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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Ok, Kal's universe occasionally intersects the thread's universe, but IT IS NOT THE SAME, nor is it CANNON. (Kal has freaking BOLO'S AND WALKING MECHS in his universe... that is so far from cannon that it's another universe. An AWESOME universe, but not cannon at ALL. Sorry.)


I mean, "The time he had used Phorid as a horse, and then ridden off and killed Lephantis, still on Phorid’s back and singing Uptown Girl..."


What the actual F***? That's not  cannon. Like at all. And that's all ENTIRELY besides the fact we all had a long conversation a long time ago about avoiding making our characters ridiculously OP and suchlike (you remember that convo?).


Seriously Spikey, I don't have problems with humor, but this is frustrating me.


I think he was going crazy. Need to make that a bit more clear, Spikey.


'Of Ash and Fire' is NOT the same universe as my stuff. We all agree on that. If you want me to stop my random intermissions, let me know.

Edited by Kalenath
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No I don't want you to stop. The universes are, in the end, in the same world: Warframe. However, Kal, you're universe is really deep and compelling and imaginative. The only issue I have with it (and this is only in relation to this thread, not in general), is that it incorporates a lot of really non-cannon material.


Whenever you've been writing your intermissions you stretch cannon but I haven't ever seen you outright break it. The only reason I'm being a *@##$y stickler about this is because of our rule to stick to cannon as close as possible and to avoid another scenario like Berserker, where we get a character introduced that's batS#&$ insane and does whatever the hell they want without regard to common sense and/or the laws of physics. (Sorry to keep bringing this up Viking, I'm not doing it to get at you, I'm just using the Berserker incident as an example). While it's true the Berserker thing ended up well and a lot of good came out of it in the end, I know most all of us (Viking in particular) have been working really hard to ensure that none of us write another scenario like that again.


So Kal, your world is incredible, absolutely, and is welcome here whenever (at least in my humble opinion), but certain aspects of it unfortunately go outside the purview of what the rules set out here allow (at least the way I see it, which might not be as others do). So as long as your awesome intermissions aren't breaking cannon HERE, I'm fine with whatever you write and will gleefully read any and everything you share with us.


The problem is that Spikey has written a character doing things that are not only breaking cannon, (like using Phorid as a horse while single-handedly killing Lephantis), but also stretching the definition of what anyone could do alone (such as the Phorid thing, or writing a billion lines of something, even in a scenario that was entirely in their head, and only needing a few minutes break every few "days" and coming out of it entirely unscathed).


So... to  end my wall of text. I don't want Kal to stop writing here (insert fangirl antics here), nor do I want to make Spikey stop writing, or make it sound like I hate humor or anything like that. I'm just personally concerned and frustrated that, despite all of our conversations as a group, both on forums and on skype, we're still having issues with an established writer who knows the rules going off cannon and creating another overpowered character. If others disagree with my opinions, I'll be happy to discuss them and perhaps change my stance if I'm out of line. However, this is how I feel. I'm sorry.

Edited by Jeahanne
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I am making it up as I go. If you DO see me stretching canon too far, let me know. I am not perfect.


I dealt with WAY too many god-mode characters by other authors who saw no problem with it in my other fanfic writing on SWTOR. The last thing I want to do is mess up YOUR fun here.


It can be a delicate balancing act at time. You want the character to win, but you also don't want to break what immersion you have for a sci-fi game. God mode can work on occasion, but it is INSANELY hard to pull off right. I had a virtual faceoff between the Lotus and her not-quite-evil sister Mariposa in the fanfiction 'Normal'. It was HARD to get right and I still don't think I did.


My next fanfics will not be -quite- as canon bending.

Edited by Kalenath
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I'll be quite brief with what I want to say. Spikey, if you wish to try doing something along the lines of Kalenath's universe, make it absolutely clear at the top or something. That will let us know that this was meant to be a part of another universe, and should not be taken into serious consideration with the thread itself.


Kalenath, I personally have no qualms with you adding your segments here. I have a canon-bending story myself, and I made it clear that it will be so. For safety's sake, I even put it in spoilers. So don't worry about ruining or breaking our rules. We know what to expect from you, and I don't mean that in a wrong way.


I apologize once again for being so stiff with the rules, but I personally know the hell we had to go through to make ends meet when canon was bent or outright destroyed. I simply wish to prevent further discontent amongst the others.

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Sorry guys, I guess I am trying to work off some post mock exam stress (or I'm going crazy for real). Future stuff will be less crazy.

Also, I kinda always assumed since Kal wrote Madness that this was in the same reality.

And I never said he killed Lephantis quickly. Or that it was easy. Or that... Actually I'll stop there before I get Jea and Bej even more on my back.

