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Another Oberon Rework Thread


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My favorite warframe has been hurting for a rework pretty badly for a while, and with his Prime just around the corner (Unless the Fairy King gets thew shaft again) I think its just about time for a rework. I mean I would even be willing to wait a good deal of time for his Prime, just to see it come out with a freaking rework so that its actually worth the effort of farming. So I decided to throw my hat into the ring one last time, with my final Oberon rework suggestion thread. Here's hoping Broberon gets his due.

The Basic idea behind this rework is to change as little as possible about Oberon's base kit, No trying to turn him into a whole new frame here. Just good clean refined touch ups and quality of life changes here. I also neglected to make many if any suggestions on actual numbers as I feel it would be better to rely upon digital extreams expertise when it comes to that, This is all about mechanical changes not math. Finally I would like to state this is hardly the end all be all of all Oberon reworks, I just hope the someone from the design council sees this and agrees with at least part of what I have to say.



Oberons base stats are mostly fine, I would personally like an increase to Oberons total armor for a slight increase to survivability, and a slight increase to total energy for a bit more stamina. The only other suggestion I might make is to move Oberon over to a shield-less frame like Inaros or Nidus, unless your going to let renewal restore shields.


Passive: Beastmaster

This is simultaneously one of the worst and best passives on any war-frame, and honestly I really like it. However, I really feel something more consistent would be a better choice for Oberon. While I am aware that DE probably wants to avoid giving every Warframe an additional passive. I would like to see Oberon get some kind of bonus when choosing to use a Kubrow or Kavat, in the same way that Mesa gets a bonus when using pistols. I think some kind of statistic increase shared by Oberon and his companion would be really cool. This would fit his Nature Paladin vibe and would thematically match up with the more inconsistent element of his passive.

I would probably lean toward an armor and/or melee damage buff.


Ability #1: Smite

I really love this ability as is, and feel like It mostly just needs a numbers tweak. If I where going to make any change I would suggest that Oberon could always cast smite on allies, even without the augment, only in this case it would just cleanse them of conditions and and then spawn the additional wisps to attack nearby enemies as if you'd hit an enemy with it. In addition the additional wisps could also cleanse nearby allies of conditions. I am suggesting this change due to a major change I am going to suggest later, also because I want it to be more beneficial to use smite more often, mainly because I think its his most entertaining power.


Ability #2: Hallowed Ground

I am probably not going to make any new suggestions here, its pretty simple. It would be a great boon to see the armor buff be swapped out for damage resistance (Possibly even as high as 50% if its gonna be a stationary effect.) so that its more effective for everyone, and applying a slow and/or damage vulnerability debuff to enemies in the area of effect would be a great quality of life improvement.

Also re-balance damage so it works better at endgame.


Augment #2: Hallowed Eruption

So this augment basically only exist to fill up space. Its not a terrible idea but lets be honest it makes the ability weaker. I would like to parrot an old meme of these kinds of threads, in a new way, or at least I think its new. Change this Augments name to Hallowed Presence, Now when you activate Hallowed Ground you consecrate the area in a radios around you, in addition to the cosmetic change to a circle this area effect will follow Oberon as he moves around, however it will disappear anytime Oberon goes airborne only to reappear once his feet hit the ground. This augment will still give Oberon the ability to detonate his Hallowed Ground in much the same manner as it did before only it will be more reliable, the ability is still duration based.

I feel like the ability to move around more freely with Hallowed Ground is a much needed quality of life improvement and that implementing it this way will satisfy both camps of Oberon players (Those who thing HG should change, and those who think it shouldn't, I am honestly both depending on the mission type I am doing). Plus I think it would be a load of fun.


Ability #3: Renewal

Ok, I think I might be burning a few bridges when I say this ability needs to stay. Oberon is currently one of the few healers we have in game and I would like for it to satay that way. That being said this ability needs an overhaul as badly as Hydroid entire kit. I could honestly write eight paragraph describing just about everything wrong with this ability, or I can be productive and make suggestions. One drop the travel time gimmick kid it ain't doing anybody any favors, Second make Renewal function as an aura that effects all allies within a 40m radius of Oberon, and no more of this heal over time effect ending when the target reaches max health, Yeah that means ya gotta drop the cleanse that's why I made that suggestion for smite earlier. Besides I've got a better idea, you see Renewal has two new effects first anybody under its effect gets an increase to their maximum health (Or it can restore shields instead), and if they are at full health ( and shields if Renewal restores shields) they get a damage bonus to everything, Weapons, Powers, the works. Follow me kid and you'll have yourself a nifty little power that might just give queen Trinity a run for her money.

Also while your at it Renewal needs to be made into a timed ability or a full toggle would both be pretty great to me, this half and half things got to go.


