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Is Nova Op?


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yes, shes effing awesome in defense...but is she OP in a bossbattel...nope...is she OP while soloing...nope....is she OP in anything besides endless defense...NOPE
gawd dammit guis  :<

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yes, shes effing awesome in defense...but is she OP in a bossbattel...nope...is she OP while soloing...nope....is she OP in anything besides endless defense...NOPE

gawd dammit guis  :<

One of my clanmates said that they one-shotted a boss with antimatter drop. I don't know which, though.

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One of my clanmates said that they one-shotted a boss with antimatter drop. I don't know which, though.

Antimatter Drop is terrible and a waste of a mod slot. If they one-shotted a boss with it, they sat there and unloaded thousands of bullets into it; bullets that could have just gone into the boss for the same result -_-;

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Even still you can still use AM from behind cover and have your allies shoot it because, you know, this is a team game.


These kind of arguments baffle me... "Hey guys! Instead of shooting the enemies coming at you to try and bite out your throat, shoot my tiny slow orb with all of your bullets in hopes that I can correctly guide it to the middle of MOVING mobs and hopefully the tiny AoE explosion will do something relevant!". Yargh teamwork! hurr durr

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First of all let me start by saying this. The term OP is used to irresponsibly in this game its lost all its meaning. people describe almost everything in this game as OP or Under-powered there is no in-between or just right with the warframe community it seems.


With that said, It seems the only people saying Nova is OP, is the people who don't have her. they say she is op cause of her ultimate skill and how flash it looks and the fact it kills virtually all the baddies in Defense...But for the longest time Ive noticed that frames like Vauban, Banshee, Ember, and Saryn could and still can do the same thing.(and yes people cry about them being OP as well.) (Update: Funny thing is the ones who say nova is op are people who play those frames and ult spam to get most kills....haha you mad bro?)


BUT what people don't notice is that when it comes to farming bosses (which is like majority of what people do in this game besides defense.) Nova is the most useless frame in assassin missions. She has no powerful direct damage abilities and in anticipating of the debate; her skill in the one slot doesn't do enough to be viable on tougher bosses.(not even stagger) and her second ability requires a lot of prep. in which case she will be dead before its done.(squishy squishy)


So please DE Don't Nerf Nova, she is situation enough as it is, you get rid of her defense capabilities(which becomes way less capable at wave 30+) you'll break the frame entirely.



Side Note: there are a lot, A LOT of threads saying she is mid-tier. Listen to all of us not just the whiners. (Do we really want another Rhino's iron skin debacle?)


Discuss what you think about the overuse of the OP phrase or perhaps you wanna talk about why you think she is or isent OP.  Please respond and give me your opinion. and be respectful of each others opinions.




She is fine. She gives up defense for raw power. (Glass Cannon)

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First of all, the magic word "wave" leads me to the conclusion that you're one of those people for whom Warframe = Defense.


If yes, then I have bad news for you: Talking about "loss of challenge" of getting to wave 20+ is just hilarious when people were able to reach wave 100+ long before Nova was even in the plans.


Yes, discussing OP at this point is moot because Defense isn't a challenge and hasn't been for a long time. It's an endurance run (like pretty much all the "endgame" content right now). The ones that actually carry you in Defense are Frost and Vauban because they give you godmode. Everyone else is basically nothing but a combo of Siphon and a more or less gimmicky DPS number.


Nova merely happens to get better numbers than others because of her mechanics. If this is such a massive deal to you, you should be asking for kills to be accounted to the one who triggered the chain. I don't see why you should care anyways because Defense is supposed to be endgame, you don't go there to power level, you go there already leveled. And seen that at its core it's nothing but an endurance run, you should be grateful for anything that makes it less obnoxiously time-consuming.


As a long time Warframe player, having a Nova in my squad, shooting a highlighted mob and seeing those waves - that previously seemed endless - go down in a display of fireworks and gore has been some of the most fun and excitement I've had in the game for a long, long time. If your goal while playing Warframe is to prove something to the world and become a higher number than someone else, then I guess Nova is a bad thing for you. But if - like me - you play Warframe for the thrill of the wanton destruction of enemy hordes, then Nova is one of the best things in a long while.


All we need is for other frames to have abilities that will speed up the grind as much as Nova does. Then Warframe might turn into something actually fun and exciting as opposed to tickling 99% res enemies from behind the safety of your impenetrable Bastille/Globe.


You Sir/Madame win this thread.

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On the "warframe tiers" scale that's been popular across the forums, Nova gets the solid "High Tier" from me.

Don't have any ultimate CC that can make her godly (although her wormhole is surprisingly effective as CC in some very special situations), and her ultimate is very much on par with Saryn's (more destructive, but also more situational).

