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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Faction: Tenno

Type: Polearm

I'm not much of an artist, but here is my attempt ^.^


This design was created with the intent of bringing polearms into the meta though utility. This weapon’s distinguishing gimmick is that charge attacks throw a black hole that absorbs projectiles to create a damaging accretion disk, as well as pulling enemies towards itself, ragdolling them if they get too close. When the duration runs out, it releases the stored damage in a blinding pulsar, whose radius and duration is determined by the amount of damage absorbed. This weapon would also have the same block effect of the Vaykor Sydon, where blocking absorbs damage, releasing a blinding pulsar when the block is released.


Edited by SentientCloud
Image is now properly embedded
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Dual Bardkos:

Dual Sword grip-type

  • Faction: Grineer
  • Description: A pair of Grineer club weapons.  They simultaneously beat enemies to a pulp and light them ablaze.
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Grip Type:Gunblade


The weapon is an Fire axe,sledge hammer and a rocket launcher fused together.It was made to be very light and small to allow troops to carry it. The trigger for the weapon is located in the handle grip above the hand protector. The weapon is designed to fire micro rockets from
the end of the weapon. Under the long side of the weapon is the battery pack, which supplies the weapon with power. Both the bladed and the blunt sides of the weapon is re-forced making it unbreakable.
When it calls for close quarters combat, the welder can swing it around slicing and crushing any one who gets in the way. If the target is far away, Pulling the trigger will cause the Xlaztor to release an micro rocket energized by Electric, which the
projectile stores inside it own small battery cell, which it ejects thru the Tesla coils that are located at the back of the micro rocket.

When the user blocks, The weapon will release an non lethal micro rocket which floats in front of the user, using the Tesla coils to form an micro shield to block incoming rounds and melee attacks, before frying and falling to the ground.





Edited by genclaymore
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I dont know if the imgur link will work but here goes..

Name: Brionac (related to a spear from celtic legend)

Faction: Orokin (if thats one I can choose, if not then it is a Tenno weapon)

Brief Description: I dont really know what to say here except that my weapon is a spear. It attacks like any staff in warframe and it uses the same stance mods as a staff would. I was kinda thinking about giving it a cool charge attack that shoots a laser from the middle blade or possibly having it be like the dark split-sword where it has only elemental damage. 

Grip/Stance: It is a staff weapon

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Hm... lets see if I've got this right (beginner in posting up posts with pics). Sorry for my horrible pic. I'm sure if its chosen, the devs could add their own designs or adjustments to the handle and stuff to make it more "Warframe".


Name: Orion (Or otherwise known as the Neocor)

Faction: Tenno

Type: Rapier

Description: This is Orion, a one of a kind Rapier/Gammacor hybrid. It has a three pronged handle that separates when active (like the Gammacor, and that can be placed on back or on side hip). While active, the orb in the middle makes the prongs release a void blade thats about the same length as the Destreza. It has an ice element to it (it can be changed), and when ground slamming, it creates icicles as aoe damage. It can shoot three times after "puncture" or "slashing". I guess the Vulpine mask mod could work, or a new mod.

Note: There are small rings (like the ones seen on the sides of the Heliocor) but they are there for aesthetic appeal. Not visable when inactive and on hip or back. There are also 3 BIGGER prongs where the void beam comes out of. Mods for Swords can also work with this. Or just make a new one that incorporates the aoe and shooting ice thing.

Picture: Orion_zpswvjskbyw.png

Zoom in of Rapier:


 ●Basically, same colour as the Gammacor or Synoid Gammacor. Whichever is appealing.


Come on, guys...we need to show some love to the Rapier sword class! Theres only like one weapon for it (Destreza). It's only fair that we add a new stabby slashy sword that can also shoot ice at its enemies! Really! Ground slam creates icicles on the ground for aoe damage! Chance at a stun or freeze (and since it was pointed out a while back when I first posted, its kinda like a lightsaber...xD I can see the tenno duels now. Though the 3 thin blades are more "fire" like). Itd make the Rapier weapons class actually something that us players will USE more.


