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Ambulas Reborn Recap


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2 minutes ago, LycanPT said:

Problem was never killing ambulas, the exploit just made it possible to get more ambulas spawns in less time than normal resulting in fast and high scores :facepalm:

This i can understand, however it would take a large amount of host migrations, not one. Thats a separate issue than a single migration and people telling them "if you host migrated, your points are illegal"

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A un ambulas de alto de nivel de un tiro no lo tumbas ni haciendo ni 800 millones de daño compañero, el punto debil del ambulas varia y debes fisicamente darle en ese punto o no lo matas, luego esta la parte dejando de lado el ambulas.

Si tienes un ambulas a nivel 500 a que nivel tienes el resto de enemigos? porque no solo cuenta el ambulas y los enemigos en esas rondas es poco probable que los acabes con todos por muchos criticos que hagas. 

Demuestra tus palabras con un ambulas de nivel 500 o aprende a no fanfarronear de lo que desconoces. Si tan extremadamente "pro" eres no debe costarte demasiado trabajo, tal y como han hecho otros para demostraros que habeis tirado de un bug para consegir algo de un modo ilicito.


To an ambulas of high level of a shot do not do it neither doing nor 800 million damage companion, the weak point of the ambulas varies and you must physically give it at that point or do not kill it, then this part leaving aside the ambulas.

If you have an ambula at level 500 at which level do you have the remaining enemies? Because not only counts the ambulas and enemies in those rounds is unlikely to end them all for many critics you do.

Demonstrate your words with a level 500 ambula or learn not to brag about what you do not know. If you are so extremely "pro" you should not cost too much work, as others have done to show that you have pulled a bug to get something in an unlawful way.



You are a ghost and you know

No offense is like a laugh as others can do

Edited by zeus__mystic
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Todos los que habeis hecho la migración os habeis beneficiado de un reinicio del ambulas.
 Habeis reiniciado cuando os ha interesado, otros forzados por un problema, me argumentes que lo mates de un tiro, de dos o tres, ¿piensas que estas tan tranquilo apuntando el ambulas? lo que me faltaba es tambien verlo en el simulador matandolo de un tiro, que lo puedes probar que se puede perfectamente.
 Los puntos conseguidos por su reinicio, son puntos beneficiados de una ventaja de bajada de nivel a un enemigo. A nivel 40 seguro que muere de un tiro....


All those who have done the migration have benefited from a restart of the ambulas.
  You have restarted when you have been interested, others forced by a problem, you argue that you kill it with a shot, two or three, do you think you are so calm pointing the ambulas? What I lacked is also to see it in the simulator killing it with a shot, that you can prove that it can perfectly.
  The points obtained by their restart, are points benefited from a downside advantage to an enemy. At level 40, he is sure to die with one stone ....

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1 minute ago, JARVII said:

Todos los que habeis hecho la migración os habeis beneficiado de un reinicio del ambulas.
 Habeis reiniciado cuando os ha interesado, otros forzados por un problema, me argumentes que lo mates de un tiro, de dos o tres, ¿piensas que estas tan tranquilo apuntando el ambulas? lo que me faltaba es tambien verlo en el simulador matandolo de un tiro, que lo puedes probar que se puede perfectamente.
 Los puntos conseguidos por su reinicio, son puntos beneficiados de una ventaja de bajada de nivel a un enemigo. A nivel 40 seguro que muere de un tiro....


All those who have done the migration have benefited from a restart of the ambulas.
  You have restarted when you have been interested, others forced by a problem, you argue that you kill it with a shot, two or three, do you think you are so calm pointing the ambulas? What I lacked is also to see it in the simulator killing it with a shot, that you can prove that it can perfectly.
  The points obtained by their restart, are points benefited from a downside advantage to an enemy. At level 40, he is sure to die with one stone ....

What do you not understand about the fact that damage cap is over 2 billion. The ambulas would have to have an effective health over that in order for a reset of his level to affect you. What level do you think that is? Cuz its higher than 500. And even if its an ambulas so high in level he had an effective health over 2 billion, it just takes a second shot. Your telling me you cant shoot an ambulas once or twice before it drops from the ship?

