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A couple more to add: 



Gametype / Mission Related


Special Phobos Mission - Infect / Exterminate - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/111174-special-phobos-mission-infect-exterminate/




Weapons (I guess?)


Weapon Fusion https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110588-weapon-fusion-turn-your-outdated-weapons-into-something-good/




Thanks again for this, EVERY forum EVERYWHERE should have one of these!

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Me and Vangaurd have posted our third series of [sotr Warframes]. You can find them and the previous two series (which have been slightly revised, minor adjustments to the format and switched the genders of several frames) at these links:


Part 1: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/109138-sotr-warframes-part-1-changeling-era-and-sanguine/

Part 2: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110176-sotr-warframes-part-2-hawk-ordnance-and-shaman/

Part 3: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/114048-sotr-warframes-part-3-twinframe-chimera-and-hybrid/

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I want to post my HUGE list of future content suggestions so here I go...


Multiple tiers per frame
    each tier adds a mod set that activates per each increment of 100% base energy and deactivates below each threshold promoting energy management in nuker frames.
    works like forma progress at rank 30 and activate with item or ui button
    Visual progression of the frame
    Maybe some unique abilities or gear i.e. rhino with an offhand shield that blocks bullets or projectiles
    Add 4 basic abilities to each frame to add build variety
    Maybe change functions of certain abilities with progression i.e. nekros shadows of the dead skill automatically refilling the army of the dead and

                  removing en cost as long as you don't use any other abilities
    Maybe unlock secondary resource specific to each frame    
Appearance t2 scabbard t3 sword

Secondary Resource: Honor and Battle
Reward greater move and ability variety with lower costs/Reward heavy reuse increases damage and energy used with melee/abilities

Slash dash
Radial Blind
Super Jump
Radial Javelin
Gate of Camelot (summon copies of melee weapons in inventory to combo single enemy)
Avalon Field (All armed enemies that die within the area are consumed to temporarily increase damage)
Peace Sheath (renders excalibur nearly indestructible while regening life in a sheath esque construct, based on legend of excalibur's sheath)
Knights of the Round (kinda like the ff7 summon, multiple clones seek out and melee combo individual enemies)

Appearance t2 polarity magnet t3

Secondary Resource: Mag Field
The more abilities mag uses in one area the more powerful her abilities become field decays over time and with movement.

Shield Polarize
Bullet Attractor
Diamagnetic Barrier (slows projectiles to a stop/no damage point)
Polarity Shred (violently rips ferromagnetic implants in enemies resulting in heavy bleeding)
Anchor/Promethean Rite (polarizes enemy and section of environment together)

Appearance t2 cloaked (clothing) t3 desert beggar (hidden weapons)

Secondary Resource Arsenal Charges:
Every enemy slain adds an arsenal charge and increases the number of targets or projectiles or power radius of next offensive ability.

Smoke Bomb
Hidden Arsenal (pulls multiple bladed weapons in a single strike to attack one enemy)
Dust in the Wind (quickly dashes across large distance and area zatoichi style delayed death)
Pierce Vitals (teleport and stab vital organs in a small group of enemies to inflict powerful bleed damage)
Ashen Vengeance (turn into a cloud of glass and ash and shred all units in range)

Appearance t2

Secondary Resource: Power Supply
Gauge increases with energy and nearby powered objects (lights etc.) increasing damage or duration of next ability.

Electric Shield
Overcharge (turn environmental object or corpse into a channeling tesla trap)
Ball Lightning (hurls a contained charge at enemy on contact explodes and arcs nearby enemies)
Thunder (calls large initial bolt, radial stun effect)
Electron Theft (charges volt with energy drained from opposing target or powered environment)

Appearance t2 Muscle and Meat t3 Heavy armor (think general from fire emblem)

Secondary Resource: Evolving Defense
As Rhino takes damage from enemy sources the secondary resource builds and improves defensive capabilities.

Rhino Charge
Iron Skin
Rhino Stomp
Primal Instinct
Mud and Blood (salvage armor from nearby corpses to strengthen your own defenses temporarily)
Gore (unleash primal fury on a single target)
Living Tank (self life regeneration buff)

Appearance t2 Undead Knight  t3 Wraith (spectral undead)

Secondary Resource: Body Count
The more enemy corpses in range of Nekros during his next ability the more targets and radius improves.

Soul Punch
Shadows of the Dead
Netherjudgement (haunts enemy with skeletal judge inflicting semi random debuff)
Death begets Death (dead enemy's turn into traps that when triggered grab target and explode)
Unlife Abomination (fuses multiple dead enemies in area into one extra strong grotesque pet)
Premature Burial (summon multiple coffins that grab enemies and temporarily bury them, if they survive they crawl out of ground terrified, if they die they become short term allies)

Appearance t2 Contained reactor t3 Matter/Antimatter

Secondary Resource: Matter Antimatter Balance
The guage is split in two matter and antimatter the more guage is used by matter the more powerful her abilities become, the more antimatter in the guage the more powerful her weapons become)

Null Star
Antimatter Drop
Worm Hole
Molecular Prime
Doppleganger (summons antimatter copies that go and latch onto they're respective enemy debuffs survivors, dead implode dealing small aoe)
Phased Existence (temporarily renders nova a being of pure antimatter (powerful damage buff and damage on enemy contact)
Antimatter rounds (charges your rounds with antimatter resulting in a annihlation reaction on contact with an opponent resulting in large weapon damage.
Duality Ignition (links nova and her antimatter clone to create a distorted field of reality)

Appearance t2 Medic (coat, tools, etc) t3 Gothic Sanctuary (keep most of medic motif)

Secondary Resource: Crisis Response
Guage goes up as friendly health levels go down higher guage gets the cheaper her next ability is to use.

