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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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But you're not looking at the fact that Salvage went from 10-15 up to 25-30, while Neurodes were <Lv30 Previously.

Salvage can be gained from level 20-23, the basic levels of Mars and Jupiter, Neurodes use to be gained at about the same level. Boltors are still just as easy/difficult to aquire as they always were.


I think Herald has a point here. I had to replay Mercury for ages when I was just starting out, and that was before Vor even had his own boss room.


But, I disagree that no one is losing out. Even with the additional grind time to power up mods, U8 mobile/defense could be soloed easily. However, they didn't spawn in such huge numbers as they do now, or with the level of toughness they have now. U8 mobile/defense was still pretty balanced, 4 people meant 4 times as many enemies (or 2. or whatever it was). Basically, it took as much effort as soloing it. 


As I stated earlier in this thread, I don't see why fans of online group play should be able to get away with saying 'oh I want my mobs this hard but no harder' while solo players have to carry the weight of 4 players. As for lore, we're already outnumbered a 100 to 1. Get real.

You know, I agree with the defense thing, although I feel that was more about how the altered the defense AI than the way they spread out difficulty across the map. I was never a fan of mobile/defense missions solo, but they were possible back then, I've actually been arguing for making the AI stop storming the pod because that's just unnecessary. The additional spawns in Mobile Defenses was completely unnecessary as well, it was already pretty overwhelming. I guess when it comes to defense type missions I'm on board with toning them down.

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I prefer it this way, before the game was just too easy, it was so unchallenging that I could barely bring myself to play it because of how boring it was. It would be nice if DE could increase the difficulty by improving enemy AI rather than just throwing more enemies at us, but in the mean time I'll take any challenge over no challenge. 

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First of all I would like to say that I'm sorry for reading only the first and the last (6th) page of this conversation completely, so I might bring points up that have already been said. I consider myself a hardcore gamer.


When I started playing about 2 weeks ago (update 8) I started by soloing the first planet completely through before joining others through online. With frame and weapons on lvl 1 I thought that the game had some challenge and I liked it. After that I started to play in groups and played through many missions just rushing. Soon my first weapons and frame reached lvl 30 and I felt the need to change weapons so I did. I spend some time comparing the weapons and selected those that I thought that were best achievable at that time. Once I got those to lvl 30 I decided to make cange again and got even better weapons and a frost prime frame. Then the game turned boring. Same missions, same difficulty, better gear just meant that the game was too easy. Now that we're at update 9 the game indeed became more challenging. But also now I have potatoed my frost prime, polarized and potatoed my weapons and the normal missions are again relatively easy. I did try to solo the latest forma mission and I was doing perfectly fine until that "drop through the final defense part pod platform bug" struck me and naturally I failed. The challenge at the moment lies in the void, which is nice, but somewhat annoying since you'll either have to grind keys for yourself or @#&amp;*( places for void missions in the recruiting chat. I do play sometimes with new frames to level them up with new weapons to give me some real challenge, so don't get me wrong, there's no way I can solo (without rushing at least) those highest level missions on low level frames and weapons.


So what does this all mean to a normal casual gamer? A hardcore gamer says that the game has some challenge in the highest levels and real challenge in the void missions. This naturally means that casual gamers don't stand much of a chance in those stages, even when equipped with high end weapons. This also means that casual gamers will say that the game is too challenging.


Now the real problem is how to please both hardcore gamers AND casual gamers at the same time? The answer is that there is no way to do that. You could implement the possibility to select difficulty level when starting to play (if you allow it to be changed at any given time, people will exploit that possibility to hoard frames / mods). This basically means that there's a need for two different servers to run the difficulty levels. But does every mission need to be easy enough to play through if you're a casual gamer? I'd say no. There is this thing called skill. Skill can be achieved by anyone, hardcore gamers just usually find it easier to raise their skill faster than casual gamers. The point is just that making the whole game enjoyable by both casual and hardcore gamers at the same time is virtually impossible.


So what can be done to remedy this problem? First of all it should be made so that there's easy enough of every mission type against every enemy type to try (which I do believe there is). Second is trying to pair those lower level people with other people of same level to make the game more enjoyable (which was confirmed in the last livestream if I understood right). And last is to give us HC gamers different kinds of "special" challenges to complete. I do believe that that's what the tower missions are for and that's good but there could be some different kinds of challenges to come like "you must do this mission solo without being detected to achieve something (forma?, rare mod?, "special" prime frame?, even potato?)" as special missions for those who have completed every other mission available (also counting voids).


