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May We Have Primed Chamber Now?


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I'd like to know what this mysterious spawning glitch is, apparently everyone who didn't get top 100 knew of it. Yet most top 100 players don't have a clue.


Someone feel free to PM me it, in detail. 

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Neh, I'm sure most of the top 100 want it kept all tidy to themselves: But meh, you look at the (vomits a little personally) WoW titan and you won't really see many exclusives that cause a benefit to the player. Cosmetics are fine, hence why I'm all up in arms about a walking animation that -does- stay exclusive, they can make better ones down the road but 'this one' stays ours: future events can just refrain from mods and offer out bad-&#! animations, skins for warframes, holographic effects that overlap the Warframe, weapon skins, Sentinal skins/cosmetics, color schemes, Dojo items, tilesets, hell even start releasing exclusive weapon sounds/effects : all these things are awesome, but don't actually give anyone a boost over someone else.


But on the opposite side of the coin I also look at this mod and go: You know this isn't a Competitive game, therefore anyone with this mod isn't directly harming you in any way shape or form so theres no reason to be 'up in arms' really: but the other side still says I understand wanting to obtain every positive-stat giving item there is. So neh.

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And you, you are rude. :P Not 'everyone abused the spawning glitch' .. I didn't even know about the damn thing until after the Event was over, saddest part was I was on the map that the glitch occurred and STILL never saw it happen / made it reoccur. I devoted literally 50+ hours into that event, racking up 2,000 kills Sunday night, passed out, woke up to only a couple hours remaining and pushed for the next 55 that got me in the Top 100. It was mind numbing, it was difficult: and I sure as hell feel like I worked for it. But .. then again I also don't snipe, so it's gathering dust, hence.. I really .. can't care less about the Mod itself.

why yes i am rude =) proud of it too and the spawning glitch still hapepened the guy who got 87th had a math equation as to how many someone could actually kill working in things you need to do (sleep etc.) so im sure you did abuse it in some manner or another ^^

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why yes i am rude =) proud of it too and the spawning glitch still hapepened the guy who got 87th had a math equation as to how many someone could actually kill working in things you need to do (sleep etc.) so im sure you did abuse it in some manner or another ^^


>>>> Event Leader Board <<<


87 2055





and I never said anyone HAD to cheat, I said how hard it was, what I did to get there; how many hours I devoted, ect: and had two friends on skype with me listen to me *@##&#036; about bleeding eyes. I also said top 10 really must have put themselves into a state of serious sleep deprivation to obtain it. Not that it was impossible. I wasn't even aware of the bug until after the Event closed.

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shinydunsparce, on 17 Jul 2013 - 2:41 PM, said:snapback.png

DE- Says Frost Prime is an exclusive reward, lets everyone get it


Doesn't say any of the rewards from balloon event are exclusive, they all are.




and it's been stated multiple times that the Primed Chamber mod isn't exclusive, it's EVENT exclusive; it'll be an Event reward in the future.

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I was one of the 100 and am happy to see this is a debate on the boards, not only about the one mod, but I hope about how things like this can be achieved in future events. I feel there were three types of people in the last event. First the crazy grinders that spent the weekend going off so they would get the top 100 spots. Second the crazy grinders that went off and just missed the 100 spots and are now kind of mad as hell about these events. Third the "I got my 20" crowd, who hit the 20 mark and let the grinders carry the load.


I feel if this game had clear goals for things like the event more people would get into it. What if they said everyone who hit 100 kills got the gun for sure. And everyone who killed 500 got the snipertron bp. And for every 1000 kills you get you get the Primed Chamber mod. The crazy grinders would still grind to get a mod for every one of their sniper rifles, but more importantly, it gives everyone who wants a mod a clear path to get one. No one could feel they were left out, because if you want one all you have to do is get 333 kills a day for just one mod, you can get that many in an evening no problem, so even the people who had to work or go to school could still get a mod if they wanted one.


One more thing, I wish we had a single fire rifle (like bolt action) with a quick reload time. would really make this mod worth the effort. Put both Primed and Charged chamber and a fully upgraded damage mod, I think everyone would be a sniper.

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It sounds really fair that only the 100 most no lifed people who happened to have every second of the weekend off, deserves an overpowered mod while everyone else doesn't. NNNNGGGGGGG LOGIC.


That's bullS#&amp;&#036;.

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It sounds really fair that only the 100 most no lifed people who happened to have every second of the weekend off, deserves an overpowered mod while everyone else doesn't. NNNNGGGGGGG LOGIC.