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28 minutes ago, JARVII said:

Claro por eso fallo la partida y tuviste que migrar


That's why the game failed and you had to migrate

Its very clear that you dont know what you are talking about. I dont know if the translations of my words are unclear, as your translations are very poor, but i have explained why reseting the level isnt a huge factor because i understand the game, not to defend anyone, especially myself. Theres no need to defend myself. I was trying to add insight into the topic. A single host migration doesnt mean cheating. It CAN mean cheating but that doesnt give you the right to assume either way or attack them based on what you decided. Especially when its clear you dont know the games mechanics well yet. Many host migrations in a single match is a different story. You assume i host migrated because i brought up examples that many long term players know about, in which host migration is one of the only fixes. DE knows all the parts of this situation that you dont understand. They can see things like how many times a match had host migrations. They can judge far better than you can. Quit attacking people because you assume things about them that are flat out wrong. Id welcome DE to take a look at my run. You however are just being ignorant. There are people here trying to inform u of things that could help u play better in the future and instead of listening to them at all, you call them cheaters for responding to the conversation

Also if i had speeded up my run with host migrations, it wouldnt have been 11 hours. Think about it.

Edited by (XB1)ashes of suvius
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El que hizo migración de host te repito se benefició de enemigos de menor nivel, tu llámalo como quieras, pero sólo tiene un nombre. 

El  juego se basa en un sistema solar donde los planetas tienen nivel de enemigos, se basa en esos niveles... según tu daría igual matar en plutón, enemigos nivel de mercurio, pero el juego no trata de eso. En el momento que visteis, el problema del nivel del ambulas lo que deberias haber hecho es reportarlo, y no dejarlo pasar, porque ahora os encontrais en esta situación, intentando como te repito alegar con problemas del juego vuestra migración de host.

Con respecto a la traducción ponte en contacto con google, yo sólo utilizo su herramienta que se llama traductor, si conoces otras ponme su nombre que te la traduzco por ella. NO hay problemas con ello.


The one that made host migration I repeat you benefited from lower level enemies, you name it however you want, but it only has one name.

The game is based on a solar system where planets have enemies level, based on those levels ... according to you would give equal kill in pluto, mercury level enemies, but the game is not about that. At the moment you saw, the problem of the level of the ambulas what you should have done is to report it, and not let it happen, because now you find yourself in this situation, trying as I repeat to claim with problems of the game your host migration.

With respect to the translation contact with google, I only use its tool that is called translator, if you know others put your name to translate it for it. There are NO problems with it.

Edited by JARVII
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Um... I think it is clear enough. Cheaters taking advantage of bugs . I don´t think this is helping the Warframe community in any way. If we cannot be fairly rewarded after playing events I don´t see how I can keep being motivated playing this game?

I think there is enough proof of this on youtube...

I play this game to have a good time, to enjoy it with friends, and thanks to the care DE is putting in the game and in the community make it worth it to expend my time playing it.

So I think DE will take their time to review and correct the scores just to give the players what they deserve, a fair score.  


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Ruego a algún responsable de DE, nos deje bien claro para este y los próximos eventos, si el aprovechamiento de problemas del juego es licito para puntuar en un ranking.



I ask some DE responsible, let us make clear for this and the next events, if the use of problems of the game is lawful to score in a ranking.

Thank you

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I would like to know if it is possible to score buggy points on missions for upcoming events!
So well I want to put myself in the front line as the others did.
So it is permissible for all those who have given time and effort so well to take advantage of bugs and we can score punctuation without being penalized?
Because it is easy to do what others did with the migrations.
These days in the forum we have seen those who did not do well and should be punished.
Others play decently and with encouragement because the game is dibertido to play to be something. But always there are those who have privileged in the game like everything.

Edited by persefoneinfierno
Me gustaría saber si es posible marcar puntos con bugs en las misiones para los próximos eventos! Tan bien quiero ponerme en la línea de frente como lo hicieron los otros. ¿Así que es permisible para todos aquellos que han dejado tiempo y esfuerzo tan b
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Me gustaría saber si es posible marcar  puntos con bugs en las misiones para los próximos eventos!
Tan bien  quiero ponerme en la línea de frente como lo hicieron los otros.
¿Así que es permisible para todos aquellos que han dejado tiempo y esfuerzo tan bien para aprovecharse de los bugs y podemos anotar puntuacion  sin ser penalizados?
Porque es fácil hacer lo que otros hicieron con las migraciones.
Estos días en el foro hemos visto a aquellos que no lo hicieron bien y deben ser castigados.
Otros juegan decentemente y con estímulo por que el juego es dibertido de jugar  para ser algo .pero  siempre están  los que tienen privilegiados en el  juego como todo .

