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On 7/24/2017 at 5:29 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

The frost barely reacted, having weathered similar storms before. He glanced down at the kubrow, who panted up at him happily - on the warmer side for her, but bearable. He's probably sheltering somewhere else in this weather, he thought to himself, scanning the heat-distorted horizon for a moment. With luck, he'll be waiting out the heat wave in one of the wrecks.

He started off towards his ship. "{Vilkas, start up the engines,}" he said over the comms to his cephalon. Vilkas obliged, the grungy mantis idling and ready when he arrived, a small whoosh of cold air welcoming him as he and the kubrow entered.

"Long time no see, Operator. I figured you would be staying longer." ((note: if this color is hard to read, let me know, and I'll switch to a different one))
"Not leaving just yet," he responded as he headed for the navigation console. "We're doing a bit of searching. I need a better view of the wrecks, but not too close."
"Buckle in."

The mantis pulled up higher off the ground and started in the direction of the wrecks.

Once within walking distance of at least a couple ruins of ships, the frost again exited, this time climbing the nubs on the side of the hull ((I use the kuva skin)) to sit atop it, using a scanner to search the area for life signs.

((I can see that color just fine.))

There were several clusters of lifesigns spread throughout the massive graveyard of ships - most likely salvage crews trying to grab what they could from the wrecks before the Grineer returned. However, further north there was a single person holed up in a massive wreck. It could be a scavenger, but then again, it might not be.

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11 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

The Frost tried deploying a globe, more rounds hitting their marks. More rounds were spat from the soma's barrel as the floor began to creep with ice.
The intruder took his position on the roof, the sights on his Vectis trained on the battle below. He could see the rounds hitting the Frost, but he couldn't make out who was doing the shooting.
What Am I looking at here?

((I'll edit this if you need me too))
The figure continued to flit from room to room, ears trained on the battle behind him. Finally, he found what he was looking for: an old Grineer terminal. He made a beeline for the terminal, checking to see if it was still functioning.

As quickly as they began, the bullets vanished, along with many of the Frost's wounds. The dents in the wall, shattered pieces of glass, all gone. The room was in the same condition as when Svytoj had entered it.


The intruder could of a gunshot coming from directly behind him. A bullet was fired into his stomach, though it was unclear if there was an exit wound.


The terminal was still functioning, though the screen flickered a few times before starting up.

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1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

As quickly as they began, the bullets vanished, along with many of the Frost's wounds. The dents in the wall, shattered pieces of glass, all gone. The room was in the same condition as when Svytoj had entered it.


The intruder could of a gunshot coming from directly behind him. A bullet was fired into his stomach, though it was unclear if there was an exit wound.


The terminal was still functioning, though the screen flickered a few times before starting up.

"HOLY SH!T!" The intruder moved, his voice warped as he blinked away from the spot he was laying. He returned fire, aiming at the spot the shot rang out from. As his sarpa blared, he checked the key on his back, making sure it hadn't been cracked or shook loose.
On the ground below, the Frost checked itself for what injuries it had, soon taking notice fire fight on the roof. With the soma's barrel still trained on the source of the gunfire, The Frost hunkered down, still blocking the entry to the grineer facility.
And now He's here too.The figure thought as he began scrubbing through the terminals data, not entirely sure what he would find. This is getting out of hand. I need to speed this up...

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8 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

((I can see that color just fine.))

There were several clusters of lifesigns spread throughout the massive graveyard of ships - most likely salvage crews trying to grab what they could from the wrecks before the Grineer returned. However, further north there was a single person holed up in a massive wreck. It could be a scavenger, but then again, it might not be.

"Why hello there....." he muttered, watching the lone figure. "Wreck seems intact, so I doubt that's a trapped scavenger without a team....and only idiots go out scavenging alone." He lowered the scanner. "Vilkas, are there any signatures of Meridian operatives nearby? I think I found my man."
"scanning-- operator, where are you going?" the cephalon asked as the frost hopped down from his seat on the ship to the soft sand below.

"I'm heading out anyway, fill me in en route." he responded, heading for the wreck. "...understood."

