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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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My brain screwed up with the wording......:/

A cell is a small self sufficient unit of trained soldiers who work or function outside the particular jurisdiction of regional command, at least in my universe. Its just four Tenno who all work together with extreme efficiency.


A squad would be just two Tenno who are required to obtain assistance from others to perform complex tasks.


It is a bit backwards, but I decided that it would be the way to go, instead of calling a group of two tenno a duo or something less badass sounding.

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At the last bit of his declration, Nakarn threw up his arms and grinned. Eden watched him with amusement, audibly laughing at the thing's notion of leadership. Nakarn turned in the direction of Eden who was still laughing and had a still-growing smirk on his face.


“What's so funny, friend?” Nakarn asked in a voice of false kindness.


“The idea you can 'oversee' us.” Came Eden's raspy reply. He snorted as Nakarn's grin slightly faltered for a flicker of a second.


“And this idea is outrageous?” Asked Nakarn.


Eden nodded.


“But why is it so outrageous?”


Eden shifted his wait and sat down.


“Because everyone here is either insane or a walking corpse. You rule them and that'd make you a lich.”


Nakarn looked puzzled and was about to answer when Eden cut him off.


“Exactly. I've been here long enough that I know what that is. And, dontcha know, I'm insane too!”


Nakarn smiled again and then replied.


“Well, that's exactly what I wanted. A desolate planet full of frozen materials and insane infected. Or should I say...'Test subjects?'”

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Ok a small trip into Vaughn's head. It's rough, but I have to leave for class, so I wanted to get it posted before I left. I hope everyone enjoys. If anyone spots anything that could use changing or clarification, just ask, I'll do my best to fix. Thanks all.






Vaughn stood in a shadowy corner, watching his two apprentices as they laughed, joking with one another as siblings did, while they trained. A crease of worry furrowed his brow. The war was ending, something he knew better than anyone else, but the missions he and others had been ordered to go on hadn’t gone down in number. If anything, they had increased. He’d also been receiving considerable pressure from his non-Tenno superiors, pressure which he’d been steadfastly resisting. Part of pressure was in the overwhelming demands he kept receiving that he increase the amount of time he spent in the field, despite the enormous amount of time he was already away. He balked at being in the field any longer than he currently was, especially considering the fact that he hardly had time to train his apprentices as it was. The other part of the pressure was in the impatience of his superiors at the slowness of his apprentices’ training, and that he have them graduate as soon as possible.


He knew he should have let them go a long time ago. They were both two of the most promising students he’d ever seen and were more than skilled enough to pass the required tests to graduate, but he couldn’t shake the protective feeling he had for them any more than he could shake the feelings of unease that accompanied the actions and rumors he’d been hearing about the military. Something wasn’t right, and the moment he officially released his apprentices as graduated Tenno was the moment he couldn’t protect them anymore.


As he stood there in thought, an officious looking man in a military uniform walked up to stand beside him. “Your apprentices are doing very well, although no one seems to quite see your logic in holding them back for so long. Command seems to think them ready to move on.” His comment was met with silence. “A request for you to go out on another assignment has come in.”


He stood there for several moments, his arm outstretched to offer the Tenno the small data-storage device he held in one hand, before Vaughn answered. “I requested a week’s leave, and that time was approved. Yet, here I’ve been back less than a day, and you have the gall to give me new orders to return to the field so soon.”


The man didn’t even blink at the dry, dangerously controlled voice. “You, specifically, were asked for.”


“They can find someone else.”


The officer’s mood soured, “You are needed. Will you really turn down a direct request?”


“Request? Or Order?” his tone was dangerous as he turned to directly face the uniformed man.


“A request; at least for now. Let it not be said that your continued and impeccable service is not appreciated.” The man’s voice had changed from sour to the oily smooth, measured cadence of an accomplished politician.


“Then I respectfully decline. You’re right, I am needed. I’m needed here, by my apprentices. As it is I am lucky to get a day or two a month to dedicate to their training, and lately I’ve been ordered to abandon them for longer and longer periods of time. They are my direct responsibility, and will be ready when I declare them to be. If you and your superiors ever want me to sign off on their graduation, you will let me see to their education as I see fit and without further interference.” With look of cold disdain and iron determination, Vaughn strode away, leaving the man staring after him, infuriated.


