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Find 3 caches without raising any alarms, bugged? I am confused.



Today I got a pistol riven with an unlock condition that says "find 3 caches without raising any alarms". 

I figure void should be pretty simple, as there aren't any alarms there to begin with. I try multiple times and watch closely, fail message never shows up. And at the beginning of the mission it shows the unfilled progress bar thing. However, finding a cache doesn't update my progress, I get no message for it, and getting all three caches did not unlock the riven. In fact it seemed like they didn't register at all. I didn't fail, they just didn't register. 

So I tried a sabotage mission on Eris, one of the highest level planets using an infested sabotage. Again, as far as I can tell, it isn't even counting the caches I find. Has anyone had a challenge like this and know what is going on here? 

I mean, the condition is to not raise alarms, I didn't raise alarms and at no point did I see the message saying that I failed. I found all three caches, but it does nothing. 

If it is only specific missions that it works on then it should bloody well say so on the mod/challenge. 

This vexes me. I am vexed. 

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My first Riven was "find 4 caches without raising any alarms"; so I ran back-to-back Reactor Sabotage missions (the ones where you have to extract/destroy coolant cells). I found 4 caches and got the Riven requirement fulfilled. You could try that if the Kuva Fortress doesn't work.

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8 minutes ago, Imaru said:

You have the mod on the weapon, right? If you don't it won't unlock. 


Yes as I said in the OP at the begining of the mission it shows me the challenge bar -- it is definitely equipped. That's not the issue. The issue is that it isn't even counting that I am finding caches. I am not getting a failure message, and the challenge shows up at the beginning, the caches just don't seem to count towards it.

7 minutes ago, Celphied said:

My first Riven was "find 4 caches without raising any alarms"; so I ran back-to-back Reactor Sabotage missions (the ones where you have to extract/destroy coolant cells). I found 4 caches and got the Riven requirement fulfilled. You could try that if the Kuva Fortress doesn't work.

Interesting. Are you saying you didn't even find them all during the same mission, but over multiple missions, and it eventually counted towards enough for the challenge? 

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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

Interesting. Are you saying you didn't even find them all during the same mission, but over multiple missions, and it eventually counted towards enough for the challenge? 

Yeah, as long as the standard alarm doesn't sound. (ran them with Ivara/Loki) I finished both missions after Magnetizing the reactor and retained credit for the caches found.

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Yeah I am guessing several different planets are either bugged, or are ineligible but it just doesn't say so on the mod. 

For what it's worth, for anyone who needs help doing this, I found out that doing the "find some caches and abort and they still count trick" still works. And I also found out that Earth works for the purposes of the challenge for some reason, even though Void and Eris Sabotage does not. 

And Earth has no alarms. 

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FWIW:   I have same pistol riven challenge and although i stealth my way thru void it doesn't work whatsoever.   Which is really strange because I have had same challenge and it worked fine some months ago.  So definitely a bug.    I even had a cache at the very beginning of one mission before I even encountered an enemy and it didn't show progress on Riven mission bar.

Did earth, worked fine.

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