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[Warframe/ Weapon Concept] Cycro Insect Frame /w art


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Name: Cycro (sai- crow)

Theme: Insect/ Warframe thing...

This is Cycro, known by many and feared by all. Cycro has the ability to control a insect hive attached to his back. These insects are powered by Cycro's energy and can be very deadly when used.


He was once a calm and gentle soul, until the war let loose. Torn from his family and by war, he grew mad and unleashed his fury unto all who got in his way. In the end, drenched in blood and dirt standing in the land of no man, he allowed the hive to become him and in return he protects the hive.

"Oh Mighty King of The Hive, Protect Us and Save Our Souls From Being Torn From Madness and From War. Ye Shall Call Forth The Swarm...". - Prayer from the Old War.

He was worshipped as a god, a deity of salvation and hope. A lesson we all must learn to never again repeat.



(Also wasn't paying attention and ran outta room to draw his hands).



Alt. Skin





Health: 100 (@Max 300)                                 Sprint Speed: 1.0

Shield: 200 (@Max 550)

Power: 100 (@Max 150)

Armour: 400




1. Exalted WingCycro opens his wings and extends them, then dashes forward damaging any enemy in his path. This also applies a slash proc to all enemies hit. (This ability can be used while airborne and used to move in any direction).

  • Energy Consumption: 25
  • Wing Length (meters): 6 
  • Damage: 350
  • Slash Damage: 100
  • Power Range (meters): 12 


2. This second ability has four different abilities that Cycro can use. This is similar to Vauban's ability too being able to switch between them. Ability idea thx to @lukinu_u


Scavenge: Cycro sends out scavengers to go out and find health and energy orbs throughout the map bring it back to him. ( The Scavengers are well rounded compared to the other three insects. The time it takes for the scavengers to come back can be reduced with Duration Mods. The insects can also be destroyed by enemy AoE attacks. If they die while carrying orbs they are dropped at their death location.)

  • Energy Consumption: 25
  • Number of Scavengers: 4
  • Health orbs return: 0 - 2 per scavenger
  • Energy orbs return: 0 - 2 per scavenger
  • Scavenging Duration: 15 seconds
  • Scavenging Range (meters): 50
  • Health: 150
  • Armour: 50


Scout: Cycro sends invisible insects out to scout the area around him. They will mark all enemies on the map and highlight nearby enemies through objects. (Scouts have the least armour out of the four insects, but are invisible, smaller, and faster. They can be killed by enemy AoE attacks, and if they die without returning back to you all marked enemies are unmarked and no can longer be seen through objects.)

  • Energy Consumption: 25
  • Number of Scouts: 4
  • Scout Area (meters): 55 
  • Health:100
  • Armour: 25
  • Scout Duration: 15 sec
  • Enemy Sense Duration: 25 sec


Guardian: By commanding the hive he can place some on himself and allies to guard them from any projectiles. ( The Guardians have the highest durability out of the four insects with the most health. They follow the ally target temporarily or until destroyed. Recasting it will refresh the existing duration. This is pretty much the Warframe version of the Archwing ability Watchful Swarm from the Amesha.)

  • Energy Consumption: 25
  • Number of Guardians: 5
  • Health: 200
  • Armour: 100
  • Duration: 25 sec


Sentry: Cycro unleashes the Hive's warriors to fight with him cable of piercing through multiple enemies in a line. ( The Sentrys are the strongest out of the four insects with the highest attack and armour, but lowest health. They are the most aggressive and will attack the first enemy on sight in range, but this will not cause the enemies to be alerted until you have been spotted. And yes they die upon impact.)

  • Energy Consumption: 25
  • Number of Sentrys: 10
  • Puncture Damage: 200
  • Punch Through: x5
  • Health: 50
  • Armour: 250
  • Attack Range (meters): 28


3. Battle Carapace: While Battle Carapace is active Cycro gains a constant shield regeneration and increase in armour. Each kill fuels Cycro's power and intensifies his next ability by the number of stacks stored. ( Onced a ability is used the stacks restart. Battle Carapace also slowly drain energy per second upon activation.)

  • Energy Consumption: 3 per sec
  • Constant Shield Regen: 15 per sec
  • Armour Increase: 20%
  • Power Intensify cap: 100% (+5% each kill)


4. Hive Bombs: Cycro flies up and sends out a barrage of insects that explode on impact. Each insect deals impact, blast and your equipped melee weapon elemental damage. ( If there isn't enough room to fly up, Cycro will slightly lift from the ground. This attack is similar to the Grineer Hellion's missile barrage, but with more of a BANG!) 

  • Energy Consumption: 100
  • Explosion Radius (meters): 6
  • Default Blast Damage: 600
  • Impact Damage: 300
  • Barrage Range (meters): 30
  • Flight Height (meters): 10


Augment Mods: (TBA)



Passive Ability: When Cycro's health is being damaged, the Sentries fly out to attack nearby enemies dealing 150 damage and staggering enemies for 10 seconds before disappearing. This can only happen once every minute.


Melee Weapon


"This was Cycro's go to weapon when things got out of hand. It holds a gaint circular saw that will cut through even the thickest of armour. Held by two hands only the mighty can wield such a grand spinning wheel of death".


Name: (PH) Lacerite

Mastery Level: 7

Weapon Slot: Melee


Normal Attacks:

Physical Damage: 130                       Attack Speed: 1.0

Crit. Chance: 30.0%                            Channelling Cost: 5.0 energy

Crit. Multiplier: 2.0x                            Channelling Damage: 1.5x           

Status Chance: 10.0%


Leap Attack: 260

Slide Attack: 260

Wall Attack: 260

Slash Damage: 90.0

Impact Damage: 25.0

Puncture Damage: 19.5


Stance Polarity20?cb=20150301001230 Madurai

Stance mods: Crushing Ruin, Shattering Storm

Unique Move:

When performing a charge attack it charges the blade to spin, at max speed is a 4 second hold. When the disk spins all of it's attack are enhanced from 260 to 280 and its normal physical damage is increased from 130 to 150 for 25 seconds before having to rev up the disk again. Also the weapon, when charged, has a 50% chance to hit more than once.


Haven't posted a Warframe Concept in a long time. Open for discussions and critiques about this frame as well. Thx for viewing Tenno.


Edited by (PS4)shiroyanagawa3
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Time to feedback :D

Razor Wings : A bit too similar to Zephyr's Tail Wind, but still just a simple 1rst power, so not really a problem. Maybe make the wings damages affected by melee mods ?
Also, consider to change the name because it's same than Titana's 4th.

1 Scavenge : I think this power can be useful but not enough. I think it could be changed to a multi-power like Ivara's Quiver and Vauban's Minelayer, with 4 different types of insect, each having their utility (including your current "scavengers").

3 Battle Carapace : Look too weak for a passive power like that, compared to Vex armor or other power that give armor/health. Increase the armor in percentage can give it  better scaling, inciting players to use Steel Fiber. Also give a constant shield regen instead increase the speed of the base one for allowing to benefit the bonus in fight.

If you want to make it as a tank/support, you can allow him to use 3rd power on ally to give current stacks bonus for 20-25 energy.

4 Hive BombsAlmost nothing to say about this one, seem good. Just make explosion deal impact + blast + elemental (so, always keep the blast damages even if you have elemental mods).




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