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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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*Chibi-Jea becomes normal Jea and fades into the shadows as Two had done, washing her hands of this insanity*



*edit: I just realized Kalenath has 2222 posts, which is awesome. Congrats!


**fixed a misspelling of "has"... English fails me, or I fail it... or both idk... v.v

Edited by Jeahanne
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Alright I just wanted to make a few things clear.


Anyone who's characters are Excaliburs, if you want to use the Proto skin in your stories, just run it by me in a small PM. We on the skype group decided a few things, so I'll just explain it when you wish the use the skin. Nothing major, just some simple facts.

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So back to more story. Part two of Peregrine's back story. I hope it's decent, considering I'm finishing it while procrastinating on chores....




She woke up in a bed, but it wasn’t her bed, she knew that much instantly. The room was cool, although not uncomfortably so, and she was covered in soft blankets, much softer and warmer than the smooth sheets she had at home or the old, well-worn covers she was used to. She could feel a draft against her face, and knew from the way the air was moving that there had to be a ventilation duct above her and slightly to her right. Shifting slightly, she found the edges of the bed, two sides ended against walls to her right and behind her head, and she felt open space  on the edges to her left and near her feet, with a small table near her head on the open side.


The nearby walls were cool and almost glassily smooth, obviously metal and nothing like the walls of her home. She whimpered in fear, reaching out around her in hopes of finding something familiar in this strange place, but her hands remained empty. She retreated backwards, pressing herself into the corner where the bed met the two walls, and drew herself up into a ball. Eventually, when nothing happened and she began to feel cramped, she uncurled herself and began to slowly learn the room. She paced around it, one hand always against a wall or object so she wouldn’t lose her way, and found it to be very small. There was a tiny side room that she discovered was a bathroom, but aside from that and the bed and table, nothing else, until she reached a door.


Sliding her fingers along the wall ahead of her with the rest of her almost pressed up completely against it as she cautiously moved, she felt the doorframe first. Then, moving forward slowly, the door sensed her and hissed open. She jumped back, startled, and froze until she was sure that nothing else was going to happen. When she’d gained back some small amount of confidence, she sidled forward again, and this time was less surprised when the door whispered open and a draft ghosted past her as it pushed against her to get out of the door. Curiosity overcoming her, she hesitantly stepped out of the small room and followed the draft of air into the hallway outside, her fingers brushing across solid surfaces reassuringly as she went. As she explored, always cautiously and slowly, she began to build up a mental map of her surroundings, which were far from anything she new. After a short time, she began to get anxious, worried that she would be found again by the horrible creatures she’d encountered before, and decided to look for a hiding place. She didn’t get far.


As she began her search for a safe place to hide, she felt footsteps nearing her from down the corridor, and felt panic shoot through her. Without thinking, she began to run the opposite direction down the hall until she encountered another door and threw herself through it. Panting for breath, she quickly followed another wall until she found a corner she could crawl into behind some boxes, and hastily worked to hide herself in it. However, unable to tell how far the boxes extended around her, she overshot the hidden section of the corner and before she could recover and get back behind them, she felt something fly towards her. Instinctively, she ducked, feeling something fly over her head, and shrieked as she scrambled towards the cover she missed in her previous haste.


Instants later, she felt heavy footsteps near her, and felt the things she was hiding behind shift away from her. She tried desperately to get away, but hands restrained her, hands strangely covered like the ones that had taken her had been. Shrieking incoherently, she struggled, and shuddered and cried even more when her hands brushed its alien “face”. Suddenly, one of the hands let her go, although she still couldn’t get away. After a few seconds, the hand that had let her go gently grabbed one of her hands and pulled it up and forwards. She already knew what would be there, the alien features that scared her so badly, and she struggled, but when her hand was pulled inexorably forwards what met her touch wasn’t the creepy and terrifying features she’d come to expect; it was a normal human’s face, a man’s.


