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Has Warframe become too "complicated"?


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I've been playing since the about the beginning of 2013, and I've realized that the game isn't nearly as fun as it used to be, not that I hate it. It's the fact that they've recently in the past year added so many new quests, mechanics, frames, weapons and new ways to grind for the same things that didn't really need to be changed. Yeah if i actively played I wouldn't mind all of these changes, but I'm pretty casual when it comes to warframe now, since I've been playing since right after CBT and feel like i should have to drop 25 hours a week into it just too keep up.

my main points for this is.

  • There are a lot of quests now and i'm not sure as to what quests i need or don't, hell on junctions i don't even know which i need to unlock to do that enables me to do such and such quest so i can do the actual quest that i want.
  • Weapons, there used to be a more or less meta not that I really do care for the meta (I used the ignis the most back in 2013-2016), not I'm not sure what weapons that are actually good for higher levels, seems to me that most of the time you rely on frame abilities to to survive at higher levels.
  • The parkour is fine for the most part, although i rarely see anyone doing anything except for slide jumping or looking down for the super jump.
  • They also keep increasing the different things we need to grind for, Nitan, Relic, Void Traces, RIVEN(bandaid mods) etc...

A lot of these things are what the community asked for but it doesn't help that they don't tie into each other as well as they wanted it too, they end up not refining any of it -I'm looking at you resource system- and now I feel like warframe has literally become a buy all the weapons as they come out and prime packs, along with doing all of the quests as they come out or you lose track of what the hell is even going on anymore.

DE really needs to start considering what they value the most, consistency and quality or adding random mechanics and bandaids. The Vets here are not helping with rushing DE every time they make something look cool in a pre-view. I.E WE WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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9 minutes ago, Godiz said:

I've been playing since the about the beginning of 2013, and I've realized that the game isn't nearly as fun as it used to be, not that I hate it. It's the fact that they've recently in the past year added so many new quests, mechanics, frames, weapons and new ways to grind for the same things that didn't really need to be changed. Yeah if i actively played I wouldn't mind all of these changes, but I'm pretty casual when it comes to warframe now, since I've been playing since right after CBT and feel like i should have to drop 25 hours a week into it just too keep up.

my main points for this is.

  • There are a lot of quests now and i'm not sure as to what quests i need or don't, hell on junctions i don't even know which i need to unlock to do that enables me to do such and such quest so i can do the actual quest that i want.
  • Weapons, there used to be a more or less meta not that I really do care for the meta (I used the ignis the most back in 2013-2016), not I'm not sure what weapons that are actually good for higher levels, seems to me that most of the time you rely on frame abilities to to survive at higher levels.
  • The parkour is fine for the most part, although i rarely see anyone doing anything except for slide jumping or looking down for the super jump.
  • They also keep increasing the different things we need to grind for, Nitan, Relic, Void Traces, RIVEN(bandaid mods) etc...

A lot of these things are what the community asked for but it doesn't help that they don't tie into each other as well as they wanted it too, they end up not refining any of it -I'm looking at you resource system- and now I feel like warframe has literally become a buy all the weapons as they come out and prime packs, along with doing all of the quests as they come out or you lose track of what the hell is even going on anymore.

DE really needs to start considering what they value the most, consistency and quality or adding random mechanics and bandaids. The Vets here are not helping with rushing DE every time they make something look cool in a pre-view. I.E WE WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • In my opinion, the map rework made figuring out where you need to go and what you need to do even easier. I'm not sure how you managed before if you think this is complicated.
  • The more weapons get balanced, the less of a meta there is. I'm currently using an Atterax that I wouldn't have given a second glance to before, and it simply wrecks.
  • Parkour is designed to get you from A to B as efficiently as possible. That mostly boils down to sliding and jumping.
  • Welcome to F2P. If you think this is bad, you should check out some Korean MMOs. It's ridiculous how many different currencies some of them have.
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Complicated in term of "messy" yes, there're holes in mechanics and balances.

Complicated in term of "depth" no, there're a lot of games out there that require a lot more cerebral processing than wf.

The point of the game is to have fun, the way you talked "not fun/not hate" is like you're conditioned to play it.

Edited by Volinus7
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The issue Warframe has isn't complexity, it's lack of Exposition. 

Some things are buried so deep you won't be able to find then if you don't know from somewhere else that they exist. DE should streamline the information you need. Just an example: the chat bot will answer PRECISELY where to find Octavia parts ( helmet - ods, chassis - moon ext. Caches, systems - moon music puzzle) whereas the market page tells you roughly where ( pieces are scattered across the moon and delict). (How are you supposed to know how to access the derelict if nobody told you? Yes, you may ACCIDENTALLY stumble upon the keys in the market. What about dragon keys, how are you supposed to know they exist if you're not in a clan?)

If you didn't bother asking our looking on the wiki you could, in theory, spend days trying to get a helmet from either moon or delict defence.

Nidus' market page is a good example (pieces are found on Ophelius- Eris). There, you know where exactly to go till you get all 3 pieces. It should be like that for all frames.