Edited by (XB1)EtherealExoduS
Something was wrong with the link to the pic on photobucket. I accidentally erased it and had to repost link again. Also edited out long worded stuff.
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ooooooh ok its my turn to submit now. my artistry skills are nonexistent so noone laugh




Category: dual claws, that means that monstrosity x2

Faction: grineer

so you know how grineer manics are all cool and edgy right? wouldnt it be cool to go all manic on your enemies? ok so basically this weapon is dual claws with a few extra kinks. finishers and spin attacks and leap attacks and basically everything other than a basic attack with this weapon do the super cool invisible, smoke, manic, dash thing. now i know what youre thinking "this weapon would be more broken than i am inside" now yes that is true buuuuuuuut the super cool highdamage invisible crit smoke effects are only attainable through this cool thing called melee channeling. you know that mechanic that DE put into melee weapons but noone really uses it except for cool lookin energy effects? i present to you the first weapon meant for melee channeling. instead of the original 1.5x melee channel bonus you would get, this weapons gives you 2.0x bonus AND the cool lookin energy effects. or copmletely just disregard everything i just said and make it op as balls, slap on a brand new stance mod and call er good. either way i just wanna see useable grineer manic claws in game WITH the fancy effects.

Edited by l0g1n
pic link doesnt work
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I'm really kind of disappointed in humanity in this thread what with trying their hardest to turn Warframe into an anime fashion show. These developers work painstakingly hard on original concepts for their weapons so that you can go "this is too goddamn cool" in other game forums. But y'know they need to realize that this isn't the skyrim modding nexus, and that this is supposed to be a (for the most part) professional contest where new ideas are brought to the table. This is where you are supposed to take the beautiful concepts that warframe has brought to the world of sci-fi, and draw inspiration from it. Not litterally taking the crescent rose from rwby, and coloring it black. 

53 minutes ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

Didn't notice this . Kind of disappointed 😔, I find it lazy 

also, do you want to animate it? i can tell you right now that you're going to have to first get the model from the modeling team after it has been approved by a production manager so you can then go into several programs like maya, and motionbuilder to then parent the weapon to the hand bone, then manually position the feet frame by frame, then the hips, then the torso, then the arms, then the rest of the goddamn rig, and then when your pole vectors invert halfway through the process you gotta roll all the way back to where you positioned your feet because excalibur is "turkey legging", and when you finally finish it, the production manager says "it needs to be smoother here, more slow out here, more of a hard impact here so no slow in/slow out. so you then will have to go back to your desk, pop an asprin, then open up your graph editor. 

so you go back into this thing and you have to change the curve sharpness to make the impacts harder where they need to be, and after 2 days you finally turn it in and go onto the forums where some buttplug who post naruto swords says "no, we want this" and proceeds to call you lazy.

now with that in mind, go animate that guy who asked for kirito's swords.

Edited by Khobi
spelling corrections and cleaned profanities
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Here's my entry and this is my Twitter account and this was posted on Twitter 

Name: Lephantis scythe or Mfi (Made From Infested) ( you can chose one or call it somthing else)

faction: infested 

description: Riped from the corpse of lephantis, this weapon was genically modified to be smaller but has gained a new ability.

and the doodle in left lower corner was just for fun

how to obtain: you build it in the bio lab same needs for caustacyst.

PS I'm doing this for fun! :D

Psst here's the link




Edited by (PS4)NukeingDragons36
Forgot picture and link
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Faction: Sentient (or Cephalon Simaris, if goes against lore)

Brief Description: This axe is made of separate hovering pieces. The grip is Heavy Blade, like the Scindo but with longer reach. The pieces come together when holstered. This is picture is something I started on a while ago but did not finish. Hope it's good enough. Please ignore the Rhino skin.