She froze, completely startled, before shakily feeling out the face before her. He had broad, chiseled features, with a high, Romanesque nose and somewhat deep-set eyes, with a short beard covering the lower half of his face. His hair was short and somewhat messy, and felt damp, as if he’d just finished some kind of intense exercise. Feeling down his neck, she felt the same odd, armored covering that encased his hands, and she began shaking controllably, even as she stopped struggling.  As she stopped fighting the arms that held her, the man’s grip on her loosened, and she fell into a heap as he gently grabbed her other hand and guided it towards something between them on the floor. She gave a startled peep when she recognized it under her fingers. It was the alien “face” she’d felt before. Not allowing her to retreat in fear, he kept her hand on it as he lifted it, allowing her to explore it with her hands and realize what it was; a helmet.


He was a person, not a monster, what she had felt on his face before had been nothing but a mask. She placed her fingers carefully on his face again, not knowing if he would understand her, and attempted to sign a question. She felt his features form into an expression of confusion and she sighed, tears beginning to run down her face. <I want to go home,> she tried to tell him.


He didn’t seem to understand what she was trying to sign to him, but he seemed to understand the general idea. Murmuring words she could feel against her fingers, she knew he was saying things like, “It’ll be alright,” and trying to soothe her as he gathered her into his arms, pressing his helmet into her hands for her to hold as he carried her. He was a big man, and despite the fact that she wasn’t a small child, he lifted and carried her with ease. She wasn’t sure she knew what to think of him, but he was obviously kind, and she clung to him, despite his strange and terrifying armor, as the only thing in her recently changed world that she could understand and trust.


As they walked, she felt him say something she could understand, “What is your name?”


Loosening her death grip on him and his helmet slightly, she made the sign back to him for her name, but he didn’t understand, so she tried as best as she could to replicate the mouth movements and other nuances that she knew as speech among other people. A puckering of the lips, with a quick expulsion of air, along with the hand-sign for the letter “p”, followed by her best approximation of “e” and its hand-sign, and then the rolling vibration of “r” and an “i” that had mouth movements more akin to “y” and their signs; “Peri”. She grimaced, knowing that she was nearly never understood when she tried to speak like other people usually did, and she wilted slightly with hopeless embarrassment at what she was sure was a horrendous mangling of the spoken word.


She froze when they stopped immediately after that exchange, and she took her hand away from his face so she could cling more tightly around his neck. She could feel him speaking to someone, although she wasn’t sure who, and after a few moments they were moving again. A few steps later, she felt him bend down and lay her on a bed in the same room she had come out of before. She cried out slightly as he gently pried her off of him, he was the only thing even somewhat familiar that she had, and she was petrified of what would happen if she was left alone again. He seemed to understand that she was afraid, and after gently extricating himself from her clinging, he held on to one of her hands while she sat, tense and terrified, on the bed. She cried out, alarmed, when she felt someone else hold her other arm, stretching it out, but he held her steady until she felt a slight sting, and she fell asleep once again.




“How’d she get into the training hall, Kyoko. You know it’s not safe for anyone to be there untrained, especially a child in her condition, whatever that condition may be.” The Rhino’s voice was low and somewhat rough, but not unkind as he spoke to the head medical officer of his dojo. They were standing not far from the bed where a girl lay sleeping, sedated by the woman standing next to him so that the she could rest without fear.


“I… I couldn’t lock her in here, Isaac. I just couldn’t, not after all she’s been through. I was only leaving the room for a few minutes, just long enough to get the results of the tests we ran when she was brought in. I didn’t think she’d leave, even if she did wake. I’m sorry.” The woman, wearing something akin to medical scrubs, looked down at her feet. “Regardless, the results are in.”


“The look on your face has me worried.”


She sighed, “It’s a genetic problem, a rare variation of a rare condition called Usher Syndrome, which is why it took me so long to diagnose. She can’t see or hear us, Isaac. She likely hasn’t been able to use either of those senses since birth or shortly thereafter. That’s why she didn’t respond when we found her; she didn’t know we were trying to communicate.”


He nodded, “So what now? When does she go in for treatment?”


“Isaac, she’s not our problem, you know that. I’ve already been in contact with the Lotus, and she’s working to find a suitable colony to send her to…”


He made an impatient gesture to cut her off, “Can we treat her Kyoko?”


“Yes, but…”

He interrupted her again, “And will a colony have the resources to treat her?”