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[Earth, Exact location unknown.]

Amidst the remains of a battlefield deep in the swamps of Earth, two figures fought to the death. There was nothing elegant about their duel - they grappled and punched and clawed each other in the shallow, murky waters. The sun had long since set, and the pitch-blackness lent the already-gloomy marsh and even more sinister cast. The area around them was scarred with the signs of a much larger conflict; diseased trees bearing scorched and bullet-ridden trunks, bodies lying slumped against them clutching weapons with half-spent magazines, and patches of the marshy soil now dyed the color of deep crimson.

Even as the two struggled against each other, the sounds of wildlife cut through the night. The chest-high grasses rustled as scavengers inched ever closer to the scene, waiting hungrily for the fighting to be over. 



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On 7/30/2017 at 10:32 AM, bowiespoon said:

"Well," the grey Nyx replied mentally, her voice chorusing in Mia's head, "My... keepers.... so rarely let me out of my cage. I'd hate for this to end before I'm finished stretching my legs."

The grey Nyx plucked one of the knives that were orbiting around her out of the air and began to twirl it between her fingers lazily, not sparing Mia a glance as she fled. She even turned her back to the duo to inspect the fang prime in the light.

"I must say, out of all of those I brought into the fold, this one I enjoyed breaking the most. I wonder, was it in the end that finally made her mind capitulate?"

The chillingly familiar voice echoed inside Mia's mind.


The sniper is dragged toward the Valkyr, but he managed to twist in midair and turn her roar into a void-propelled shoulder bash. He hits Aria with enough force to send her tumbling, but his attention is immediately directed elsewhere. Without sparing the valkyr a second glance, he raised his sniper rifle and aimed it at the grey Nyx.

"FRIED DOUGH~! CANDY~! ALCOHOL~! STEAK~! TWO NITAIN AN HOUR~!" Aria's voice blatantly shattering the Nyx and dirty key man's thoughts like smashing speakers into their mental eardrums without any regard for their attempts to demoralize the duo, the Valkyr listening in the whole time thanks to Mia's connection. It wouldn't matter if the enemies were giant gods or entire armies, the Valkyr refuses to be intimidated.

Rolling into the tumble, Aria violently grabs the sniper's centre of mass and sinks her claws into their chest. As the sniper flies over her head while the Valkyr crashes into the ground Mia comes down from a bullet jump and pulls out her opaquing polearm from her cloak, spinning like a top as she slams the blunt end of the blade into the sniper`s chest. Timed with perfect synchronization, Aria lets out a mighty two legged kick into the Orthos P, the duo launching the sniper straight towards the grey Nyx at breakneck speeds.


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On 7/31/2017 at 8:50 PM, bowiespoon said:

[Earth, Exact location unknown.]

Amidst the remains of a battlefield deep in the swamps of Earth, two figures fought to the death. There was nothing elegant about their duel - they grappled and punched and clawed each other in the shallow, murky waters. The sun had long since set, and the pitch-blackness lent the already-gloomy marsh and even more sinister cast. The area around them was scarred with the signs of a much larger conflict; diseased trees bearing scorched and bullet-ridden trunks, bodies lying slumped against them clutching weapons with half-spent magazines, and patches of the marshy soil now dyed the color of deep crimson.

Even as the two struggled against each other, the sounds of wildlife cut through the night. The chest-high grasses rustled as scavengers inched ever closer to the scene, waiting hungrily for the fighting to be over. 

But the two were not alone in those shallows. A third figure lay kneeling in the frigid waters, mere meters away from their desperate brawl. They were utterly still, lacking even the regular rise and fall of the chest that signified breathing. Apart from the lack of movement, the other distinguishing feature of the third figure was there height. If they were  standing fully upright, they would tower over even the largest man by at least a head. As the remains of the moon crept higher into the sky, the barest amount of light was reflected back to earth, just enough to reveal the gleam of gold on the figure.

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On 7/10/2017 at 11:26 PM, Daakjenaar said:

"No... no... NO!"

Tarnas was pacing back and forth in one if the nearly endless abandoned rooms of the Formorian, looking at an update from Tycho.

