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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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1 minute ago, Alusdrann said:

Again, no idea what you're going on about. It's best to avoid personal attacks when debating things.


18 minutes ago, Alusdrann said:

Don't have a rack attack. 

Please no more as it hurts to read the abject hypocrisy. This "debate" has been you making sure your opinion is agreed with nothing more and you brought in Limbo which you stated was an OFFENSIVE frame to compare to a support frame? The RIFT mechanic is a burden in any hands that do NOT understand it. Unlike that mechanic, HG and Reckoning do not require you to micromanage area effects or banish proper targets be they allied or otherwise. 

You have quoted and misquoted enough from me so I bid you farewell.

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40 minutes ago, Alusdrann said:

The synergies, as they're implemented now, are clunky, but mostly because HG itself is clunky. The Reckoning synergy isn't worth caring about for the most part -- if it happens, nice. If not, oh well. The Renewal synergy on the other hand is pretty crucial, since without it Renewal will sap more of Oberon's already heavily taxed energy reserves. Even with the defense boost applied, Renewal is still a significant energy-sink depending on party composition and skill.

Phoenix Renewal builds strongly disagree with you. But, either way, yes we all know healing alone isn't enough there. You also need CC. This concept is not unique to Oberon. The difference is that you can get CC from weapons much easier than you can get healing, defense, or instant-resurrection.

Obviously that's the intended design, to use all abilities. Also, hate to burst your bubble dude, but Hallowed Ground definitely requires you to be on the ground to cast it.

As an aside, since you mentioned airborne ability mobility, you really haven't experienced that in it's full glory until you've thoroughly played Limbo.

1) Regarding the synergies, I used to believe the same as you. They were clunky. However, I began to realize that the abilities do work well independent of each other and making use of the strategies is just a bonus and a decision for you to make.

2) I use a Phoenix Renewal build. 100% str, 60% dur, 170% eff, 160% rng. Primed Flow, Vitality, Rage, Natural Talent, Phoenix Renewal. Streamline+R3 Fleeting, Stretch, Cunning Drift. Again, have had great success with it.

3) Limbo is great in mid air, I agree. But Limbo is a god-tier Warframe, arguably the best in the game. There isn't a single situation in this game that a skilled Limbo can't overcome solo, he is an outlier.

Edited by Music4Therapy
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21 minutes ago, Music4Therapy said:

1) Regarding the synergies, I used to believe the same as you. They were clunky. However, I began to realize that the abilities do work well independent of each other and making use of the strategies is just a bonus and a decision for you to make.

2) I use a Phoenix Renewal build. 100% str, 60% dur, 170% eff, 160% rng. Primed Flow, Vitality, Rage, Natural Talent, Phoenix Renewal. Streamline+R3 Fleeting, Stretch, Cunning Drift. Again, have had great success with it.

3) Nah you can set down HGs in mid air. 100% sure. Limbo is great in mid air, I agree. But Limbo is a god-tier Warframe, arguably the best in the game. There isn't a single situation in this game that a skilled Limbo can't overcome solo, he is an outlier.

Whether something is "clunky" or not is determined by functional usability. In this case, since HG itself is clunky with the odd shape, small range with nothing keeping targets inside, and standing-on-ground requirement, the synergy becomes clunky as a result.

If you use HG in midair, you get an error saying it cannot be used midair. Though, come to think of it, the error might only appear if the scanning volume can't find any surfaces in range, which would mean it's only partially usable midair.

Also, like I said to Hyron, bringing up Limbo in that context was purely from a standpoint of "If you like this feeling, you should try doing it with Limbo. iz nice". It wasn't an argument for or against anything, nor meant to compare to anything.

19 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

So slight topic shift. How does everyone play oberon? That might help figure out what needs focus.

I tend to use him not dissimilar from you. Toss a smite at single strong enemies or healers to take off their healer effects with the rad proc, and have them fight nearby weakened enemies from puncture proc. If I have the energy for it, spam Smite on bosses because the damage scaling isn't too bad in that one scenario. Even better if the environment won't cause Smite particles to have issues targeting.

Hallowed Ground, I mostly use for CC around a focus point like a defense objective, or sometimes more frequently if status procs are common. I also use it with Electromagnetic Shielding sometimes because I can grant damage resistance to my teammates that like being more airborne a little better. Plus ES transfers status procs to me, which I then cure by standing on HG. I also include Guardian Derision from time to time for added team support.