TL:DR? Read the last paragraph

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oh woops forgot to quote, the point of maxing kogake then formaing it to 0 again would be so i wouldnt be able to mod it faster than the rest of the weapons. its basically done just gotta ding 30 atm (kogake is a favorite of mine as well tbh, it may not be my best but i still like it)


probably gonna have to skip nightmare missions and do them when theyre changed back later. gonna forma a V into the kogake and just leave it empty, will probably come back to kogake after this XD

Edited by Delano
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... attempting to do the highest level missions in the game and complaining about finding them too difficult is like starting up Halo, playing on legendary and complaining that it's too difficult and legendary difficulty should be easier...

That would make sense if Halo had RPG progression elements of increased health, damage, armor, speed, power, etc. Since it doesn't though, lets compare like-mechanics to like-mechanics. I CAN start a game in Halo on the hardest difficulty. I always play my FPS games on the hardest difficulty immediately. Anything less and it isn't a challenge for me.

However, you absolutely cannot take a level 0 frame, with level 0 weapons to a level 60 mission. That's not skill, that's a progression requirement. It's way different.

I'm surprised that its such a hard concept for many players to grasp, but there's a difference between what YOU do as a player and what the GAME does because of built-in functionality.

The only things that those high level planets offer are specific bosses and increased difficulty. Everything else is the same on the lower levels so just play at a level you're comfortable with.

That's absolutely false. Outside of the bosses and different units you wouldn't get to see, you level much faster when killing higher level targets if you can handle them. It's much quicker re-levelling your forma'd weapons and frames on maps of a greater difficulty.

Also as a side-note, since update 9 I started a new suit and weapon set from scratch using only mods I picked up along the way, I haven't encountered anything super difficult and I just finished Jupiter which goes up to 30-35 on it's toughest mission.

As a side note, you started which frame, what weapons, on which missions? Laying out those details would put your statement into perspective. Otherwise its just a bunch of "I'm awesome" bull you're spouting.

It's the equivelant of turning a game to the highest difficulty and wondering why it's not suited for beginners.

Again, no it isn't. The choice of difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard, Elite) in games affords you the full content of the game regardless. What you're suggesting is that the game's difficulty is built into the content and cannot, nor should not, be changed for any reason. If you're not good enough, you shouldn't be able to play any of the high-rank planets.

That isn't what DE is going for, if you've watched live stream 10. They don't want to alienate players based on how good/bad they are and remove them from base content. That's why they nerfed Elite Lancers, and its what "Nightmare" was started for. Make a mode where the players who wanted extreme difficulties could be obliged without ruining the base content.

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Solo is far from impossible, but it isn't as viable with all frames for sure. Some frames are more suited to a support/team role. I think this is ok personally. I've had no trouble soloing with Nyx, Loki, or Rhino, but those are the only ones I've unlocked, and I'm far from a hardcore player. I suspect that Ash and Frost would also make excellent solo frames.

It doesn't really make sense if more niche frames like Trinity and Volt are just as viable for soloing.


I would recommend trying to skip as many fights as possible when soloing at high level planets. A lot of the time you simply cannot clear a level of enemies soloing. It makes it a more difficult 'cat and mouse' sort of affair on the higher levels.


With that all being said, Pluto and Ceres are definitely very difficult solo.

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First of all I would like to say that I'm sorry for reading only the first and the last (6th) page of this conversation completely, so I might bring points up that have already been said. I consider myself a hardcore gamer.


When I started playing about 2 weeks ago (update 8) I started by soloing the first planet completely through before joining others through online. With frame and weapons on lvl 1 I thought that the game had some challenge and I liked it. After that I started to play in groups and played through many missions just rushing. Soon my first weapons and frame reached lvl 30 and I felt the need to change weapons so I did. I spend some time comparing the weapons and selected those that I thought that were best achievable at that time. Once I got those to lvl 30 I decided to make cange again and got even better weapons and a frost prime frame. Then the game turned boring. Same missions, same difficulty, better gear just meant that the game was too easy. Now that we're at update 9 the game indeed became more challenging. But also now I have potatoed my frost prime, polarized and potatoed my weapons and the normal missions are again relatively easy. I did try to solo the latest forma mission and I was doing perfectly fine until that "drop through the final defense part pod platform bug" struck me and naturally I failed. The challenge at the moment lies in the void, which is nice, but somewhat annoying since you'll either have to grind keys for yourself or @#&*( places for void missions in the recruiting chat. I do play sometimes with new frames to level them up with new weapons to give me some real challenge, so don't get me wrong, there's no way I can solo (without rushing at least) those highest level missions on low level frames and weapons.


