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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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4 hours ago, tentacleface762 said:



An mix of the rotation/centrifuge rail from a Kohm and motor from a Miter, attached on top of a long stick with a big knob at the end for good measure. Between the Kohm rotation rail, a free floating cutter disk, like the ones that Grineer Scrappers use, spins(by the mighty powers of electromagnets).

Named after Kohm and Miter...Yes very unimaginative name. but a fitting name. 

Animation : Pole-arm 

The size and proportions are drawn upon Sydon so the hitboxe should be similar. Has an alternative fire where the cutter disk between the rails is launched like a catapult or a slingshot by swinging the weapon real hard. Kind of like how hammer throws are done. Disk throw is on a cool down/costs energy. Otherwise, if that mechanic is kinda flimsy, its still usable as a melee only weapon. 


Notes: Tried to make it as visually fitting with the current Grineer aesthetics as possible. So its not anything mindblowing or too outlandish. Originally contemplated a Jat Kittag. but on your FISTS. but instead decided to have Ripkas on a STICK. And the result was a giant Grineer pizza cutter. that you can throw. Not the whole thing though, like the Javlok. Just the cutter disk. Because that is nice and cheap.

...thats about it

Edit: Oh look. Someone DID make a Jat Kittag on FISTS. Lucky I didnt go with the idea. Good to see I wasnt the only person thinking that putting rockets on your fists is an awesome idea.

I'm really digging this idea!

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One question: since the grip needs to use an existing one, and no new melee weapons are accepted, how is it with hybrid weapons? Technically they just use existing grips, but they could have overlapping stances (like mios which was part whip part blade, and needed it's own stance)?

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hello im maffebas and i cant draw and my english is not that great. tho i have a (what i think) a  pretty good idea.

it uses the  Silva & Aegis animations.

my melee weapon is from tenno origin and it is made for dangerous survival situations. it has 2 blades to block attacks, and a knive to attack.

