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Next Prime after Hydroid

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According to a pattern I have noticed since I started gathering prime warframes, I think it is very possible and logical to pick either Zephyr or Equinox, since all of the primes that we got are either assassination target warframes, dropped parts warframes (i.e: Oberon and Ash), and tenno lab warframes (i.e: Banshee and Volt). Until now, they haven't released a single quest warframe, and my theory is that they will release the first quest warframe as a prime when they finish all the old assasination or lab warfarmes,, since the drops are only Ash and Oberon. Very bizarre concept to think of, but still stands out in my own perspective. What do you think?

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20 minutes ago, AusarTheVilest1123 said:

Until now, they haven't released a single quest warframe

No quest frame has come up yet so there's no reason to make this assumption. Mirage would be the first one to be expected, and it hasn't even gotten to her yet. 

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On 11/1/2017 at 2:52 AM, (PS4)Valfrekr said:

I'm kinda new to this game, and so I have a very noob question to ask:

What are the chances of them releasing a brand new Prime Frame. I'd like to see an Ivara Prime.

While I would like to see that, I think the chances would be really low. DE usually release Prime Frames based on age of release in a Male-Male-Female-Female pattern.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think you can predict which Warframe gets primed next, because you can see on the wiki release date page that certain Warframes got primed earlier than other Warframes, example Nova was released 2 months later than Vauban while Vauban got primed way after Nova prime. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think we can really predict, just hope I guess. (Off course my vote goes to the support for the zephyr species, #Vote4Zephyr

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1 hour ago, Zkiathoz said:

Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think you can predict which Warframe gets primed next, because you can see on the wiki release date page that certain Warframes got primed earlier than other Warframes, example Nova was released 2 months later than Vauban while Vauban got primed way after Nova prime. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think we can really predict, just hope I guess. (Off course my vote goes to the support for the zephyr species, #Vote4Zephyr

Sorta. DE does follow a MM-FF system and goes by order of release usually, but like you said they have bucked the order every once in awhile. 


I'm guessing they are gonna go with Mesa Prime though. Mesa Prime would literally just print money for them, and Christmas is coming up so they probably won't put Zephyr up as one of the least used frames. 

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On 7/12/2017 at 9:57 PM, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

Now you're speaking my language

It would be curious to see what the model/skin for Chroma Prime will be. The Chroma Dynasty Deluxe skin is king and is such a massive visual improvement over the default skin. Hell the only reason I never bothered to get Chroma in the first place was because of how "meh" its design was.

Edited by Raging_Twinky
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On 7/12/2017 at 9:50 PM, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

This is true and just as lame although he looks good would rather have seen chroma prime....


On 7/12/2017 at 9:47 PM, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

Yeah, well nobody uses Hydroid and he still gets primed.

Who tf have you been seeing. Pilfroid is everywhere.


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On 7/12/2017 at 9:45 PM, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

I'm a Mesa main as well, since her release I bought her out right. Don't know why I'm so salty I'm gonna have to see zephyr, mirage prime before mesa prime...actually it kinda pisses me off...but whatever...sigh...I'll wait my turn. 

 I mean seriously, no body uses mirage anymore after the simular balance..gawwd F mirage. Lol

The Simulor balance made the simulor eveeeennn moreeeee op what r u talking about?

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On 7/12/2017 at 8:36 PM, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

1 upvote = 1 hug for Zephyr

Everyday a Zephyr Warframe is neglected and abused. Every upvote goes to support the Zephyr species.



(That was a joke)

You skipped Zephyr though.

Should probably be Zephyr, Mirage, Limbo, Chroma, Mesa, whoever is next. Just google the warframes in order of release 

A CHROMA PRIME LMAO WTFFF OP x2 hes already a tank might aswell name him WUKONG THE SECOND

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