As he moved away, the worry lines and signs of his anger and frustration that showed on his face melted away as he put on a familiar mask of indifference. There was no need for his apprentices to see him as anything but cold and calculated. War wouldn’t provide any quarter for his sentimentality. If he wanted them to live, to survive and thrive in the world they were in, he had to be far more of a threat than anything they would ever face in the field. They might hate him for it, but they would at least live to feel that emotion towards him, and in the end, that was all that he wanted.

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soooooooo a little late with this but here is more of your dear foundry master.




Smiling underneath his helmet Quinn couldn't help but laugh a little. Her formal manner wasn’t very fitting. Setting aside the weapons he had brought back, Quinn pulled out his tablet and activated the Ai, whilst nodding to Acantha, Quinn quickly scrolled through the special orders. There where a good many. Shaking his head he motioned for her to follow him. As he entered the back room Quinn was assaulted by a flying object. Juliet, beeping happily flew around Quinn’s head. A voice sounded as well.


“Welcome back master.” The AI said as he walked in, with a hint of disappointment.


“Yes im back Juliet, AI.” Quinn said happily while looking around. “This place has kinda of gotten messy....” He said trailing off. Feeling a little embarrassed about it, he quickly cleared off a desk and invited her to sit. He could see she was a little nervous but opening the desk draw Quinn brought out a half empty bottle of vodka. Sitting it on the table and pulling out a glass, he sat down. Removing his helmet and letting his hair fall about his face, Quinn smiled at her. 


“So...... What do you need Acantha?” He asked her while pouring a small amount of vodka into the glass and taking a sip. While Juliet flew about happily. 


“Well, i need to know about my weapons” She said somewhat nervously. Looking about the foundry a little, not meeting his eyes, for some reason. 


“Oh, well let me check.” Quinn said, getting up to check on stuff. “Well then,” walking back to the table with a small bundle. “Here you go” He said handing her the bundle of gear. 


“Than-” She was interrupted by the sound of running feet. Looking up Quinn smiled for some reason. 


“Is the Foundry Master here?!?!?” A rather excited, dark haired Tenno ask while opening the door.


“May i help you?” Quinn asked smiling. 


“I need a Warframe!” He said happily. The door opened behind him and a large Tenno walked in. 


“Here you are Darius.” The hulking Tenno said turning to Quinn, “I am sorry for his over excited actions.” 


“Do not worry,” Quinn said smile widening. “He has done nothing wrong, though there is one thing i would like to ask. Why so many repairs and orders for new weapons? Has something happened?”  He asked taking a sip of the vodka Kris had given him.

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Hey everyone,


I decided to go ahead and set into motion a few things that are essential to progressing the plot for Aiden and Arina. So here we go. Every time you see a -oOo- symbol in my story, it simply means it is the start of a new segment in that chapter. Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed typing it XD


Grim News


Sweat dripped down Aiden's forehead as he struggled to finish the last of his exercises. It had been a week since Arina had given him the green light to start exercising again. He would ask Quinn about his equipment after the Foundry Master had returned, but till then he trained. For nearly four hours a day, he worked his body to the absolute limits, ensuring that he returns to his former strength, if not even more. Today was spent strengthening his arms. Massive muscles bulged as he tried lifting double his body weight with one arm. This was far more than necessary, but the pain helped him numb down the feelings that had emerged in light of his most recent fight.


It still confused him deeply as to why he experienced that one particular memory. Arina, the now almost inseparable companion of his simply stated that it was his subconscious responding to the stimulus of imminent death. The logical part of his mind had accepted it, but somewhere deep inside, he felt different. Was she trying to help me? Come on Aiden, how the hell is that even possible?


He shook his head and grunted ferociously, his arm nearly giving out from the exertion. He had just a few more to go before he was done. Letting his anger numb the pain, he repeated the motions, the massive weights felt like small mountains by this time. With a final shout, he dropped to the ground, the weights slamming onto the rubberized floor of the room. Stretching the muscles of his sore arm, Aiden got up and lifted the weights and dropped them off at the appropriate station. Breathing heavily, he sat down at the chair, trying to make sense of his frayed conscience.


He wanted the memories to go away, so that he could keep his promise to her and live for as long as he could, but at the same time, he didn't want to lose those cherished moments. He would become a husk, a mindless soldier without those memories and that thought troubled him. So I’m defined by my past, he concluded. I hold no true purpose in this new world. I just...exist.


Just then he was interrupted by Arina who came in with a huge smile on her face.


Guess what?” she asked.


He looked at her quizzically. “What?”