That's bullS#&$.


Don't forget the exploits and abuse of respawn mechanics.. for fairness' sake.

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It sounds really fair that only the 100 most no lifed people who happened to have every second of the weekend off, deserves an overpowered mod while everyone else doesn't. NNNNGGGGGGG LOGIC.


That's bullS#&$.


Its not over powered in the slightest. Its moderately ok. 


Don't forget the exploits and abuse of respawn mechanics.. for fairness' sake.


This excuse happens in every single game, doesn't even need to be a competition. Someone does better than someone else and excuses pop up, so they feel better about themselves. The two most common? "Cheater/Hacker!!" or "No life loser!!". 


As far as I'm aware (and looked into), there was no "exploit". I stand corrected on the "exploit" thing but it wasn't even an exploit. Its either highly misunderstood and/or being used as an "escape" from people who didn't get top 100.

Edited by iTzLazer
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Its not over powered in the slightest. Its moderately ok. 



This excuse happens in every single game, doesn't even need to be a competition. Someone does better than someone else and excuses pop up, so they feel better about themselves. The two most common? "Cheater/Hacker!!" or "No life loser!!". 


As far as I'm aware (and looked into), there was no "exploit". 

There was an exploit with tilesets, where you could leave, reenter after a bit, and the informers would respawn.

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There was an exploit with tilesets, where you could leave, reenter after a bit, and the informers would respawn.


Unless they were re-spawning in a matter of seconds after leaving I don't see how its an exploit. The drones spawned like any other enemy/with them. Therefore "leaving an area and returning later after more enemies spawned" would legitimately give you more drones. 

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Unless they were re-spawning in a matter of seconds after leaving I don't see how its an exploit. The drones spawned like any other enemy/with them. Therefore "leaving an area and returning later after more enemies spawned" would legitimately give you more drones. 

I'm njot sure how it worked, but I do know after completing an objective, if I passed through my starting area, most of them had respawned, so, I ran  back to the objective room, more had respawned. Not all of them, but some of them. (with almost no more enemies spawning btw)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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There was an exploit with tilesets, where you could leave, reenter after a bit, and the informers would respawn.


Supposedly confirmed: but while I've heard of it since the event, most everyone hadn't heard of it until after the event was over. I was even on Marrow for a majority of my runs through the drone event and never saw bloated drones, to the point my drone count has been said to be absurdly low (4-6 on average, with a rare 8-10 if I was lucky.) while others claimed to get 14-18 even upwards of 20. 


What the event came down to wasn't drones per mission but drones per minute, and my guess is the tileset exploit required people to wait for respawns or something: frankly even rushing ahead during the course of a normal mission - to fast caused 0/less drones to spawn, going to slow ment you weren't getting that x/per minute ratio either, so you had to find a good pace that allowed the spawns to be created in the first place, without dragging your &amp;#&#33; the whole time. So if people exploited this tile set thing, they probably wasted time doing it. If it was instantaneous my only guess is it was one specific tileset with specific rules to cause the exploit or something else I'm missing because I never saw it.


At any rate, it's already been stated the Mod will be a event reward in the future. So it's not like it'll never be up for grabs again for those that missed that post too. 


Rank 87 : and I still vote the Primed Chamber be exchanged for a Exclusive dead-spacey walk w/ weapons + a no weapon casual walk for male and female frames. :D

Edited by Azraill
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Unless they were re-spawning in a matter of seconds after leaving I don't see how its an exploit. The drones spawned like any other enemy/with them. Therefore "leaving an area and returning later after more enemies spawned" would legitimately give you more drones. 


  It only took a few seconds on the right tiles. You'd get 2-4 Informers every 6 seconds tops with the version of the trick I'm familiar with. Kept going forever if it tickled your fancy. It was literally as simple as leaving a room and then popping back in. Worked particularly well with rooms connected by tubes in the Grineer Asteroid - maybe because of the way line-of-sight works.


 It wasn't even really a bug so much as 'If I backtrack normally enemies spawn - so what if I leave a room for a few seconds and reenter then? They'll spawn like always right?'


 I'll openly admit - knowledge of this exploit didn't bug me at all. When I saw how it worked I realized it was so simple that people could end up doing it without really doing much thinking about it - it would just take a guy getting lost and running through a room multiple times. The only reason I didn't do it myself was pure laziness. I didn't care to stop farming Saryn just to pad my numbers.

