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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Let there be another story about Zen! Then perhaps a little Ein...perhaps.



This place was very strange. It was not filled with water and trees like the home place, but was not filled with the metal giants that destroyed the home place either. Zen was very curious about the Dojo, padding swiftly through the corridors and around the feet of Tenno. That's what they called themselves. After the warm large thing brought him here Zen had heard that word many times. These giants were Tenno and they were good giants, not like the clunky things back at the home place. Still, Zen didn't want to return to the home place, the large warm thing took care of him, and there was so much to explore in the new home place! Smooth, cool ground, stars that didn't move, and big trees that touched the sky and ground that couldn't be climbed.


Zen was a common sight around the Aequitas Dojo ever since Einherjar had managed to bring him back unwittingly from his trip to Earth. Admittedly he wasn't exactly viewed as a pet by everyone, considering the wildlife on Earth was relatively unknown at this time thanks to the Grineer occupation of the planet it made Zen a valuable study specimen. Sadly for those few scientifically inclined had been notified by Ein even plucking a single strand of fur from Zen would result in painful repercussions. At least this gave Zen the freedom to wander...sort of.


Zen clambered over some round logs, staring into the shallow water that was spread over the floor. This area felt most close to the 'old home' for Zen, and he found curling up in the leaves to be soothing. Sighing, the fluffy blue creature sat in the center of the room, looking around a bit. This place was peaceful at least, even if there were so many interesting things to do here yet. They could wait, Zen wanted to sit here in this room a little longer.


"There you are!" Einherjar trotted easily over the log pedestals and balanced at the edge of Zen's current log. "Enjoying your exploring, Zen?" Ein chuckled as the fluffy critter chittered and clambered up his leg to his shoulders. "C'mon, let's see if we can't find you something to eat around here today."




that's all for today folks.

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Sort of. Ooc is out of character discussion, not derailing necessarily. IC is the stories themselves.


However, since IC is still locked while Silverbones works on separating the posts, we keep posting here for now.



*Edit: For anyone who doesn't know. Of Ash and Fire is an OLD thread, and was moved in its entirety to this section of the forums when it was created a few days ago. This Ooc thread is the "original" thread, just renamed, and is still the main thread FOR NOW. This thread was originally something like 420 pages. Silverbones is working on separating the discussion stuff from the stories, but I think it's fairly obvious to everyone that that is going to take him awhile. That's why the IC version of this thread is locked temporarily and the Ooc version is not.


Until he's caught up, the Ooc thread will continue to be where we post stories, so keep checking back here if you want to read the new stuff. Once the Ic thread is unlocked we'll switch over. ^-^

Edited by Jeahanne
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Ah, I see. If someone could help me, it would be much appreciated. I have a printer with a scanner at home. If I put my art on the scanner and scan it, how would I go about putting it up here on the forums? Thanks to that someone in advance!


I have also compiled character themes! I don't own the rights to any of these songs, blah blah blah, you know how it goes. Its just that I feel these songs capture the characters best.



Artorias: History of the Moon (Synthesia version by Pelaaja is prefered to get the general feel.)


Memory Artorias: Mezame


Morrighan: Riverside's rendition of Lullaby of a Deserted Hell (Note, the language used is most likely Gaelic, thus further solidifying the notion that this is in fact the Celtic Morrighan.)


Viviane: Japanese Alphabet Road with Chinese Bellflower's Sweet Smell


Loki: Fiesta de Guerra


Flagrans: La Distancia Para un Duelo


Eros: Ordon Village


Demeter: Touhou Metal/Rock 258 (Because why not?)


Sylpheed: Low of Solipsism


Xeyon: Floating Cloud's Riverflow of Kappa


Mare: Night of the Wolf


Clare: Voodoo Antinightcore


Fireteam Song: Two Steps from Hell, Strength of a Thousand Men



(The translate function in my brain is on the fritz. This'll do, I should hope.)


Nier: Dragons Dogma, Jet Black Wings

Edited by FellArtorias
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You'll have to upload any pictures you want to post onto forums onto an image hosting site, like imgur or photobucket. Then, take the direct link from the photo and paste it into the forums like this: [./img]link[.img] just without the dots. If you want to keep the post short you can post it as a spoiler, again, like this, just without the dots: [./spoiler][./img]link[.img][.spoiler]


Not all image hosting sites work, I know for example puush links don't work. You have to find a site that gives permanent urls. I know photobucket works, and I believe others have used imgur with success as well. Both will require making an account, but I know photobucket  only requires and email address, so it's not too bad.