She plonked herself down besides him and started talking rapidly. “Quinn's back. The Foundry Master,” she added, seeing his confused stare. “He's done talking to everyone, so I told him that we'll be going right now.”


He sighed. “So you're making decisions for me too?”


She smirked. “Yep. You're too busy moping around here, so I decided to give you a proverbial kick in the rump and make you do things. Besides, its better than you sitting here every single day trying to kill yourself.” She said the last sentence with a serious look on her face. “I know about your repressed memories Aiden. As your caretaker, I had Ghost help me sift through your memories during the battle. That memory should not weigh you down, you understand?”


He was initially enraged at the thought of her going through his memories without his permission. But the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He was an emotional wreck, and he needed help, in any form.


I do. Thanks for the help.”


She got up, and pulled him towards the door. “ No worries. Hey,” she added, “I don't think she would want that,” she said softly.


He silently opened the door to the room, following Arina to the Foundry.


She wouldn't.




“Can I help you?” asked the man behind the desk.


Before Aiden could respond, the AI responded to Quinn's inquiry. “That's Tenno Aiden. The one with the heavily damaged Rhino. I kindly told him to return when you got back.”


Aiden scowled at the ethereal voice that dripped with sarcasm. Given the choice, he would dearly enjoy ripping off every single wire that powered that thing. Quinn must have noticed his anger, for he quickly tried to placate him.


“Easy now. He means no harm. I have some news for you.”


“Mostly bad news,” interjected the AI. Aiden almost lost his already short temper. Besides him, Arina clenched his shoulder with worry etched on her face. Ever since his recovery, the normally calm warrior had developed an extremely short temper, and if not withheld immediately, could lead to brutal consequences. She still remembered cleaning up the debris left in his fit of rage. Kindy enough, he had decided to send her off to rest while he dealt with repairing most of the damage. It might because of the memory, she thought. According to her inquiries, Aiden was always calm, even during fights.


“Talk only when you're spoken to, you stupid machine!” He breathed deeply. “What news do you have, Quinn?”


“It's bad news,” came the snide remark from the AI. Quinn quickly tried to prevent Aiden from destroying that room in his rage.


“No, no! It's good news, Aiden. I managed to fix your sword. The fracture was tough to fix mechanically, so I had to run it through the forge while feeding more alloy into the seam. I think I might have made it a bit stronger actually, considering that I had a few hunks of the same alloy that your blade was made of.”


He grinned as he saw Aiden's face immediately brighten. “Here you go,” he said as he handed the massive blade to his awaiting hands. He ran his hands through the carvings and scuffs on the blade gently, making sure to see if everything was the same. Aiden had spent days learning everything about his sword, for it was much more than a weapon for him. He was deeply satisfied with Quinn's handiwork.


“Arina, could you go and stand with Quinn there?”


She looked confused, but then realization hit her face. She quickly stood next to the Foundry Master as Aiden calmly closed his eyes and began to swing his sword.


She watched in awe as he danced through the expanse of the room, whirling the massive blade as if it weighed next to nothing. Every single move was perfectly poised, and meant death for several foes. She had not seen anyone with this much prowess with a Galatine, for many of the people she saw were brutish Rhinos whirling it around like maniacs. He was ridiculously skilled with the blade, even without the aid of his Warframe. The thing that struck her was the serene expression on his face. Even though his eyes were closed as he danced, she saw the same expression he had in his memory. One of utter happiness. That sword means a lot to him.


He panted slightly as he finished his routine, elegantly placing the massive sword on Quinn's desk. “It is perfect Quinn,” he smiled. “And those engravings...did you...?”


“I fixed them myself, yes. I guessed that you must have some significance to carve phrases and marks into your own weapon, and I decided to try my hand with remaking them. I hope they're fine.”


“They are. Thanks you.”


“No worries, Aiden. I heard from the others about what you did in that mission. You deserve to get it fixed. Hell, you deserve a medal, if we ever do decide to hand those things out. I saw the word engraved on the blade. Harbinger, written in Latin. Nice name.”


“The carvings were done by someone close to me. They picked the name for me.”


“I see. I'm afraid its now time for the bad news.”


“You're Warframe's f*****,” said the AI.




“I'm afraid so. It was too heavily damaged. Kril really did a number on your suit. I'm afraid I cannot help you Aiden, you need to get your own.”


He looked thunderstruck at the revelation. “It's...gone?”