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1 hour ago, Khobi said:

I'm really kind of disappointed in humanity in this thread what with trying their hardest to turn Warframe into an anime fashion show. These developers work painstakingly hard on original concepts for their weapons so that you can go "this is too goddamn cool" in other game forums. But y'know they need to realize that this isn't the skyrim modding nexus, and that this is supposed to be a (for the most part) professional contest where new ideas are brought to the table. This is where you are supposed to take the beautiful concepts that warframe has brought to the world of sci-fi, and draw inspiration from it. Not litterally taking the crescent rose from rwby, and coloring it black. 

also, do you want to animate it? i can tell you right now that you're going to have to first get the model from the modeling team after it has been approved by a production manager so you can then go into several programs like maya, and motionbuilder to then parent the weapon to the hand bone, then manually position the feet frame by frame, then the hips, then the torso, then the arms, then the rest of the goddamn rig, and then when your pole vectors invert halfway through the process you gotta roll all the way back to where you positioned your feet because excalibur is "turkey legging", and when you finally finish it, the production manager says "it needs to be smoother here, more slow out here, more of a hard impact here so no slow in/slow out. so you then will have to go back to your desk, pop an asprin, then open up your graph editor. 

so you go back into this thing and you have to change the curve sharpness to make the impacts harder where they need to be, and after 2 days you finally turn it in and go onto the forums where some buttplug who post naruto swords says "no, we want this" and proceeds to call you lazy.

now with that in mind, go animate that guy who asked for kirito's swords.

Animating is a special kind of hell that not many people can even learn to appreciate nor even experience. so when you write all this down, I can understand it cos i do a little bit of animating. but to the layman, those words are gibberish and that picture doesnt mean anything. I know its infuriating but thats the way it is and youre kinda wasting your energy trying to talk it through to some people

i am saying this because i spent like an hour yesterday fighting a guy who thought the designs in Warframe are all garbage and stupid and organic. and then he decided to bring up Starcraft 2 Terran Marine as a counter argument to Warframe design.

Edited by tentacleface762
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EDIT: This is a polearm.... I was way too tired when I posted this. This is 100% not a sword.


Faction: Grineer

Brief Description: (In Image) 

The Var Liragh is a “polearm” type melee weapon wielded by the Grineer elite. Held halfway up the shaft, this weapon that runs on a network of cogs not only slices but also rips through the flesh of enemies like a sharpened hook.

Utilizing Flames and Toxins to power itself, this “polearm” is truly a fearsome encounter on the field of battle.

Original Artwork:





Edited by (XB1)Kaigen Masahiro
Wrong weapon type... Sorry >.>
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1 hour ago, Khobi said:


I've been away from this thread for a while (busy recovering from a flu, doing a bit of crochet and trying to design a Grineer Blade and Whip) so I don't know if anyone else has said anything like this, but bloody Hell it's nice to see someone finally call people out on this, and the only reason I couldn't agree more with you is because I would've said the same thing if I were better at wording my thoughts. It's sad that this has to be said, but DE seriously has to add "must fit Warframe's aesthetic" when it comes to contests like these, though that being said, we can rest assured knowing the ones that don't fit at all won't be chosen since there are quite a few Warframe themed weapons in here (though a lot of them are Grineer, which I'm personally happy to see).

On top of the "anime designs" though, there have been three plagiarists I've noticed in this thread. The designs in question are:

On 3/3/2017 at 4:30 PM, SoulXZero said:


The most notorious one from what I've seen; mister "I'm going to trace the Impurity Arm from Twin Star Exorcist, add a little gimmick, and say it's my design". I wish I could find and add the image others have used to call you out on your plagiarism, but I'm assuming people have seen you enough based on the number of times I've seen this image quoted and called out.

On 3/7/2017 at 0:55 AM, NegiSpringfield said:





You've got gall for trying to steal from what I'm assuming is considered a lesser known anime/game, but that's blatantly Haseo's Greatsword from .Hack//Roots. I wonder how many others picked up on this?