"I'm afraid so. He's in one of the nearby settlements as we speak, searching for information." Tycho continued.

"Ready my Archwing! I'm not letting this get out of hand!" Tarnas responded, furious. This was strange, as he was normally calm or emotionless to the point of sociopath-like behavior.

"It's taking influence again. I recommend you take some of the medication, and wait a while. Try to calm-"

"You've been saying it for weeks! It hasn't done ANYTHING!" Tarnas interrupted. "Day after day of this! Clogori needs to die now!"

"Administering sedative." Tycho responded. A moment later, Tarnas visibly began moving much slower. He seemed calmer, definitely.

"<{Ty̛c̛͟h̀͢͝ơ̧̢.̧.̀.̢͟ ̶C̛á̕͜n͠҉ ̷͏y̧̕où ͢͡h̶̀͜e̡̧͢a̵̵ŗ͏̨ ͢ḿ̛e͞͡.҉͘..͏?͜ }>"

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On 8/1/2017 at 11:00 PM, bowiespoon said:

But the two were not alone in those shallows. A third figure lay kneeling in the frigid waters, mere meters away from their desperate brawl. They were utterly still, lacking even the regular rise and fall of the chest that signified breathing. Apart from the lack of movement, the other distinguishing feature of the third figure was there height. If they were  standing fully upright, they would tower over even the largest man by at least a head. As the remains of the moon crept higher into the sky, the barest amount of light was reflected back to earth, just enough to reveal the gleam of gold on the figure.

The waters sloshed around the two as they rolled into a deeper part of the swamp, where the water was knee-high. Finally seeing an opportunity, one of the two figures pins the other down, holding their head under the water. The figure being held down began to frantically struggle, clawing at their opponents arms with all of their flagging strength. Both of them were on the verge of exhaustion, but fear and desperation gave lent them strength. The figure being held below had torn away bloody chunks of their opponent's arm with their nails, but the arm holding them down never wavered. For a solid minute the figure's head was submerged. Then two. Then three.

Only after the forth minute did the remaining figure release their hold on the other, clumsily standing up in the shallow waters. The other figure bobbed to the surface, facedown and unmoving. The survivor waded towards the third, kneeling figure, soaked to the bone and shivering profusely. The survivor grabbed the kneeling figure under the arms, dragging them out of the water. Several times the survivor stumbled as they lost their footing on hidden irregularities along the bottom of the swamp, but an acute sense of balance kept them from falling back down into the waters. Though the going was slow and laborious, the survivor finally managed to drag themselves and the third figure onto solid ground. Once reaching shore, such as it was, the survivor promptly collapsed to the ground, exhaustion claiming its due.

((I'm back. I'll get some posts up shortly))

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On 8/1/2017 at 10:36 PM, souldrive11 said:

"FRIED DOUGH~! CANDY~! ALCOHOL~! STEAK~! TWO NITAIN AN HOUR~!" Aria's voice blatantly shattering the Nyx and dirty key man's thoughts like smashing speakers into their mental eardrums without any regard for their attempts to demoralize the duo, the Valkyr listening in the whole time thanks to Mia's connection. It wouldn't matter if the enemies were giant gods or entire armies, the Valkyr refuses to be intimidated.

Rolling into the tumble, Aria violently grabs the sniper's centre of mass and sinks her claws into their chest. As the sniper flies over her head while the Valkyr crashes into the ground Mia comes down from a bullet jump and pulls out her opaquing polearm from her cloak, spinning like a top as she slams the blunt end of the blade into the sniper`s chest. Timed with perfect synchronization, Aria lets out a mighty two legged kick into the Orthos P, the duo launching the sniper straight towards the grey Nyx at breakneck speeds.


The grey Nyx steps to the side, but grabs the sniper by the head. The sniper struggles in her grip, trying to pry her hand off of his face, but then there was a flash of energy and he went limp. The Nyx then released him, letting him drop limply to the ground. Slowly, as if in a daze, the sniper began to stand up, moving to stand in front of the grey Nyx protectively. His mind had been torn apart by the turbulent forces of the void, and the grey Nyx had asserted control over what little tatters remained. No self, no sense, no death. Just a metal-clad puppet, dangling on tenno strings.