Just now, persefoneinfierno said:

I would like to know if it is possible to score buggy points on missions for upcoming events!
So well I want to put myself in the front line as the others did.
So it is permissible for all those who have given time and effort so well to take advantage of bugs and we can score punctuation without being penalized?
Because it is easy to do what others did with the migrations.
These days in the forum we have seen those who did not do well and should be punished.
Others play decently and with encouragement because the game is dibertido to play to be something. But always there are those who have privileged in the game like everything.


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  • 2 weeks later...

No offense guys, but the translator does a horrible job ... reading your responses can cause a headache ...

To the OP of this post:
We gave you proof of how some runs were done, yet you accuse us of cheating anyway.
We gave you proof of you accusing us and our clan of cheating, yet you denied it Donald Trump style.
We agreed with you that cheaters need to be addressed, but you ignored that part.
Others tried explaining that hey, it´s not black and white. Game has bugs. In my video in the beginning it showed an enemy that would not die. Do i abandon a run and waste my time, or do i force a host swap, fix the issue, and continue with my legit run for the sake of the clan ? Obviously the second option. What did Op do ? called it a convenient excuse. Well no S#&$ Sherlock, the game has bugs, and i can use host swap to fix it, im gona do it again. 

Clearly logic and common sense do not prevail here, no matter what we say, so to any reader, please do not waste your time and effort on these guys, there are better ways to spend your time ...

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51 minutes ago, --RV--HawkiKill said:

No offense guys, but the translator does a horrible job ... reading your responses can cause a headache ...

To the OP of this post:
We gave you proof of how some runs were done, yet you accuse us of cheating anyway.
We gave you proof of you accusing us and our clan of cheating, yet you denied it Donald Trump style.

ERM? Did you see me accusing anyone in specific? Btw I am the OP of this post, perhabs you mean the other ppl that came here to discuss the matter?

We agreed with you that cheaters need to be addressed, but you ignored that part.
Others tried explaining that hey, it´s not black and white. Game has bugs. In my video in the beginning it showed an enemy that would not die. Do i abandon a run and waste my time, or do i force a host swap, fix the issue, and continue with my legit run for the sake of the clan ? Obviously the second option. What did Op do ? called it a convenient excuse. Well no S#&$ Sherlock, the game has bugs, and i can use host swap to fix it, im gona do it again. 

Yeah game has bugs, strange those bugs happen to the same many ppl for so many times, I run 6h and a 8h runs and smaller 2-3h runs and never had a bug, I guess was just lucky

Clearly logic and common sense do not prevail here, no matter what we say, so to any reader, please do not waste your time and effort on these guys, there are better ways to spend your time ...


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O sea que según tú el problema es de DE. Como el juego tiene errores pues en vez de reportarlo coges y lo solucionas a tu manera, cometiendo 2 errores:

1. Aún asi no lo reportastes.

2. No reconociendo que ni siquiera, que por motivo de ese error directa o indirectamente tuvistes ventaja.

Te reitero de nuevo sino lo reportastes TE APROVECHASTES de un error.
Tus puntos o de los que no reportaron el error, jamás deberían de valer, al igual que los que fueron anteriormente quitado del ranking, porque ellos HICIERON LO MISMO, aprovecharse de un error.

SObre la traducción: Solo te puedo decir, haz como muchos otros aprende idiomas, asi no dependeras del traductor.



So, according to you, the problem is DE. As the game has errors so instead of reporting it you pick and solve it your way, committing 2 errors:

1. You still did not report it.

2. Not recognizing that even, that because of that error directly or indirectly you had an advantage.

I reiterate to you again, if you did, you WILL profit from an error.
Your points or those who did not report the error, should never be worth, as those who were previously removed from the ranking, because they did the same, take advantage of an error.

About the translation: I can only tell you, do as many others learn languages, so do not depend on the translator.

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