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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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D E S C R I P T I O N: 

(Polearm)A lost artifact that had just recently been discovered shows ties to an unknown empire. Locked away data files about this artifact reveal that the Okana was a gift to the Orokin Empire, but in secret. The original Okana has been given the "Orokin touch" but has not been put to use before the fall of the Empire, but instead hidden from greedy theives due to its.... nature.


My submission btw 

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On 3/3/2017 at 9:30 PM, SoulXZero said:

So I came up with this pretty awesome idea (atleast i think so)
think about a weapon that works a little bit like nidus (when i say nidus i mean with transformations that are determined by some kind of given value)
i thought about a weapon that would transform (doesn't have to be a big transformation visually)
I came up with this because I really liked the concept of nidus and thought why couldn't there be weapons like this in the game
here are early concept (sorry for rough lines still trying to learn how to draw in drawing programs. and sorry for no colors still didnt come up with good color combination for the weapon) drawings by me I hope you like them

In this picture you can see the "base form" and the "awoken form" of the weapon (awoken form will be determined by how many kills you get)
base form is nothing special but the awoken form makes the magatama engulf in flames aswell as the three horn like structures
In the lower part you can see demonic like scales growing out of the weapon.
in my mind i thought that this weapons awoken form would increase its range aswell as its damage output and has a low chance to set the enemy on fire for a set amount of time(the numbers dont have to be high just and idea)

Ok so now to the point

Faction: Tenno Demonic Weapon

Brief description:   A Tenno Made Weapon That Bring Fierce Destruction And Flaming Disaster To Any Enemy That Will Come In Range This Weapons Devastating Claws Will Tear Any Enemy That Comes In Its Way This Weapon Feeds On His Enemy's Blood To Grow Stronger. This Ancient Weapon Was Wielded By The Strongest And Fearless Tenno During The War

Tapping Melee Should Use The Fist Grip Animation. Charging Should Do A Strong Punch And While in Awoken Form It Will Shoot A Short Range Fire Projectile Forwards From The Teeno If The Enemy Is Stealth Killed there should be an animation where the weapon goes strait through the enemy's heart

have you by any chance seen twin star exorcist latest?cb=20160406180525

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Faction: Grineer

Brief Description: the Stuv is a dagger type chainsaw (it uses the dagger stances), the size of a dark dagger. A small engine in the middle powers the chainsaw. High slash damage and high chance to cause bleeding.



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My weapon is the Exium


  • Faction: Tenno
  • Grip Type - Heavy Weapon (ie, War)
  • Brief Description: The weapon is styled like a broken claymore that is held together by a core of energy. As you hit more enemies (ie as combo counter increases) the energy core exits causing the blade fragments to expand granting you range. It is like a Galantine that give up the ability to deal amped-up slash procs for the additional range.



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Faction: infested

Grip: Hammer, heavy weapon

Description: Basically a half of Corpus Crewman attached to Amphis and then Infested. Has a mouth in what was it's chest cavity. Eats enemies that are slamed with it, heals the user in return. For fluff description refer the image.


WF melee design2017


Edited by Tachibana_Hibiki
forgot the description
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Faction: Tenno

Description: Chain Sword pure and simple. Ideally accepts Sword Stances, but uses Whip attacks on Slide attack, Charged Attack, and Alt Fire. Could just accept both stance types similar to Dark Split Sword though. Small blades connect/link together to form a longsword. During whip attacks, they separate, connected by a chain which runs through the weapon. High slash on whip attacks, with a split of slash and puncture for swords. No hilt, rather lengths of the whip wrap around the hands and up the arms. Perhaps bandages/cloth between the chain and "skin" of the Warframe.


Inspiration drawn from Ivy(Soul Caliber), Threaded Staff(Bloodborne), and Prince of Persia:The Two Thrones.

Edited by (XB1)JaykoBlanco
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This is what i came up with so far... But yeah... I would like there to be more scythes, and especially a great scythe- as in.. A bigger one. Also i thought about adding on to Infested weapons since it needs a little more. I call this scythe "Decay". It mainly naturally does Toxin and Slash damage, but of course you could always add on to it with mods. :)

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My clan mates and I have been wondering what we could possibly need so many Bronco prime blueprints for. What we have come to believe is this would be best:


The Akakbronco a sparring weapon built from 2 Akbroncos... That's it, that's all I got... maybe it still shoots or something?



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On ‎3‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 4:07 PM, Defghard said:

Faction : This weapon was built by tennos with both Corpus (Gravity) and Grineer (Kaboom Fist) technology.

Name : Krusha & Nera.

Brief Description : The alliance of Grineer kaboom armaments and corpus twisted minds made this dream come true !

Grab enemies directly in front of you to smash them back , or do it reverse ! 

The Nera Gravity twister is able to grab or regroup enemies creating small black holes , while the Krusha Powerfist with his 

integrated heavy canon can wreack havock in enemy lines !



Some moves to make an idea of the Krusha & Nera use : 

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Like your gauntlet idea A LOT!!!

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23 hours ago, Seratuhlis said:


This looks great! Even comes with a 3D model for reference.


Definitely need more rocket propelled grineer weapons.


Thanks, but yeah they would be definitely taking some artistic liberties with it. knowing DE Lucas hug's amazing modeling, he probably holds smaller details to a higher standard. we'll see tho. only an entire month to go.