Well of Life
Energy Vampire
Sacrifice (gives all friendlies life gen based on life missing while inversely degenerating own health)
Quick Response (raises fallen friendly from down or death state)
Red Cross (feel free to rename, rapid generation of health in expense of constant energy drain)
Oath (links the trinity to one other frame giving powerful bonuses in exchange for self debuff)

Appearance t2

Secondary Resource: Tactician Matrix
More enemies effected by vauban's abilities the longer vauban's abilities last.

Sentinelle (creates permanent ai turret can be destroyed)
Versaille  (tf2 dispencer esque floor plate)
Guillotine (create individual trap on floor that eventually beheads victim additional enemies in radius of trap when triggered will avoid set guillotines)
Ambush (use fake corpse with false vital signal to draw enemies close explodes on inner radius trigger)

Appearance t2 embedded speakers t3 electronic sound cues on frame with power activation (sound bars etc.)

Secondary Resource: Vibration Manipulation
Gauge increases with sound canceling abilities and decreases with sound emitting abilities, gauge increases damage of next sound emitting power.

Sound Quake
L.V.A. (localized vibration absorption, reduces all friendly weapon recoil and fire rate by absorbing excess vibration within an area of banshee)
Echo (causes next used sound emitter power to create an "aftershock" clone that power doing an additional up to 50% damage and/or 50% additional duration)
Feedback (amplifies next sound source within an area of Banshee to deafening levels for enemies stunning and disorienting nearby enemies)
Solid Sound (creates a single vibration wave of massive force damaging and debuffin all enemies within range.

Appearance t2 rose with thorns t3 toxic flower motif (containers with fluid or gas?)

Secondary Resource: Biochem Foundry
Generates chemical and biologic munitions over time as it increases the more powerful the next ability.

Snake fangs (specialty hyodermic spike trap that stealthily poisons enemies who walk across)
Inflame (inject toxin cocktail that causes victims body to expand violently limits mobility of survivors, death explosion spreads effect to nearby enemies)
Airborne (creates a sustained cloud of toxins dealing damage over time to all enemies in area)
Black Death (subtly poisons massive area with a toxin that slows enemies, deals small damage over time till death, spreads to nearby enemies that walk by nearby corpses slain with black death)

Appearance t2

Secondary Resource: Psionic Dominance
More enemies under the effects of Nyx's mind controlling/altering abilities the greater the possibility of automatic mind control.

Mind Control
Psychic Bolts
Nervous Breakdown (Enemy psyche damaged so severely they display symptoms of severe mental conditions i.e. inexplicable phobias,unwarranted aggression)
Relapse (any enemy previously affected by an ai affecting ability i.e. terrify has that effect renewed for the duration of the original effect)
Psinet (appropriates all enemy minds within radius (up to a certain quantity) to propagate the next psionic effect used i.e. mind control)
Telekinetic Rampage (seize all enemies within radius in a telekinetic grip and violently accelerate them into the nearest enemy or dangerous object)

Appearance t2

Secondary Resource: Feed for the Fire
Ember's powers get stronger the greater quantity of burning enemies are in radius of her.

World on Fire
Spontaneous Combustion (chemically ignites the inside of an enemy resulting in high burn damage)
Backflash (imbue self with extreme heat that results in a powerful nova on use of any self based ability (world on fire/overheat etc)
Slow Burn (chemically alter enemy armor into combustible materials that result in a long term fire dot)
Flame Serpent (create a wall of fire in your wake)

Appearance t2 Glacial Hard Armor t3 Iceberg (smooth and angular motifs, erosion?)

Secondary Resource: Hell Frozen
The greater the area affected by Frosts abilities the longer abilities and effects will last.

Ice Wave
snow Globe
Snap Freeze (freeze in a small radius around frost, reduces armor considerably)
Absolute Zero (temporarily freeze solid giving all friendlies a layer of ice "skin")
Frostjacked (freeze an enemy's limbs, subsequently snap one off and beat enemy with frozen limb till death or power wears off)
Ice Realm (generate random ice spikes on wall ceiling and floor which become environmental hazards to enemies)

Appearance t2

Secondary Resource: Trickster Guise
More enemies under loki's control effects the less aggro he draws.

