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New Conclave Mode: Battleground


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Warframe PvP generally nowadays boils down to a couple things: people using all MK1 equips and Excalibur, and people who use Gorgon or Soma and use Valkyr, Loki or Ivara and just spam a single ability (Loki invisibility, Ivara ult, Valkyr ult). That, and basically everyone using mobility mods. After being a frequenter of conclave and slowly working my way, thats all I'm seeing. 

So, lets shake that up a bit, shall we? With a new mode I've called Battleground, but can obv be changed since its honestly not a great name. 

The basics are simple; you've been dropped into an Invasion mission similar to normal PvE, however this time you've got Tenno supporting both sides who need to not only destroy the enemy strongholds/forces but also take out the opposing Tenno. 

The most obvious tileset to use is the Grineer vs Corpus ship invasion, where Grineer-allied tenno can launch to the corpus ship via boarding pods, while Corpus allied Tenno can use Teleportation Lockers [modified Moa Spawn Lockers] to teleport into certain areas on the Grineer ship. Each ship will have three major weak points; the reactor, the bridge, and the holding cells.

The Bridge acts as a sort of 'king of the hill" style area similar to a single interception capture point; holding this point on your ship will boost the combat effectiveness of your allied npc forces. 

The reactor is what keeps your ship guns and your power online; destroying the reactor functions similar to a Sabotage mission. Without the reactor online, the rate that you and your allies can teleport/invade the enemy ship will be reduced (due to having to rely on backup power supply). A reactor can be repaired by the NPC's, but will take some time and will limit the amount of allied combat NPC spawns until the reactor is fixed.

The holding cells are where each faction keeps prisoners of war for interrogation; however, the main release for the prison complex would be held under extreme guard during a battle of this size. This would function similar to a Spy mission in PvE gameplay; you would need to avoid triggering traps and alarms in order to reach a central hacking console to disable the security on all prison cells. Being detected and being unable to reach the console in time would result in a penalty where your team cannot make another hacking attempt on the console for a certain amount of time. Successfully managing to reach and hack the console will begin to release allied NPC's in a new spawn point from the Holding Cells area for a limited time. 

It is my belief that a mode such as this would shake up the meta of only using certain weapons/frames for pvp, and would encourage more diverse playstyle; take an Energy-based Vauban (who's nearly useless in PvP) and send him to hold off intruders in the Holding Cell console area; send a Frost to defend the Bridge and take down all comers. Perhaps send a Loki or Ash or Equinox into the enemy ship to target enemy systems, etc. It incentivises using warframes and weapons that are not PvP-'meta' in order to accomplish your mission.

As far as enemy level scaling is concerned, one would need to adjust the levels of NPC enemies accordingly due to the static levels of players in Conclave.  However that seems to be a minimal concern since Conclave stats are relatively consistant with a new player fighting on Mercury-Earth level missions.


EDIT: A possible 'special event' timer could count down depending on the length of the match, which could have dramatic affects on the gameplay. Possible occurances could be: the arrival of an Infested Space Golen (jordas-style) that will cause spawns of Infested on both ships for a short while before being taken down by ship fire. Spawning of a boss character on each ship (Vor/LechKril/Ruk for Grineer, Raptor/Hyenas/Ambulas for Corpus, trying to keep them able to actually walk through the ship) to support their forces. A stalker beacon dropping somewhere on the map and the first team to claim it causes the Stalker to target the best player on the opposite team. The possibilities are endless.


EDIT 2: I realize that this sort of gamemode would be incredibly intensive and likely would take a ton of work on the part of the staff, and probably will never be implemented due to time constraints, but I do feel that it would be well worth it.

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50 minutes ago, Talonflight said:

It is my belief that a mode such as this would shake up the meta of only using certain weapons/frames for pvp, and would encourage more diverse playstyle; take an Energy-based Vauban (who's nearly useless in PvP) and send him to hold off intruders in the Holding Cell console area; send a Frost to defend the Bridge and take down all comers. Perhaps send a Loki or Ash or Equinox into the enemy ship to target enemy systems, etc. It incentivises using warframes and weapons that are not PvP-'meta' in order to accomplish your mission.


all i see in conclave are people camping with frost and prople spamming vauban's 1.

loki, ash, and equinox are all pvp-meta frames.

snipers are already pvp-meta weapons, having an objective where you can actually predict where players will be is going to make snipers even more pvp-meta.

none of this would fix the pvp-meta

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1 minute ago, Witchydragon said:

all i see in conclave are people camping with frost and prople spamming vauban's 1.

loki, ash, and equinox are all pvp-meta frames.

snipers are already pvp-meta weapons, having an objective where you can actually predict where players will be is going to make snipers even more pvp-meta.

none of this would fix the pvp-meta

In my entire conclave experience I've never seen anyone actually using a sniper rifle, only bows. The addition of having to build not only for pvp, but also needing to consider other mobs as well as defense/assault at the same time would cause more team diversity.

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13 minutes ago, Talonflight said:

In my entire conclave experience I've never seen anyone actually using a sniper rifle, only bows. The addition of having to build not only for pvp, but also needing to consider other mobs as well as defense/assault at the same time would cause more team diversity.

Are you perhaps playing in Recruit Conditioning? Might explain the disparity – the frames and weapons you've specified don't sound meta to me either.

As for your idea, whilst it sounds kind of convoluted it does put me in mind of Titanfall 2's Bounty Hunt, which I quite enjoyed. In it, two teams compete to eliminate an NPC faction's bots as they drop in on various points around the map, but players also gain points for eliminating each-other. Needs big maps, but it was certainly one of my favourite modes in Titanfall.

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1 minute ago, TheJadrimian said:

Are you perhaps playing in Recruit Conditioning? Might explain the disparity – the frames and weapons you've specified don't sound meta to me either.

As for your idea, whilst it sounds kind of convoluted it does put me in mind of Titanfall 2's Bounty Hunt, which I quite enjoyed. In it, two teams compete to eliminate an NPC faction's bots as they drop in on various points around the map, but players also gain points for eliminating each-other. Needs big maps, but it was certainly one of my favourite modes in Titanfall.

This idea was indeed inspired by Titanfall; lots of mobs, with 'elite' Pilots (Tenno, in this case) being the lynchpins that really change the tide, although the mobs can do work too.

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26 minutes ago, Talonflight said:

In my entire conclave experience I've never seen anyone actually using a sniper rifle, only bows. The addition of having to build not only for pvp, but also needing to consider other mobs as well as defense/assault at the same time would cause more team diversity.

My post was sarcastic; your comments on "the PvP meta" are not true at all. There is solid frame diversity, and lack of weapon diversity can be attributed to the mechanical properties of weapons which make them more obscure to use and the ability to get those weapons, not their overall effectiveness. 

If you have never seen anyone using a sniper rifle in PvP, you clearly have not played Conclave outside of Recruit Conditioning. 

I have no comments on the proposed gamemode. The idea in itself is not new, people have discussed complex objective based modes similar to those of Enemy Territory and Dirty Bomb. 

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On 29.12.2016 at 10:02 PM, Talonflight said:

In my entire conclave experience I've never seen anyone actually using a sniper rifle, only bows. The addition of having to build not only for pvp, but also needing to consider other mobs as well as defense/assault at the same time would cause more team diversity.

You are playing in recruit conditioning? Do you?

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