it is my first weapon but i think it is a really good idea



Edited by maffebas
found a way to put in a picture
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tenno in origin...looks like a half of a diamond shape..>> how about a set of dual sheilds in each hand much like sentinal primes sheild? you hold it and weild it like a set of tonfas.... its style of stance would have to be similar to the tonfas stances... ish....but with some slapping punching... etc...the idea of sheild i have in my head is that its like a mixture of sheild..... blade..... guns chainsaw (elaboration on the chain saw required l8r) and the top end of the sheilds are blunt... they look like fists...ish... but the sheilds are more or less flat....the idea for this i got was from a type of enemy in final fantasy 13....this enemy had no weapon except for a tail...it looked like its version of arms might serve as weapons but if they could have been then this was only when they had that tornado attack ......i for someone would have to link a photo of both sentinal primes sheild and this enemy's sheildly appendages following this comment.... however.... possibly the weapon could be used for shooting like the redeemer is.... sheilding much like they normally would need to be...slicing and dicing as would be their original concept.....and pushing them back with minor puncture dmg and major slash from the chainsaws(explained here...>>>VVVV) the idea for the chain saws function would be they are pushing everything youd stab the sheilds with BACK....like in real life if someone decided to put a sword you could probably twiddle with the chnsaws function to send the blade one way or the other...in game both sides of the sheild sport a mean chainsaw...and the front of the sheild (like where youd slam into enemies with for the sheild?) all of which are running to the bottom or the point of the sheilds...of which youd use to poke stab and impale all enemies....when impaled.... all enemies are sent maybe flying back....or at least they suffer a little push back and/or unbalancing...in which the finisher would be acitvated and usable....and the chainsaws reverse their direction and you promptly impale the target with both sheilds and pull the enemy apart by litterally digging into them much like a screw drills into wood....and this pulls them apart naturally....slide attack or "coptering" as it used to be reffered would naturally be just you spinning the 2 sheilds around.... naturally theres also like a regular sword style blade on the sides of each sheild....both sheilds have the function of working like most regular shields would be... which without that....blocking mechanic with said sheilds would just look like the tenno/player/wf trying to hug itself with a hell of an elbow brace...with it....you can use one of both sheilds as a regular sheild.... perhaps both of them could be used as actual sheildsand when you want to attack with one of them....you grab it accordingly...smack stab slap and/or punch (with the blund top end of either sheild) and then return to blocking with both sheilds.... as the use of either one would be symetrical.... which sheild gets used as a regular sheild and which gets used as poke blade ultimate could largly depend on the camera orientation..... like if the players eye perspective was left handed or right handed....allowing the sheilds to be used accordingly....(ive always wondered asbout that in movies..... you crouch behind a wall lean right your right arm and therefor gunarm is flush up against it.... not alot of aiming room for that.....unless you plan on shooting blind then carry on....but i always imagined switching hands for aiming the guns in order to continue aiming and killing like a boss....) while blocking the shields frontal chainsaws could be used to send bodies flying either straight up like a snow plow sucking them in and sending them back out at others (to be used as a cc mechanic.... use the enemies own bodies as weapons to stop other enemies??) or possibly sending them straight down without a care... all enemies in that case would be downed/staggered etc... or perhaps either way they would be on the flow for a few seconds.... confused staggered... and/or just acting like they're blinded by inaros excal and/or just ragdoll madness for the chainsaw flying...idk....you guys choose.. im wishing i could draw the dual sheilds myself and pitch them to ya......they in my mind should look diamond like... sorta like the final fantasy spectre enemies that worked for the sanctum and escorted sazh and vanille about and tried to  deal with them when they wound up saying "how bout no, get 'em chocobo!" and took their own guns and shoot em full of holes....and the save points in a previous final fantasy... ff12... where some of the imperial gaurds reference them constantly in the main characters home town of rabenastre... "havent you ever seen a gate crystal b4?? just one touch and you'll feel like new! and if your fortunate enough to have a teleport crystal you can teleport to previously visited gate crystals" the orange gate crystals that were like a god send for getting from one point of the games little map to another..the sheilds should look like one of those cut in half and hollowed out for the grips...or if your a bit 2 lazy to hit google.... a slightly more teardrop turned upside down version of the oro that is a constant cancer to me in pvp... (back to warframe for references....) youd recognie it as that orange lightning diamond......yeah one of those also... i should mention a grip thats pre-existing... with the way ive descriped the blocking stance theres a dual grip look to my idea.....probably to look like the kronen.... pivoting grip or arm rest holder...and 2 hand grips...unless you can put into the game the image of a tenno with its arm straight down holding a sheild to block with...so maybe kronen hand grips and.or boltace hand grips...or maybe you can say the things sentient in origin ( though i do NOT want to be seen and look at myself wielding another bone weapon with the wars grips...(broken war included or no, that thing would need to probably look entirely like its made out of bones.... and i just say NO... just no... maybe a sentient spin off but i dont want my perfect little idea to get made and it looks like crap.....thatd be a bad introduction to a successful weapon id say)

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I cant post a picture but picture dual Thor style war hammers that deal grate impact damage 

The fraction: tenno 

The grip: I guess twin basolk i was thinking just like dual pistols how they are held down to the sides but it wouldnt look right when they are brought up


Please take mine into consideration without a picture or someone please help me to post a picture 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)MO_regulator said:

I cant post a picture but picture dual Thor style war hammers that deal grate impact damage 

The fraction: tenno 

The grip: I guess twin basolk i was thinking just like dual pistols how they are held down to the sides but it wouldnt look right when they are brought up


Please take mine into consideration without a picture or someone please help me to post a picture 

use imgur you can use your facebook account to sing in

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Primed Impaler – the type of Spear the community wanted (not a primary)

Faction: Orokin (Prime)
Baroo will sell a relic or release it with the next prime warframe 

Holster & attack style: same as Kesheg 
Throw and pick it up instantly with middle mouse button.
Slash base Dmg
Crit Chance: 15%
Crit Multiplier: 2.0x
Attack Speed: 1.10
Give it enough range and a fast flight speed like arrows.
crit chance also affects the spear throw and hitting an enemy with a spear throw adds to the combo multiplier (this way the spearthrow still can be viable in end game)

When the gauntlet pulls it back it has a particle animation that will let it appear in your warframes hand and disapper from
where it was by fading out fast in a particle animation -> this way we dont need to worry about objects or walls.
choose color & style as you feel like but keep a similar shape (the sides of the head & the peak  are sharp) 

p.s i made it with paint so dont laugh.


