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Sniper Reinforcements (A Good Addition for the Upcoming Open-World Update)


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A Good Addition for the Upcoming Open-World Update

With the amazing announcement of the Plains of Eidolon during this year's Tennocon, it seems that finally the sniper rifles may potentially find their place in the average loadout among players. I think that this is an amazing opportunity for the community to submit sniper rifle ideas (feel free to post them in the thread replies for all to see and discuss). Here are a few ideas I have had for a while now that I think may be of great addition to be used on the plains. NOTE: The stats that I included are only there to give the idea and to be taken with a pinch of salt.


DESCRIPTION: This powerful long-range sniper rifle was designed to deliver serrated calibers by Tenno expert marksmen to pick out the most dangerous targets from the battlefield from great distances with it's high zoom power and comfort to allow temporary stability while lining up shots.

Accuracy: 100
Noise: Alarming
Trigger: Semi-auto
Fire-rate: 1.00
Critical Chance: 40%
Critical Damage: 3x
Magazine: 1
Reload: 3sec
Punchthrough: 3m
Status: 45%
Number of Zoom-Levels / Zoom Power: 1 / 18x
Shot Combo Reset / Minimum: 10s / 4
Damage (I/P/S): 50 / 50 / 375
Zoom bonus: +15% damage and alt-fire performs a breath hold to gain perfect stability. Max breath hold of 5sec with a cool down of duration equal to duration of last breath hold.



FACTION: Infested
DESCRIPTION: This twisted Lanka salvaged from an infected Corpus outpost has been transformed into a sickening kill weapon. 

Accuracy: 100
Noise: Alarming
Trigger: Charge
Flight Speed: 190.0m/s
Charge-Time: 1.1
Critical Chance: 25%
Critical Damage: 2.5x
Magazine: 15
Reload: 1.5sec
Punchthrough: 5m
Status: 50%
Number of Zoom-Levels / Zoom Power: 3 / 3x, 7x, 12x
Shot Combo Reset / Minimum: 10s / 2
Damage (Toxin): 50 - 600
Zoom bonus: +30%/60%/90% status duration Shots leaving the barrel while aiming leave a toxic bullet trail that lingers for 5 / 7.5 / 10 seconds before it dissipates that deals 100/200/300 base toxin damage with 30%/40%/50% status chance both modified by relevant weapon mods.



DESCRIPTION: Built from the remains of archaic nucleosynthesis accelerators, the Dirac sniper fires a 1 second continuous beam of high energy particles that bore through anything that stands in their way.

Accuracy: 100
Noise: Alarming
Trigger: Burst 
Beam Range: 500m
Charge-Time: 3sec (spools up the more it fires until the charge time drops to 2sec)
Fire-Rate: 5
Critical Chance: 30%
Critical Damage: 2.5x
Magazine: 100
Rounds per Burst: 5
Reload: 2sec
Punchthrough: 15m
Status/sec: 20%
Number of Zoom-Levels / Zoom Power: 2 / 3x, 10x
Shot Combo Reset / Minimum: 10s / 2
Damage (Radiation/Heat): 250/250
Zoom bonus: +50%/100% beam range, +50%/100% burst rate



FACTION: Grineer
DESCRIPTION: Constructed from scavanged weapons of fallen Grineer, the Drakgar is favoured by slightly more tactical Grineer units who were trained to value and work with combat versatility over sheer fire power.

Accuracy: 100
Noise: Alarming
Trigger: Semi-Automatic
Flight Speed: 150m/s
Fall-off: 15-30m (not applied when scoped)
Fire-Rate: 2
Critical Chance: 20%
Critical Damage: 2x
Pellets: 4
Spread Angle: 60 degrees (none while zoomed)
Magazine: 10
Reload: 2.3sec
Punchthrough: 1m
Status: 30%
Number of Zoom-Levels / Zoom Power: 2 / 3x, 6x
Shot Combo Reset / Minimum: 10s / 2
Damage (I/P/S): 130/135/75
Zoom bonus: +20%/40% multishot and +15%/30% flight speed



FACTION: Ostron Colony
DESCRIPTION: A hunting tool designed by the hunters at Cetus, the Dehtatus is a modification of the archaic blow-gun utilising a pump made of animal skin both connected through an old brass military horn tubing that greatly enhances its power enabling it to take down strong game and brutal attackers with similar ease

Accuracy: 100
Noise: Silent
Trigger: Charge
Flight Speed: 90m/s (affected by gravity)
Fall-off: none
Fire-Rate: 0.2
Critical Chance: 17%
Critical Damage: 2x
Magazine: 1
Reload: 3.5sec
Punchthrough: 0.25m
Status: 45%
Damage (I/P/S/Gas): 0/250/0/450
On Collision with Enemies: The darts emit a toxin spray that instantly evaporates to a deadly gas cloud that can wear the enemy down. Punchthrough can enable each dart to create up to 5 separate clouds. The cloud deals all of the elemental damage types available on the weapon and the damage scales with multipliers applied when the dart hits (i.e. body-part multipliers, criticals, etc.)



