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Octavia’s Anthem: Update 20.3.0


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So Oberon Fanboy here, I was playing Oberon for some time and have spent too much on his cosmetics (Unicorn Horn Helm, and the Butterfly wings with his Delux skin makes him my most expensive fashion frame to date)

Here are my issues with this rework.

1. Smite, in the past with my build I could at level 30 enemies I could toss that into the crowd and kill 1 target and half health most everything else, if not kill some others. Now against level 8-10 enemy and his friend, kill one guy and not even 1/8 life loss on his buddy. The damage scale actually feels weaker than before.

2. Hallowed Ground, Good move was the radial from rectangle, circle AOE's deploy best in games like this, though to be honest, I feel a standard circle that expands with range mods would work best, but will take what I can get. Do not really like the new visual as even on the best graphic settings I have a hard time seeing it especially on uneven terrain.

Issue is the armor buffing, before the buff was just for standing on the ground now, I have to trigger renewal which makes it more of an energy drain in gameplay, also unless I'm mistaken the status proc removal from standing on the ground is gone, meaning it's lost is use for me in infested missions against toxic ancients (this use to save my group so much at high level survivals and defences). 

3. Renewal, The expanding bubble looks nice, and I like that part, but rest leaves a lot to be desired. Like with classic Renewal it is a heal over time, in a game where health is either there or not in most missions, usually has an Oberon I would hit it for the initial heal but would not even notice the energy drain that was HOT as my allies were healed to max, and then die from a bombard to the face or something. However in LoR I did notice it and it was more of a hinderance as it wasn't enough of a heal (with all positive power mods) to actually beat the map's health drain, just slow it a little. It also would keep allies from bleeding out for a second so I could get there, (though that was deceptive as it would say 45sec but power only lasted 10 cutting the boost)

New renewal feels the same so far, but doesn't have the bleed out boost. To be honest if I play Oberon I'm still not using this power, I have health pizza that works better and faster, and doesn't cost me precious energy, even if there no range to it.

4 Reckoning, this one is the greatest disappointment to me, I would use this power yes as a map clear (like many #4's are, see Frost, Ember, and Limbo) but the energy cost was enough that I couldn't just spam it all day, however it did kill all the trash even at level 30-35 missions, it may leave a bombard or heavy gunner alive, but that was fine.

Today I took the same build as always and against level 20-25 enemies I had multiple trash units survive.

5. Survivability, Oberon is portrayed as some Paladin warframe, a kinda Jack of all trades, except he does none of them well, and the strongest point is Tanking. Oberon can give allies armor all day (600 if done right) but his own armor starts so low that self buff he barely matches Valkyr, health and shields don't do much either for him. Animation casting speeds are still a bit too long, which results in him dying as he casts.

6. Passive, no real complaint on Oberon's part actually this is the part I actually like the best. However for it to be really utilized, I would ask we review Vacuum again, as I still rather a sentinel over a pet due to the auto pick up. I would ask we give a natural vacuum to the pets as well (such as make the mod for all companions) or build something into the warframes, as it's an always mod for pretty much all players. I love my Helminth Charger but I use Diraga instead as then I get all the loot I need and don't miss things, while playing a fast pace quick movement game.

7. Suggestions, the first thing is boost numbers across the board, Damage, Warframe stats ect...

Boost some smite damage, and/or let it ignore a percentage of enemy armor. With 220% power strength I should be able to hit a level 100 enemy and actually see the health bar go down some.

Make renewal more of a flat heal, in a game of speed like this waiting for health to climb can mean success or failure, and mostly right now it's failure. I would ask phinox renewal augment then be changes to a auto rez for anyone in range (say something like Tenno Range, or 30m?), but with the cooldown stipulation (once every 10 seconds), this makes the mod useful but limited,

Give hallowed ground back it's armor without having to trigger renewal, or as with above make renewal instant (no hot) and give a duration for the armor based on power duration, and revisit the visuals, the texture looks nice but hard to see, maybe return some of the "fire" stuff around the edge of it.

Reckoning could use some number love, but for the armor debuff on hallowed ground please boose that to make it comparable to even one Corrosive Projection, or even 75% of one, as for the cost of it the armor debuff is negligible.

