to the level I was writing at though! Also, guilty pleasure, I was playing Dragon's Dogma, screwed up on a playthrough, and decided to start over from scratch. Nonetheless, its good to be back! 

As usual, I'm just using this for my elation and conveyance of mood. No, I don't own anything Thin Lizzy. :I
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!WARNING! Wacky, zany, and short.



   Artorias was hiding. Again. This was getting old, really fast. He had to keep Viviane distracted though. Unless... maybe he could do that.

   That might work, now that he had time to think. She wouldn't look under a rock under a half buried tree... Right? Wrong. He could hear the roots of the ancient tree being ripped out of the ground by a powerful and now very hormonally active Valkyr user to get at him.

   Fortunate then, that even he had problems getting the huge rock off the ground to slide into the hole he had made for himself. The tree was easy enough. He was fairly certain that-








"Now what are you doing there, silly? Get out from under there. Oh? Just a rock... Again."

  Oh... Thank Morrighan, she didn't find him. Artorias slowly slid from his hiding place. Good thing these were trees that grew on rocks for some reason. He silently thanked both his wife and the universe.

   Viviane was also looking the other way. Sweet and gentle Morrighan, thank you! He slinked off to a cave he had spotted earlier through the brush. Viviane walked off to find him again. Luck was on his side this time, it seemed.

   The cave only had one entrance. It also had a nice, flat area where several people could sleep well, he observed. Like that one time on Verisain- Snap out of it! He was being hunted by a very fast, very powerful woman whose newly awakened sexual hunger for him could probably mean some very bad things for his health!

  He didn't have time to reminisce about- Suddenly, he heard a noise that sounded much like Viviane's Valkyr nails clacking on stone. Artorias quickly turned on the built-in flashlight to look around. Nothing. Then he heard a growling from above.

  It was the last thing he heard for a while as he was shoved to the ground.

No one ever looks up. You ever notice that?

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....So who made the Date-Rape drug that Viviane accidentally drank?

   The Corpus in a plot to make more soldiers and workers basically for free without setting of the Lotus Alarm too badly. This is happening on what is basically the second nearest planet to the Dojo that does trade with these Tenno. Oftentimes in food and the like. Also, date-rape usually involves the sedation of the victim, not really the heightening of said victim's sexual urges. What Viviane gulped down in the supplies that Flagrans got last time she went to trade with the colonists is more of a 'I want to screw your brains out, now lets have babies' drug more than anything. I used the term aphrodisiac earlier as a generalization when it was first introduced.

   And don't worry Quinn. I was, and probably still am having the same problem. You've just got to let it happen. Feel the pull of the universe. Unless it wants you to kill people. Then tell it to go away.


EDIT: Realized one Nekros was not the other. Has been amended.

Edited by FellArtorias
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No one is safe bej. Even more so in the confines of their nightmares. Good story!

Thanks. If you are a lucid dreamer, then your dreams CAN be safe, just saying :P


Anyways, I just wanted to say that I'll be taking a break from writing for a while, mainly to finish off all my pending artworks. Stalker is staring me in the face every time I sit down to write, and Thorn needs a shiny Warframe. So expect a 7-10 day delay between now and my next contribution to the thread in terms of stories. I'll still post feedback and nanny any derailments though XD.

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Hey guys, sorry if I've been absent for a while. Using another computer (temporarily at the whim of a parental unit >_>) while mine is at the shop. I won't be able to do much as far as even contacting you all for a couple days, maybe a week. Good luck and may the inspiration flow! :)

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I really need to do the next bit with Sophia, but I just can't think straight! Halp!

Send me a PM with any help you might need. I'd be glad to help.


Hey guys, sorry if I've been absent for a while. Using another computer (temporarily at the whim of a parental unit >_>) while mine is at the shop. I won't be able to do much as far as even contacting you all for a couple days, maybe a week. Good luck and may the inspiration flow! :)

Don't worry man. At least you're getting your keyboard fixed. Then you can continue Heus's roflstomping spree.

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Was stuck in me head. had fun. Skype call provided me with entertainment as I wrote.

''What the hell do you mean they won't allow me to sell my cryo-pod stock to the Tenno? It is my product, I decide what to do with it! Do they really expect me to just sell it to the scientists? F*** no! The Tenno will be more than happy to pay for their brethren back.'' Wikis shouted at the young crewman standing in front of him, not pleased about the Boards decision to try to force him to only sell the cryo-pods on a ''domestic'' market.


''Don't shout at me! I am just the messenger.'' The crewman answered.


''I'm sorry. But still, this is ridiculous! An outrage, really! I do not work under the board! I am an independant merchant! Do they really think that they can boss me around? Hah, I'll show them. Messenger, take this message to whomever is over you and recieves communications from the board.'' Wikis cleared his throat. ''Tell them that Wikis Trak is not a servant of the board. Tell them that if they try to send their enforcers after me, they will be met with massive resistance worthy of a single Tenno. Tell them that my Cryo-pods are my property and will be sold to those I want to sell them to, and tell them that I will be on the next empty board seat like a vulture the moment anyone of them dies. That is all, you can go now.''


As soon as the messenger disappeared, a communicator built into his desk started beeping and the covered face of Lotus appeared on several screens around the room. ''Ah, your lovely lips always manage to make me smile, dear Lotus. What can I do for you today?''


''Our intel tells us that you have a collection of cryo-pods.''


''That is true, and I am willing to sell it, but only to the Tenno.'' A smile formed on Wikis's face.


''How much?''


''Straight to the buisness today, eh Lotus? 20 million credits per pod. 12 trillion for the whole collection. That should be about 10000 credits per awake Tenno. I may be a Corpus, but I am not as greedy as my colleagues.''


''The money shall be transferred within 24 hours. Will you deliver them to the same place as usual?''


''Yes, of course. My colleagues still haven't found the place, so one more delivery to it won't hurt.''


''Good. 'till next time.''


''Always a pleasure doing buisness with you.'' Wikis said as the screens went blank. ''And it will never stop being a pleasure.''


More of Wikis and his enterprising projects! and his annoyance with the board.

Edited by FatViking
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