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 I'll openly admit - knowledge of this exploit didn't bug me at all. When I saw how it worked I realized it was so simple that people could end up doing it without really doing much thinking - it would just take a guy getting lost and running through a room multiple times. The only reason I didn't do it myself was pure laziness. I didn't care to stop farming Saryn just to pad my numbers.


.. That's a bad moderator and you should feel bad.




Admittedly farming for resources was a nice perk in case of not actually landing on the leaderboards, or at least that was my intention going in. If I didn't end up with the mod I would have at least ended with more resources than I could spend for a good long while.

Edited by Azraill
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.. That's a bad moderator and you should feel bad.




 Community Moderator. I'm a player too. I like to win.


 Besides - it seriously doesn't matter. This is Open Beta - it is GOOD things like this are happening now. It arms DE with knowledge of how we handle their events. I'm willing to bet they make it much harder to do something like that in the future.


  I'll take a bug that lets some Warframe Junkies pad their stats. No problem. Later events could very well be better off for it.

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  It only took a few seconds on the right tiles. You'd get 2-4 Informers every 6 seconds tops with the version of the trick I'm familiar with. Kept going forever if it tickled your fancy. It was literally as simple as leaving a room and then popping back in. Worked particularly well with rooms connected by tubes in the Grineer Asteroid - maybe because of the way line-of-sight works.


 It wasn't even really a bug so much as 'If I backtrack normally enemies spawn - so what if I leave a room for a few seconds and reenter then? They'll spawn like always right?'


 I'll openly admit - knowledge of this exploit didn't bug me at all. When I saw how it worked I realized it was so simple that people could end up doing it without really doing much thinking about it - it would just take a guy getting lost and running through a room multiple times. The only reason I didn't do it myself was pure laziness. I didn't care to stop farming Saryn just to pad my numbers.


I found and did a variation of this on Kappa then. I got 40-50 drones a game and games took 18-20 minutes. Was never "leave and come back to a room seconds later" though. Was just "back track a little bit 30 seconds or so before an objective was complete more drones spawned because of all the Grinner during that time, then proceed with further objectives, repeat". Simply "found" it by observing, seeing if I could improve efficiency (started at like 10 a game, moved to 20/30 most of the first day etc). Last two games I did I think I got 60 each. 


Still, seems borderline to me, honestly (referring to the leave and re-enter). 


Whats DE said about it? 

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Whats DE said about it? 


 Never asked. 


 Although I'll admit - it is because I suspect I know the answer.


 There is no use dwelling on the impact this trick (I don't feel right saying exploit - it was the game doing exactly what it is supposed to do) had on the event. It is useless to worry about whether or not the leaderboards would be completely different had it not existed.


 Instead - better to face forwards and make sure the next event is better set up to handle this silliness.

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 There is no use dwelling on the impact this trick (I don't feel right saying exploit - it was the game doing exactly what it is supposed to do) had on the event. It is useless to worry about whether or not the leaderboards would be completely different had it not existed.


I'll tell you what would have happen based on the post above.. my  god.. I'd be #1! T.T Missed..opportunities.. so.. much.. less.. bleedy..eyes.. AGGGGH!


Ah well, moving along.. walk animation replacement to the Primed Chamber now? Snap to. <.<


and why do I get the feeling..



 Never asked. 


 Although I'll admit - it is because I suspect I know the answer.


 Should worry me in the way of rollbacks or that they might wipe the server? No use dwelling on the unknown I guess, but damn if that wouldn't be a touch depressing.

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 Never asked. 


 Although I'll admit - it is because I suspect I know the answer.


 There is no use dwelling on the impact this trick (I don't feel right saying exploit - it was the game doing exactly what it is supposed to do) had on the event. It is useless to worry about whether or not the leaderboards would be completely different had it not existed.


 Instead - better to face forwards and make sure the next event is better set up to handle this silliness.

Its as I expected then, simply people misunderstanding the thing and/or using it as an "escape" (more likely both). 


Oh, I'm not worried at all if thats what you're wondering lol. I know for a fact what I "did" was no where in any shape or form an "exploit". Nor would I (or think DE) would consider the out/back in thing an exploit either. 


Was more along the lines of "I wish there was an official announcement about it all, to shut everyone up" thing >.>. Theres just a lot of misinformation about all of it really. While theres some information here an there, most people don't see it. Which ends up with the same misinformation being posted repeatedly. But I digress. 

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