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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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A weapon lost in memories... from war... A forged device of chaos and destruction. Some preached prototype, others whispered bane. A Shining star in the fog of War: The Stjarna.

Faction: Tenno

Stjarna: A blade weapon with a length of chain connecting the hand and the weapon. Tapping melee would use the Gunblade animation grip where a charged melee would instead throw the weapon in a straight line then draw it back.

Charged attack + channeling: throws six charged Kunai with a backhand left swing immediately followed by the normal throw of the Stjarna.


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I wish i could've designed this digitally with a good computer software. i forgot to mention its efficient at ripping armor off of enemies as well, but anyways heres my bladed whip idea. I hope my description is good enough for people to understand how i imagined it. hope you guys enjoy! :)

Ps: I love warframe 

Edited by (PS4)dboy710
forgot to mention something
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Faction: Cephalon

Class: Claw

Brief Description:

This weapon contains a little Cephalon that will help make quick work of your enemies by producing piercing energy blades. Also, this little guy will be able to hack systems by channeling your weapon and by doing a punching motion towards a console without needing a Cipher.


Edited by Vulpixica
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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: What was once used as entertainment, is now a beautiful but deadly weapon. The Anillo or "hoop" is wielded by a single hand, It's quick spin attacks and endless ring of blades make it ideal for heavy slash damage.
Although it's interesting shape makes it difficult to block, channeling the weapon will slowly build up an aura, once it reaches 100% the wielder will be granted a buff to resist knockdowns for a short duration.

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Name: Jaedexs

Fraction :Corpus

The grip is a fist weapon (Since everyone is doing a sword why not I try something else), I was originally do so it changes it's appearance (Like turn into claws) but it seems impossible so I Nerf it to this. Also it's both handed (I just drawn one hand because I am lazy). Also it projects a hologram, I am imaging it as a electric damage.

I am imagining a special attack on this is either you can charge it or do like a downwards slam (Like jumping up high and hitting E on computer), it should shows like a Volt forth ability animation and sends out shards-like hologram of broken dreams .



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Faction: Grineer
Brief Description:

The Diakopi ( Break ) - Fist weapon that holsters on your back.
The metal plate on the knuckles of this weapon heats up with every hit, eventually glowing molten hot.
At this point it will ignite both targets hit and the user on fire until steam is released from its heat chambers. (Reload button)

Originally designed by an overzealous mechanic who tried to pump too much power into a Grineer mining suit.



Edited by Taux
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Name: Crionexia

Faction: Tenno

Hilt type: Nikana (matches polarity of Decisive Judgement)

Description: Close relative to the Sibear, Crionexia is a special Nikana type weapon which has refined the channeling process for the Tenno, allowing them to utilize the Crionexia at its full strength. The weapon has an innate freeze effect on hit, much like Frost's passive ability. It being a slow attacking weapon gives it a balance of sorts with it's freezing effect. Innate cold damage provides a balanced offense for both Corpus and Grineer units.


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Name: Grak-Thar

Faction: Grineer (Experimental)

Grip Type: Whip

Description: A 'Mace' is attached to the gauntlet via a retractable tether. A glove is worn on the gauntlet hand, as it is used to hold the cord as it comes out of the gauntlet. When the weapon is utilized in a charge attack, the user will throw the 'mace head', where it will take on the attributes of Valkyr's Ripline ability. During a charge attack, the shield is raised in defense. All successful grapples with the mace, and blocks with the shield generate a small shockwave of blast damage.


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Name: Jolnir rokk (name random)
Weapon Type / Grip Type: Heavy Blade ( example: War - Zenistar - etc )
Elemental Type: Ice
Faction: Tenno
Description: Weapon elemental ice, the melting of ice petrified and cast metals with materials orokin.

Edited by Amovi
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I apologize for the poor quality of my post, as I have very little in the way of arts experience, but I feel as that my idea, like many others posted to this topic, could potentially fit in with Warframe's mechanics and world, and so I designed the weapon with 'fun' as its priority. So, I'm optimistic, but may the best design win! Take care, and I hope everyone's having fun with this competition!

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Name: Havalis

Faction: Grineer

Weapon Type: (New) Meteor

Description: A Grineer torture.. disciplinary device used on unloyal or insubordinate grineer troops, to remember their purpose. A spiked ball connected by a chain to another spiked ball, the pointed tips are made of a strong yellow crystal that is said the leave a stinging pain after it has pierce the skin.

Attack with Primary or Sidearm: A 240 degree sweep from the hip in front of you.

Colour Scheme: Grineer signature Green, yellow tip spikes.



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Weapon name: Lunar stitchers

Fraction: Tenno

Inspired by the beautiful lunar flower, these dual swords are made of a strong and light alloy that gives tenno an elegant way to slice through multiple enemies fast.


Edited by GaillyCool
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Weapon : Wavercor & Magnicor

Faction : Corpus


i see sword & sheild feel not like it be and less people use this weapon type

- Impact Damage
- when you sheild up [Hold right click] more than 3 secend . you take less damage 20-50%
- damage you take form sheild up. damage will absorb to Magnicor ability
- Magnicor maxed stack damage 3000 damge from 5% damage enemy done to sheild up
- you can unleashe all your Magnicor stack to Wavercor by [Hold E]
- Wavercor will fire impact blast and blow enemy guard line away.