Then grey Nyx was about to say something, but then a liset-prime tore through the sky overhead, a single figure dropping out of it and landing beside Mia. A blue-grey Excalibur slowly rose, an exalted blade in either hand. His mind was impossible to read, as if some force was shielding it.

He turned towards Mia, giving a small shrug.

"Thought you might want some help." Marcus said.

The grey Nyx watched Marcus land, sighing heavily, as if the prospect of fighting three tenno at once was some undesirable chore, not a suicide mission. The knives orbiting around her began to move faster, and something cloaked landed beside her with a heavy thud.

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On 7/30/2017 at 10:55 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

"Why hello there....." he muttered, watching the lone figure. "Wreck seems intact, so I doubt that's a trapped scavenger without a team....and only idiots go out scavenging alone." He lowered the scanner. "Vilkas, are there any signatures of Meridian operatives nearby? I think I found my man."
"scanning-- operator, where are you going?" the cephalon asked as the frost hopped down from his seat on the ship to the soft sand below.

"I'm heading out anyway, fill me in en route." he responded, heading for the wreck. "...understood."

The wreck was unusual in the it did not consist of a single ship, but of many. Named Halgar's Point after the man who first found it, the colossal structure loomed over the rest of the half-buried ships. It consisted of two obelisks and a galleon that formed an almost tri-pod like formation. Though it might have been a trick of the heat, there was a flicker of movement near the top of the structure.

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On 7/30/2017 at 4:05 PM, EscortAlpha said:

"HOLY SH!T!" The intruder moved, his voice warped as he blinked away from the spot he was laying. He returned fire, aiming at the spot the shot rang out from. As his sarpa blared, he checked the key on his back, making sure it hadn't been cracked or shook loose.
On the ground below, the Frost checked itself for what injuries it had, soon taking notice fire fight on the roof. With the soma's barrel still trained on the source of the gunfire, The Frost hunkered down, still blocking the entry to the grineer facility.
And now He's here too.The figure thought as he began scrubbing through the terminals data, not entirely sure what he would find. This is getting out of hand. I need to speed this up...

A figure wearing a pale-grey duster appeared between the intruder and the frost, a revolver in either hand. It was unclear if it was actually him though, given the nature of his abilities.

The Constable sighed, shaking his head.

"You try to lay low for a few days and suddenly it seems that everyone is out looking for you. So, frost, exactly how many friends did you bring?"

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9 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

A figure wearing a pale-grey duster appeared between the intruder and the frost, a revolver in either hand. It was unclear if it was actually him though, given the nature of his abilities.

The Constable sighed, shaking his head.

"You try to lay low for a few days and suddenly it seems that everyone is out looking for you. So, frost, exactly how many friends did you bring?"

The frost didn't have time to respond. The intruder, sarpa in one hand, Vectis precariously balanced in the other, opened fire on the Constable and the Frost. The round from his sniper rifle slammed into the frost's right shoulder, staggering the frost as it sent a haphazard spray of bullets towards the intruder.
The Constable's image played over in the figures mind; Lord's moon, reports before his arrival on Pluto; yet another large player. The figure was out of time. He quickly copied over the contents of the terminal, and began making his way towards the entrance. He checked both grakata's, keeping his approach as silent as he could.
This ain't gonna be easy with both of them blocking the exit. he thought, popping his neck as he peered around the corner, just barely able to see the frost. He checked the wires and junction's in his arms and back. Let's just hope these still work.

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On 8/4/2017 at 9:16 PM, bowiespoon said:

The grey Nyx steps to the side, but grabs the sniper by the head. The sniper struggles in her grip, trying to pry her hand off of his face, but then there was a flash of energy and he went limp. The Nyx then released him, letting him drop limply to the ground. Slowly, as if in a daze, the sniper began to stand up, moving to stand in front of the grey Nyx protectively. His mind had been torn apart by the turbulent forces of the void, and the grey Nyx had asserted control over what little tatters remained. No self, no sense, no death. Just a metal-clad puppet, dangling on tenno strings.

