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What is your favorite primary and secondary and what do you want to see Primed?

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On 6/1/2017 at 5:47 AM, crimsonspartan1 said:

*cough* Helios *cough*

Edit: I know we're speaking of weapons here, but this is just an example of something that shouldn't of been able to be primed, fyi

Helios had a design that could be retconned into a Tenno creation, though. Sobek is obviously Grineer. 

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Favorite Primary would be a toss up between latron  and Braton prime. Secondary is definitely Akvasto. The thought of having Akvasto Prime keeps me awake at night. However, if I could have one thing primed, it would definitely be the Tiberon. I would go get a credit card to buy a Tiberon Prime as soon as it came out. 

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Right now, my favorite secondary is my Aklex Prime. Don't have an absolutely favorite Primary but the Primary with the most use currently is Dex Sybaris which I will replace with the Sybaris Prime once I get it. Akmagnus is another favorite Secondary. I switch into that a lot, though I haven't used it much recently, it still is my top used secondary.

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Favorite : Soma Prime and AkStilleto Prime (reliable enough for most mid-high level situation).

Wants : Akvasto P / Akmagnus P, and some rocket launcher prime. We dont have any of those at the moment.

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