“It’s unlikely, but…”


“Then we help her. I don’t care if she isn’t our ‘responsibility’, she’s a human being who’s hurting and we’re in a position to help her hurt less.” His tone was soft, but like iron.


The woman, Kyoko, frowned as she confronted him, “She’s functional Isaac, even you saw that. I didn’t understand how she communicates until I saw her with you and knew her diagnosis, but now it’s obvious that she is coping, and coping amazingly well. That system she uses for understanding speech, it’s called Todoma, and it hasn’t been used since Pre-Orokin, and even then the amount of people who managed to learn to use it as effectively as she has were less than fifty people in the world. She’s obviously smart, brilliant even, but restoring senses that she likely hasn’t ever experienced in her life might just confuse her. Her condition was eradicated by the time a cure for it existed, so there are no records for how people handled regaining those senses that they didn’t ever have access to. It could be bad for her, psychologically.


“Besides, I don’t know that I can fix all of the damage. Her hearing is fairly simple to repair, but her sight? That’s degenerative. Even if I could bring it back temporarily, and I’m not sure that I could, her body could simply keep re-doing the damage she’s already suffering from and cause her to go blind again. She’d likely go blind again fast too, if I’m any judge of how fast her sight probably left her the first time.” Her voice was coldly professional, seemingly unswayable.


“And if she was your kid? We did some digging you know; her mother was a geneticist and was researching a cure for her and her father was an engineer that specialized in building the equipment that her mother used for her research. Her parents might be gone now, but it was obvious they were doing what they could, limited as their situation was, to help her. We have the ability to do what they couldn’t. So I’ll ask you again, if she was your child, could you leave her like this knowing you could do something about it?” He stood looking at the girl in question as he spoke, his low, deep voice unyielding.


Kyoko looked down, defeat written all over her face, “You win, I’ll do what I can. But don’t get attached. She’s not Tenno, Isaac, she can’t stay.”


As she turned away and left the small room, Isaac just smiled before bending down and ruffling the sleeping girl’s hair. “Don’t let her gruff attitude worry you. She’ll come around, just you wait.”

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A quick chapter I wanted to type out. Not too happy with it, but I don't feel like scrapping what I've typed so far. Hope you like it!


The Golden Lily

The shuttle uncloaked and silently docked with the large vessel. Aiden and Arina jumped off the tiny vessel into a hall of resplendent luxury. The ceiling towered several metres above them, and the branches of gold reflected light every time they moved.


Just as we left it, thought Aiden, reminiscing the last time he had gotten onto an Orokin ship. With practised ease, he thumbed down the safety catch for his shotgun, holding the weapon to his shoulders. Besides him, Arina loaded in fresh magazine into her Grinlok. From his conversations with her, it was a deadly accurate rifle. A perfect complement to me, he thought. Silently, the duo made their way through the ship, warily watching out for any traps that Orokin ships were known for.


It was in this ship where the Lotus had foound the person he was looking for. Abandoned and orbiting around the outer ring of Neptune, this Orokin ship was full of exploration teams taken over by the Orokin neural sentry that guarded their secrets.


As they rounded a corner, Aiden suddenly lurched, landing on both his knees as his shotgun fell from his grasp. A deep unbelievable feeling of anger coursed through his veins, taking him by surprise. He grimaced as the thoughts of killing flowed freely through his mind, evil thoughts and feeling running rampant through his very being. He vaguely heard Arina scream in the background, but his heart was throbbing too loudly. He was descending deeper into the madness of his own thoughts, passing by images of them as children, of the man he would come to hate, of the life he could have had had things not gone wrong. But just as suddenly as it had started, he felt a sense of calm flow through him.




Her voice was so real, so close. Aiden's eyes snapped open but there was only white. It may very well be a figment of his imagination but he refused to shut it away. Hearing her voice was exhilarating. He could hear her laugh in the distance.




Yes, silly. I'm here to help you again.


There was no doubt. That laugh, and that mocking tone, it had to be her.




Remember what you learned. Breathe. Remember the five.