Then grey Nyx was about to say something, but then a liset-prime tore through the sky overhead, a single figure dropping out of it and landing beside Mia. A blue-grey Excalibur slowly rose, an exalted blade in either hand. His mind was impossible to read, as if some force was shielding it.

He turned towards Mia, giving a small shrug.

"Thought you might want some help." Marcus said.

The grey Nyx watched Marcus land, sighing heavily, as if the prospect of fighting three tenno at once was some undesirable chore, not a suicide mission. The knives orbiting around her began to move faster, and something cloaked landed beside her with a heavy thud.

Neither the cloaked Nyx P (though to my sadness, it hasn't nor has it have much of a gameplay effect for a *long* while has it? x.x) or the Valkyr P publicly comment on the airdropped Excal, though a thumbs up from the Valkyr carry the idea that at least they acknowledge Marcus as on this side of the line in the sand for now.

Two tendrils snake out of Aria's palms and writhe almost sentiently around her frame, one wrapping around her Soma P, and the other drawing a Lex P off her hip even as the edge of the whips flicker in the near evening light.

The Latron P shifts on Mia's spiked back before her left arm draws it out into position. On her hips, the pair of Akstilleto Ps safeties click off even as if by phantom hands. Raising her right Orthos P holding arm slightly to the side, the Nyx P trades off a brofist with the Valkyr P who's balancing her Galatine P on her shoulder, white and grey flashing off their fists before the Nyx's arm fades into transparency again.

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On 8/4/2017 at 8:36 PM, bowiespoon said:

The wreck was unusual in the it did not consist of a single ship, but of many. Named Halgar's Point after the man who first found it, the colossal structure loomed over the rest of the half-buried ships. It consisted of two obelisks and a galleon that formed an almost tri-pod like formation. Though it might have been a trick of the heat, there was a flicker of movement near the top of the structure.

He approached cautiously, taking out his scanner and doing another sweep of the massive structure. "{vilkas, ignore what I said earlier. I'm going in.}" "{Understood, operator. Happy hunting.}"
Hek at the ready, he scanned the entire area for anything out of the ordinary, as well as attempting to pinpoint the location of the figure he had seen earlier.

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On 8/4/2017 at 11:45 PM, EscortAlpha said:

The frost didn't have time to respond. The intruder, sarpa in one hand, Vectis precariously balanced in the other, opened fire on the Constable and the Frost. The round from his sniper rifle slammed into the frost's right shoulder, staggering the frost as it sent a haphazard spray of bullets towards the intruder.
The Constable's image played over in the figures mind; Lord's moon, reports before his arrival on Pluto; yet another large player. The figure was out of time. He quickly copied over the contents of the terminal, and began making his way towards the entrance. He checked both grakata's, keeping his approach as silent as he could.
This ain't gonna be easy with both of them blocking the exit. he thought, popping his neck as he peered around the corner, just barely able to see the frost. He checked the wires and junction's in his arms and back. Let's just hope these still work.

The image of the Constable flickered for a moment for disappearing as the bullets passed through it harmlessly, and for a split second he could be seen running deeper into the grineer building. It was likely that he a had ship hidden somewhere in the vicinity, and would use the ensuing fight to slip away.

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3 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

The image of the Constable flickered for a moment for disappearing as the bullets passed through it harmlessly, and for a split second he could be seen running deeper into the grineer building. It was likely that he a had ship hidden somewhere in the vicinity, and would use the ensuing fight to slip away.

The Constable and the figure slammed headlong into each other, winding the figure during the collision.

If the constable was looking, several things would stand out about the figure; it looked more like a proxy then a man. his skin was completely blue, with small bronze rivets embedded in it's 'flesh'. Orokin text was embedded in the tissues, serial numbers clearly visible on the biceps. There was something else; a grey and burnt orange mass just over where the heart would be.

The figure righted himself, trying to push past the Constable in his mad dash out of the building.