So what does this all mean to a normal casual gamer? A hardcore gamer says that the game has some challenge in the highest levels and real challenge in the void missions. This naturally means that casual gamers don't stand much of a chance in those stages, even when equipped with high end weapons. This also means that casual gamers will say that the game is too challenging.


Now the real problem is how to please both hardcore gamers AND casual gamers at the same time? The answer is that there is no way to do that. You could implement the possibility to select difficulty level when starting to play (if you allow it to be changed at any given time, people will exploit that possibility to hoard frames / mods). This basically means that there's a need for two different servers to run the difficulty levels. But does every mission need to be easy enough to play through if you're a casual gamer? I'd say no. There is this thing called skill. Skill can be achieved by anyone, hardcore gamers just usually find it easier to raise their skill faster than casual gamers. The point is just that making the whole game enjoyable by both casual and hardcore gamers at the same time is virtually impossible.


So what can be done to remedy this problem? First of all it should be made so that there's easy enough of every mission type against every enemy type to try (which I do believe there is). Second is trying to pair those lower level people with other people of same level to make the game more enjoyable (which was confirmed in the last livestream if I understood right). And last is to give us HC gamers different kinds of "special" challenges to complete. I do believe that that's what the tower missions are for and that's good but there could be some different kinds of challenges to come like "you must do this mission solo without being detected to achieve something (forma?, rare mod?, "special" prime frame?, even potato?)" as special missions for those who have completed every other mission available (also counting voids).


TL:DR? Read the last paragraph

Sir, I publicly salute you for being a respectable hardcore gamer. Most posts I've seen go along the lines of l2p.


That said, you don't find nightmare mode challenging enough after a while, am I correct?


Would you agree that harder nightmare scaling is in order?

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Again, no it isn't. The choice of difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard, Elite) in games affords you the full content of the game regardless. What you're suggesting is that the game's difficulty is built into the content and cannot, nor should not, be changed for any reason. If you're not good enough, you shouldn't be able to play any of the high-rank planets.

That isn't what DE is going for, if you've watched live stream 10. They don't want to alienate players based on how good/bad they are and remove them from base content. That's why they nerfed Elite Lancers, and its what "Nightmare" was started for. Make a mode where the players who wanted extreme difficulties could be obliged without ruining the base content.

Is that actually what DE said? Because that's really what a lot of us have been hoping to hear.

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Since U9 I have stopped playing Warframe. Sure some levels were hard before.

But often the misstakes was mine (and some were the game itself, but those happen very few times).

Since this joke of an update, introducing hardcore mode and vampire bullcrap, I just had enough.

I have spent far more time already in the game, gethering stuff and BPs, and spending more time now, just to complete a level

(if im lucky and survie tthat is) I finally had enough.


I dont mind harder stuff to face, but I dont want to be forced to do it. I want to choose when I want to do it. But with this update. That is no longer possible. I will keep Warframe on my pc for a little longer, but if DE does not come up with solution. I will remove Warframe from my hdd and install something else to waste my time with. Time that I could had spent on supporting Warframe. Wich I have. Alot too. But i have my limits.

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That would make sense if Halo had RPG progression elements of increased health, damage, armor, speed, power, etc. Since it doesn't though, lets compare like-mechanics to like-mechanics. I CAN start a game in Halo on the hardest difficulty. I always play my FPS games on the hardest difficulty immediately. Anything less and it isn't a challenge for me.

However, you absolutely cannot take a level 0 frame, with level 0 weapons to a level 60 mission. That's not skill, that's a progression requirement. It's way different.

I'm surprised that its such a hard concept for many players to grasp, but there's a difference between what YOU do as a player and what the GAME does because of built-in functionality.

That's absolutely false. Outside of the bosses and different units you wouldn't get to see, you level much faster when killing higher level targets if you can handle them. It's much quicker re-levelling your forma'd weapons and frames on maps of a greater difficulty.

As a side note, you started which frame, what weapons, on which missions? Laying out those details would put your statement into perspective. Otherwise its just a bunch of "I'm awesome" bull you're spouting.