Another gripe I have are the "hidden" mod stats on the codex. Why hide them, when I can link then 99% of the time and the Diorama will tell me what they are? I get the drop location part, scanning and all that, but at least tell us what mods there are...

Edited by vasvaska
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2 hours ago, Godiz said:

I've been playing since the about the beginning of 2013, and I've realized that the game isn't nearly as fun as it used to be, not that I hate it. It's the fact that they've recently in the past year added so many new quests, mechanics, frames, weapons and new ways to grind for the same things that didn't really need to be changed. Yeah if i actively played I wouldn't mind all of these changes, but I'm pretty casual when it comes to warframe now, since I've been playing since right after CBT and feel like i should have to drop 25 hours a week into it just too keep up.

my main points for this is.

  • There are a lot of quests now and i'm not sure as to what quests i need or don't, hell on junctions i don't even know which i need to unlock to do that enables me to do such and such quest so i can do the actual quest that i want.
  • Weapons, there used to be a more or less meta not that I really do care for the meta (I used the ignis the most back in 2013-2016), not I'm not sure what weapons that are actually good for higher levels, seems to me that most of the time you rely on frame abilities to to survive at higher levels.
  • The parkour is fine for the most part, although i rarely see anyone doing anything except for slide jumping or looking down for the super jump.
  • They also keep increasing the different things we need to grind for, Nitan, Relic, Void Traces, RIVEN(bandaid mods) etc...

A lot of these things are what the community asked for but it doesn't help that they don't tie into each other as well as they wanted it too, they end up not refining any of it -I'm looking at you resource system- and now I feel like warframe has literally become a buy all the weapons as they come out and prime packs, along with doing all of the quests as they come out or you lose track of what the hell is even going on anymore.

DE really needs to start considering what they value the most, consistency and quality or adding random mechanics and bandaids. The Vets here are not helping with rushing DE every time they make something look cool in a pre-view. I.E WE WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

no you're just too simple

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2 hours ago, Godiz said:

There are a lot of quests now and i'm not sure as to what quests i need or don't, hell on junctions i don't even know which i need to unlock to do that enables me to do such and such quest so i can do the actual quest that i want.

you only need to do the quests that are for Junction requirements, such as Stolen Dreams, The Archwing etc., and the cinematic quests, as these are what help you progress through the game. if it's not a Junction requirement, it can be considered optional. that said, I'm helping several newbies myself, and they've had to got through the older quests > Natah > Second Dream > War Within, at which point they can access all the same things that I can (barring Octavia and Nidus).

2 hours ago, Godiz said:

Weapons, there used to be a more or less meta not that I really do care for the meta (I used the ignis the most back in 2013-2016), not I'm not sure what weapons that are actually good for higher levels, seems to me that most of the time you rely on frame abilities to to survive at higher levels.

the recent weapon changes skewed the meta a bit, but it's not really changed all that much, with Synoid Simulor still being used, albeit differently than before. shotguns are my preferred meta, and I see plenty of the same Nikana and Galatine primes in the Sorties. frame powers do play their part, but again, it's not changed all that much aside form the obvious P4TW era skills no longer being there.

2 hours ago, Godiz said:

The parkour is fine for the most part, although i rarely see anyone doing anything except for slide jumping or looking down for the super jump.

this may change if they succeed in bringing old-school wall running back. and things like Aim glide and Wall Latch are used by some, even if only for unlocking Riven Mods.

2 hours ago, Godiz said:

They also keep increasing the different things we need to grind for, Nitan, Relic, Void Traces, RIVEN(bandaid mods) etc...

yep, but that's how you keep people playing; by giving them something to do. whether you choose to do it or not is down to you and you only, but you can't say they haven't given you something to aim for.

I do think there could be better tutorial support for newer players, I'm constantly bombarded with questions by the newer clan members and have to ely on my own experience and knowledge alone to support them, when in reality, some more tutorials and walkthroughs of certain things (such as the modding system, which can be rather intimidating and confusing to newer players), would go a really long way.

i get that you're confused, but there's no shame in asking for help, and if it ever becomes too much, take a break.

9 minutes ago, cookieknife said:

no you're just too simple

how exactly does this help him in any way? this is not constructive.

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Warframe simply is not a complete game. I do not mean in the sense that it does not have an end. I mean that as a video game product it is not complete. It is essentially in BETA. That is no fault of DE, they went the F2P route rather than deal with publishers who would not let them do what they want. 

Warframe still has; the Beginning experience, Bosses, Tile sets, Level design, UI, Game mechanics, Lore, etc.  left to be created and/or fleshed out.

But in order to fund those Big Picture items, they have to release new toys such as; Warframes, Weapons, Cosmetics, Ships, Pets, etc.  

That is why many of the community stick around, because we see the potential the game has. 

speaking of publishers, I heard that Gamestop has taken up publishing and do not interfere with development. 

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No, I don't think so. Warframe is just one of those games wherein you have to take everything in steps, instead of strides, unlike most games nowadays. There is definitely a LOT to cover nowadays though, to the point where it's starting to feel like us veterans should really start holding courses for specific sections of the game, haha.

Overall, there is a lot, but it's not really complicated or hard to understand at all, it's just a lot of stuff to slog through.

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