As much as I love Oberon right now I'd rather take Hydroid or Zepher on a mission because as much as they need a revisit too, they at least can function on higher level missions right now.

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26 minutes ago, DuncanKlysh said:

So Oberon Fanboy here, I was playing Oberon for some time and have spent too much on his cosmetics (Unicorn Horn Helm, and the Butterfly wings with his Delux skin makes him my most expensive fashion frame to date)

Here are my issues with this rework.

1. Smite, in the past with my build I could at level 30 enemies I could toss that into the crowd and kill 1 target and half health most everything else, if not kill some others. Now against level 8-10 enemy and his friend, kill one guy and not even 1/8 life loss on his buddy. The damage scale actually feels weaker than before.

2. Hallowed Ground, Good move was the radial from rectangle, circle AOE's deploy best in games like this, though to be honest, I feel a standard circle that expands with range mods would work best, but will take what I can get. Do not really like the new visual as even on the best graphic settings I have a hard time seeing it especially on uneven terrain.

Issue is the armor buffing, before the buff was just for standing on the ground now, I have to trigger renewal which makes it more of an energy drain in gameplay, also unless I'm mistaken the status proc removal from standing on the ground is gone, meaning it's lost is use for me in infested missions against toxic ancients (this use to save my group so much at high level survivals and defences). 

3. Renewal, The expanding bubble looks nice, and I like that part, but rest leaves a lot to be desired. Like with classic Renewal it is a heal over time, in a game where health is either there or not in most missions, usually has an Oberon I would hit it for the initial heal but would not even notice the energy drain that was HOT as my allies were healed to max, and then die from a bombard to the face or something. However in LoR I did notice it and it was more of a hinderance as it wasn't enough of a heal (with all positive power mods) to actually beat the map's health drain, just slow it a little. It also would keep allies from bleeding out for a second so I could get there, (though that was deceptive as it would say 45sec but power only lasted 10 cutting the boost)

New renewal feels the same so far, but doesn't have the bleed out boost. To be honest if I play Oberon I'm still not using this power, I have health pizza that works better and faster, and doesn't cost me precious energy, even if there no range to it.

4 Reckoning, this one is the greatest disappointment to me, I would use this power yes as a map clear (like many #4's are, see Frost, Ember, and Limbo) but the energy cost was enough that I couldn't just spam it all day, however it did kill all the trash even at level 30-35 missions, it may leave a bombard or heavy gunner alive, but that was fine.

Today I took the same build as always and against level 20-25 enemies I had multiple trash units survive.

5. Survivability, Oberon is portrayed as some Paladin warframe, a kinda Jack of all trades, except he does none of them well, and the strongest point is Tanking. Oberon can give allies armor all day (600 if done right) but his own armor starts so low that self buff he barely matches Valkyr, health and shields don't do much either for him. Animation casting speeds are still a bit too long, which results in him dying as he casts.

6. Passive, no real complaint on Oberon's part actually this is the part I actually like the best. However for it to be really utilized, I would ask we review Vacuum again, as I still rather a sentinel over a pet due to the auto pick up. I would ask we give a natural vacuum to the pets as well (such as make the mod for all companions) or build something into the warframes, as it's an always mod for pretty much all players. I love my Helminth Charger but I use Diraga instead as then I get all the loot I need and don't miss things, while playing a fast pace quick movement game.

7. Suggestions, the first thing is boost numbers across the board, Damage, Warframe stats ect...

Boost some smite damage, and/or let it ignore a percentage of enemy armor. With 220% power strength I should be able to hit a level 100 enemy and actually see the health bar go down some.

Make renewal more of a flat heal, in a game of speed like this waiting for health to climb can mean success or failure, and mostly right now it's failure. I would ask phinox renewal augment then be changes to a auto rez for anyone in range (say something like Tenno Range, or 30m?), but with the cooldown stipulation (once every 10 seconds), this makes the mod useful but limited,

Give hallowed ground back it's armor without having to trigger renewal, or as with above make renewal instant (no hot) and give a duration for the armor based on power duration, and revisit the visuals, the texture looks nice but hard to see, maybe return some of the "fire" stuff around the edge of it.

Reckoning could use some number love, but for the armor debuff on hallowed ground please boose that to make it comparable to even one Corrosive Projection, or even 75% of one, as for the cost of it the armor debuff is negligible.