Again, no it isn't. The choice of difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard, Elite) in games affords you the full content of the game regardless. What you're suggesting is that the game's difficulty is built into the content and cannot, nor should not, be changed for any reason. If you're not good enough, you shouldn't be able to play any of the high-rank planets.

That isn't what DE is going for, if you've watched live stream 10. They don't want to alienate players based on how good/bad they are and remove them from base content. That's why they nerfed Elite Lancers, and its what "Nightmare" was started for. Make a mode where the players who wanted extreme difficulties could be obliged without ruining the base content.

Well, I suppose with the levelling mechanics, it does mean that you have to work to get your stuff levelled back up, but the progression there is still fine. The level progression still works up until level 45-55ish so trying to play beyond that is a matter of skill, like upping the difficulty. As it is there are 4 clear tiers of level which become progressively harder if you don't grind or easier if you do, these work like difficulty settings with the exception that you have to start at "easy" and work your way to "hard". I understand that you can't take a level 0 frame to a level 60 mission, I also don't see how it's relevant. You always had to level up your 'frames to complete higher level content, now there's just another level of content. Previously we had tiers 1,2 and 3, now they've made Ceres, Eris and Pluto a "tier 4" of difficulty. If you can't complete tier 3 now, you couldn't before either and there's still the option to play tier 2.

As for experience, a level 35-40 Elite Lancer gives 75-80ish experience and a level 1 lancer gives 56. It's actually easier to level up on low level planets.

Now, I keep saying this, the planet you're on determines difficulty, all the previous levels of difficulty are still available, all they added was a new level of challenge which is totally optional and nobody is forcing anyone to play.


P.S. The current 'frame I'm running is Ash with Burston, single Furis and Dual Ether.

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Sir, I publicly salute you for being a respectable hardcore gamer. Most posts I've seen go along the lines of l2p.


That said, you don't find nightmare mode challenging enough after a while, am I correct?


Would you agree that harder nightmare scaling is in order?

At ease.


The nightmare mode is indeed a welcome addition to the game. Nevertheless it's really just not enough for the true gamer. Scaling would indeed be great.


One of the largest problems with this game in my opinion is that those who grind get seriously overpowered compared to the difficulty level of the game. No-one wants to drop those "OMFG this is awesome weapon with awesome mods" to up the challenge. Then again those weapons are exactly what the casual gamers need to barely survive. What I really would want to see are those levels that rely on players skill, instead of the weapons and mods they've amassed. "Tenno, this is an emergency mission, you will be dropped behind enemy lines equipped with "frameX with weaponsX (that you might not even have)"

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Solo is not impossible; not by a long shot.

Solo past the first three faction systems does require at least mid level weapons. This is compounded by midlevel system bosses being hella tough, relative to the inherent system difficulty, so there's a huge spike.

Granted, this spike can be mitigated by using weapons you've previously maxed, and it also makes sense as these are farming point as well; it still remains that it's a sharp upcurve compared to the rest of the system.

Now there is actually a point to that; the NEXT system will have tougher dudes, so the game is pretty clearly telling you to get your better stuff to bear.

The main issues is this; the RNG does not support solo pay at all because it's literally random. You may not get the mods you need to progress, literally ever. (probably not literally but still, well over the aggravation limit)

The RNG needs to be directed by system progression, not by faction; and that's the main problem now. Specific factions tend to drop specific gear, and that's not necessarily the gear you need to solo.

Also selecting the solo button needs to CHANGE THE DROP RATE AND TYPE APPROPRIATELY. This is the main issue. Both Scott and Steve have said the game can use directed metrics pretty easily to alter procedural content pretty well. It's time to start using it.


Players are all already exploiting features, farming Xini missions with all melee or all [insert weapon] to max them out super quick so they and their buddies can max up their mastery insanely fast, and of course there are plenty of known combos with certain warframes versus certain bosses. This oparadigm already exists and is DE approved.

DE just needs to approve mod drop shifting when the solo button happens.

It's actually pretty simply.

Most maxed frames of any type can solo when they have the right mods. You simply need access to the right mods on a reliable basis within the framework of the game in tandem with the difficulty curve.

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At ease.


The nightmare mode is indeed a welcome addition to the game. Nevertheless it's really just not enough for the true gamer. Scaling would indeed be great.