Again, apologies for going off the rails.

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Because I figure it would do some good to pull us all back into stories rather than policing, have the next little bit of Nyght's story.





Four Thrusters, set as two pairs, flexed their nozzles open as they flared with roaring blue flame. Consoles & displays buzzed and blipped under the first assault of data in millennia coursing through them, fed by age old, intricate systems of a forgotten age of technology & prosperity. Slowly, steadily, the sleek icy white & blue hull of the ‘Snarb’ class fighter heaved itself from the deck of the frosty hangar, drifting over to the great bay doors shuddering open. Within, the single Tenno sat buckled & harnessed into a deep set cockpit seat, furiously tapping away at bleeping controls.

   Nyght gingerly swerved the ship sideways through the open bay, out over the edge into the bottomless gorge of ice. High above, through what almost appeared as a crack in ceiling of a frozen prison, the light of day glittered down, beckoning him back to the surface.  

Between him and that embrace, high, daunting walls of blue ice, jagged outcrops glaring down like the serrated teeth in the jaws of some gargantuan beast.


The wing like edges of the Snarb’s hull grated & scraped as it began it’s ascent. Small rock like fragments of ice clanged from the upper surface, like hail in a storm. After a few very long minutes, Nyght loosened his white knuckle grip over the control stick, a long sigh rolling against the inside of his helm as the patterned fighter finally emerged from the canyon.

   Flicking a series of switches, he set an autopilot course before unbuckling the tight restraint harness to relax. Within an hour or two, he should arrive in the area of space covered by the Aequitas dojo, and from there, he could get support in rescuing the rest of the human civilian pods from the Ark’s wreckage. Provided that no automated defences read the foreign ship variant as a threat. He hadn’t seen anything besides Snubs or ‘Lisets’ at the dojo hangar, so the Snarb may not be recognised as Tenno owned.


The strength sapping cold of the planet below combined with the intense draining focus of guiding the ship through the narrow crevasse had left Nyght weak and tired, and before long he slipped into the embrace of a much needed rest.

   Fuzzed dreams of a beautiful face, Azure eyes and long flowing locks of auburn hair. Someone caring tenderly over minor wounds for the sake of caring.  A life shared in bliss and harmony. A life long forgotten.


The console blared out in earnest. The Snarb had crossed into the Dojos perimeter of space.



I don't know if anyone wishes to get involved, but it may be good to see some reaction at the dojo to an unkown ship just popping up in the secure area. Plus commotion of finding/recovering cache of pods (both human & tenno). 

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Sorry guys, I guess I am trying to work off some post mock exam stress (or I'm going crazy for real). Future stuff will be less crazy.

Also, I kinda always assumed since Kal wrote Madness that this was in the same reality.

And I never said he killed Lephantis quickly. Or that it was easy. Or that... Actually I'll stop there before I get Jea and Bej even more on my back.

Again, apologies for going off the rails.

No worries Spikey. Here's an idea. If you ever feel like sharing something ridiculous, don't worry about it. Just throw it in spoilers and give everyone a head's up. Its a win-win then :D

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Hey look i posted something O_O


WHOOP! *runs around happily then goes and hides in a corner to lurk again*





The explanation took close to an hour, the rescue and what had happened afterwards. 


“So, Kris is in solitary....” Quinn’s thoughts wandered a bit but he brought himself back to the present.  “Thank you, everyone, if you need to go, please do, i need to catch up on things in here.” 


A few hours passed before Quinn sent a message to Darius. A few moments later Darius almost busted the door open with excitement, with the cool headed Stephen behind him. 


“So, as you’ve told me before, you want a Warframe. Care to tell me what model?” Quinn asked. 


“An Ash Warframe, f that wouldn’t be any trouble Master Quinn.” Responded DArius with evident excitement. 


A smile etched the foundry masters face as he watched the eager Tenno look at him hopefully. 


“Of course not Darius, and you can call me Quinn, I will start on you frame immediately, though it may take a day or two to finish.” Said Quinn, “Now ill be off to work though i need to stop and check in on someone first.”  Quinn led Darius and Stephen out and went the opposite way, to solitary confinement. Looking through the windows Quinn tapped on the them holding up a bottle and two glasses.


“Looks like you came back to us Kris.” Quinn said with a large grin.

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Oooooh, rare bite of work from Quinn.


Getting to work on my next bit for Nyght, bringing the custom ship to the dojo + his 'cargo'.

Now, a question; Am I correct in recalling Aiglo did some 'upgrading' on the dojo 'ship-ship' defences at some point?

Want it clarified, because I plan on having the Snarb not exactly 'recognised' straight away... assume you see where that leads.


