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Update 21: Chains of Harrow


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In the name of the endgame fashionframe players. 
What happened with all the syandanas? They all feel papery? And the ones that are rubbery now bulge when you move. And on some the position on the back of the frames has changed (they are more apart). :<

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This update has a lot of awesome changes. Not only am I thankful for a new quest, Warframe and weapons, but many of the updates to the game are very, very nice. I don't post at this forum often, but one of these changes is so exceptional that I am actually compelled to comment on it... In the Update Notes there is this one little line that, although buried among a ton of changes, is probably the most significant addition to the game in years for me...

"Mods that are already equipped on compatible gear now have a desaturated look and icon representing that they cannot be simultaneously used on compatible gear!"


I can't tell you how frustrating and annoying it's been to attempt to slot a mod and get that grating error beep that I can't place the mod on my warframe because it's already slotted on a sentinel, or visa versa. Modding itself can already be a somewhat frustrating activity (it's a balancing act, you put some here but it takes away from there), and removing this additional annoyance actually makes a big difference for me.  I know it's a little thing, but as Mom always said, it's the little things that matter. Once again, thank you. :)

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