“I'm afraid so. Once again, I'm sorry, Tenno Aiden.”


He couldn't even bother to look into Quinn's eyes as he spoke. “It's fine. Thank you for the help.” he silently picked up his Galatine and walked out of the room, Arina quickly in tow.




“Aiden,” started Arina as she tried her best to keep up with the large strides of her friend. “What's wrong?”


He did not respond, instead turning and entering the small room that he had called home for two weeks. He carefully placed Harbinger on top of his table and then sat on his bed, drawing his knees up to his chest. She saw a haunted look in his eyes. Something was really troubling him.


“Hey,” she said softly, sitting on the chair opposite to him. “What's wrong?”


“I know where to get another Warframe.” he said after a short while.


“That's great news. Is it nearby?”


“I can't use it.”




“I made a promise.”


“To whom?”




Arina was getting frustrated with his responses. “Look, I'm just trying to help you. If you tell me what's going on, I can try and do something.”


“Why do you care?” he snapped, glaring at her. “I'm just a stranger. You stick around like we've been the best of friends for our whole lives.”


She knew that he wasn't speaking in his own senses. Denial does that to a person. “I initially gravitated towards you because I was fascinated by your mutations. Accelerated fibroblast and fibrocyte production was something only discussed in the Program, never actually shown. I then went through your psych profile and then contacted a Tenno named Ghost for further clarification. She hesitantly showed me your memory, Aiden. And I felt like you needed the company.”


She stood up. “I'll be perfectly honest. I like you, as a friend and as a fellow Tenno, and I just wish to help you out. If you don't want my help, I understand. Living as a loner for a while makes you uncomfortable with others.”


He sighed. “I'm sorry.”


“For what?”


“For this.” he said, pointing at himself. “I shouldn't be such an &#! to you. Its my own damn problem.”


“No, its not going to be yours alone if you decide to share your burden with those around you.”


“Fine.” he relented, breathing deeply to calm his nerves.


“Back during the war, my cell was fundamental in the Orokin reclamation of Earth. The outbreak had threatened to make it a hive for the T-cyte. You know about this?”


She nodded. She herself enrolled into the program two years before the War ended. Most of her time was spent in the Medical Corps, training future Trinities to go out in the field. Her superiors had told her of the reclamation of Earth. Not much information was shared, supposedly under the request of the Orokin.


“Good. Well, the arrogant b*stards gave us gifts, to try and glorify our deeds. We accepted them, but Cathy and I decided to not wear the new Primes.”


“You might be wondering why.” he continued. “After all, the Primes were a direct upgrade to the standard suits.” He paused, curling his mouth into a knowing smile as he continued staring at his lap. “Cathy had this unique outlook at the Primes.”


“She said that she didn't want anything that differentiated her from the others on the field. All Tenno were heroes on their own. An upgrade and shiny bits would simply make her feel superior to the other soldiers who were risking their lives to maintain the balance, and that didn't bode well with both her and I.”


“You'd be a fool to disagree with her logic,” he said. “So we both wished to relinquish our gear, but the b*stards wouldn't let us. So we decided to do the next thing. We stored our gear in the Fang.”


“The Fang?”


“It was the scout ship our parents used to work in. Got taken out in a Sentient blitz attack when we were ten. No survivors. No one went that far out to recover the debris, but we did. We knew that our gear would be safe there, just in case we ever needed them.”


She knew his dilemma now. “You think its still there?”


He nodded. “Its very far away from the normal route. Even with the fast vessels today, the journey will still take a few days of continuous travel from the nearest planet. I...just don't know, Arina.”


She sat back down in front of him. “What?”


He looked at her. “I don't want to break my promise. Our promise.”


To his surprise, she burst out laughing. “What's so funny?”


She continued to giggle. “You're such a romantic.” Before he could snap at her, she turned serious once again. “Look, you need a suit. You have a suit. Right now, in this fight, we're outnumbered and outgunned. We can use every damn weapon we can get. I've seen you fight from video files in that rescue mission. You're amazing! Imagine how good you'll be with a Prime.”


“It's nothing. I'll just try to find a way to make some credits and purchase a new suit myself. A normal one. This clan has done a lot for me already.”


