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Warframe & Weapon special bonus


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I have this idea:


Playing a particular warframe with his "natural" weapon, give some bonus to the warframe and to the weapon too; playing with a set of "natural" weapons, give higher bonus.

I make an example for make you understand better:

- Hydroid has Atomos and Sydon as "natural weapon" cause the first shoot heat water, and the second is Poseidon's trident. Using Hydroid with this 2 weapon must trigger some special bonus for the mission. Using Hydroid with just one of this weapon must trigger lesser bonus

Of course this is not only for Hydroid, but could work more or less for each warframe, including a lot of more weapon (Ivara with all bow and crossbow, primary and secondary) (volt with electricity based weapon) (Nidus with infested weapon) etc... etc... givg different type of bonus for the weapon you are using.



Using a set of weapon without a particular warframe give some special bonus

some example:

- Boltor, akbolto/bolto, boltace (and relative prime/syndicate part)

- Dex sybaris, dex furis, dex dakra

- Zarr, twin rogga, twin basolk

etc.. etc... etc... 

Edited by MollAgdeduba
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4 minutes ago, MollAgdeduba said:


Beauty about some WF parts is to get to pick what your loadout can be like, those bonus were going to be a limitation to some players that like to run the game at the highest efficinecy levels (min maxers)

For special weapons we already have exalted weaponary in some frames.

I don't support and don't see the joy in limiting this kind of things

Edited by LycanPT
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thanks but no thanks. while a set bonus system can work in other games (such as Nioh, where matching armour and weapons grant bonus stats), it wouldn't be that great in Warframe, because it would just create a new Meta: people would figure out which set of weapons gives the best bonus and just use that. it would greatly hurt weapon and frame diversity, which is something I like to have. and the Meta problem happens in Nioh too: everybody runs Red Demon for low weight or Kingo gear for the backstab bonus.

if you grant say a power strength bonus to Dex Gear, everyone will use it; EVERYONE. it can also be argued that set bonuses can punish players who don't have certain gear; why should players who couldn't be there for the anniversaries have to miss out on the bonuses? I'm sorry, but it's too limiting, and would only worsen the Meta.

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I think it's a cool idea. It wouldn't "force" people to use these sets anymore than syndicate procs force people to use syndicate weapons. It would just be a cool bonus.

Unfortunately, it would probably take DE years to getting around to implementing something like this.

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On 5/18/2017 at 6:54 AM, MollAgdeduba said:

Hydroid has Atomos and Sydon as "natural weapon" cause the first shoot heat water

Uhh, no... The atomos does not shoot heat water.... It shoots plasma. Those are completely different....

As for the whole thing it just seems unnecessary.even if we got special effects I doubt they would be good enough to make us change our loadout, in other words, I don't think it would matter much.

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