Ability #4: Reckoning

Oberon SMASH! Oh, ehem sorry. Ok I really don't think this ability needs to change much its pretty nifty as is but I do have some suggestions, beyond the redundant, make numbah's bettah! For one I don't really like how spammy reckoning can make Oberon, so I would like two see two mechanics introduced. One, Oberons Reckoning scales based on his current power percentage making it do more damage when Oberon has more power and deal less damage while Oberon has less power. 2. Drop the blind effect, instead enemies knocked down by reckoning get a slow effect which decreases the rate at which they pull themselves up to their feet that ends once they are no longer knocked down, this effect scales with the former change, the higher his current power the longer it takes enemies hit by reckoning to actually get up. Both of these changes would make Oberon less spam happy overall, though they do open up a bit of an Overkill tactic when paired with an EV Trinity.

So If you are really afraid of that it might be a good idea to give Reckoning a passive. Reckoning charges up every second 1% for every enemy within 40ft of Oberon. Every-time Oberon uses Reckoning it looses 25% of its charge, but the higher the charge the more effective it is, that sort of thing.


Questions comments and concerns?

Edited by Turtlemancer
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We more sohuld not jsut rework everything again, for what he does his powers are solid, they just need some tweaks.

Smite like most first powers are debateable, its still a quick CC knocking down, able to hit and radiate several enemys.

Holy Ground casted aorund him instead of his carpet roll out with better buffs an debuffs. While we at it, why the F*** does Nidus infected S#&$ heal players but holy ground does not, give him the heal instead on his ground.

Renewal i often suggested switch Trins heal with his partly, Make his instant since it regens over time and give him damage reduciton, while Trinity sheuld get travel time since it heals instant both shields and health, maybe some damage reduciton stays.

Reckoning better damage or debuffing enemys to take more damage simliar to Equinox Day Forms second, also his health orbs drop on death, since damge is so low it should be also like a debuff, lasting for like 3-5 seconds, if the enemy dies in that time after Reckoning it has the Health Orb chance.


Edited by Marine027
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I'm sorry, but unfortunately, I'm of the opinion the Oberon's entire ability set needs to be thrown out. I have two reasons for this:

1) His appearance does not suit the Paladin theme at all.

2) The D&D Paladin theme, as a whole, is pretty terrible. Why do you think all of the modern MMOs aside from DDO retconned the Paladin into a tank-class with moderate self-healing capabilities?

I would rework his abilities this way:

1) Summon beast: Summon 1/2/3/4 Spectral Kubrows for 15/30/45/60 seconds. Augment: Summon Kavat-change Spectral Kubrows into Spectral Kavats.

2) Fairy ring: Create a fairy ring that causes a radiation proc on any enemy who steps in. Allies in the fairy ring are cured of all debuffs.


4)Tree of Life: Summon an aspect of the tree of life. Allies within the radius of the tree get a powerful regeneration buff.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)Nightseid said:

Only thing I want for an Oberon rework at this point.

Is make renewal into a timed buff (10s) instead of energy drain ability.

Everything else is icing.

Hmm... You might be right. Honestly I could go either way. A timed ability or a full toggle would both be pretty great to me, this half and half things got to go. I'll make not of this in the main thread.

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8 minutes ago, Turtlemancer said:

Hmm... You might be right. Honestly I could go either way. A timed ability or a full toggle would both be pretty great to me, this half and half things got to go. I'll make not of this in the main thread.

Right on.

My one concern with having ability as a toggle is the Phoenix renewal mod. I feel it would make renewal op.

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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)Nightseid said:

Right on.

My one concern with having ability as a toggle is the Phoenix renewal mod. I feel it would make renewal op.

Hmm... You might be right, As much as I hate the idea of having to recast constantly I do it a just fine on Volt with his speed. But at the same time that means having to cast both Renewal and Hallowed Ground constantly or stop doing one to upkeep the other. I think it would be better to make it a toggle, I mean Phoenix Renewal already has an internal cool down which I think could easily counter this, even still if it didn't they could simply make phoenix renewal cancel your renewal so you have to recast it. SO there are other ways to make sure the ability stays balanced.

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I made my Oberon Rework concept today.  It retains his kit, but makes it SUPER effective, and more a Druid than anything else.

On 3/29/2017 at 1:53 AM, Turtlemancer said:


My favorite warframe has been hurting for a rework pretty badly for a while, and with his Prime just around the corner (Unless the Fairy King gets thew shaft again) I think its just about time for a rework. I mean I would even be willing to wait a good deal of time for his Prime, just to see it come out with a freaking rework so that its actually worth the effort of farming. So I decided to throw my hat into the ring one last time, with my final Oberon rework suggestion thread. Here's hoping Broberon gets his due.

The Basic idea behind this rework is to change as little as possible about Oberon's base kit, No trying to turn him into a whole new frame here. Just good clean refined touch ups and quality of life changes here. I also neglected to make many if any suggestions on actual numbers as I feel it would be better to rely upon digital extreams expertise when it comes to that, This is all about mechanical changes not math. Finally I would like to state this is hardly the end all be all of all Oberon reworks, I just hope the someone from the design council sees this and agrees with at least part of what I have to say.



Oberons base stats are mostly fine, I would personally like an increase to Oberons total armor for a slight increase to survivability, and a slight increase to total energy for a bit more stamina. The only other suggestion I might make is to move Oberon over to a shield-less frame like Inaros or Nidus, unless your going to let renewal restore shields.