On 3/4/2017 at 2:24 PM, SkylineXful said:





And finally, Crescent Rose V2.0 (or whatever version since I don't know how many prototypes Ruby made (if any)). Haven't seen RWBY enough to know). There's nothing wrong with basing a design on something from a show or game, but don't change just a few pieces, call it your own design, and not expect to be called out on it. Honestly though, my first thought when I saw this was a measly "There's no way that would be a Corpus weapon; do you have no idea what their design aesthetic is?", but now that I've seen you called out on pretty much tracing Ruby's scythe, all I'm left wondering now is how you thought you could get away with it. You didn't even bother giving it a name that didn't scream "it's blatantly based on this"...



Now, in my opinion, what I think DE needs to do with people like these is ban them from future contests like this. Some may think that's harsh, but if you can get expelled from school (or even arrested) for plagiarism, being banned from all future design contests is a fair punishment; possibly even light considering I could've suggested having their accounts banned.

Edited by Fukushu
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On ‎3‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 1:10 PM, Krhymez said:

I am not the best at art but i have a concept i would like to see.

-Type: Whip /sword "Allow it to use stances from both" or Defiled snapdragon 

-Name: Razor Flail 

-Faction: Tenno

-Damage: Slash

-Special: When using this weapon you get a bonus to resource drops. Similar to how the lecta works for credits. Press "Alt fire" to activate the whip or blade. "maybe allow double stances to be equiped"


Disclaimer.. this is not my art, but an image of the idea of one. if enough people like this post, i will try to draw a Tenno version



This is a rough idea of the blade. I am sorry but i am not great with making images. If someone likes this idea, they can help build the idea better.


Like the abyssal whip in runescape! I LOVE IT!


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Ive seen one other one that was just direct image copy and paste. didnt want to point it out. people dont seem to know google image search has a reverse search function.

24 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

Now, in my opinion, what I think DE needs to do with people like these is ban them from future contests like this. Some may think that's harsh, but if you can get expelled from school (or even arrested) for plagiarism, being banned from all future design contests is a fair punishment; possibly even light considering I could've suggested having their accounts banned.

I was a moderator in the last online forum community I've been part of and I've hosted a bunch of art related contests. The usual punishment was temp Forum ban or blacklist from entering contests. but never their accounts banned. just a personal preference.

to explain, because being banned meant the person was unable to contact other people. the criminal must be penalized within the system he has committed a crime in. if the person has friends on the other parts of the forum, they should still be able to communicate with them. thats the only fair method. it also allows people to explain their cases. if it is an honest mistake, if that was the best they could do and wasnt really trying to be malicious about it, then its forgiven(but not forgotten). If they want to hurl abuses at me in foreign language after forgetting that google translate is a thing, then they are banned.

On the topic of matching the aesthetics, 


The Design Council will then determine the winning Melee weapons by submissions selected by Lucas Hug. Design Council voting will begin on March 31, 2017 at 1:00pm ET and run for one week.

I believe that part exists for this very purpose because, from my own experience, people tended to vote for the most non fitting, convoluted "cool" designs regardless of what the theme of the contest was. but usually, the scale of the contest was such, and the number of participants was such that it was easier and more open for discussions, for people to comment on each other's work and critique them so that they might usually follow the intended path towards the intended design. on this thread, I havent got the fainted idea on how many people submitted. I remember the few that were drawn well or the sketch showed a very solid idea. but the majority are in text/theory form with no images attached to remember*. and if there are so many to a point where one cant remember it, it makes it hard to critique and improve.

*: humans are very visual-focused organisms. "a picture is worth a thousand words" is no empty remark. the brain is literally wired that way. a huge part of problem solving, that makes what we are, is connected to the way our brain can recognize visual patterns. so, as a word of advice, having a picture really helps others to even remember the concept.

Edited by tentacleface762
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faction: infested

these infested gauntlets { fist type grip} feature hydraulic hooked spines that trigger when the fist plate contacts an enemy unit rapidly skewering and tearing the flesh as it retracts back  into the gauntlet. slam attacks send infested tendrils out in a cone ahead of the warframe , snaring and drawing the enemy closer to the tenno. features high inpact and puncture damage but low slash. 


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