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Kuva as reward in the Kuva Fortress


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Love the tile set, but personally the reward is not interesting enough. Even small kuva resource stash would be welcomed. Make it small enough so its a pain to actually farm, so people get it as a side reward for running Kuva fortress. Even just 10-30 kuva per drop is enough.

Kuva siphon/flood if you want to farm Kuva, Kuva fortress if you want to do regular mission with small kuva on the side.

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On 6/11/2017 at 0:03 AM, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Maybe like 300 max each mission? In endless rotations a, b, c have chances for 50, 100, 150 each? Chances not guarantees though.

And maybe the big assault mission which was really cool but you have no reason to do it can yield like 700?

Kuva siphon or flood probably takes 4-8 minutes depending on what type of mission ? I think 20 minutes for a chance at 2.5k kuva is a great idea 

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I would love to see Kuva Fortress tilesets get a little bit of spontaneity. Remember in the old days when you could go into say a spy mission, and it turned into an exterminate? When opposing factions could show up suddenly and it becomes an invasion?

How about Kuva Fortress tilesets (with maybe spy, sabotage and exterminate having a higher chance) sometimes come under attack by corpus or infested, and the widespread chaos cracks open a hidden chamber containing... a kuva carrier! The mission turns into a hijak, while the whole tileset erupts in chaos.

They could also just skip the invasion and have it so you have a chance to come across a kuva carrier and change the mission type (or have it become an additional objective). 

Hijak just seems like an under utilized mission type that would be perfectly suited to both the kuva fortress tileset and stealing kuva. Maybe even have it so the more health the hijak objective has, the more kuva you get, or there are a number of kuva cannisters on a carrier that enemies try to steal or destroy.

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5 hours ago, (Xbox One)Why Try Pal said:

Kuva siphon or flood probably takes 4-8 minutes depending on what type of mission ? I think 20 minutes for a chance at 2.5k kuva is a great idea 

2.5k seems high. Honestly to me its more about an alternative to the kuva missions. It's highly unlikely they'd make kuva fortress anywhere near able to compete in terms of kuva really.

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On 6/10/2017 at 10:18 PM, --Q--Voltage said:

Steve mentioned that is a "head scratcher" topic on devstream. I presume DE doesn't want players to easily get good stats on rivens quickly as it would have 2 consequences:

1) Economy starts to dip as the value of getting those stats would drop slowly.

2) Players get their wanted stats relatively faster which ultimately makes rivens another one of those systems you use for a while and then forget they exist (looking at focus), because we only have so many slots.

I might be wrong, but the reason this hasn't happened yet is most likely the same reason we still do not have a sortie token system.



I doubt expanding the area drop chances for Kuva would grant players better chances to get their ideal roll. When it came to this Riven, I was still trying to go for Status Chance and Multishot until a friend of mine asked for it. And I gave it to him for another un-meta, unrolled Riven which I can't remember what was for.

Also, I'm not even the worst case scenario. I know several peeps that have attempted at rolling 100+ on their Rivens trying to get the ideal setup. It's pretty damn ridiculous. Expanding where Kuva drops are or wherever they can be earned besides Siphon/Flood missions is not and will not hamper how terrible the reroll RNG is for Rivens.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

2.5k seems high. Honestly to me its more about an alternative to the kuva missions. It's highly unlikely they'd make kuva fortress anywhere near able to compete in terms of kuva really.

Then wouldn't that defeat the purpose? 

Too much Kuva, and people feel forced to grind one tileset. Too little and they ignore it anyway.

I think there need to add high level Kuva fortress raid alert where we hunt for their stashes in addition to a final Kuva reward. 

People can still farm siphons everyday, but there will also be random alerts that happen a few times a week that rewards 4k Kuva or something.

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The idea that Kuva rewards being too high as an outlandish idea is kind of silly. Who doesn't want more Kuva? Eventually when it comes down to it you'll be rerolling Rivens at 3k+ per roll, with the high likelihood of getting a terrible roll. I'm honestly really wanting and really pushing for Siphons to drop, at base, approximately 1.2k~ and Floods approximately 2.4k~.

Seriously, there's grinding with the feeling that you're going to achieve something and there's grinding for several hours/days achieving nothing to the point of burn-out. We really need to expand our horizons on how much Kuva should be earned and more possibilities on where it can be earned (Siphons, Floods, Sorties, Kuva Fortress). As it is now, Kuva farming is extremely repetitive and highly restrictive. No bueno.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

The idea that Kuva rewards being too high as an outlandish idea is kind of silly. Who doesn't want more Kuva? Eventually when it comes down to it you'll be rerolling Rivens at 3k+ per roll, with the high likelihood of getting a terrible roll. I'm honestly really wanting and really pushing for Siphons to drop, at base, approximately 1.2k~ and Floods approximately 2.4k~.

Seriously, there's grinding with the feeling that you're going to achieve something and there's grinding for several hours/days achieving nothing to the point of burn-out. We really need to expand our horizons on how much Kuva should be earned and more possibilities on where it can be earned (Siphons, Floods, Sorties, Kuva Fortress). As it is now, Kuva farming is extremely repetitive and highly restrictive. No bueno.

I wouldn't mind them being high but no way DE will make them bigger than the alerts and I for one would still play kuva fortress missions even if they gave little kuve because it's a break from siphons. And i'm sure plenty others would do the same.

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