Renewal I try to keep on at all times, with Iron Renewal as often as possible. Energy becomes an issue pretty easily, even outside of grouping with characters like Nekros. Any HP-only frames generally make it harder to keep up.

Reckoning is literally just for occasional CC if things are going bad or killing trash mobs in easy missions.

Edited by Alusdrann
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33 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

So slight topic shift. How does everyone play oberon? That might help figure out what needs focus.

I can show you my Oberon in Mot? We can hop in the 2 of us.

Basically just kill everything with my melee/lay down HGs/keep up Renewal/use Reckoning when needed, if I die then Phoenix Renewal revives me and I use Reckoning pretty liberally to ensure my safety until Phoenix Renewal is back up, rinse+repeat. This strat has allowed me to trash sorties and go as deep as 90 minutes solo in Mot (I don't use Naramon) Primed Flow can be replaced with Flow, aside from that the build is very tight and I wouldn't recommend replacing anything else. This is the loadout I use for my endurance runs.


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28 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

Edit: What I love is the idea that 'so long as you have renewal going if anyone walks on a hallowed ground patch they automatically get iron renewal. See THAT would be great synergy. Well assuming hallowed ground had an armor mechanic, casting renewal giving iron renewal to anyone on any hallowed ground so long as you have renewal going. Yes please. I mean there is the question on if they suddenly also get renewal along with armor buff, and to be blunt? They should since you paid the cost to put the hallowed ground down.

I think they're just referring to entering HG if Renewal is already active on them, that it applies Iron Renewal.

You might like the suggestions I gave a while back. They focused a lot on QoL things like that.
Links: (Base Changes), (Augment Changes)


As for the type of weapons I use on my Oberon, I currently just use Ack & Brunt for their unique mod as I mentioned. Haven't really decided on a primary and secondary for him since it's hard to say what he'll play like after the rework is called done. Though, I'm curious if I'd be able to use Ferrox's secondary fire on Hallowed Ground to create a Radiation-induced fight-club.

Edited by Alusdrann
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The following is my personal opinions on how to make Oberon's powers great as a support class warframe.

Healing over time is a great ability yes, if the team has some way to mitigate the incoming damage. As we know there are tennos playing actively at different stages of the game's progression, ones facing level 100 + enemies and others just running trough the star chat while others are just pursuing the fashion endgame. As a support healer Oberon faces fierce competition with trinity, being that trinity can with cast give the whole party 75% damage reduction and at the same time heal them to full health, a skill set that makes her invaluable in lots of situations. My proposition for Oberon is Changing his renewal to only heal half on the current amount while at the same time giving him an aura that gives all party members in range 75% resistant to all incoming damage.


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1 minute ago, --RV--ChaosStar said:

The following is my personal opinions on how to make Oberon's powers great as a support class warframe.

Healing over time is a great ability yes, if the team has some way to mitigate the incoming damage. As we know there are tennos playing actively at different stages of the game's progression, ones facing level 100 + enemies and others just running trough the star chat while others are just pursuing the fashion endgame. As a support healer Oberon faces fierce competition with trinity, being that trinity can with cast give the whole party 75% damage reduction and at the same time heal them to full health, a skill set that makes her invaluable in lots of situations. My proposition for Oberon is Changing his renewal to only heal half on the current amount while at the same time giving him an aura that gives all party members in range 75% resistant to all incoming damage.


Did you get a chance to test the most recent hotfix?

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I'm confused. In testing, it was showing I had 97% armor stripping when I cast my 4. 299 power str + growing power.
So I cast it on a lv 100 heavy gunner till I run out of energy, 5 times or so and it never strips the armor.

So I get Banshee with her 70% armor strip mod and 200 str and strip the armor off in one cast on the same lv 100 heavy gunner.
Not using corrosive projection on either frame.
What gives?

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The changes in the hotfix look good, and I'd need to play around with them a bit to be sure, but I could still see these needing addressing:

  • It's nice that summoned creatures no longer tank Oberon's energy pool, but the update still doesn't address how Renewal has significantly higher drain than most channeled abilities. At least characters like Nekros might not be a hard-counter to Oberon now.
  • HG should still probably be a circle shape at base. Otherwise you end up with some variant of a pac-man shape for no good reason unless you focus range.
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2 minutes ago, Alusdrann said:

It's nice that summoned creatures no longer tank Oberon's energy pool, but the update still doesn't address how Renewal has significantly higher drain than most channeled abilities

no dont worry i can solo with him and he has no energy issues with prime flow rage streamline and fleeting.......