As much as I love Oberon right now I'd rather take Hydroid or Zepher on a mission because as much as they need a revisit too, they at least can function on higher level missions right now.

I agree with what you said, on several points i will say I've been messing around with the new skills, Hallowed ground still negates procs at least in kuva floods it did. Basicly what they did was removed most of oberon's team skills. I just ran the sorties using melee only just to test my survive-ability, Renewl was exceedingly helpful for me anyway, even on the energy lowering sortie today i threw down hallowed ground let them shoot then used renewal i was geting 600+ armor more when growing power proc'd at the right time, which was negating most damage done to me i was face tanking napalms. Which is helpful for me but Hallowed ground can't be seen with most energy colors and people don't know to stand it so i wasn't able to buff my team at all unless they happened to be standing in the field. I'm really not happy with this update, as i know your not either as someone who picks oberon more then anything else i agree picking hydriod or zypher would be better simply because of the damage to skill cost rate. I think its sad that this is what DE tested and was approved for launch, I know they're going to fix a lot of the problems we're encountering but its the thought that counts and clearly this wasn't thought out fully. Something you may not of noticed i saw you mentioned it the bleed out timer with renewal thats a bug, in the abilities tab it clearly says it has a bleed out timer but its just bugged hopefully to be fixed.

I do however think the passive or any passive for that matter should be something that effects the frame itself, this new passive is a buff for pets to survive better where mine survived just fine buffs that are easly made pointless with any of the mods for said pets. The passive should've been if we use pet oberon gets more HP/Armor/shields or just HP for that matter. what would've been cool is if the passive changed based on if you brought a kubrow or a kavat Akin to mesa bringing 1 or 2 pistols. 

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Oberon's 1 and 4.

Smite needs stronger damage scaling. It's still just as feeble as it was before, really. Reckoning needs stronger armor strippage, like a full armor strip within 2 casts.

If the intent was to make Oberon "scale better", make him actually noticeably scale. Right now it's too little. If you guys are still jarred from Limbo's Cataclysm, don't be. Miniscule single-digit percentages are not scaling.  What's the harm in letting Smite take off 20, 30, 40% of an enemy's hp? If it has to actually be aimed, and it doesn't automatically kill them outright, I don't see anything broken about it. But right now it barely even tickles anything, just like before. Reckoning's armor strip feels like barely even a single Corrosive status proc, and that's no bueno for a 100-energy ultimate ability. Considering it demands targets to already be under the effects of something else you have to use prior to Reckoning, the armor-strippage needs to be able to fully armor-strip targets within 2 casts. I can picture a proper version of Oberon priming an area with Hallowed Ground, Reckoning enemies once or twice, and cleaning up survivors with a decently scaling Smite that'd no longer diluted by their armor. Limbo's Cataclysm was a case of unchecked scaling because it was a single ability completing the job all by itself in a single go. Conditional synergies, strategic preparation, and the demand for ability comboing (that Oberon's kit now uses) are checks and balances that are design-appropriate for high power, not something still substandard. Don't be afraid to let him be actually decent. Hell, I'm not even an Oberon fan and I'm saying this.


Also we seriously need a tweak to the Zenith's alt fire wheel deploy thing. There's no visible timer, and it's awful for stealth to have the gun randomly decide to troll you and switch back to automatic fire right as you're about to take a calculated headshot with what was supposed to be the semi-auto fire mode. Let it stay in either fire mode like Stradavar/Zarr, or at least give us a HUD timer on the wheel. Which, by the way, feels way too short right now. 

Also on the first day I got the Zenith, nullifiers were bugged and didn't have their drones deployed. On the other hand, I was able to shoot them through their bubbles with the Zenith's semi-auto fire. I felt that was a very pleasant feature to have on a 500 day login reward. It got me thinking perhaps enough punchthrough was all it took, but alas today it seems to have been patched out. Could you consider implementing it as an actual feature? Something like 3m+ punchthrough actually getting to pierce their bubbles. If their original design intent was to promote changing up of playstyles, I think that goal would still be met if that were made a thing, in that to make use of it, players would need to change up how they mod and sacrifice some damage stacking. 

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