- Wavercor get more 10% impact damage after firing impact blast for 10 secend

*This was my fast work but maybe it might be good idea

What it be like, when you use impact blast


Edited by DeltaDynamic
my bad english study /_\
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This is the Anglerado! A lit rapier sword that's fit to slash and jab those evil bogies that turn up. Given to the Tenno to exterminate foul beasts that lurk even in the darkest of shadows.

Unfortunately, I couldn't add colors because reasons, but it's open to interpretation. Maybe dark navy blue with white and silver. But details are in the illustrations and hope we can add another rapier to the 1 in our collection.



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Attack speed 1.0

Physical Damage 80.0

Impact 8.0

Puncture 8.0

Slash 52.0

Toxin 52.0

Critical chance  25.0%

Critical multiplier 1.5X

Status Chance 25.0%

Slam attack 150.0

Physical attack 150.0

Wall Attack 300.0

Plague(sword) and Bleeding (Shield)

Plague deals toxin damage , Bleeding is taken from the back of an ancient healer 

and while equipped, blocking an attack drops health orbs as the 50% of the damage blocked 


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1 hour ago, Taux said:

Faction: Grineer
Brief Description:

The Diakopi ( Break ) - Fist weapon that holsters on your back.
The metal plate on the knuckles of this weapon heats up with every hit, eventually glowing molten hot.
At this point it will ignite both targets hit and the user on fire until steam is released from its heat chambers. (Reload button)

Originally designed by an overzealous mechanic who tried to pump too much power into a Grineer mining suit.



This would be really good to trigger Ember's passive. I approve!

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The sculptarous is a highly coveted Heavy sword used by only the most elite grineer fighters.  It is made from pilfered Orokin technology and scavenged Ayatan Sculpture and it is unknown how many exist.  There may be variations depending on sculptures and tech used during creation.  Atayan star power radiates energy from handle to blade. This weapon does high slash and impact damage but the Ayatan power makes this weapon excellent with status damage as is has increased status chance because of it's energy. although beautiful , it is not Prime and the Prime version may only be legend. 


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Name; Harprov

Faction; Grineer

Type; Gunblade (Stance; High Noon)


The gun fires exactly like it does with the Redeemer or Sarpa, simply replacing the shotgun blast with a harpoon, that would hopefully pin enemies to walls much like how bows and arrows already do in the game. There is barely more visible length on the gun, perhaps not enough to justify a longer base range. Ultimately the main tradeoff in comparison to the existing gunblades is it's boost to Puncture instead of slash.

Aaaand while making this concept, this silly idea occured to me;

You're welcome, have a nice day.

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Faction: Corpus :corpus:

Description: Collapsible mace and shield that is powered by unstable isotopes; a Corpus design. Deals radiation damage and utilizes sword and shield stance mods. Rumors say the first prototype of this weapon was used by a robotics engineer as insurance to keep "especially excitable" proxies in check.



Edited by Ionus
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Fraction: Tenno

“Sakura” (cherry blossoms) + “Tessen”(fan)= ‘Sakusen’

Trying to channel void energy this weapon was created to be both devastating and elegantly beautiful. Like the Tenno themselves.


Dual-wield twin fans. Tenno origins and sleek design.

Uses dual dagger/swords grip. Modified version of this grip type can be used to create a unique fan grip.

Going full melee will make the Tenno cross their arms much like the dual swords grip but will flash open the fan (outer frame as there is no fabric), then causing energy to flare to life to form the complete fan.


Features primary and alternate mode change. This readily affect the charged attack, which is a ranged attack similar to glaive-like weapons.

Primary mode fires a wind gust projectile that damages enemies from afar. Grants 10% bonus crit

Alternate mode throws one fan itself, targeting a single enemy, where the fan rotates (like a saw) dealing high damage. Grants 30% status chance

 Channelling creates a beautiful trailing blossom effect (sakura) based on the energy colour. This also grants bonus slash damage. Restores 10% energy upon a crit.


Stance- Blossom Dance/Waltz-- elegant and beautiful poised strikes


1st- First Blossom: button smash [e e e e]

2nd- Second Blossom: block combo [e RMB e e e e e]

3rd- Full Bloom: pause combo [e e ... e e e e]

4th- Autumn: charge combo [e e e e]

5th- charge attack


Physical Damage 315 (455 when channelling)

Impact 175

Slash 140 (+140 when channelling)

Critical Chance 25%

Critical multiplier x2.5

Status Chance 30%

Primary charge attack 200 impact (+100 slash when channelling)

Alternate charge attack 200 slash (+100 when channelling)

**channelling during combos not only gives bonus damage, it gives a beautiful and pleasing aesthetic look to the combat of the weapon.

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Name: Acrux

Faction: Tenno

Grip: Gunblade

Description: This tenno made gunblade is made with Accuracy and power in mind, it has a fairly low attack speed but still faster then the redeemer, which is counterbalanced by boasting the highest attack of any gunblade per bullet/pellet (Around 97-110 if not higher) and long range capabilities, the weapon does low impact, high puncture, and average slash damage. when shooting the gun fires 3 bullets 1 after the other, it has innate punch through. It has the longest base melee and range of all the gunblades. Uses normal gunblade grip. (Word Count: 89/100)



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Name: Padma

Faction: Tenno

Grip: Whip

Description: A ceremonial Tenno weapon. When the petals closed, it appears as a ritualistic rod. When the petals open with hot energy, it is a weapon of excruciating deadliness. Death blossoms, Tenno.

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