She shook her head. “I hate to do this, but think about this: Would Cathy want you to wear that suit if you had no choice? She would, I'm certain of that. Look, you're not going to become an egotistical prick if you don that suit. You're still going to be the humble, silent killing machine. So just go and get that suit. Don't run away from your past, and at the same time, don't let it hold you back. If you want to keep that promise of yours, you need that Prime. Kril was tough, there's no doubt in that. But there are tougher enemies to face, and if you lose to them, you're breaking your promise. That suit is going to help you live.”


She opened the door to his room before turning around. “So whether you like it or not, we're going to that ship and we ARE getting you that suit. I'll go make some preparations. I know the right people to talk to.”


As she walked out, she turned off the lights. “Get some rest. I'll talk to you tomorrow.”


The door closed softly and he kept looking at the blank patch of the wall.


There she goes, making my decisions for me. He chuckled as he lay his head on his pillow, not bothering to cover himself with a blanket. In the corner of the room, his precious sword reflected the small lights that dotted the ceiling. She made those carvings, he thought. I'm glad they survived.


Just as he was about to go to sleep, he smiled inwardly.


I don't want to die. Cathy wouldn't want that.


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Deals with Kris's training. and him doing something, finally.


Second skin, they called it. Catalysts for the powers of the Tenno, they said. For Kris, those words did not matter. His master had insisted that he would not specialize in the use of one frame, insisting that Kris should instead study all the frames. The head of the academy had not liked the decision, but he had relented after hours of debate. Kris was to become the new specialist of the academy, a Tenno who could switch frames even in the middle of a chaotic battle field, a Tenno who did not rely on a single frame for his entire career. Of course, there was the gender limitation but that did not bother Kris or his master. They would succeed in this test.


The next morning, the training started. The first frame to be used in this experiment was an Excalibur. Not his own Excalibur, but a new one.


A note followed: ''Kris, get to medical, we need to remove the gen 112* Excalibur off your body before you can use the gen 220** this note is attached to. This is required as the gen 220 will not be grafted into your body like the gen 112 was, allowing you to take the frame off. A litte bit of added information, for the duration of this training you will be using gen 220 versions of all the frames we have available. Also, when you get into the new Excal, beware. The neural connecting procedure stings like a $#*(@.''


The note did not lie. The moment Kris had finally put on the brand new Excal, the pain when it connected to his nerves had been worse than anything he had ever felt before or would ever feel. This was pain he would end up developing a resistance against, no longer feeling it, as each and every day he was presented with a new frame, never the same frame, and each and every morning the pain would return. This went on for 10 years before he finally graduated, the youngest graduate in the history of the academy. He no longer felt the pain of connecting to a new frame, reducing the process from several minutes to just a few seconds. The pain was most often the reason why it took a few minutes to connect to a new frame, as the information had harder time to be acquired due to the pain blocking it for the most part. The pain no longer bothering Kris made it a lot easier for the frame to acquire the information it needed to complete the neural linkage, reducing the time for the linkage from up to 20 minutes to maximum 10 seconds.


This training had proved itself in the first battle Kris ever took part in. As his Excalibur had been destroyed by enemy fire, he had been forced to scavenge a Rhino frame off his CO who had been killed by a toxic dart. The frame had been whole, but the Tenno inside had not been in a good state as the veins in his face had turned green and pronounced. Kris hadn't cared, using his strength to fling the dead pilot of the Rhino frame into an enemy who had gotten too close. Quickly entering and sealing the frame, the neural linkage had started and finished as another enemy came too close, Allowing Kris to grab him and break his neck as easily as a Twig in his newly acquired frame.





Kris snapped from his meditation. His past should not be revealed in meditation, his mind should be empty. ''I need to get my mind off the past. Maybe some training might help. A punching bag might come in handy.'' He thought before knocking on the door. The doctors answered straight away. He was surprised as the doctors agreed to his suggestion, setting him finally free from the quarantine room. He smiled as he made his way to the training room.



Gen 112 was not the 112th generation of the frames, it was just a production number. Gen 112 was grafted into the user but had the abitlity to retract in its entirety into a small plate located on the spine of the user. it was the most common warframe type used by Tenno during the war against the Sentients.



gen 220 came later as the war was at a turning point as the sentients were being pushed back. this warframe type came with the ability of being removed in its entirety much like an outfit. the under suits that most of our Tenno wear under the warframes came with this type as it was required for the neural link between frame and tenno. Some Tenno, like Kris, asked for light or medium strength armor like fabric for the undersuit for added protection. in those cases, the undersuit would work as a police officers bullet proof vest without the thickness of the vests, and covered the entire body.

Edited by FatViking
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