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Warframe Comics And Art (Added Kubrow Angel)


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The thread is dead! Long live the thread!





But seriously. How?


Step one - do comic panels.


Seriously, it's as much as just drawing a few rectangles. Start with a fixed format if you're not sure. Look up golden section for the sizes.

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I was doing the dishes…..my family are now utterly convinced that i am insane.
(When the Grineer say “tenno scum”, it sounds very much like “tenno skum”, which means “tenno foam” XD )
(Skum = foam or bubbles)


And dishes were never washed the same, thanks for the laugh!

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So, how do the Darvo fangirls feel about Darvo being 105 years old?

Doesn't this really raise the question of how old the Tenno are? Or, How old can humans became in this future? And to answer your question...He... doesn't look that old? I donno...Damn it! Where's Yanderesamantha when she's needed.

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I was doing the dishes…..my family are now utterly convinced that i am insane.
(When the Grineer say “tenno scum”, it sounds very much like “tenno skum”, which means “tenno foam” XD )
(Skum = foam or bubbles)


Do you also check the corners for the stalker if the lights flicker? XD

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There's a light in my bathroom that flickers constantly. Scares the heck outta me so I started carrying my katana around like a ninja. Y'know.... Just in case.


Stalker: Late at night for a &!$$, eh?



Don't ask where I found this. It'd make Lotus cry.

Edited by SLI-fox
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So, how do the Darvo fangirls feel about Darvo being 105 years old?

eeeehh he's old enough for sexy time, so no pedobear here


There's a light in my bathroom that flickers constantly. Scares the heck outta me so I started carrying my katana around like a ninja. Y'know.... Just in case.

There's a lamp post down the road to the busstop where I live that occasionally flickers. Imagine how it's like to walk down, 6 in the morning, and the lamppost start flickering vigorously. *cold sweat*

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Hey, I'm almost normal compared to you people.

Meeh, I say you can act normal as the person you are (in my case, oogling over warframe butts are normal for me). People aren't normal to each others standards; because what is order for the spider, is chaos for the fly (addams family quote btw)


Welcome to Creepshow, where everyone is accepted and whales and butts and butterflies are maddafakking awesome(and badass).

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He maybe 90 years older than me but that doesn't stop me from trying to kneel/crouch in front of his in game model loving him~


Or 5 Corpus years is equal to 1 human year, so he's almost twenty one.


Or the medical care at the events of Warframe was so advanced they can live up to hundreds of years.


Still. Darvo. Hnnnnnngg~Quote

hahaha we all figured you would flip out when you found out.

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