He gasped as he sucked in some much needed air, reeling as the sensation of calm settled in. He managed to push himself up on his feet, hearing Cathy's voice fade away.


Live for me.


He blinked as the realization set in. She was gone. It was just him. The overwhelming anger had vanished, leaving him feeling empty as he suddenly heard gunfire from ahead of him. Arina was holding off a small army of Orokin soldiers. She was rapidly firing off shots in their direction, completely unaware that he had gotten to his feet.


As the heat of the battle set in, Aiden delved deep into his mind, reveling in the power of the five principles, the key to his strength. His anger began to ebb away as five words began to ring in his mind.













He barreled into the room, shotgun spitting blasts of fire as a group of soldiers fell. Form, he thought, parrying a vicious uppercut from charging soldier with his daggers, for without it I would be a stone. He unsheathed his sword, whirling the massive blade as he calmly danced through the soldiers. Arina watched in awe as he dispatched all of them with extreme ease. Each and every single movement oozed perfection, and she could see the overwhelming calm that he exerted. This was not the same Aiden she knew.


As the last soldier was torn in half from a point blank blast of the shotgun, Aiden turned around to see Arina approach cautiously.


“Are you okay?” she asked. He nodded calmly.


“I just lost control for a second. I'll be fine.” He turned and jogged further into the ship. “Let's go.” Nodding to herself, Arina followed. He didn't want to share, she thought.


Together they both ran deeper into the ship, rapidly dispatching small pockets of Orokin controlled soldiers. As they were running down a narrow corridor, she suddenly felt the floor beneath her sink slightly. Panic settled in for a split moment before she felt Aiden slam into her side, knocking her over. Three beams of light lanced out towards the Rhino, but he calmly dove underneath them, following which he backpedaled as a few more lasers lanced out. Sensations, he thought as he calmly shot down the plates that fired the lasers at him, for without which I would be blind.


He helped Arina up. “You alright?”


She nodded. “Thanks.” Raising her rifle again, she looked at him. “Nice moves.”


He shrugged nonchalantly. “I try.”


They ran further into the depths of the vessel, dropping down several decks to the storage chambers. They mowed down all the troops the neural sentry threw at them. Arina watched with interest as Aiden smoothly reacted to every single thing around him. Each action seemed calculated and he never slipped into his rages when he charged into battle. The gold giant hummed calmly as he shredded yet another enslaved soldier, freeing the man from his horrible fate. Perception, he thought as he fought his way to Lily, for without which I would be a flightless bird. He chambered two more rounds into his Tigris, calmly aware of his dwindling ammo supplies. Taking aim, he let loose a single shot, feeling a twinge of satisfaction as the head of a Heavy Gunner exploded in a shower of crimson.


Behind him, Arina was on one knee, rapidly taking pot shots at the troops as they were more focused on Aiden. Each round she shot ended the life of another solider. She was amazed at Aiden's skill. His rigorous recovery coupled with his new Warframe made him deadly in close quarters combat.


They had soon made their way to the storage bay, and Arina could see several dozen cryopods connected to the floor of the chamber. Dozens of tubes ran to each pod, feeding the sleeping Tenno with nutrients and chemicals to keep them asleep. They were at the only entrance to the room. Aiden tapped her shoulder with an armoured finger.


“Can you find her?” he asked.


She looked at the small control terminal at the other side of the room. “I'll try.”


He nodded, trading weapons with her. “I'll defend from here. Your gun's got the accuracy I need.”


She nodded and quickly began interfacing with the terminal. She breathed calmly, as she took in critical information amidst hundreds of sprawling letters and symbols. Behind her, she heard Aiden open fire, the rifle booming each time someone tried to enter the room. She quickened her pace and turned around to find Aiden laying down suppressive fire with the Grinlok. It seemed like the neural sentry of the ship was not bothered with the loss of life, for it kept sending mindless bodies to lay waste to Aiden deadly aim. He liked the fell of the gun, as he pulled back the lever to chamber another round. It felt reliable. He quickly looked back at the Trinity working frantically at the interface. Let her take her time, he thought as he turned around to blow the head off another mindless drone.


