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Is it true DE nerf the weapons that people were complained??


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DE sees the real numbers and uses that with the complaints to see what needs to be touched.

This means that even if 20 people complain about the SEER...if DE sees that out of the hundreds of thousands playing that there are only 4 people using the SEER, they will not touch it because those 20 think the 4 times they saw it used it was OP. DE looks at how many other weapons are being used or is it just a certain few weapons or powers that are only being used. They allow this to go on to see if the playerbase will correct this (which they never do) so then they step in to NERF whatever item/power is being overused for what ever reason.

Players complain and moan and cry that the weapon they use for every freaking mission is now not as powerful as it was and complain about whatever compensation they got for the change. Some quit since they did not have the skill to actually play the game while others try to find the next weapon to take the place of them playing the game. Another weapon gets released that is incredibly desvastating to the balance of the game and the players flock to it in groves to use it. A few weeks/months in, players complain about said weapon. DE looks at the stats for play and if the numbers are high enough, they allow the weapon to stay at the overpowering level as it draws in more playtime than it loses. After another few months....nerf and release the next overpowering thing.

You get used to the method as there is a madness to it.....or is that the other way around? Either way, play the game, use different items and powers in different missions and nothing will ever get nerfed.....or just keep doing what has been done with the OP stuff and watch it get nerfed time and time again.


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13 hours ago, (XB1)DShinShoryuken said:

This means that even if 20 people complain about the SEER...if DE sees that out of the hundreds of thousands playing that there are only 4 people using the SEER, they will not touch it because those 20 think the 4 times they saw it used it was OP. DE looks at how many other weapons are being used or is it just a certain few weapons or powers that are only being used. They allow this to go on to see if the playerbase will correct this (which they never do) so then they step in to NERF whatever item/power is being overused for what ever reason.


actually funny thing to point here but Seer is actually very capable gun in sorties (without rivens) and yes i want to add in i have been called hacker  just because randoms do not know how good seer is

now i am not making fun of the topic or anything but i just wanted to point that Seer is strong

spread the word forum dwellers MAKE SEER POPULAR AGAIN! :D

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)ARIES-WY said:

Btw if 80% people asked for "Don't nerf the weapon" then will DE stop the nerf? Just curious.

Probably not, especially if they see some real issues with the weapon.

Edited by Beggining
Woop da Woop
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i remember people faming DE  so hard last year for vacuum nerf...was kinda funny and ankward at the same time...because sometimes it could help to have developers play their own game...just to understand a bit more on what its needed to do as priorities.

Edited by (PS4)maso_sage-mode
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It appears that people who are really upset about these changes need someone to blame, but since dev bashing is bannable, they blame it on some nonexistent hive-mind they like to call "casuals".

Which is pretty ironic cause these weapons were used to blast through this game's highest level content casually.


DE does not base their decisions on a group of people complaining. I can't understand their reasoning, but it certainly isn't based on angry posts. If it were, we'd get a whole lot more changes to this game.

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4 minutes ago, VentiGlondi said:

DE does not base their decisions on a group of people complaining. I can't understand their reasoning, but it certainly isn't based on angry posts. If it were, we'd get a whole lot more changes to this game.


*Cough* Hema *Cough*

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)DShinShoryuken said:

DE sees the real numbers and uses that with the complaints to see what needs to be touched.

This means that even if 20 people complain about the SEER...if DE sees that out of the hundreds of thousands playing that there are only 4 people using the SEER, they will not touch it because those 20 think the 4 times they saw it used it was OP. DE looks at how many other weapons are being used or is it just a certain few weapons or powers that are only being used. They allow this to go on to see if the playerbase will correct this (which they never do) so then they step in to NERF whatever item/power is being overused for what ever reason.

Players complain and moan and cry that the weapon they use for every freaking mission is now not as powerful as it was and complain about whatever compensation they got for the change. Some quit since they did not have the skill to actually play the game while others try to find the next weapon to take the place of them playing the game. Another weapon gets released that is incredibly desvastating to the balance of the game and the players flock to it in groves to use it. A few weeks/months in, players complain about said weapon. DE looks at the stats for play and if the numbers are high enough, they allow the weapon to stay at the overpowering level as it draws in more playtime than it loses. After another few months....nerf and release the next overpowering thing.

You get used to the method as there is a madness to it.....or is that the other way around? Either way, play the game, use different items and powers in different missions and nothing will ever get nerfed.....or just keep doing what has been done with the OP stuff and watch it get nerfed time and time again.


The last alternative is just quit and don't be part of their system.

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