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Sapping Ospreys (and my Nostredamus prediction)


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To keep the topic in line, the TLDR is this:

Sapping Ospreys don't seem to encourage me to do anything other then switch to Frames that can AoE large distances, as you can't really melee them, you have to deal with looking up and down like a woodpecker in order to kill the unit and the mines, and the mines even take more the one bullet to kill, so you have to focus fire. If Corpus installs actual Shield tech into the mines, they don't need any other unit to deal with us.

Are they really a fun design in their current form? I seriously can't agree to that. Also, What. Is. It. With. The. Brightness ??


Ok, so while back I was showing the game to someone and showed them the visual hell that is Sapping Osprey mine spam and I jokingly said "I hope I never get hit by a Cold Proc and watch myself tumbling in slow motion over them while being murdered by the pulses".

Well, I just watched myself tumbling in slow motion over them while being murdered by the pulses.

Not as I had expected by trying to fly over a cold patch, but by apparently the explosion of one of those barrels containing "Cold" (can't remember what they are called now).

Can I just say that the Corpus seems to very carelessly leaving exploding barrels of varying type practically everywhere. You would think by now that OHaS would have been involved, and told them to clean up their act.

Am I the only person here that looks at those retina murdering mines and think "was this seriously the only thing someone could think of to kill us? Make us play "the floor is lava"?"

I understand the fact that we seem to annoy all the devs by finding new and unique ways to murder even the most complex of units in seconds, but gees, I can't even jump on a tall crate, as that field seem to be a rather tall cylinder, rather then a ground level blast effect.

Sometimes I think to myself "Corpus/Grineer should just stop training new personnel and just deploy a ton of <silly unit name here> and that would be 10x more efficient".

I'm sure I can now add "Sapping Osprey" to the <unit name> list in question.

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I really don't care how I get murdered, but I prefer having situations of "ok, I screwed up there" and not "why is this happening? Where is the damage coming from? I'm standing in a shipping container, why the hell am I gett...<PRESS REVIVE>".

Missiles that can follow you across an entire map that are hard to see, mines that make it impossible to see, those ships in the Ambulus event that shoot practically invisible rounds ... I could go on as it's rather long list, and don't get me started with "INCOMING MISSILES" warning, as I'm still to this day not actually sure what the heck they look like.

I think I'm spoiled from playing Guild Wars 2 where everything is basically televised, even if some things have very short warnings, I mean, at least there you can say "yep, saw that, and maybe I need nerve implants to GET that fast" but at least I can blame old age and not the fact that I lack precognition abilities.

I can understand "change your playstyle" but in this game it becomes "play the FOTW". There is only so much Frames with non-specific damage mitigation and CC seem to be able to control. I can't seem for example to kill the mines with Banshee using Sonic Boom or Rhino Stomp, even though Stomp somehow kills things off the ground.

Some consistency on how we can actually remove them would go a long way. Right now, I close my eyes and spam a Sonicor until I can see again. I'm not proud of that, but it works.

Edited by DSpite
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To misquote Nathan Hale: I only regret that I have but one life to lose like to give for my country to the OP.


My goals in Warframe have become pretty simple: get to MR23 as soon as possible so I can satisfy my inner completionist and take a more relaxed view of things - and never play Corpus maps ever again. 

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Well, Corpus is my go faction to murder, because in general they are easier to see. Grieener are like brown against brown levels. At least the blinding bullets that Corpus fires give away positions.

It's overall a bit depressing when everthing and the team covers the map in rainbows, as my retinas can't process the action apparently.

Edited by DSpite
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If you jsut want to reach mr 23. Kill infested. For me is the easiest thign to do,

They are in white and green. or glowing in orang or green.

Akkad is bright.


Corpus by far is the most inefficient way to level.

They have shield osprey, oxium osprey, and that mine osprey. ( making melee a bti problem )



if you got problem looking at grinner, i suggest you use nyx 3rd ability and change it to the colour you like. Or banshee Or nova. They will be highlighted by the energy you use.



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On 5/7/2017 at 8:22 AM, Wiergate said:

To misquote Nathan Hale: I only regret that I have but one life to lose like to give for my country to the OP.


My goals in Warframe have become pretty simple: get to MR23 as soon as possible so I can satisfy my inner completionist and take a more relaxed view of things - and never play Corpus maps ever again. 

Likewise. I'm tired of the Corpus - techs, sapping Ospreys, bursas, and those fscking ratels. I basically just avoid Corpus missions wherever I can. 

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7 hours ago, rudman88 said:

If you jsut want to reach mr 23. Kill infested.

Well, I simplified that a bit for dramatic effect. What I actually want is for there to be something worthwhile to do in the game whatever MR one is currently at. 
The Corpus basically turn Warframe into COD, even more so if we're fighting the Corrupted on a Corpus tileset.

Pretty much everything has already been said on this topic, as a forum search will demonstrate. I haven't really got anything to add, except to note that there's a reason the Corpus are almost universally reviled and considered the very definition of anti-fun.

One thing I will say is this: the next time someone rages about nerfs and the alleged 'elitists' who support them, we do so because rampant power creep only has one outcome: other factions will get new units just as frustrating as the ones the Corpus have.
Not difficult - God knows very few things in Warframe are difficult - but specifically designed to turn even more of the game into COD.

This probably doesn't apply to anyone in the thread, but it's worth mentioning every now and then.    

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