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Projector Drone health scales faster than that of the nullifiers


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So, I've noticed that as you go up in levels, Projector Drone become less and less of a viable option to target, as they literally have more health than that of the Nullifier. 

I thought this was supposed to be an option to take down nullifiers with slower, high damage weapons? At a point, it becomes literally more viable to shoot the bubble and then the Nullifier than even bothering with the projector drone at all. If projector drones were just an option to get rid of nullifiers at range? I don't see the point, taking care of their bubble with a fast fire rate weapon and then continuing your 4 spam is massively more effective. 

Projector Drone is completely useless in my eyes, I can't see a reason for it to exist in its current state. For new/inexperienced players it's something they'll never notice or care about especially since it's not explained anywhere. For casual players(whom I highly doubt use slow, high damaging weapons) will never care that it's there, even though they know. Endurance masochists this changes literally nothing and they probably will start intentionally ignoring it since it's counterproductive as they do endurance. 

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Is it too soon to say "Told ya so"? Seriously, nothing can fix Nullifiers. The drone isn't just ridiculously tanky, it likes to hide behind the bubble most of the time and destroying them to permanently get rid of the bubble is pointless because the actual Nullifier Crewman dies from the slightest breeze.

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That thing scales harder than corpus tech, not to mention its movement is cancerous/unpredictable and most of the times it isn't even possible to shoot when the bubble is at full side. That is why miter augment will be my way to go in super high level corpus/corrupted missions

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I don't think the drone was ever an option for me.

The drones scaling HP is similar to the situation with armor and those damage per shot weapons.

Basically once you have to shoot something more than 1-2 times, those weapon aren't worth using.

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