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On 8/6/2017 at 0:33 AM, souldrive11 said:

Neither the cloaked Nyx P (though to my sadness, it hasn't nor has it have much of a gameplay effect for a *long* while has it? x.x) or the Valkyr P publicly comment on the airdropped Excal, though a thumbs up from the Valkyr carry the idea that at least they acknowledge Marcus as on this side of the line in the sand for now.

Two tendrils snake out of Aria's palms and writhe almost sentiently around her frame, one wrapping around her Soma P, and the other drawing a Lex P off her hip even as the edge of the whips flicker in the near evening light.

The Latron P shifts on Mia's spiked back before her left arm draws it out into position. On her hips, the pair of Akstilleto Ps safeties click off even as if by phantom hands. Raising her right Orthos P holding arm slightly to the side, the Nyx P trades off a brofist with the Valkyr P who's balancing her Galatine P on her shoulder, white and grey flashing off their fists before the Nyx's arm fades into transparency again.

Unbeknownst to the others, someone was talking to the Grey Nyx through a secure comm channel.

"Listen very carefully. If you do exactly as I say, you will make it out of here alive." They said.

The Nyx was about to ignore the figure, but something in their voice made them pause.

"Alright," she replied, her voice inaudible to her adversaries, "I'm listening... for now."

"Good. Start by turning around and throwing one of those knives." The voice replied.

The Nyx whirled around, snatching one of the fangs out of the air and sending it flying forward. It sailed for about twenty five meters before the blade buried itself a target. A brown and black Mesa stood, clutching her stomach where the knife had buried itself. The Grey Nyx took a step back, surprised. How had the Mesa managed to sneak up on her like that? How had the person speaking through the comms known?

Regardless, the Mesa was exposed now. The Nyx sent a mental push at the knife, driving it deeper and twisting it sharply. The Mesa crumpled to her knees, desperately trying to pull the blade out. The Nyx smirked, shaking her head.

"Get down!" the voice in the comms suddenly hissed as the Nyx threw herself to the floor. Marcus sailed overhead, landing on the rooftop several feet away. His blades had been mere inches from taking her head off of her shoulders. The Nyx had sensed him, of course, but it was clear that the speaker also possessed an uncanny knowledge of the battlefield. Perhaps a knowledge even greater than the Nyx's.

With a sigh, the Grey Nyx turned to face Marcus, listening attentively to the next instructions of the speaker. Marcus assumed a combat stance, and lunged forward.

Marcus was fast, and his blades were a blur as he launched a relentless flurry against the Nyx's defenses. Without the quick advise of the speaker, it was entirely likely that he would have quickly overwhelmed her. As it was, she was countering his attacks with relative ease. Wherever his exalted blades were heading, two or more knives were quickly moving to intercept. When he tried to trip her, she leaped over his leg. Slowly but surely, Marcus' advance was ground to a halt.

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On 8/9/2017 at 0:23 AM, bowiespoon said:

Unbeknownst to the others, someone was talking to the Grey Nyx through a secure comm channel.

"Listen very carefully. If you do exactly as I say, you will make it out of here alive." They said.

The Nyx was about to ignore the figure, but something in their voice made them pause.

"Alright," she replied, her voice inaudible to her adversaries, "I'm listening... for now."

"Good. Start by turning around and throwing one of those knives." The voice replied.

The Nyx whirled around, snatching one of the fangs out of the air and sending it flying forward. It sailed for about twenty five meters before the blade buried itself a target. A brown and black Mesa stood, clutching her stomach where the knife had buried itself. The Grey Nyx took a step back, surprised. How had the Mesa managed to sneak up on her like that? How had the person speaking through the comms known?

Regardless, the Mesa was exposed now. The Nyx sent a mental push at the knife, driving it deeper and twisting it sharply. The Mesa crumpled to her knees, desperately trying to pull the blade out. The Nyx smirked, shaking her head.

"Get down!" the voice in the comms suddenly hissed as the Nyx threw herself to the floor. Marcus sailed overhead, landing on the rooftop several feet away. His blades had been mere inches from taking her head off of her shoulders. The Nyx had sensed him, of course, but it was clear that the speaker also possessed an uncanny knowledge of the battlefield. Perhaps a knowledge even greater than the Nyx's.