I hope this helps.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Kevin moved fast to avoid the flying strike from Janice's Glaive. Already aware that she was on the offensive Kevin fired off a continuous burst at Janice who twitched to avoid the stunner rounds. Sure they were nonlethal but they hurt like all hell. The training hall was where most of Clan Bellum Forma went to work on their skills.


Janice's Glaive sailed over his head as he ducked. Kevin was even ore concerned now that Janice was running at him, aflame. Kevin fired twice before pulling back. World on Fire was totally unfair. He wanted to use Terrify but too late. He switched to his Ether Reaper as Janice aimed to kick him in the face. He used the shaft of his Ether Reaper to block the overhead axe kick and threw Janice off of him. The Ember landed in a graceful crouch, throwing disk and pistol in hand. Kevin whirled his scythe challenging her even if he knew she was smirking under her helmet.


They charged.

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Contains pre-Collapse stuffs, so in the interest in canon safety I'll put this in spoilers.


A wicked grin covered the captain's face as his ship turned to face the Orokin science vessel. With advanced cloaking technology, the ship stood no chance of finding him. His gold and white overcoat cloaked a razor-sharp falchion on his right hip, and a powerful, explosive-shot pistol on his left. The echo of his gold trimmed, white boots was drowned out by the commotion in the command center of his ship, his pride and joy, and he relaxed in his cushioned captain's chair.


"Increase speed. Charge weapons and ready boarding vessels. Boost power to forward shields."


His ears were greeted by a chorus of positive responses, and he leaned back in his chair. This vessel undoubtedly had plenty of resources he could use or sell, and plenty of personnel he could.... "recruit". A good raid, high profit and low risk. He preferred more action in his raids, but he wasn't about to let such a good target pass him by.


"The King and his men stole the Queen from her bed," A female voice rang from behind, and to his right. His second-in-command. "...And bound her in her bones. The seas be ours, and by the powers.... where we will, we roam."


"Yo, ho, all... hands. Hoist the colors high," He responded. "Heave, ho, thieves and beggars - never shall we die."


Silence filled the room, and the crew in the command center waited for the next line, as it would determine their actions.


"Now some have died, and some are alive, and others sail on the seas. With the keys to the cage, and the devil to pay, we lay to fiddler's green."


The center quickly filled with sound, the crew continuing the chant and they powered down the cloak and vastly increased speed.


"Yo, ho, all together, hoist the colors high! Heave, ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!"


The entire room rocket forward as the front of his ship slammed into the Orokin vessel, inflicting major damage to its engines. Plasma fire range from it, but was easily absorbed by his ship's bolstered frontal shields. The fire coming from his ship, however, easily peeled through the science vessels shields, slicing into the hull in several places and creating openings for the boarding shuttles to dock.


"Yo, ho, All together! Hoist the colors high! Heave, ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!"


More plasma fire range from his ship, this time aimed at the other vessel's guns. Missiles shot forth from his hull, detonating whenever they impacted the other ship's hull, destroying large swathes of the ship. Golden pods shot from his vessel, each filled to the brim with armed marauders. Easily puncturing the weakened hull of their target, they each let out a torrent of men. Small teleportation units inside them would allow for even more men to board the vessel, if necessary.


"Yo, ho all together, hoist the colors high-"


A flash of white emanated from the front of the science vessel, temporarily blinding the captain. When he opened his eyes, they were greeted by a terrifying sight. A tear in space, white light pouring from it.


The Void.


Casualty reports flooded in as the science vessel was drawn into and enveloped by the Void. None of the boarding parties survived. 


"All power to engines! We need to leave, NOW!" The ship shuddered as shield were taken down to boost engine power, and the Void's tendrils of death licked the hull, ripping away vast swathes and pulling hundreds of crewmen to their deaths. Damage reports quickly filled screens all over the command center, and the automated repair system tried to minimize long term damage but was overwhelmed. Assuming manual control of the ship, Servos tried to turn it around and fly away, but the gravity well of the Void was far too powerful.


The only way we can possibly survive is by using the fold's gravity as a slingshot.


Turning the ship just to the right of the Void, Servos boosted to full power, hoping to be able to whip around the Void. Servos turned  to his second-in-command. The fear that filled his heart was plastered on her face. Grinding his teeth, Servos looked forward, the deathly brilliance of the Void staring into his soul. 


Closing his eyes, Servos alone finished the chant. By now, he and his crew all knew their fates. The folds were unsurvivable, indomitable. Inescapable.


"Heave, ho, thieves and beggars. Never shall we die."


He opened his eyes, blinding light enveloping his vision. Pain shot through his body. The screams of his crew echoed in the room, until he was the only one left, writhing silently on the floor.


Darkness, sweet darkness, returned to Servos as he woke, the dreams - the memories - rapidly fading.


( Here's the song they were singing:

Edited by fishworshipper
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