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Yet another "thank you DE" post,you deserve it!


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 Let me start this by saying from the depths of my heart one big "Thank you,DE,thank you for all you've done up until and after this point,thank you for loving this game as much as we do,and we all hope you will continue to do so for as long as you feel like it."

   Now,then,phew,where do I begin.My own story with DE started way back,and odd enough,not with the game,but with its support,and their assistance in my most grim time (hacked account).From there,up to today,my passion for DE's being burning,because while I'd always see lads complaining for things like umbra,some odd bugs,raids etc.,I'd always just have a nice look at the patch notes and see the numerous fixes applied,the new additions,and guess the best way to appreciate this all is to simply say few,which I enjoy in particular.

  1.The dual wield:As we all know,the first project of DE was a game called "Dark sector",which featured our first "Tenno",not in the way you'd expect,but still-he'd wield a pistol and a glaive,and considering some,if not most assets and inspirations for warframe were drawn from there,I was always thinking "why not the dual wield" and my,oh my,it's here,and it's awesome.From the fact that shall you time it,your charge throw will have increased damage,as in,a lot,1.00 punch through,cool effect and all that,to the fact that you can now throw it mid air,with a bullet-spin,as I like to call it,and that you can detonate it,without the need to use melee and mouse.

 2.The syndicate quests,and its frames: Needless to say,with each quest,things get more complete,more tense,and above all,more amusing for one happy player as I-new toys,new lore,new stories with each and every quest,be it related to us,or to our favourite(or not so) syndicates.Speaking of us,though

3.The "Tenno saga": keeping it spoiler free,we have,what,two quests in particular that answer much,and leave even more to doubt and question,that being the second dream and the war within...truly,long time,yet totally used right,in my humble opinion.

4.The kavats (I know,I know,what the~) -I like the fact that now we have more companion options,perhaps it's odd,because im one of the few who actually actively uses them,as well as enjoying archwing (kinda) which is...rare,to say the least.

5.The community:While at first glance,we all appear to want something,or complain because of something,in the end of the day,we are one big family with more often then none,shared passion.And in my eyes,that's beautiful.

6.The upcoming(and the question,will it be delivered):There were many teases in the past-the "nemesis" clan system,pump-action shotty,many other things,such as the earth rework that we already have and even more that I simply won't bother naming....but they are there,and they are in works,and that's truly one thing to consider...speaking of

7.The future: Perhaps the reason why I'm doing this now-Tennocon,more precisely the announcements there.To think that after all,DE still succeeds in this,to surprise us,is truly delightful to see,eh?The promise of 3KM pure open (or mostly open) space for flight,battle,fishing(?!),questing,lore-seeking and bloody sentient fighting is just...just....too much for me,I cannot express it,the excitement I conceal (probably rather bad,but still).And then,then out of the blue came the long awaited Umbra,which almost allowed me to hear many lads dropping their pitchforks and laughing together,which,to be honest,is amazing for those who awaited (I never really bothered) but it also proves that,indeed,nothing is forgotten...much is slow,yet in certain motion,and I believe we need to remember that,since more often then none,we end up creating unneeded commotion.Then again,there's Henta~Hydroid prime,coming with balistica,nami sy~the swords~,the glass frame,which is the next quest frame,and (spoiler) advancement ,which,to be honest,is needed and well deserved.

8.My,did I really forgot?The most important thing,above all else should've being this...It's for free,yet fair.I haven't seen such miracle in ages,and DE is probably the only faith in free to play market I have left,being true pay to not wait,but never pay to bloody win.(again,that's up to the lad or lass,but that's my humble opinion ),So,hats down,DE,I really want to buy you beers for being the only developer which remained true to its words....thank you!

Overall,I must thank you for reading,dear whoever you are,and to thank once again DE,for the years of entertainment for me,my friends and overall,for anything and everything.I hope that our future will be just as bright,hopefully with even less unneeded commotions.

  (Guess,now all I really need is Eagle companions and Mesa deluxe,haha....one can hope.Looking forward to the "Plains" update..Kisses,hugs and coffee mugs!)

Edited by UnknownCoffeeRebel
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I could not agree with you more.  To some it all up, DE are human beings just like us.  This is THEIR game, which they GIVE to us freely.  It is a true free to play game, in which you never, ever have to pay them anything in order to enjoy the full aspects of the game, but only if you want to and to move along more quickly.

I've been in gaming than most players on here have been alive.  I have also participated in the development and modding of games.  I can tell you this, there is no other company out there like DE.  They make outstanding titles, they are a tight knit company, and they truly care about their players.  Do the players give them money and source of income?  Yes of course they do.  Is DE in this to make a profit?  Of course, why else would they do this, it is their job.  But why does DE care?  Because, like the Lotus treats the Tenno, WE, the players, are DE's extended family.  From weekend warriors to the full time Youtube content creators, players are the children and family of DE.  So, they WANT to make us happy as best as they can.

DE makes mistakes, like I said they are human.  But they stand by their word as best as they can.  If they say yes or promise a feature, they will deliver they best they can if the game engine allows it.  Remember, they are bound to the game engine.  Yes they wrote it, but all game engines have limitations.

In conclusion, DE is awesome, and so is Warframe.  It has insane graphics, a huge community, VERY active developers dedicated to its success and............ITS FREE.

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9 minutes ago, DANMAN3712 said:

I could not agree with you more.  To some it all up, DE are human beings just like us.  This is THEIR game, which they GIVE to us freely.  It is a true free to play game, in which you never, ever have to pay them anything in order to enjoy the full aspects of the game, but only if you want to and to move along more quickly.

I've been in gaming than most players on here have been alive.  I have also participated in the development and modding of games.  I can tell you this, there is no other company out there like DE.  They make outstanding titles, they are a tight knit company, and they truly care about their players.  Do the players give them money and source of income?  Yes of course they do.  Is DE in this to make a profit?  Of course, why else would they do this, it is their job.  But why does DE care?  Because, like the Lotus treats the Tenno, WE, the players, are DE's extended family.  From weekend warriors to the full time Youtube content creators, players are the children and family of DE.  So, they WANT to make us happy as best as they can.

DE makes mistakes, like I said they are human.  But they stand by their word as best as they can.  If they say yes or promise a feature, they will deliver they best they can if the game engine allows it.  Remember, they are bound to the game engine.  Yes they wrote it, but all game engines have limitations.

In conclusion, DE is awesome, and so is Warframe.  It has insane graphics, a huge community, VERY active developers dedicated to its success and............ITS FREE.

Thanks for stealing all those words I wanted to say >:(

*cries in a corner*

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