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"Why is the Helminth Charger a grineer" or How I learned to read lore and stop worrying.


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16 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

It is an infested charger made of a grineer because it has not received an original model. Simple as that there's no lore twist behind it.

Atlas can infinitely spawn rumblers (actually living beings) made of rock in space ships made of metal, logic and physics do not work in games as in RL.

That doesn't overly break suspension of disbelief or lore and could be explained away with "void magic". Some things are game play convinces and somethings are just absurd. You can only stretch the "games don't need to make sense" point so far. When the lore stretches past a certain point and starts to break that suspension of disbelief then the audience can no longer engage properly with the work. Ultimately fiction still has to be grounded in and be bound the rules of the reality we live in to a certain extent. otherwise it makes it incessantly difficult to relate and engage with whats going on. 

Not to mention that when you are discussing things from a lore perspective, yeah, it does have to make sense. Otherwise why are we discussing the mechanics and lore? Even if its explained with something that doesn't mirror reality, at least it is EXPLAINED, thus providing context and allowing the audience to carry on without getting hung up on hows and whys. Concessions being made for gameplay reasons is not the same as inconsistencies in the story/lore.

I was fairly certain the charger model was a placeholder till DE got back in the new year.  I'm glad to hear thats the case.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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OP, Even if this were true (which I'm not sure that it is), unless Helminth was out and about when the infested Grineer were (so that it would actually know of the original strain), it still doesn't make sense how Helminth's cyst suddenly made a grineer charger when combined with a kubrow egg. After all, given that helminth is trapped in the liset, and the grineer didn't get into it, it wouldn't make sense that he has that DNA; Helminth would likely be from before the grineer came about, and thus not have it. Sure, there is the possibility of hivemind information transfer, but considering how Helminth reacts to the operator differently then Nidus (when it's the operator controlling nidus), and that other infested isn't fond of nidus, Helminth very likely did not have any kind of communication until the door was re-opened by Nidus.

You never have to leave the ship after getting it, so it's not like it's taking the DNA from nearby targets or something, it's just part of Helminth. Why did it need a kubrow egg, wouldn't other resources work, because if your assumption is true, it doesn't make sense to waste a kubrow egg when the tenno could so easily get loads of other biomass.

This model/decision screams of mistakes.

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16 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

It is an infested charger made of a grineer because it has not received an original model. Simple as that there's no lore twist behind it.

Atlas can infinitely spawn rumblers (actually living beings) made of rock in space ships made of metal, logic and physics do not work in games as in RL.

True, yet that can be explained through Atlas using his own reserves of Energy to create them. He's not really using the environment, aside from forcing them into the ground to pop up out of it for cool reasons.

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