Soon she found the release for all of the cryopods. Might as well free everyone here. The room was filled with a hissing sound as the cryopods thawed, leaving the room shrouded in a fine mist. With a bellow, Aiden leaped into the seething mass of soldiers whirling harbinger around with blinding speed. As the corpses fell to the ground, he was humming. Impulses, he thought as he beheaded a soldier, for without which I would be predictable. He felt the familiar lick of anger forcing its way into his mind and he fought it off.


Behind him he heard Arina shout in surprise. Fearing the worst, Aiden forced every single gold crystal that adorned his body outwards, creating a wall of explosive force. He grinned as he saw everyone around him thrown back by the force of the blast. Now completely black, he ran back to Arina who was cradling a familiar form in her arms.


The Ember was unconscious and Arina was rapidly releasing swarms of nanites to jump start the healing process. All the other cryopods were empty, with not a single sign to show that they were ever occupied. The Trinity looked up at him.


“What happened?” she asked, noting his normal appearance. Ever since they had embarked on the mission, Aiden had kept up his Iron Skin, feeling the material flow across his body, testing it for any flaws. She had never seen such control over the sheet of crystals, his ability to shape it, strengthen it.


“You shouted, so I got worried.” he muttered. Arina laughed despite their situation. Low ammo and dwindling energy supplies. Despite him having monumental energy reserves, Aiden was tiring. But he let his mind stay firm. I won't let the anger get to me, he thought. He would not let that memory haunt him, not anymore. His mind would only cherish the happiness, to keep his conscience steered in the right direction. Conscience, he thought, for without which I would be a monster.


“I'm fine. Just shouted because I think I found her.”


The Ember was stirring, and Aiden could hear the footsteps of another small force headed towards them. Snarling, he turned around, Harbinger held firmly in his right hand. Let them come, he thought. They will regret it.


With a loud bellow, he shrouded himself in gold as he rocketed towards the approaching Orokin, Galatine at the ready. He remained emotionless as his sword rent them in half, rapidly moving between targets. He vented his unwanted emotions into his swings, letting the calm sculpt him, shape him into a killing machine. He jumped back as a sudden gout of fire engulfed the soldier in front of him. He watched as the men around him shouted and screamed in agony as a massive cyclone of flame shrouded him. He felt the intense heat licking his gold skin, and his mouth curled into a feral grin. Talk about making an entrance.


Turning around, he saw the Ember Prime, standing in the middle of the maelstrom of fire, her arms bathed in crimson fire. The intense heat only grew hotter as she calmly burnt everything in the room apart from themselves.


She walked up to him as the razed bodies of the dead thudded to the ground besides him. She stood in front of him, the crimson flames not dying out. Arina stood nervously behind the Ember, her rifle aimed at her back. Aiden calmly released the catch of his helmet, shaking the sweat soaked hair loose as he looked confidently at her.


They stood that way for a minute, no one saying a word. Then the Ember removed her helmet, shaking the ponytail loose as she said something that made Aiden laugh.


“Nice beard.”


Smiling warmly, Aiden peered back into his old friend's face.


“Nice to see you too, Lily.”

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The light stung his eyes, and the sound was blaring as the blindfold and ear plugs were removed. He was still in the dojo, that much was known, but he did not recognise the area. ''Must be a new addition.'' He thought as the Tenno who had dragged him out of his room, now artistically redisgned with a well drawn jungle on the walls, proceeded to practically carry him to a door at the far end of the room.


The door opened with the hiss Kris was fond of, a hiss of newness. He was also fond of the smell coming from the room. Similar to a new car smell, this was a new frame smell, the smell all new recruits reveled in and Kris enjoyed beyond all reason. There was something happy about that smell, something calming and something familiar. And something familiar it was. Rows of Warframes lined the walls, neatly organised by model of frame. Primes and non primes seperated into different categories.


On the back wall, there was something else. Weapons. Endless amounts. Every model, of every gun that had been in existance since the first Tenno woke from Cryo-sleep. Every Braton model, every Lato model, every gun there had been available to the Tenno. Every single one. Wraiths, Vandals, Primes. Everything.


''Where are we? Heaven?'' Kris asked, practically foaming at the mouth from the excitement he was experiencing over all the frames.


