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Stray Thought - Mod Crystallization


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Here's the gist of it. Steve raised the power ceiling by giving us more slots with auras. Some people can't even fill their mod capacity. I've come up with a little idea to solve this, and address another facets of the game which could use a bit of attention. To be precise, I'm referring to replayability of void missions once you've farmed all the void exclusive loot.


Here's how it would work.


First DE would introduce a new, void-specific resource. (Imagine a green resource container.) Let's call it Orokinchalcum for now, because that's the kind of inane portmanteau I tend to come up with when I leave my mind to wander.


This new resource would be rare (quantities of 1-2), and would be used to "crystallize" a mod. Crystallization price would be determined by mod rarity, and rank.


Crystallization would have a multiplicative (greater) effect on mod cost, and effect, but would renders the mod unable to be fused further. (More on that in a second.) Crystallization might also make it so that mods could only be used on like polarities, but that might unnecessarily punish people who don't have a lot of forma. (The internal logic I was using when I thought of that caveat was something like "crystals are bristle, ergo crystal mods are too delicate for unpolarized slots.")


So more on stifling fusion progression. The idea is to promote risk/reward type decisions. (Or is that costs/benefits?) You could permanently boost the effects of a level three mod, (sacrificing further growth,) or permanently boost a level five but have to deal with increased costs.


So not sure on the whole thing personally, but I think it could turn into something usable if a couple of you with a mind for interesting mechanics and game balance tear away at it.

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My +1 goes to you. The effect could also go to Auras, perhaps even twice, to allow for them to power up as well... 10 or so crystals for first upgrade(Halves the mod energy given) at a 50% buff to effect, and then again at 20 or so crystals for the second(Negates/reverses mod energy given) at another 50% buff to effect given. Opinion?

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So correct me if I'm wrong but basically:

- snip -

I like it


You've got it. Thanks. :-)


My +1 goes to you. The effect could also go to Auras, perhaps even twice, to allow for them to power up as well... 10 or so crystals for first upgrade(Halves the mod energy given) at a 50% buff to effect, and then again at 20 or so crystals for the second(Negates/reverses mod energy given) at another 50% buff to effect given. Opinion?


I think auras really ought to be affected. If their slot-adding effects are boosted, their crystallization costs should be a whole lot. If their slot-adding effects are reduced, the prices could be in-line with normal mods. I'd need to spend a while theory-crafting before I could say adding more slots would be horribly overpowered (considering that all other mods would be receiving similar cost increases. One buffed aura mod vs ten more expensive slots?)


I would like to add this to my community polling post and have it link here and use Feldgrep's quote as a brief synopsis things with it. Any objections to this?


No objections whatsoever, and thanks a lot! :-)

Edited by Lumireaver
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Just call it 'power creep' and have it come from cans of worms we find in the void.


Actually, part of the aim was to prevent power creep. (My dissent for power creep is why I also suggested that Vandals and Primes be turned into skins... hit up my profile if you want to be a part of that discussion...) This idea started cooking when I started to wonder what would happen if Steve ever released "Serration 2," or some other equivalent. Out of fear for that kind of power creep, I started experimenting with ways we could make our T1 mods effectively ascend into T2 mods without making it a straight power up, maintaining their relevance in the metagame. "Power at a price" was one of my guiding philosophies in this case.


Also crystallization could be a thing you unlock with mastery, so that: A) Newbies don't foolishly crystallize without understanding the sacrifices they might be making which, considering that void runs are possible straight out of the gate, might be necessary. Also B) Locking away a higher tier of power could give people something to look forward to.

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I would definitely approve of this idea, but I would also limit the amount of crystallized mods usable in one item (Granted that may make things a bit cookie cutter, go Serration or go home). The problem with this would be that using these would make things beyond powerful, imagine a max serration crystallized, it would be a heck of a ton of damage. 


Another idea would be to add crystallized slots on gear, so for instance, you can add the slots to your weapons and warframes at the cost of some of the Orokinchalcum, and that slot is open to crystallized mods. This would mean further progression is required (Which I would love personally) and would stop people from instantly putting insanely powerful mods on new weapons. That also adds more risk/reward to the idea, since that would then mean players will have to think "Well, this serration is maxed, if I crystallize it, I can use it in this gun I added a slot to. But I cant use it to level new gear".


Aside from that though, I do love the idea and it would really provide some more "End Game" content to go for (And would open up possible Tier 4 void missions of epic insane powerful proportions).

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I would definitely approve of this idea, but I would also limit the amount of crystallized mods usable in one item (Granted that may make things a bit cookie cutter, go Serration or go home). The problem with this would be that using these would make things beyond powerful, imagine a max serration crystallized, it would be a heck of a ton of damage. 