I fail to see the definition of true gamer.

i mean i played games like those early command and conquer and those first person shooters of the 90 , Rise of the triad being one of the most beloved ones. Games that are not that mentioned nowadays and games like Chrono trigger just because i cannot forget about that cool childhood.


if being a true gamer means nailing your own &amp;#&#33; with things like the ones i mentioned before and enjoy them . i think im really old for the new games of these days.

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I fail to see the definition of true gamer.


I hate using that word when talking about any game that has any RPG progression in it because it is a distortion of skill. If I want a hard game I'll find my Xbox and stick in a game like ninja gaiden black or anything else that is brutal as long as it is pick-up and play.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Basically, yes, I agree.  The devs have clearly realized that they have a serious problem with a lack of depth in this game.  The clan DOJO stuff offers a kind of superficial increase of depth, but otherwise every major patch seems to be designed to slow the game progression down.


Instead of adding more depth, their development effort seems to be to slow the game down to a crawl.  I happily bypassed most of that because I levelled up before they slowed it down and now I have enough things at high level that I can level up one or two things at a time.


DE, if you want to increase the difficulty you're going to have to learn to do more than make your enemies cheaper and to spam more of them at a time.  You need to actually give them some kind of intelligence and make them challenging.  No more of this nonsense where enemies can instantly knock you down and keep you knocked down so you can be basically paralyzed permanently until you die or until they lose focus on you.


This is also a problem of balancing.  DE needs to figure out how powerful things are supposed to be.  The history of this game is one of new super weapons coming out and then the overall difficulty being ramped up, as if to compensate.  Balance the weapons when they're first released so they fit in with the overall game.

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I hate using that word when talking about any game that has any RPG progression in it because it is a distortion of skill. If I want a hard game I'll find my Xbox and stick in a game like ninja gaiden black or anything else that is brutal as long as it is pick-up and play.


Funny you should mention old games.


I'm one of the few people that I know that have legitimately (no cheats) cleared the first Battletoads.


I couldn't have cheated -- I did it with the 2nd Version of the NES console (it was impossible to fit a game genie into it because they changed the slot).


I also did TMNT2: The Arcade Game on the same day without using the Konami Code. I was just screwin around... before I knew it, I was halfway through the game and I had only died 1-2 times and had gained 3-4 lives along the way or something like that. I was like "holy crap I'm on fire!"


And I wound up killing old Shred Head with at least 3 lives to spare.


Dayum, I was On Fire that day.


And I can guarantee you that Challenge in Battletoads isn't "putting the right mods to overcome stats".


No, Challenge in Battletoads is fine motor control, memorization, and hand-to-eye coordination.


And I just love it when people insinuate that I suck at games. Okaaaay.


Most of these people couldn't clear Level 3 of Battletoads. I can, still, to this day. Don't Believe me? I wonder if Livestream works with Emulators..... I'd be Rusty as Hell, but I know I can do at least to Stage 4 and that's just me messing around and not really being serious.

Edited by Xylia
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I play Pluto solo. Haters gonna hate.


Again Numbers to overcome Numbers != Skill.


That's called FakeDifficulty.


Basically if Your Numbers > Their Numbers, you will win unless you do something really stupid like walk up and say Hi to a Napalm or a Disruptor.


EDIT: For those of you not familiar with tvtropes...



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I fail to see the definition of true gamer.

i mean i played games like those early command and conquer and those first person shooters of the 90 , Rise of the triad being one of the most beloved ones. Games that are not that mentioned nowadays and games like Chrono trigger just because i cannot forget about that cool childhood.


if being a true gamer means nailing your own &amp;#&#33; with things like the ones i mentioned before and enjoy them . i think im really old for the new games of these days.

I do know what you mean. I have also played those games through. Who wouldn't remember DOOM or Duke nukem 3D who was born in the 80's?


Nevertheless the games nowadays have been changing, evolving if you will. I personally didn't like those "you're almost dead, take cover for two seconds to be back at full health"-games. Still the Tennos shield regeneration is accectable in my opinion since we're talking about high tech here. The healthbar doesn't regenerate which is good in my opinion. More opponents that can sap your health not minding your shields other than those toxic ancients / crawlers could also be introduced. But again, the gaming has been evolving towards more casual gaming in the last ten or so years. Not the way the true oldschool / nintendohard learned that games normally are. But hey, maybe there is somewhere somekind of golden road that allows both oldschoolers and casuals play the same game with the same amount of enjoyement. Can Warframe be one of those games? If it really can, then we're talking about something truly groundbreaking happening. But I just don't know where that road lies.