Bullet Crack (Snipers):
Throughout the entire length of the flight path, enemies within a 1/2/3m radius are staggered for 3/4/5sec

Short-Sighted (Primary):
Weapon zoom decreased by 10/20/30%

Trigger Affinity (Snipers):
+5/10/15% zoom stability that scales with shot combo counter

Bullet Rupture (Snipers, Corrupted):
+20/30/40% chance to explode, -1/2/3m punchthrough

Bullseye (Snipers):
+16/34/50% to shot combo damage (similar to the Venka Prime's passive for melee weapons)

Drill Scope (Snipers, Nightmare):
+30/45/60% puncture damage, +10/15/20% to scope bonuses

Brutal Bore (Snipers):
A fixed +5% damage and +1% critical chance added to the bullet for each enemy it punches through. Bonuses are applied before mods.

Traumatic Ascension (Snipers):
+10/20/30/40/50% critical damage stacks with shot combo multiplier

Poison Dart (Snipers):
Headshots get +50/100/150% toxin damage

Armour Piercing (Snipers):
Puncture status effects have a chance to sharply dent enemy armour doing 250/500/750(+5/7.5/10% of current enemy armour) as finisher damage per second for the duration of the puncture effect.

Mercenary Marksman (Snipers):
Headshots count as 2/3/4/5 on the shot combo counter

Suppressed Rage (Snipers):
Silenced weapons deal +100% damage to unalerted enemies (+250% if headshot)

Biotech Rounds (Buzlok Augment):
Tracer round has a 50/75/100% to inflict target with a viral status effect for 200/300/400% the normal duration

Deadhead (Snipers)
Deal +80/90/100% more damage to targets more than 40/30/20m away



A deployable that once placed, allows you to mount on it a sniper rifle reducing scope shake by 50%

Camo Sheets:
Allow you to lay down and cover yourself making it 65% less likely for patrolling enemies to spot you. However shooting unsuppressed rifles when they are around will alert them to your presence

Grineer crude barricades that grant temporary cover while under fire

Camo Blunt:
A blunt painted and covered with leaves to enable it to blend in the environment

White Noise Generator:
For 3 minutes, completely covers up the sound of archwing engines.

White Noise Grenade:
When thrown, it has a 10sec fuse after which it emits a white noise that lasts for 15sec completely covering up all sounds within a 35m radius around it

Flare Gun:
Can be used to shoot a flare towards the sky to signal allies to a location









Edit 1: Added Brutal Bore, Traumatic Ascension, Poison Dart, Armour Piercing, Mercenary Marksman, and Suppressed Rage.

Edit 2: Added the Dehtatus dart gun.

Edit 3: Added Gear.

Edit 4: Added "Related Concepts By Other Players" section 

Edit 5: Added more concepts by other players

Edit 6: Added Biotech Rounds, Deadhead, Flare gun, and a concept by another player

Edited by Kurambik
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My gosh, I didn't even think of that with the open world update.

Snipers will finally have a place where you can actually snipe! 


Anyway, I think the Tenno Sniper's zoom level should be brought down, 18x is a little much, even with our huge open space

Edited by PoisonHD
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8 hours ago, Virotoxic said:

The Dirak seems like it could reset it's combo too easily

yes it does have the potential to miss shots. I am not in a state where I can say that I'm proud of that concept. still trying to tweak it.

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10 minutes ago, LOD07 said:

I could work on some concepts if you don´t might? if you meant drawings 

I meant anything tbh. Sniper/mod ideas that you think may be a good addition when in the plains. Let your imagination run wild :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/12/2017 at 8:47 PM, PoisonHD said:

Anyway, I think the Tenno Sniper's zoom level should be brought down, 18x is a little much, even with our huge open space

The Annoluce is meant to be a strictly long range sniper rifle not in the way that we use them now, and also it certainly makes up for it in its stats. To balance this out, I designed the Drakgar to be more focused towards close quarters with 3x and 6x zoom levels. However if you still think it is too much, the Short-Sighted mod I described would be perfect for you :)

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Would be nice to have a mutalist lanka as a midpoint between the regular lanka and the proboskis.
Similar stats to the lanka but dealing toxin damage and releasing a toxin-damaging gas cloud on the user when reloading (possibly with a blind/line of sight blocking effect).