Edited by _Mr.Robot
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3 minutes ago, ARCEEJACKSON said:

how about a set of dual sheilds in each hand much like sentinal primes sheild? you hold it and weild it like a set of tonfas.... its style of stance would have to be similar to the tonfas stances... ish....but with some slapping punching... etc...the idea of sheild i have in my head is that its like a mixture of sheild..... blade..... guns chainsaw (elaboration on the chain saw required l8r) and the top end of the sheilds are blunt... they look like fists...ish... but the sheilds are more or less flat....the idea for this i got was from a type of enemy in final fantasy 13....this enemy had no weapon except for a tail...it looked like its version of arms might serve as weapons but if they could have been then this was only when they had that tornado attack ......i for someone would have to link a photo of both sentinal primes sheild and this enemy's sheildly appendages following this comment.... however.... possibly the weapon could be used for shooting like the redeemer is.... sheilding much like they normally would need to be...slicing and dicing as would be their original concept.....and pushing them back with minor puncture dmg and major slash from the chainsaws(explained here...>>>VVVV) the idea for the chain saws function would be they are pushing everything youd stab the sheilds with BACK....like in real life if someone decided to put a sword you could probably twiddle with the chnsaws function to send the blade one way or the other...in game both sides of the sheild sport a mean chainsaw...and the front of the sheild (like where youd slam into enemies with for the sheild?) all of which are running to the bottom or the point of the sheilds...of which youd use to poke stab and impale all enemies....when impaled.... all enemies are sent maybe flying back....or at least they suffer a little push back and/or unbalancing...in which the finisher would be acitvated and usable....and the chainsaws reverse their direction and you promptly impale the target with both sheilds and pull the enemy apart by litterally digging into them much like a screw drills into wood....and this pulls them apart naturally....slide attack or "coptering" as it used to be reffered would naturally be just you spinning the 2 sheilds around.... naturally theres also like a regular sword style blade on the sides of each sheild....both sheilds have the function of working like most regular shields would be... which without that....blocking mechanic with said sheilds would just look like the tenno/player/wf trying to hug itself with a hell of an elbow brace...with it....you can use one of both sheilds as a regular sheild.... perhaps both of them could be used as actual sheildsand when you want to attack with one of them....you grab it accordingly...smack stab slap and/or punch (with the blund top end of either sheild) and then return to blocking with both sheilds.... as the use of either one would be symetrical.... which sheild gets used as a regular sheild and which gets used as poke blade ultimate could largly depend on the camera orientation..... like if the players eye perspective was left handed or right handed....allowing the sheilds to be used accordingly....(ive always wondered asbout that in movies..... you crouch behind a wall lean right your right arm and therefor gunarm is flush up against it.... not alot of aiming room for that.....unless you plan on shooting blind then carry on....but i always imagined switching hands for aiming the guns in order to continue aiming and killing like a boss....) while blocking the shields frontal chainsaws could be used to send bodies flying either straight up like a snow plow sucking them in and sending them back out at others (to be used as a cc mechanic.... use the enemies own bodies as weapons to stop other enemies??) or possibly sending them straight down without a care... all enemies in that case would be downed/staggered etc... or perhaps either way they would be on the flow for a few seconds.... confused staggered... and/or just acting like they're blinded by inaros excal and/or just ragdoll madness for the chainsaw flying...idk....you guys choose.. im wishing i could draw the dual sheilds myself and pitch them to ya......they in my mind should look diamond like... sorta like the final fantasy spectre enemies that worked for the sanctum and escorted sazh and vanille about and tried to  deal with them when they wound up saying "how bout no, get 'em chocobo!" and took their own guns and shoot em full of holes....and the save points in a previous final fantasy... ff12... where some of the imperial gaurds reference them constantly in the main characters home town of rabenastre... "havent you ever seen a gate crystal b4?? just one touch and you'll feel like new! and if your fortunate enough to have a teleport crystal you can teleport to previously visited gate crystals" the orange gate crystals that were like a god send for getting from one point of the games little map to another..the sheilds should look like one of those cut in half and hollowed out for the grips...or if your a bit 2 lazy to hit google.... a slightly more teardrop turned upside down version of the oro that is a constant cancer to me in pvp... (back to warframe for references....) youd recognie it as that orange lightning diamond......yeah one of those