Passive: Beastmaster

This is simultaneously one of the worst and best passives on any war-frame, and honestly I really like it. However, I really feel something more consistent would be a better choice for Oberon. While I am aware that DE probably wants to avoid giving every Warframe an additional passive. I would like to see Oberon get some kind of bonus when choosing to use a Kubrow or Kavat, in the same way that Mesa gets a bonus when using pistols. I think some kind of statistic increase shared by Oberon and his companion would be really cool. This would fit his Nature Paladin vibe and would thematically match up with the more inconsistent element of his passive.

I would probably lean toward an armor and/or melee damage buff.


Ability #1: Smite

I really love this ability as is, and feel like It mostly just needs a numbers tweak. If I where going to make any change I would suggest that Oberon could always cast smite on allies, even without the augment, only in this case it would just cleanse them of conditions and and then spawn the additional wisps to attack nearby enemies as if you'd hit an enemy with it. In addition the additional wisps could also cleanse nearby allies of conditions. I am suggesting this change due to a major change I am going to suggest later, also because I want it to be more beneficial to use smite more often, mainly because I think its his most entertaining power.


Ability #2: Hallowed Ground

I am probably not going to make any new suggestions here, its pretty simple. It would be a great boon to see the armor buff be swapped out for damage resistance (Possibly even as high as 50% if its gonna be a stationary effect.) so that its more effective for everyone, and applying a slow and/or damage vulnerability debuff to enemies in the area of effect would be a great quality of life improvement.

Also re-balance damage so it works better at endgame.


Augment #2: Hallowed Eruption

So this augment basically only exist to fill up space. Its not a terrible idea but lets be honest it makes the ability weaker. I would like to parrot an old meme of these kinds of threads, in a new way, or at least I think its new. Change this Augments name to Hallowed Presence, Now when you activate Hallowed Ground you consecrate the area in a radios around you, in addition to the cosmetic change to a circle this area effect will follow Oberon as he moves around, however it will disappear anytime Oberon goes airborne only to reappear once his feet hit the ground. This augment will still give Oberon the ability to detonate his Hallowed Ground in much the same manner as it did before only it will be more reliable, the ability is still duration based.

I feel like the ability to move around more freely with Hallowed Ground is a much needed quality of life improvement and that implementing it this way will satisfy both camps of Oberon players (Those who thing HG should change, and those who think it shouldn't, I am honestly both depending on the mission type I am doing). Plus I think it would be a load of fun.


Ability #3: Renewal

Ok, I think I might be burning a few bridges when I say this ability needs to stay. Oberon is currently one of the few healers we have in game and I would like for it to satay that way. That being said this ability needs an overhaul as badly as Hydroid entire kit. I could honestly write eight paragraph describing just about everything wrong with this ability, or I can be productive and make suggestions. One drop the travel time gimmick kid it ain't doing anybody any favors, Second make Renewal function as an aura that effects all allies within a 40m radius of Oberon, and no more of this heal over time effect ending when the target reaches max health, Yeah that means ya gotta drop the cleanse that's why I made that suggestion for smite earlier. Besides I've got a better idea, you see Renewal has two new effects first anybody under its effect gets an increase to their maximum health (Or it can restore shields instead), and if they are at full health ( and shields if Renewal restores shields) they get a damage bonus to everything, Weapons, Powers, the works. Follow me kid and you'll have yourself a nifty little power that might just give queen Trinity a run for her money.

Also while your at it Renewal needs to be made into a timed ability or a full toggle would both be pretty great to me, this half and half things got to go.


Ability #4: Reckoning

Oberon SMASH! Oh, ehem sorry. Ok I really don't think this ability needs to change much its pretty nifty as is but I do have some suggestions, beyond the redundant, make numbah's bettah! For one I don't really like how spammy reckoning can make Oberon, so I would like two see two mechanics introduced. One, Oberons Reckoning scales based on his current power percentage making it do more damage when Oberon has more power and deal less damage while Oberon has less power. 2. Drop the blind effect, instead enemies knocked down by reckoning get a slow effect which decreases the rate at which they pull themselves up to their feet that ends once they are no longer knocked down, this effect scales with the former change, the higher his current power the longer it takes enemies hit by reckoning to actually get up. Both of these changes would make Oberon less spam happy overall, though they do open up a bit of an Overkill tactic when paired with an EV Trinity.

So If you are really afraid of that it might be a good idea to give Reckoning a passive. Reckoning charges up every second 1% for every enemy within 40ft of Oberon. Every-time Oberon uses Reckoning it looses 25% of its charge, but the higher the charge the more effective it is, that sort of thing.


Questions comments and concerns?

I hope you like it, when you find it.

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8 minutes ago, BlueLTO said:

I made my Oberon Rework concept today.  It retains his kit, but makes it SUPER effective, and more a Druid than anything else.

I hope you like it, when you find it.

Don't feel shy about linking it, we all need to be looking at and bouncing ideas off of each other to try and come up with the best suggestions we can.

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