With a sigh, the Grey Nyx turned to face Marcus, listening attentively to the next instructions of the speaker. Marcus assumed a combat stance, and lunged forward.

Marcus was fast, and his blades were a blur as he launched a relentless flurry against the Nyx's defenses. Without the quick advise of the speaker, it was entirely likely that he would have quickly overwhelmed her. As it was, she was countering his attacks with relative ease. Wherever his exalted blades were heading, two or more knives were quickly moving to intercept. When he tried to trip her, she leaped over his leg. Slowly but surely, Marcus' advance was ground to a halt.

The Valkyr and Nyx Ps break off from each other like lightning after bumping fists, the duo tearing off towards the monochrome Nyx lackey. The Valkyr's wrapped assault rifle raises itself over her right shoulder and beings firing a controlled salvo of rounds at the strung up sniper. The cloaked Nyx P sprints over the rooftops, her body near parallel to the ground from the sheer angle she's leaning forward at.

Reaching the edge of a rooftop the Nyx P launches herself into a spinning jump, using the back end of or polearm as a spring. As she drills straight for the sniper, orthos raised straight forward, the Nyx lifts up her bolt rifle and fires off round after round at the sniper's central body of mass.

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On 8/7/2017 at 3:59 PM, rabbitsandroses said:

He approached cautiously, taking out his scanner and doing another sweep of the massive structure. "{vilkas, ignore what I said earlier. I'm going in.}" "{Understood, operator. Happy hunting.}"
Hek at the ready, he scanned the entire area for anything out of the ordinary, as well as attempting to pinpoint the location of the figure he had seen earlier.

The area around the frost was deserted, and nothing out of the ordinary could be seen nearby, nor was there any lifesigns on the frost's scanners. As the sun began to set, the colossal structure cast a long shadow over the area, covering it in blackness. Nightfall would be soon, which would make it nearly impossible to track his quarry down. Best to strike soon.

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On 8/13/2017 at 9:19 AM, bowiespoon said:

The area around the frost was deserted, and nothing out of the ordinary could be seen nearby, nor was there any lifesigns on the frost's scanners. As the sun began to set, the colossal structure cast a long shadow over the area, covering it in blackness. Nightfall would be soon, which would make it nearly impossible to track his quarry down. Best to strike soon.

Striking soon was what he was good at. Pulling at any and all moisture he could find, he focused on calling up a layer of ice in all of the shadows as the temperature around him began to drop. Hopefully this would buy him more time -- slowing everything in the vicinity and hopefully forcing his target to hunker down longer.
The paper-thin layer of ice crunched under his feet as he made his way inside, switching on his helmet-mounted light.

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An unfamiliar orbiter appeared in high orbit over the planet, far above the city of Deadwood. It made no attempt to activate its cloak, and no liset departed from the craft.


((I'll get around to replying to everyone soon, but for now take solace in the fact that the forums are once again letting me login.))

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On 8/8/2017 at 3:11 PM, EscortAlpha said:

The Constable and the figure slammed headlong into each other, winding the figure during the collision.

If the constable was looking, several things would stand out about the figure; it looked more like a proxy then a man. his skin was completely blue, with small bronze rivets embedded in it's 'flesh'. Orokin text was embedded in the tissues, serial numbers clearly visible on the biceps. There was something else; a grey and burnt orange mass just over where the heart would be.

The figure righted himself, trying to push past the Constable in his mad dash out of the building.

The Constable shoved him out of the way, continuing to run while the others were preoccupied.

Although fleeing didn't sit right with him, he knew what the tenno were after, and he couldn't afford to let himself be captured.

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On 8/10/2017 at 9:30 PM, souldrive11 said:

The Valkyr and Nyx Ps break off from each other like lightning after bumping fists, the duo tearing off towards the monochrome Nyx lackey. The Valkyr's wrapped assault rifle raises itself over her right shoulder and beings firing a controlled salvo of rounds at the strung up sniper. The cloaked Nyx P sprints over the rooftops, her body near parallel to the ground from the sheer angle she's leaning forward at.