It would also be nice to have a generic tenno sniper rifle with a mk1 variant so new players can try one out without having to wait for it to craft.

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Figure after all that time yammering about my own guns that I should review your own piece-by-piece.


1. I'm not sure about the ultra precision of this thing if it is indeed hitscan as you say. Doesn't quite mesh as well with the other snipers in existence. Can't really pick anything else out in particular, so I'd say that means that it's quite passable.

2. Ooooo, toxic tracers. Excellant for fested conga lines or grin shield formations, not to shamy.

3. I feel like the critical Chance and beam range on this chap might be a tad bit overclocked, but I can't say I wouldn't mind a beamy scoped gun. Ultra precise.

4. So this is like. . .a scoped skeet-shooter shotgun? Having a little trouble visualizing this fellow, but not minding the "un-sniper" sniper nature. 

5. Well. . . this one has an. . . interesting design. Don't know what to make of it designwise to be honest. Statistically? Huh, kinda seems like an upscale model of the new dart pistol they unleashed. Nothing positive or negative meant by it.


That bes my take on your collection after a year a managin mine.


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3 hours ago, Unus said:

4. So this is like. . .a scoped skeet-shooter shotgun? Having a little trouble visualizing this fellow, but not minding the "un-sniper" sniper nature. 

5. Well. . . this one has an. . . interesting design. Don't know what to make of it designwise to be honest. Statistically? Huh, kinda seems like an upscale model of the new dart pistol they unleashed. Nothing positive or negative meant by it.

basically no.4 is a "sniper" intended for those who prefer a more upclose style. I like to think of it as a more sniper-ish Drakgoon where when unscoped it behaves like a normal flak cannon but when scoped the pellets converge and lose the damage fall-off giving it effectively a bit more usability at a distance also

As for no.3 I admit that it's still a bit unpolished (still working on that a bit to fully flesh it out) but I think in a landscape where we can potentially hunt for resources for the colony it would be a nice addition. My other motive was that with the mod concepts I provided I tried to design these rifles to have a bit of synergy with them also (in this case Suppressed Rage and Poison Dart were in mind). To be honest I had this idea for a very long time now but I never really invested in it because I did not know how a weapon with a base gas damage would behave in the game when interacting with toxin mods for example. It was only recently with the Zakti that I got to really experiment and see these behaviours that helped me understand more.

If you have any more ideas (preferably sniper related to maintain the theme of the thread) feel free to share them here :)

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Well. . . . . if your legitimately asking sir/mam, I have a few other baubles and odd-ball models sitting about here and there beyond the two I already mentioned.

The humble Fusilee for the techno-gentleman-manhunter in all of us.

And the great great great great (etc) cousin of the braton twice removed, the Whitend.


Theres a few others, but, I already mentioned two, so I figure two at a time is the better route to take.

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Honestly quite keen for a few of the effect mods, that is to say, ones you've listed with unique stats that aren't in the game and already attainable through rivens. Can't say I see the need for the stabilisation mods, though I can see them being useful for a camping perspective. I'm not sure if that's something they will be heavily pushing for in the Plains of Eidilon update. Warframe, in my opinion, is a very fast paced game. To stop and set up a sniper, while a fun gameplay aspect, doesn't really keep that speed. 

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On 7/31/2017 at 2:04 AM, Lord_Jaxom3 said:

I'm not sure if that's something they will be heavily pushing for in the Plains of Eidilon update. Warframe, in my opinion, is a very fast paced game. To stop and set up a sniper, while a fun gameplay aspect, doesn't really keep that speed. 

Judging based on what they showed, the landscape being littered with Grineer camps, it seemed a feasible strategy (for example if you get a side-quest to kill a priority target or a leader) to maybe take him out from afar. Also if for example you're in a 4-man squad one of the players can potentially sit away from the commotion and slowly pick off priority targets such as Eximus Nox, mini-bosses (if there are any), etc. while the rest carry out the objective at hand. If that is not the case, that is why I catered my 5 sniper designs to be very different from each other. For example the Annoluce is strictly meant for long range, the Drakgar is more close range due to having low zoom and doubling as a flak cannon, the Dirac and Proboskis are similar to the snipers currently in the game and the Dehtatus is more oriented towards a hunting objective such as the birds that may potentially be traded in at Cetus for rewards.

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