Another idea would be to add crystallized slots on gear, so for instance, you can add the slots to your weapons and warframes at the cost of some of the Orokinchalcum, and that slot is open to crystallized mods. This would mean further progression is required (Which I would love personally) and would stop people from instantly putting insanely powerful mods on new weapons. That also adds more risk/reward to the idea, since that would then mean players will have to think "Well, this serration is maxed, if I crystallize it, I can use it in this gun I added a slot to. But I cant use it to level new gear".


Aside from that though, I do love the idea and it would really provide some more "End Game" content to go for (And would open up possible Tier 4 void missions of epic insane powerful proportions).


The problem with that is, diminishing returns would effectively kill that Serration from being stronger, hence the reason people do 105% with their maxed elemental mods. Pushing it beyond that cap shows exactly the lack of a deeper understanding of the systems that would require the suggested lockout.

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I see one problem with this, not regarding your suggestion, wich was pretty good and i upvoted, but the game in general:

Okay, so now I got my super beefed and crazy OP crystalized build. What the hell do I kill with it that I couldn't kill before?

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I see one problem with this, not regarding your suggestion, wich was pretty good and i upvoted, but the game in general:

Okay, so now I got my super beefed and crazy OP crystalized build. What the hell do I kill with it that I couldn't kill before?

DE is reworking quite a few bosses and most likely has even more in the pipeline, possibly one of them? Maybe we'll see a nightmare mode Void mission sometime? Who knows what the future holds? :P

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Ss3trnks2, on 24 Jul 2013 - 04:26 AM, said:

DE is reworking quite a few bosses and most likely has even more in the pipeline, possibly one of them? Maybe we'll see a nightmare mode Void mission sometime? Who knows what the future holds? :P

I do like the prospect on that, but my point was that with this idea, the characters would be so frigging powerful that nothing would be a challenge.

Not unless they start introducing some really crazy boss fights that requires far more than 4 people to kill, as well as requiring parkour and etc.

A really big, epic, hard fight (like a raid boss.)

Like a super-giant Thresher Maw, about as big, if not bigger than that Thresher king/queen that appears on Mass Effect 3.

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Them multishot overpowerness :D

Yeah I like the idea though it would be able to break the game and would be able to nullify guns and mods. Just slap on Crystallized Multishot mod and Serration to a gun and you are good to go, oh and guns that need ammo mods like Grakata surely would appreciate even more ammunition but compared to the raw damage of other guns that have those previously slapped mods on and maybe another raw damage mod to fill the ammunition slot instead, would make it very godlike compared to the Grakata, thus making it useless gun.

Also mods such as Fast Deflection, Vitality, Redirection and Flow would easily be able to break the game, you would never die after those mods have been crystallized.

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Regardless of whether or not this is a good idea for Warframe, I like that it is pretty interesting and you gave it some thought.

And what's more; you came to the forums inviting a discussion of a potentially fundamental mechanic of the game.


I really appreciate these kinds of threads over the "NERF [X]!!!" ones.


I like ideas.

So thanks.

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Here's the gist of it. Steve raised the power ceiling by giving us more slots with auras. Some people can't even fill their mod capacity. I've come up with a little idea to solve this, and address another facets of the game which could use a bit of attention. To be precise, I'm referring to replayability of void missions once you've farmed all the void exclusive loot.


Here's how it would work.


First DE would introduce a new, void-specific resource. (Imagine a green resource container.) Let's call it Orokinchalcum for now, because that's the kind of inane portmanteau I tend to come up with when I leave my mind to wander.


This new resource would be rare (quantities of 1-2), and would be used to "crystallize" a mod. Crystallization price would be determined by mod rarity, and rank.


Crystallization would have a multiplicative (greater) effect on mod cost, and effect, but would renders the mod unable to be fused further. (More on that in a second.) Crystallization might also make it so that mods could only be used on like polarities, but that might unnecessarily punish people who don't have a lot of forma. (The internal logic I was using when I thought of that caveat was something like "crystals are bristle, ergo crystal mods are too delicate for unpolarized slots.")


So more on stifling fusion progression. The idea is to promote risk/reward type decisions. (Or is that costs/benefits?) You could permanently boost the effects of a level three mod, (sacrificing further growth,) or permanently boost a level five but have to deal with increased costs.


So not sure on the whole thing personally, but I think it could turn into something usable if a couple of you with a mind for interesting mechanics and game balance tear away at it.

How 'bout yesh? *-*

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