Edited by Aerumvorax
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First when reading this topic I thought to myself "is this guy for real? solo is impossible? this dude must be terrible."

But then I stopped to think about where I am sitting mod, weapon, and frame wise and I can understand the frustration at lower levels (and to some extent higher levels) with the severe lack of powerful mods for frames and weapons.

I have recently been levelling my Nova (about 90% solo) and I was having a pretty brutal time until I managed to get a few levels in and got to slot a maxed shield mod which mitigated a lot of my deaths. New players or players with un-upgraded mods do not have the luxury of slapping on maxed mods into a frame or weapon which greatly levels the playing field and I feel now that if I was starting fresh the spike in difficulty would definately be an issue.

Here is the problem I have with this though. If you are starting player to play through this game solo would be rediculous, you are at an advantage in a group and this allows you to obtain the mods you need so you can run other content solo without issues. The game is built around being coop if you choose to run it solo understand that you are running conent intended for a group even with reduced enemy count. You can have other players carry you for a time until you get better weapons or strong mods, then proceed to play solo if you wish.

Here is where I have a problem with claiming solo is impossible as well. It's not, it just isn't. Like I said once I had slotted some damage to HP mitigation it brough the playing field to a much more even plateau. I am not running any of the "OP" clantech weapons either. In fact to get my nova parts I ran a whole TWO runs co-op the rest were solo (dear lord were there a lot of them solo).

My build was:
Lvl 25 Volt (I was finishing him up to 30)
Lvl 30 Latron (potatoed)
Lvl 30 Kunai
Lvl 10-15ish Kestrel

All with the best mods I could possible slot into each weapon at this level. Guess what, I was able to solo raptor. Was it hard? OH YEAH! it took like 30 minutes each run and I ran out of ammo once or twice but it was completely doable.

Just because the game has a solo option does not implicate that you should be able to do all of the content solo. While I agree that the enemy variety and number is a bit shoddy in places I don't feel (in solo) that I am over being greatly overwhealmed for what I should be able to handle even when running Mobile defence on Kappa solo among other missions. Defence missions are out of the question as they are intrinsically designed to be played in a group. Some frames also play better solo but that is an entirely diffirent discussion.

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I do know what I mean. I have also played those games through. Who wouldn't remember DOOM or Duke nukem 3D who was born in the 80's?


Nevertheless the games nowadays have been changing, evolving if you will. I personally didn't like those "you're almost dead, take cover for two seconds to be back at full health"-games. Still the Tennos shield regeneration is accectable in my opinion since we're talking about high tech here. The healthbar doesn't regenerate which is good in my opinion. More opponents that can sap your health not minding your shields other than those toxic ancients / crawlers could also be introduced. But again, the gaming has been evolving towards more casual gaming in the last ten or so years. Not the way the true oldschool / nintendohard learned that games normally are. But hey, maybe there is somewhere somekind of golden road that allows both oldschoolers and casuals play the same game with the same amount of enjoyement. Can Warframe be one of those games? If it really can, then we're talking about something truly groundbreaking happening. But I just don't know where that road lies.


Im not a console gamer, i owned a pc since i was a kid. the gaming has evolved so much so the tenno can get more closer to the mobility that Duke Nukem or Doom , or even the HUNT had in the 90'. Games sure are weird at times. Duke Nukum (intended) was not of the best games in the trilogy , but im pretty sure that i had a lot of fun with that one.


Only thing i know for certain is that putting more enemies in a level does not make it hard.

and that way to think has to go. like now.

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Most of these people couldn't clear Level 3 of Battletoads. I can, still, to this day. Don't Believe me? I wonder if Livestream works with Emulators..... I'd be Rusty as Hell, but I know I can do at least to Stage 4 and that's just me messing around and not really being serious.

I am sure you could clear it again.


Should DE rebalance drop rates for all mods to reflect how much harder it is now than it was before so at least it would let people can catch up? 

Edited by LazyKnight
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I am sure you could clear it again.


Should DE rebalance drop rates for all mods to reflect how much harder it is now than it was before so at least it would let people can catch up? 

speaking of drop rates i keep getting these S#&amp;&#036;ty 1/3 common cores lol rng mocks me more now than ever

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