Dude, I think you missed the "100 words max" in the contest rules. :D

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4 hours ago, sonofvader2000 said:

my plan for the serpentine is to have it as a double function weapon that would have as its default dual scythes that individually proc heat and toxin and when combined (probably through an alternative to a charge attack) it could switch do a dual sided scythe that would use radiation damage (the elemental mixture between heat and toxin). in the dual sided form it would do more damage per hit but would have a lower attack speed. also the weapon will belong to the grineer/tenno faction.2hhf052.jpg

Just a suggestion but since its a split sword what if the blades folded down when it becomes a polearm?

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my weapon:


Name:           Mutare
Faction:        Infested
Type:            Gun-Blade
Description:  This gun has been completely taken over by infestation,
                     with this you are capable of slashing enemies with its bones as well as shooting poisonous darts, poisoning the target for extended time 



(ps i am not a great artist)
(ps i made this picture with paint:clem:)
(ps i took my inspiration from weapons like Scoliac, Mutalist-cernos, lesion and even the snipetron)

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Faction: Infestation

Grip: Rapier (e.g. Destreza)

Formed from the still-living venomous stylet of an infested organism, this highly refined weapon releases its unique venom along the entire length of the blade. Deals mostly Toxic damage. 

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Addition to the special ability keeping it with the defence aspect. killing enemys will fill the weapons power charge attack each kill making the ability stronger more kills you get before using the charge attack the stronger it is, working like equinox maim.  the power is a 360 degree blast that nocks down all enemies in a 10 meter range. C6GeiSHWQAEFyDs.jpgC6J-70gWYAEX6Jp.jpg

Edited by (PS4)KILLERmack10
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these weapons are called the artors and belong to the corpus faction. they have a high at base parry chance, lower base damage but higher finisher damage. on finisher, a charge is stored, but on the next finisher whilst chanelling the charge is released as an aoe stun *electric", opening surrounding other enemies to finishers. they also have a higher block percentage.

these are two hexagonal shields that are worn on the hands like golves and draw insperation form the buckler shields. when  blocking however they converge into one larger shield aswell as having the hexago pattern opening when channeling to show that you are releasing the charge. to follow with the design, when channeling a hexagon would show around the player to show the aoe range. i would have had an image as one WAS drawn but the image wasnt allowed to be inserted. this was created by me and a friend hearteater69



Edited by (XB1)OniiChanFetish
needed for image insertion
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Name: Iron Crescent (?) not good at naming stuff

Fraction: Corpus for its mechanical look.

Type: Scythe

Description: a new deadly corpus weapon made to bring chaos and destruction to its enemy from afar with great area of damage



this is the idea of my drawing and here is a somewhat painted one (not good at painting)




PS: weapon has to be bigger than normal scythe in-games, around warframe size (use tenno to scale), i want a big scythe >:3 to bring Tenno peace to the system (double the size of normal scythe in game i would suggest)


thanks! Keep the amazing work!

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(First off, I apologize I'm not the best artist.)

Faction: Tenno

Grip: Glaive

Name: Arachno

Description: The Arachno is the first 8 edged glaive, which only adds to it's elegance. It has good impact and an elemental of toxin. Throwing it you have the option to make it stick in one spot similar to the Zenistar, spewing out toxin.

Edited by (XB1)Skeledone
Didn't relize we were allowed to have Tenno as our listed faction until readin other submissions. :)
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Name: Barreus

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: A Staff with a special ability, one that creates a barrier, surrounding its user. Channeling feather-like devices from its compartment with stored energy, thus allowing it to create a barrier as it reaches their designated points,  without having to jeopardize the staff being a stale object. Though the durability of the barrier is temporary, it is still able to regenerate itself with energy, transferred by the user or either the staff. To conclude, the feather-like devices will teleport back into the weapon at a command.   

Grip-type: Clashing Forest

Edited by A-M-Z
Still new here, excuse me please.
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Name : Hagolyt

Faction : Tenno

Brief Description : A giant two-handed tenno sword with a split blade , perfect for those who prefer to disarm their adversaries

Grip : Heavy Blade


Edited by Bomox
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