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Syndicate Warframes


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It would be cool if we had syndicate waframes and the abilities were adjusted for each syndicate.

chaos Ash for the Red Veil and his abilities would be

Shuriken would seek out targets and causing viral and slash damage

Smoke screen would work the same but 4 extra seconds added to time invisibility 

Blade storm enemies killed would explode doing viral damage to near by enemies 

i couldnt think of anything for teleport so if you have any ideas let me know

New loka tranquil trinity abilities would be

Well of like would cause enemies near by effected target to stop fighting for 12 seconds

Energy vampire would would wouk the same with extra effect that causes enemies in range to be effected by corrosive damage upon death of target

and it goes on like that and i know syndicates share some frames so it opens the doors for variety of tactical choices

please add on anything you want i want to know your ideas



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I thought this would just be like what Harrow and Titania are to RV and Loka respectively, but you actually want like... Rakta Ash and Sancti Trin with basically already built in augments. I can't really support this idea, since I just find it to be a lazy way of adding content into the game. Especially since the syndicate versions of weapons were sort of like sidegrades, but this just sounds like straight up upgrades.

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

We have syndicate warframes though. 

Nidus for Perrin Sequence

Titania for New Loka

Octavia for Cephalon Suda

Harrow for Red Veil

Glass Cannon frame for ???

thats not what i meant but ok that one way to look at it

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Just now, leojst said:

thats not what i meant but ok that one way to look at it

I mean, if you really want syndicate variants of existing frames, I understand why, it sounds like a cool idea.

But Idk I don't think they would go there. No one would ever want to use the prime versions even, because the syndicate versions would be just straight up more powerful. What you are describing is cool to think about, but it's such a straight upgrade. 

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3 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Glass Cannon frame for ???

Actually, it's Glass frame. Glass cannon is a different term altogether which translate to "high damage, low durability", and I remembered DE said that the Glass frame won't be that fragile.

Agree with your overall points though.

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Just now, Gamma745 said:

Actually, it's Glass frame. Glass cannon is a different term altogether which translate to "high damage, low durability", and I remembered DE said that the Glass frame won't be that fragile.

Agree with your overall points though.

I thought I remember them making glass cannon jokes last time they talked about her, but I could be misremembering. 

They might not even have most of her abilities locked down though so who knows. Sometimes their concepts change radically from what they originally start with. Just saying glass probably is better for now, until we see the final ability set or close to it. 

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

They might not even have most of her abilities locked down though so who knows. Sometimes their concepts change radically from what they originally start with. Just saying glass probably is better for now, until we see the final ability set or close to it. 

True that. We'll just wait and see.

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1 hour ago, Gamma745 said:

Actually, it's Glass frame. Glass cannon is a different term altogether which translate to "high damage, low durability", and I remembered DE said that the Glass frame won't be that fragile.

Agree with your overall points though.

Now that you say that, a frame based solely on fortification would sound cool as hek

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