I could take it a step further and drag it into zbrush and give it some grineer tumors, then bake it down again. more practice the better.

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I can't digitally draw or color so here is a quick sketch of my idea.

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: Gaudete is an impact based whip. When holstered it remains as a hammer. Light enough to carry with one hand but heavy enough to smash a few bones with a swing or two. It’s most powerful at max range able to knock back/down enemies. The hollow bars at the neck are able to disconnect (revealing the chains inside) and reconnect on the fly for faster swings and not let the weight of the head carry over when swinging to do a successive strike. Quick melee attacks will keep the weapon as a hammer.   



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Faction: Grineer

Description: A weapon only wielded by the most elite soldiers, the <weapon name> is a lethal and terrifying fusion of the Grineers' favorite weapons: things that are sharp, and things that are good for bashing. (It will use the HAMMER grip type)

Tentative Name: Mjolgung (Mjolnir + Gungnir)

General Damage Stats:

Hammer Mode - 80 Impact, 30 Slash, 10 Puncture

Spear Mode - 30 Impact, 80 Slash, 10 Puncture


-Obviously my artistic skills are not great, and I made a change as I was going along.

-The design doesn't need to be super close to what I have in the concept.  In general, it is supposed to be a hammer with a head that splits open, rotates, and connects to plasma generators (below the circles, a.k.a. power cores, on the handle; I just now realized I forgot to draw the plasma tubes) to create a large spear head of plasma.

-The squares on the hammer head halves are supposed to be metal bars that are going across each half, as to increase injury by bashing.

-I was thinking it could go one of two ways: 1) A new stance is made for it that has it changing from hammer mode to spear mode during the combos, or 2) It gets a new stance AND it's the first toggle-able Melee weapon.

I put "Lance" in the title, but it's really more of a spear, although you are supposed to be slashing with it, in addition to stabbing.


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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: The Ryuuginata is a polearm with a unique ability to split into three segments. It’s made of bamboo embedded with jade. The segments stay together until the momentum of attacks cause the segments to split hitting multiple enemies. The segments stay together due to the chain's special mechanism running throughout the weapon.

Fast spinning attacks and staggering strikes. The charge attack is a sweeping strike that takes advantage of this weapons unique ability. The head deals staggering impact, while the horns inflict a touch of puncture, blades embedded in the tail slash enemies. Radial heat AoE ground slam.



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Edited by (XB1)Kiri Neko
spelling error
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3 minutes ago, MeIancholy said:

Okay but why aren't we getting lightsaber katanas? Come on, there's a lack of both in Warframe!

probably because DE isnt working on the next battlefront. might as well ask "why aren't there any bolters?"

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Mortem Amplecti

Faction: Tenno / Lootcifer


Made from the bones ancient earthen/infested beast, imbued with radiating void energy, this scythe provides greatest range among melee tier.

base stats: 80 raditation,  20% critical  and 30% status change, this scythe provides the tenno a power beyond enemies nightmares.

scythe grip

quick attack: 3 strike combo, 1st strike: from left to right 1,5x dmg, 2nd strike: spins the frame around (360) with the scythe, aiming the attack to floor level 1x dmg (innate knockdown), 3rd strike: massive over head attack forcing the scythe to the knocked down enemys chest 2x dmg (innate slash proc) 

Charge attack: while charge is in progress blade&skull turn 90 degrees up adding more range,  reverse grip backwards spin (360) ( proc's all elemental's that are in the weapon to all enemies in range)  

* Blades are energy and become visible when equipping melee,  briefly visible in quick attack.

** alt fire ( i wish...)  turn in to a spear (blade&skull  turn 90 degrees up) that can be thrown same way as javlok,  2,5x dmg ( innate slash proc / deals finisher dmg)



yeap, its big.

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Name: Flosaectus

Faction: Earth/Nature

Grip: Scythes/ Stalking Fan

Description: An old piece of forgotten architecture, entwined with some of earths remaining stalwart roots and flowers. The Flosaecatus builds up flowers by blocking attacks. When enough attacks are blocked, alt-fire releases a cloud of pollen, leaving enemies caught in the blast open to finishers for 8 seconds.

Dmg: 115.9

Impact: 95.3

Slash: 15.3

Puncture: 5.3

Status Chance: 25%

Crit Chance: 15%

Crit Mult: 1.5×


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Faction: Corpus

Brief Description: The weapon primarily uses a Gunblade grip. When drawn, the area in between the rails would either generate small arcs of electricity that moves toward the tip of the "blade" or generate static.

When fired, the armature would quickly move towards the tip of the "blade" and then retract back to its original position. The blast would be a short range burst of electricity that can stun enemies.

The weapon could primarily be holstered around the hip or waist, much like how stun guns are holstered by the belt.


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Not the best art, but hey, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, anyhoo...

Faction: Tenno

Grip/Weapon Type: Nunchucku

Description: Inspired by the ancient Japanese weapon of the same name, this is a revamped version created by the Tenno. This Nunchucku like weapon can swung around the user in a wide radius to keep enemies away. The hooked end is bladed and can be used to slash enemies from a distance, or hook and grab away all sorts of weapons. The blunt, weighted end could be used to bludgeon the skull or to wrap around a targets limbs and pull them to the ground.

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