Reaching the edge of a rooftop the Nyx P launches herself into a spinning jump, using the back end of or polearm as a spring. As she drills straight for the sniper, orthos raised straight forward, the Nyx lifts up her bolt rifle and fires off round after round at the sniper's central body of mass.

Marcus growled in frustration. How was this Nyx able to avoid his attacks so easily? It was like she knew his next move before he even made it. She wasn't reading his mind, was she?

Grimacing, he continued to try to land a hit on his opponent, 


The sniper was yanked sharply to the side, as if pulled by invisible strings. It raised its weapon, lining up a shot at Aria. However, its movements were clumsy and unrefined, and its shot went wide. It sloppily tried to reload, leaving it exposed to another attack.


"You need to pull back" the voice said into the grey Nyx's comms, "You lack the skill to take all three of them down."

"Shut up," the Nyx growled, mentally grabbing each of Mia's bullets, flipping them around, and letting them fly back towards her.

"You can barely hold off one attacker with my aid. Against three you don't have a chance. Dodge left."

The Nyx threw herself left as a bladewave sizzled past her head.

"Head to these coordinates," the voice said, "Do not let the tenno follow you." then the comms went quiet.

"Dammit," the grey Nyx swore to herself, throwing herself backwards to avoid Marcus' next attack. However, she was just a second to slow, and his exalted blade sliced open a deep wound traveling down from her shoulder to her stomach. She hissed in pain, taking another step back. Reluctantly, she reengaged her cloak, bulletjumping away. She wasn't one to back away from a fight, but the person aiding her had been right - she was outmatched. She continued to command the former sniper, hoping that it would buy her a few seconds of time.

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4 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

Marcus growled in frustration. How was this Nyx able to avoid his attacks so easily? It was like she knew his next move before he even made it. She wasn't reading his mind, was she?

Grimacing, he continued to try to land a hit on his opponent, 


The sniper was yanked sharply to the side, as if pulled by invisible strings. It raised its weapon, lining up a shot at Aria. However, its movements were clumsy and unrefined, and its shot went wide. It sloppily tried to reload, leaving it exposed to another attack.


"You need to pull back" the voice said into the grey Nyx's comms, "You lack the skill to take all three of them down."

"Shut up," the Nyx growled, mentally grabbing each of Mia's bullets, flipping them around, and letting them fly back towards her.

"You can barely hold off one attacker with my aid. Against three you don't have a chance. Dodge left."

The Nyx threw herself left as a bladewave sizzled past her head.

"Head to these coordinates," the voice said, "Do not let the tenno follow you." then the comms went quiet.

"Dammit," the grey Nyx swore to herself, throwing herself backwards to avoid Marcus' next attack. However, she was just a second to slow, and his exalted blade sliced open a deep wound traveling down from her shoulder to her stomach. She hissed in pain, taking another step back. Reluctantly, she reengaged her cloak, bulletjumping away. She wasn't one to back away from a fight, but the person aiding her had been right - she was outmatched. She continued to command the former sniper, hoping that it would buy her a few seconds of time.

Orthos P fully extended in the waning daylight, Mia drives her gold and white polearm hard into the rooftop she`s flying over as if she was staking a claim. Swinging herself out of her bullet jump, as her feet is about to touch down the Nyx P pulls her melee weapon out of the roof, torques her body horizontally and swings one-handed at the redirected rounds, a good amount heading back towards the monochrome wisp's predicted flight path while the rest flew to the outer edge of the settlement.

Aria slides down and over another building, sparks flying behind where her feet claws grind over the rooftop. Just as she slips behind a large chimney, the Soma P hanging on her right shoulder takes aim at the puppeted sniper's general direction before firing a six round burst. The shots go wide, flying well above sniper's head...or they would have before their arcs are completely redirected, heading straight down for the sniper`s rifle and hand. Though it's difficult to judge how much of the sniper's mental faculties are retained, if one has a good enough eye they might just notices the near invisible string-like lines hanging behind each bullet, the strands of void shifting the rounds insides from within turning them into semi-guided rounds.

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