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Lephantis Corpus Head does not open up [Fixed]


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9 minutes ago, Hells_Undertaker said:

only way to complete this quest is to kill the corpus head only on both rounds BEFORE any other head is hit its the only way myself and some clan members could help younger members farm nekros it is a pain if even 1 hit hits another head the bug kicks in and we are all waisting ammo this may help ppl or u may find this to be an obvius annoying post but it seems to work so far 


Didn't work for me, I was alone only hitting corpus head and it stopped opening after around 25%. Something else is triggering this.

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15 hours ago, BrandonJP_ said:

it seemed to work when I took my time getting to the boss fight. In the times i've only jogged to the boss, let the dialogue finish before entering the room, and not skipping the intro the boss fight


On 9/10/2017 at 4:01 AM, Redcube42 said:

the issue occurs when the corpus head shoot infested spawn pods that disappear. The pods will still emit poison, but will not be shootable or spawn any infested. I was able to destroy one in one of my runs, by seeing an infested spawn pod name and health. I shot the ground and it disappeared.

I'll give those 2 a try today... :)

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I'm having the same problems as the above; its Corpus head does not open up, and once the other two heads are dead, the fight is unwinnable. It just paces back and forth until the automatic mission failure kicks in. Over and over.

It'd be one thing if this were some side content where completion wasn't strictly necessary for advancement, but we're talking about a requirement to access an entire planet. People, myself included, can't even get onto Eris because of a bug that's been known to DE for a couple months at this point. I'm tempted to boycott the shop until stuff like this gets proper treatment.

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Just recently returned to Warframe and since im way behind the content i decided to fix that. 

I have a temperary solution since it worked for me it should work for others


Equip Nova/P and use strengh mods to slow lephantis down and focus corpus head first


Used My rank 20 NovaP with my Soma P and killed it

Edited by BloodyGunned
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I think it is quite pathetic that such a bug persists through the years and the devs are completely ignoring it. Especially with the Eris Junction being completely unaccessible and all the  Orokin Cells that I would have gotten, if I hadn't been forced to abort the mission because of this stupid bug.

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I was able to solo it without crazy gear before the most recent update.  When I reported it to support they gave me this advice"

For now, we can only suggest 'band-aid' fixes such as avoiding to trigger the bug in general. Some of these would be avoiding aiming at the Corpus Head before it opens, avoid aim-gliding as it may trigger the bug, or using Focus as it may bug.

My first try without aiming sill bugged out on the second phase but I was able to clear it on my 5th overall attempt.  Used a Vaykor Marelok with 2 forma and hard focused the corpus head without aiming on both phases. 

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Still broken... Can't you just apply some hotfix and give the corpus head like 10HP or something?! It's not like the fight is hard or anything, it's just ultimately frustrating because of this progression breaking bug!

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On 8/6/2017 at 1:25 PM, johnyF01 said:

During the Sortie, it may happen that the Infested Corpus part of Lephantis will bug during the first stage of the boss, and he will not open his mouth at any moment after getting out of the ground, going back underground with no windows to damage him. This repeats multiple times, till it finally decides to open it's mouth after a long time. This happens only in the first part of the battle, and the host doesn't seen to matter for this.


Moderator Edit:

This is a known issue and DE are investigating:


A fellow Tenno with a heart of gold showed me how to beat the glitch (for the non-sortie mission). SLOWVA. Since the head usually opens once, then remains closed the rest of the time; use Nova's 'slowva' augment to slow the head down long enough to kill it the first time around. This obviously won't help with Sortie since that health pool is so massive, but if you're just trying to get through the * assassination to unlock the junction- there you go. Please spread the word!



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Aaaalright, now that Hills of Eidola is out (which is pretty amazing, good job, DE!) .. can we @(*()$ stop letting the rest of the game suffer for it?!

This god damn Lephantis issue has been around HOW long? I can't farm Nekros, I cannot "officially" unlock Eris, I can't get Mesa (because guess what: First Patient quest is unlocked by Eris Junction which requires us to kill @(*()$ Lephantis) ...

This is getting ridiculous; it just cannot be THAT hard to find the bug(s) OR re-design the encounter a little if neccessary, just .. get ... it .. done!



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Trying to get mesa since i believe she would be wonderful for PoE, but sadly that is not possible because of this bug. DE, it can't be too hard to add a quickfix like not making lephantis a requirement for the pluto->eris junction or something. I'm waiting eagerly for a fix, so please fix ^^

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I've just had two tries on Lephantis to progress through the Eris junction and both times the last head failed to open. This is a gamebreaking bug locking progress.


edit: After reading through this thread, I tried not using focus or aim glide and not shooting the Grineer head while it's immune. It often failed to open once it was the last alive, but running around the sides of it seemed to trigger some attacks. Phase 2 was luckily bug free.

Edited by mystrdat
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