''Uhm, no. We are in another dojo. The members of this dojo were so nice to let you pick a new frame and weapons from their personal stocks since they are kind of overstocked on everything.'' The head doctor said as he walked up to Kris


''Wait...A new frame? What happened to my current one?''


''An initiate made a mistake and your Vauban got...spaced.''


''My Vauban...got spaced...WHO CARES! LOOK AT THIS! ENDLESS SUPPLIES! YOU TOOK ME FROM HELL AND PLACED ME IN HEAVEN!'' Kris shouted as he ran into the room, looking at every frame and every weapon. ''Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I am going to have fun deciding on the next frame.''

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I started off with a small introduction... it kind of... snowballed.


My Loki is named Loki, because 1. he has never met another Tenno in a Loki Frame and 2. I cant think of a name for him yet.


Richim. Tenno Richim (Ric-HEE-M) is his name.


Well, here i go. Wall O text Inbound.




Its kind of interesting, being invisible. Floating between moons, ships and atmospheric currents, unbeknownst to the rest of the Origin System. Its nice, not getting shot out of the sky, or chased away from the many exotic locations I'm instructed to visit from time to time. Especially when you can do it while walking. In and out of everyone's shadows without leaving a single trace of your presence. But it leaves too much time to think. Way too much, and find I don't have much to think about.


Having been from one end of the Origin system to the other (shooting, stabbing and sneaking in the name of The Lotus), I've discovered the following:


Grineer are ugly, stubborn, really bad at aiming, and hate all that is not Grineer, but they will pay me to kill Corpus and Infested because they fear my ability to destroy entire platoons with ease. They call me scum, for the fact that I am not Grineer.

Corpus are mechanical, “Technologically advanced”, and hate all that does not bring them Profit or Old Technology, but they will pay me to kill Grineer and Infested because they fear my ability to destroy their reclamation teams. They call me Betrayer, for what I know not why.

Infested hate all that is not of the Hive Mind, but I know not if this is born of malice or a twisted form of kindness.


 “6 hours to target” Drones an automated void on the Tenno Spacecraft I’m in.


The Lotus commands that I fight to maintain the balance between these three forces. And so I shall, for this cause seems Just.

I know I have allies that are clad in similar armor as mine, and one Hunter that seek our demise that is clad in the same. This Hunter also calls me a Betrayer, but I have no knowledge of what happened in the past.

I know I have abilities, and training unlike any other to ensure that I am the perfect tool of death...


...where I learned how to kill as I do is beyond my recollection


2 hours to Target


Outside my Weapons, My Warframe, and My Mission... I am nothing.

We Are prisoners within our own warframes. Without knowledge, how can there be true freedom?



There is only one question I have been able to answer for myself: When do I draw my blades?


In anger, having been knocked down to the ground by an ancient or a heavy Grineer that someone managed to elude my superior training.

When its time to paint the Galleon red with Clone-Blood, to leave the enemy utterly broken and defeated, laying in pools of blood larger that what their bodies could possibly hold.

When I have utilized my ability to 'relieve' my enemies of their weapons, and I want to watch the room feebly attempt to engage a Tenno in melee combat.

When I need to send a Message to a certain misguided idiot, that the little thing he calls a Scythe pales in comparison to an Orthos Prime.

For when the Bell Tolls and it is time to assume the mantle of the reaper, while at the same time my enemies learn; that while profit numbs the feeling, it Can Not numb the fear.



When my staff leaves my back, it’s a declaration to anything living thing:


That I am become Death, Destroyer of worlds.


I am Balance given form. And I WILL help bring order to this System.


TENNO RACHIM!” A loud voice bellows from inside my own helmet. The intensity of which knocks me out of my 'Meditation'. I slowly stand out of Seiza to address the voice.

Operational and awaiting additional mission instructions”, I do my best to suppress the smile on my face, its said the Lotus has eyes everywhere, I wouldn’t be surprised if she could see into a Warframe helmet.

The Lotus' mouth twitches is slight annoyance, another small victory. I hate it when my Kin carry about as machines, to do so brings us down closer to one of our enemies.

