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[Idea] Silencers For Firearms


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This would make the "silent" weapons less useful.

And silencers dont work like they do in movies or books. They may quiet your gun, but not by enough to make you unheard. Its still quite loud. The actual goal behind silencers is to make it harder to determine the distance and direction of the gunfire, which is pretty pointless aboard the ships and hallways of the maps.

Just get the quiet weapons and ask them to make more.

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I like the idea of making this a mod. Make it a really high cost, such as 10 base. Make it decrease the range that enemies hear your weapon from, not completely remove the sound. Each level making the area you are heard smaller, maybe by -10%/level up to -60%.

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I could see a mod with a capacity of 11-15 to start. Maybe it could have a slight debuff like -25% damage or something and you need to level it up to get back to -0%. Or the debuff could be accuracy or fire-rate. Just something to balance the silence effect.

Basically, you are making any other weapon in the game a stealth weapon when there are already weapons in a stealth class. I don't disagree, but it should come at a cost to the weapon being used until the mod is leveled up.

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What if they just made weapons "silent-er"?  I mean, a Lex with a suppressor on it is still going to make a serious THWUNK when you fire it.  Not like Kunai or Paris, which make barely a whisper of a sound.  Twin Vipers will still make loud, hissing clicks.  Akbolto will still emit the sound of large bolts being fired through a small tube.


Again, "silent-er."  This would allow stealth characters a MUCH wider selection of weapons at the cost of a little more detection chance.  I mean, what reason is there to NOT put a suppressor on a Braton or a Burston?

Edited by Vince613
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Making it a mod would work perfectly. It wouldn't make stealth weapons useless since it would be taking up a mod slot that stealth weapons can use for other things. 

^ This man gets it.  Doesn't even need to be an expensive mod, either, because the amount of noise your weapon makes is a very minor thing once the enemies are alerted.

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Some comments are not argued ... Some forget that, Warframe is a game where we play ninja ... The stealth side of the game is not enough dévelloppé. That's why I propose an idea it is to make things happen. So forget your commantaires like "take the kunai." Warframe will deserve to have a system more successful than current stealth. Did you forget that we play ninja?

Escuse me for my bad English :)

Edited by Biquette
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Currently there is no real stealth system, so a mod for stealth is not actually helpful. When stealth becomes viable (which I believe will happen when you can go back into stealth after being caught one way or another) then this mod would be nice. But, as I said before, the best way to make this mod IMO would be to decrease the radius that you are heard in and not make the weapon 'silent'.

Although making it silent at a -40% damage (+4%/level with 5 levels so -20% at max) would make any weapon viable as stealth, at the cost of being much less effective.

Edited by liavalenth
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Suppresor mod that limits the range of detection would work well enough.


Let's say for the sake of example that the standard detection range for a Braton is 200 meters.


Suppresor mod:

Level 1: 10% reduction in distance (180 meters)

Level 2: 20% reduction in distance ( 160 meters)

Level 3: 30% " (140 meters)

Level 4: 40% " (120 meters)

Level 5: 50% " (100 meters)


Keep the suppresor mod limited so that, while quieter than the standard weapon, the true stealth weaponry still has the advantage in detection distance (0 meters)

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