Also, in the hangar bays, do we any sort of 'ground crew' about, organic or robotic, for things like maintenance & cargo moving?



And I hear there's some sort of... less serious 'gamey' fun thread spinoff for Aequitas?

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I've got a story for all of you guys!


Aero sighed to herself as she flopped onto bed provided by Dojo. She was getting a better outlook on life she realised and it started happening after her with meeting Zen. After resting for some time she got up and walked over to the foundry she saw some new Prime items in there and she resolved to get the new Boltor prime weapon.

"May I help you?" Asked a Vauban off to the side

"Oh... Yeah I was just looking at the new prime weapons and I was wondering. How much would a new built Boltor prime would cost?"

"Ummmmm... Yes there are some available but they will take some time to build though a catalyst is harder to come by and who may you be? I am the Foundry Master, Quinn."

The conversation drifted here and there with it ending after a few more weapons were ordered and a new frame.

"The new frame will take a little longer and I will contact you, when they are done."

After about a day of waiting and doing random missions around the solar system, she was contacted by Quinn informing her that they were done and ready for collection. When she got back to her room from the foundry she plonked all the new stuff on the bed it was; a Boltor prime, akbronco prime and an all new and shiny nova. She instantly set about installing catalysts and a reactor into the new equipment. Inside she was happier than Nova-Quinn on her birthday. Aero picked the stuff up and put it into equipping bay where she removed her Soma and Detron from their respective places and put the Boltor and akBronco prime in the now empty slots. Finally she took her Zephyr frame off and put the new Nova into its slot, she then stepped into the equipping bay and got all her new equipment when the Nova frames neural interface connected. She felt searing pain course all through her as if she was dunked in lava when the bay finished ten minutes later she fell to the ground with a soft *thwoomp* while sporadically convulsing.


There it is if you see any typos/errors please tell me and I will fix them.

Edited by Sayfog
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Here you go, a long-overdue story featuring a cool guy.



Nakarn stood between the two stoic Rhinos, giving them sideways glances every few seconds while idly scratching at his cuffs. The enlarged one on his just-as-enlarged arm didn't allow as much “room,” setting him on edge with discomfort.
One of the Rhinos' comms beeped, letting them know that their appointment with the Lotus was ready. They motioned forward and let him lead in front. Two boltors were now trained on his back. As they moved through the hall's entrance, everyone fell silent. The large and disfigured abomination of Technocyte and Tenno alike looked around at the many occupants of the room. The closer ones edged back slightly. One of the Rhinos sighed, the other bellowed for the startled Tenno to get back to work.
The quiet trio made their way through the hall and after navigating several more smaller hallways, found a large door engraved with the Lotus symbol. The two walked up to separate control panels and jabbed in a code. They stepped back and beckoned Nakarn into the room. He entered alone and the Tenno stood post outside of the door.
Nakarn found himself in a dark room. The large and circular space was completely bare, save for a chair. He walked up to it and sat down. As soon as he did, a section of the wall lit up, and a lotus symbol flashed over for a brief second. Then there she was, the Lotus.
Nakarn smiled.
“Hello, old friend!” He exclaimed. “Hello, Nakarn.” She said in a monotone voice.
“So, how are things going in the mercenary business? Well paying, I presume?” He inquired.
“Nakarn, you were not sent here to make small talk with me. You were sent here on accounts of criminal activity.” She said.
“Oh, uhm, yes, that...Look, friend, I'm deeply sorry with all of that...My particular ailment had clouded my judgment,” Nakarn said, “I hope you understand, and I hope you will forgive.”
The Lotus's expression turned thoughtful, “Devising an agreement, no doubt,” thought Nakarn.
“How many more were on that dojo?” Asked the Lotus.
“No others, the two I had come across both escaped.” Nakarn replied.
The Lotus nodded and opened her mouth to speak. “You, Nakarn, are forgiven.”
Nakarn was screaming and squealing inside, he could finally be around Tenno again without them worrying about being surgically disassembled and having their muscle mass used to augment himself.
The Lotus caught his attention once again, snapping him out of his delight-induced stupor.
“Do not celebrate yet Tenno, you are forgiven, yes, but not without punishment.” Nakarn's one-person celebration died down.
“You are sentenced to two weeks in the jungles of Earth on basic provisions that should last you three days. The rest you will gather yourself,” Nakarn shrunk down into the chair. “I will allow you the courtesy of being dropped onto the less-colonized side, there are plenty of wild Kubrow and plants to keep you alive.”
Nakarn nodded and walked out just in time to hear both Rhinos' comms beep, presumably the instructions of his sentence.
“Well, here we go again...Solitude and survival.”
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