Switch Teleport
Radial Disarm
Friend or Foe (temporarily rewrite enemy iff systems to render enemy weapons harmless and enemy support type units assist you instead)
Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (disguise yourself as target enemy while enemy unit appears to be you effect ends on duration or target death can perform stealth attacks while power is active)
Many and One (Creates multiple clones of yourself that spread chaos and steal supplies from enemy units supplies gained upon duration end any excess supplies are dropped like traditional powerups)
Half Blood Vengeance (triggers self destruct in all enemy gear near you resulting in enemy unrest does not disarm or damage greater units and bosses who are more familiar with there tech)

"gear items" that add passive abilities or function changes i.e. hand spikes to solidly cling to walls
    Hand Spikes-Wall climbing and free movement and solidly hanging on walls
    Grappling hook-you know what this does
    Extra Grip Tabi-unlock wall and ceiling walking/running options
    Camouflage Layer-Lower effective enemy sight distance and aggro when detected

tenno residence
    clan room esque functions specific only to the warframe or account
        Training Room: Set up regimen that improves each of your frames by the excercise/training regimens you set up
        Armory Maintenance Room: Show off and fine tune each of your warframes and weapons.

Clan room expansions
    Intel Hub gives alerts to all clan members (suggested by someone else during a livefeed kudos to whoever that was)
    Mining and Resource acquisition (give clan members or clan itself resource gen)
    Clan facility challenges (obstacles etc. mastery ranking points?)
    Clan Technique Development (development of unique mods etc.)

Mod suggestions
    Warframe Mod-Targeting system: removes all manual targeting on primary and secondary weapons in exchange for no guaranteed headshots and reduced accuracy allows for more focus on movement and positioning leveling up reduces accuracy penalty

Function Polarities
    Passive Activation polarity-no capacity reduction but effect is either constantly active or automatically reapplied when applicable
    Energy Reduction Polarity-no capacity reduction but energy to activate is reduced

Frame Suggestions
    Martial Art Frame Close Combat Fist and/or melee weapon based frame
    Appearance t2 bandana, ryu esque Appearance t3 scorpion or other ninja design theme with bandana enchancement

        Secondary Resource: Kata
        Each ability adds one charge to kata guage when one ability is performed twice in one guage that ability gains damage bonus and resets guage)

        One Inch Onslaught (One Inch Punch but coming from what looks to be multiple fists high damage single target powerful knockback,damage on enemy ragdoll collision?)
        Heel Cross (Reverse Roundhouse followed by Axe Heel Kick Small Wide Cone Of Damage dismembers on kill)
        Yin Yang (split into 2 clones per each affected enemiy each clone duo strikes with a martial technique (roundhouse,right hook, etc.) from in front and behind)
        Already Dead (Unleash extremely rapid blows in 360 degrees, slows and dot applied to all enemies in radius, enemies killed by this explode ala fist of the north star)
        Seize And Release (Judo over shoulder body throw with follow up ground pound for area damage)
        Open Fist Closed Coffin (counter next enemy melee with a grab and dash pin enemy into wall enemy is embedded into wall for longer stun and a barrage of torso blows from horse stance if used after Closed Fist, Open Funeral)
        Closed Fist Open Funeral (Cross counter next melee with powerful jab that impales enemy if used after Open Fist Closed Coffin pull back opened hand with greater force to "invert" or make enemy explode for damage)
        Gun Kata Overdrive (like bladestorm but instead of melee seize enemy weapons and strike or shoot with their own weapon (if infested rip off limb if it doesn't kill they grow limb back)(if anything else temporary disarm if it doesn't kill)

    Shadow themed Frame
        Shadow Propagation (Create Decoy clones of all nearby allies, when slain each decoy attaches a powerful light source giving all affected enemies increased damage from shadow based powers)
        Shadow Stitch (manipulate shadow to consume target in exchange for health or energy targets are immobile during effect)
        Become Shadow (fade into inky substance for a time and travel unhindered with speed bonus)
        Shade Inversion (grab enemies from shadows and inflict "inversion" on killable targets)
        Shadow Teeth (shadows shapeshift into solid spears and impale target for bleed damage)
        Shadow Melding (forcibly meld enemy into inky substance for damage over time heavy enemies only covered in ink rather than full "meld")
        Shadows Inside (Take advantage of lack of light "inside" organic target to inflict heavy bleed or disrupt on corpus bots)
        Shadow Execution (Summon enemies nightmares from their shadow to damage all enemies)

Weapon Suggestions
    Big O style impact fists
        2 hit base combo with stun
        Charge Attack Powerful knockback and ragdoll on light enemies

Melee Animations Suggestion
    Styles-allow us to pick from multiple styles to differentiate melee game a bit
    Combos-Deepen melee combat with different small combo trees inside of styles i.e. fang aerial attack becomes a dive to drive both blades through enemy shoulders and throw target if it's a lighter unit.

If anybody on the dev team reads this pls reply with thoughts on these suggestions?

Edited by Irorone
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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a new world/tileset me and Vangaurd came up with for our Sanguine frame. It's an infested Dreadnaught:



EDIT: And here's a cool little Halloween curse-themed frame!

Edited by Siubijeni
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