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Ignith Wraith free?? What a mistake


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 By using the same logic, plat suppliers who bought plats with money in real life shouldn't trade plat out at all because it would lead to demoralizing acts.


Btw if you keep flooding bps all over the place, one day it might not have any plat value at all. In contrast there's no way anyone would flood the market with plats.

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1 hour ago, Volinus7 said:

Btw if you keep flooding bps all over the place, one day it might not have any plat value at all.

The Ignis Wraith should not have a plat value anyway. I gave away a few blueprints for free as well, but after reading this, I get the feeling people will be selling them as well. It's such a joke, they should not have been sold for plat in the first place. 


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well i was in the event got mine but 2 friends didnt get it if i see any chance to get another free ill give it to some other guy (my friends too) my clan didn't reach the 10%.

about the post... Human Logic its Free but i can sell it

Edited by TerrorEnPie
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20 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

Btw if you keep flooding bps all over the place, one day it might not have any plat value at all. In contrast there's no way anyone would flood the market with plats.

I think that's the point.

Many feel this weapon shouldn't have been introduced like this in the first place, that it should have been like all the other event weapons, and dropped into the invasion table at a later date.

I honestly can't blame players for wanting that because they feel it creates a exclusivity precedent that also is going to be very toxic for clans. But on the other hand, I rather like the idea of the prestige of having said weapon.  (Even if my clan tier was the easiest on to get the research) 

The BP being tradeable is a reasonable middle ground, given many of the options I've seen. 

22 hours ago, dreadgame said:

If you didn't expect this you only have yourself to blame.

Not everyone sees the world that way, and ya know, sometimes, that's a good thing and it should be cherished. 

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15 hours ago, TerrorEnPie said:

well i was in the event got mine but 2 friends didnt get it if i see any chance to get another free ill give it to some other guy (my friends too) my clan didn't reach the 10%.

about the post... Human Logic its Free but i can sell it

My clan got into the top 10%, your friends are welcome to contact me in game if they want a BP. 

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It wasn't that hard to get.  A solo clan member only needed to rescue 65 dudes in one game, easily accomplished in a public game with random players.  I hope they have more events like this in the future.  The bar was set just right.

My clan got victory tier.  I sold my participation BP on Monday for 50p, I've been trading BPS since Thursday for Ayatans; I made about 40000 endo.  Also been throwing them in free with trades.

Edited by (XB1)ThermalStone
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On 3/30/2017 at 8:26 PM, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

Yesterday i finished the research of the bp, so i decided to give 20 ignith free, (daily).. and what a mistake it was,

I really regret that

I went to the trading chat, sent the msg: Free Ignith bp. PM for invite

and yes in fact, seconds and i was flooded with messages

I invited 18 players, and gave them the bp free,

On player insisted to give me 3 plats in return (thank you very much)

i logged out, and came back to the game after 1 hour, i went to the trade channel again to give away the remaining 2 bps

surprisingly, i saw some players who got the bp from me for free were trying to sell it in the channel for 5 or 10 plat.

What a shame and abuse

My move was to help tennos who did not get that weapon, and since it's in the dojo, i said why not?

But after seeing that, i guess my decision was wrong,.

Just wanted to take it off my chest and express my deception


I research the pattern, but it said 3 days ... so when to check on it in the dojo and they are gone now... sad day...

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On 3/31/2017 at 6:26 AM, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

Yesterday i finished the research of the bp, so i decided to give 20 ignith free, (daily).. and what a mistake it was,

I really regret that

I went to the trading chat, sent the msg: Free Ignith bp. PM for invite

and yes in fact, seconds and i was flooded with messages

I invited 18 players, and gave them the bp free,

On player insisted to give me 3 plats in return (thank you very much)

i logged out, and came back to the game after 1 hour, i went to the trade channel again to give away the remaining 2 bps

surprisingly, i saw some players who got the bp from me for free were trying to sell it in the channel for 5 or 10 plat.

What a shame and abuse

My move was to help tennos who did not get that weapon, and since it's in the dojo, i said why not?

But after seeing that, i guess my decision was wrong,.

Just wanted to take it off my chest and express my deception

That is a nice thing to do, though inspect profiles next time before giving anything away xD

There are always prideless unfortunate players in Online gaming, those who beg and cry just to get few free coins that they could've easily gotten themselves.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

Dirty? you mean foul unless you guys were seduced with nudes! xD

(ummmm... Saryn/Valkyr nudes *eye bleeding*)

i don't think anything can seduce me anymore in this life

I am very content with whom i am and what i have

I meant dirty as in ..................... (you fill up the blank !)

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On 31/03/2017 at 8:52 PM, RS_Hesham said:

Well its MR 6 weapon :V 

that and it's a really bad idea in regard of people who create alt account to avoid profile check and beg for stuff arguing that they are "new" player.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got a warning because I find stupid to cry at someone smarter...

Or maybe was it because I told the truth about the amazing amount of bugs we all still encounter daily regardless of those 4 years of beta testing the game as passed through ?


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