Seriously hate when people base his drain off of solo play with a support frame..... ugh

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1 minute ago, -Defeater- said:

no dont worry i can solo with him and he has no energy issues with prime flow rage streamline and fleeting.......

Seriously hate when people base his drain off of solo play with a support frame..... ugh

Even outside of solo play he didn't/doesn't run into issues, atleast not with the build that I had mentioned in our clan chat.

With primed flow, rage, streamline, and fleeting I never have to recast renewal after the start of the mission and my whole squad benefits from Renewal until the end unless they charge into a nullifier bubble. And because I never have to recast it, I don't run into issues with casting it on Nekros's minions.

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Loving the changes in the latest hotfix, however, something seems off with the armor stripping in Reckoning, it seems to be less and less effective the higher level the enemy, even with 100% armor reduction it doesnt remove the armor at all. What'd i miss?

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10 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

I'm quite happy now with the changes myself. All I will ask now is to get my righteous fire for Oberon's Hallowed Ground back :P

EDIT: And the armor. I keep forgetting, ayyyyyyy

im wanting the magic grass or nature scape.... vines and whatnot

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2 minutes ago, ScorchedIce said:

Loving the changes in the latest hotfix, however, something seems off with the armor stripping in Reckoning, it seems to be less and less effective the higher level the enemy, even with 100% armor reduction it doesnt remove the armor at all. What'd i miss?

Did you make sure the enemy was on Hallowed Ground?

1 minute ago, blazeshadow44 said:

im wanting the magic grass or nature scape.... vines and whatnot

At this point I'd take anything, honestly. But I think fire would tank less the low end PCs... Also, nostalgia on the original concept.

But if they really want to go the King of the Forest route, it could be enchanted grass, yes. Would fit.

Edited by NightmareT12
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After a long time of playing sorties and other relatively high level missions I have come to terms with the fact that Oberon really needs around 3 buffs to make him a solid/er warframe. The first is energy efficiency needs to be improved, either boost all the abilties overall to do more damage, healing or armour without sinking so much power and forsaking duration and such or maybe a larger pool overall. Second hallowed ground needs to be a massive area, not too huge but big enough that it covers a considerable amount of ground. Thirdly is reckoning needs a slight buff to the Armour reduction. Then you have a significantly better kit to play with.

So far I have struggled as much as i would any frame at high level, theres no easy mode unlocked by using him but no real disadvantage. Renewal does a great job at giving players and I a good armour boost and health regen over 100 per second but the energy drains very quickly to the point that using rage and running head first into mobs is how i keep it going.

Anybody who says Oberon is not good as he is I think are expecting some sort of miracale frame capable of solving the problems across the board. He is a balanced warframe that very much shines on a team, is a good addition and really does have a good kit but still needs some buffs here and there.

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Also some buffing for the base damage of his damaging abilities can help him out a little.  I have no issue but when an element only takes real effects on robotics, it makes it quite hard to do some good amount of damage, but it is funny to watch them fight to the death..... im conflicted on this thought....

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2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

Did you make sure the enemy was on Hallowed Ground?

At this point I'd take anything, honestly. But I think fire would tank less the low end PCs... Also, nostalgia on the original concept.

But if they really want to go the King of the Forest route, it could be enchanted grass, yes. Would fit.

tru... though, the King's Grove aility idea i had would have been a really cool remake as well for the hallowed ground rework.... but then nidus showed up and the abilities were way too similar, with a lil bit of differences

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1 minute ago, Music4Therapy said:

Even outside of solo play he didn't/doesn't run into issues, atleast not with the build that I had mentioned in our clan chat.

With primed flow, rage, streamline, and fleeting I never have to recast renewal after the start of the mission and my whole squad benefits from Renewal until the end unless they charge into a nullifier bubble. And because I never have to recast it, I don't run into issues with casting it on Nekros's minions.

thats still like 8 energy per second for a heal over time which doesnt help much in the long run. meanwhile trin will give you 75% reduction to all damage as long as youre within affinity range for nothing since she has pretty much has infinite energy as long as you cast a 2 after you bless. also, if anything happens to you, say you fall in a pit or run into a nullifier, your whole team loses the buff, and with the tiny range his 3 has, chances are your team wont be getting the buff  unless you ask them to come grab it. maybe the energy drain isnt that bad but its certainly a lot for what it does.   

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