Tenno, Your current mission is to infiltrate this Grineer facility on Earth here” A map from my ship's (or is it HER ship? I didn't really BUY it from anyone) holographic projector comes up, “under the cover of night and stand by for additional reinforcements”

I let out a heavy sigh. The last 5 five times you have asked me to carry out a similar mission its been for a pittance sum of intel and usable raw materials. Neither of which did well to improve my relations with my Kin. I really hope she found a decent location this time.

Any additional information on ideal targets and Tenno reinforcements?” I because looking at the facility in question. It is build Into a mountain, a small basin lays in front of the facility. No doubt used as a main thoroughfare. If a cell where to draw out the enemy to that location, moving through the facility would be almost unhindered. That, and it'd let me provide direct support from time to time... if I found any windows.

..all the information I can provide. Any questions?” Asked The Lotus

Yes, please repeat everything you just stated” I reply in a formal manner.

No reaction, tis a shame.


Additional reinforcements will be dropped approximately one kilometer away from the basin at sunrise. The moment the alarms are sounded, you are cleared to move about the facility to find what you can in this Grineer base. Intel suggests that a recent patrol intercepted a Corpus Reclamation team attempting to leave Earth Airspace while in possession of several Orokin Artifacts. You will not have much time to look for them, as Counciler Vay Hek and Captain Vor on en route to the facility. When the alarm sounds you and the Cell will have 2 hours to get what you can and get out.”


Understood, I am to make entry by climbing up the far side of the mountain. Enter the facility in a method of my own choosing. Remain undetected until the ground team sets off every other alarm in the base. And then move under the confusion to, re-appropriate Grineer assets for Tenno use”


Lotus give me a small nod of acknowledgment before the transmission cuts off.


30 Minutes to Landing Zone” the ship slows down to almost a crawl. I quickly move to my small armory aboard this Vessel.


A Vectis, the first and last sniper-rifle I have ever created with the ship's foundry and creation systems. Most other Tenno favor pure damage over all else. I, however, can appreciate Suppression mods, Caseless Ammunition, and a Viral payload. I find enemies are easier to deal with if they don't get up after the first round, and if they do? The Viral rounds will ensure they won't live long enough to find me.

A pair of Lato pistols. Simple, effective, I haven't quite found anything to replace them with yet. And I’m not entirely keen on how ineffective they seem to be against heavily armored opponents.

And my pride and joy, and Orthos Prime. I like to think its THE Orthos Prime, but I know the armies of the Orokin created several copies of this weapon. I had assisted fellow Tenno on tracking down a corpus platoon that actually managed to pierce the shroud of the void. We manged to capture him, most of his allies where already subverted by the Neural Sentry when we arrived. I found the parts to this weapon in an exceedingly odd room. I never understood why the Orokin where obsessed with putting lasers on every possible surface.


I attached the firearms to magnetic hardpoints on the outside of my armor. I twisted the shaft of the Orthos and it collapsed from its full 6 and a half food length to a more manageable 3 feet, and put it on my back. After further consideration, I added an Ether Dagger to my arsenal, and put that on the small of my back. While the Orthos allows me to excel at combating groups of opponents in large areas, its somewhat lacking in small enclosed spaces.

Properly armed, I leaned into a Warframe shaped recess towards the back of the small craft. When the ship slowed down, it tilted forward, and open a set of bay doors for me to leave the craft. So here I was, a Loki, suspended facedown 25 feet above ground. I disengaged the magnetic locks around my legs and arms and then swung my weight around to properly land on my feet...


...only to land face-first on Terran Soil. Some Tenno get used to going from a different gravity planet, station, or moon to something completely different with nearly no ill effects. I was not one of those Tenno. It took me a few moments to readjust to a new set of weight and inertia each time. I probably should have done that on the ship...


I brush the dirt off of some of the optic relays outside of my helmet and began moving towards the mountain.  [/spoiler]

Edited by ensignvidiot
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Very nice!


Welcome to the thread!



It was a little hard to follow, but other than that, great!



Very nice. Welcome welcome.



Thank you guys!


[size=2]....Im just going to sit in this corner and try resist the urge to post too much




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