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LOL Nova vs T3 defense is EASY get a nova for your self and take a look, EVEN without Vauban. Dont believe me ? try it for your self. Why should i sit here waste my time recording footage of a broken warframe just to prove my point? I know Vauban is OP but he is also balanced. Nova is broken. Try it out T3 DEFENSE mission and they have 20 waves Nova practically takes the team to victory through T3 defense making it walk in the park try it for your self and see how much Nova carries you. 

Ahhhhhh, it all becomes clear.


Like has been said already, Warframe is more than endless defence.


Also, theres no way I'll even do a high run defence without a frost and vauban, and I've made it to 50 before Nova made her appearance (others have made 100+).

You seem to believe that pure dps will carry a defence team, when the major component of a successfull team is control.

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These kind of arguments baffle me... "Hey guys! Instead of shooting the enemies coming at you to try and bite out your throat, shoot my tiny slow orb with all of your bullets in hopes that I can correctly guide it to the middle of MOVING mobs and hopefully the tiny AoE explosion will do something relevant!". Yargh teamwork! hurr durr

Yea, it's not like the orb AMPLIFIES the damage it absorbs or anything. /facepalm


If you're a 10 year-old with Down's Syndrome and have trouble aiming the orb or incapable of understanding when to use it strategically doesn't change the fact that the ability is overpowered.

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Q: Is Nova op?

A: No, Nova is well suited as a fragile but offensive warframe. Keep enemies away from her, especially infested. All her power is based on her energy. If she runs out of energy somehow she will be shredded. She is the offensive magican and stays behind the warriors of warframe (Rhino, Frost, Ash, Excalibur and so on) - remember: the warframes symbolize classes in RPGs.

With the new update the enemies became stronger and come in higher numbers (a simple alert Corpus lvl 45, taking 8 data pads threw 365 enemies in my way and 3 timed Rhino Stomps didn't stop the game from sending more enemies while the Stalker chased me) and Nova, as a new warframe is based on this update: she has abilities to withstand those threats. Yes, espeacially Nova seems to rush through levels but it's an overall problem of Warframe. Lower level enemies are just a toy for heavilly modded warframes. The game takes place everywhere in the solar system. In normal RPGs you usually stay in higher areas but alerts and good missions send you in lower areas (the Kappa mobile defense for me). Nevertheless please stop the endless QQ since the Vauban. Don't play low level missions if u want more challenge and don't mod your stuff too strong (with the implementation of Forma you don't need to consider anymore if you want to have better shields or more speed - why not both?). Ask DE for a cool implementation of more late-game content (the Void missions are a kind of grinding (high level) areas with special rewards similar to kill big bosses in instances in World of Warcraft [according to that, what about special missions with a fight against heavy bosses not with 4 people but with 10?]).

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I won't make this brief because it's clear to me than too many people are assuming too many things.


1) Nova, contrary to "newb" opinion, is not OP. Her ultimate is a sacrifice, you trade, potentially your life, for a flash of light that has the POTENTIAL to kill many mobs. Try it on spaced out levels, because while you're vulnerable casting your ult, level 198 corpus midgets can 3 shot kill you. And that's just with one, imagine 30 or more poking you with Shield and HP shredders. Think of her like...a Mage from any popular MMO, in the words of the Wiseman "Phreak" she can deal 'TONS OF DAMAGE' but as a result, she will die if there is no one there to help her.


2) Buff the old frames, I have every single frame forma'd at least 5 times [i have every mod maxed] and most weapons are forma'd at least 4 times. I like Nova, she is a fun addition to the game and has a moderately powerful ultimate [but for the love of the RNG gods please turn down that F***ing bloom, I run black energy because that s*** is so bright.]... However my GO-TO frame is and always will be Mag. I love Mag, I would marry her. Ask any of my friends and they will know me as the "BAMF Mag Player". I would like to see old frame scaling measure better. I.E. Since CRUSH DESTROYS BONES, WHY IS IT AFFECTED BY "ARMOR" WTF? If you're going to do that crap, at least make it reduce the enemies armor by -50% after it's done. //endrant//


3) Having a flashy ult doesn't make someone OP. Run black energy on her and see the "Oh.. guess she isn't that OP, only counted like 10 numbers" realization hit you square in the face. Run Sayrn with White Energy, or Rhino, or Loki with max duration mods [23~ second invisibility w/ 27 NRG cost, completely immune to bullets, no aggro, 2x Melee Damage //I can hit over 2.5k per charge with a ~1second charge time//] or any decent banshee with decent weapons can dish out 750% normal damage to critical weak points [i've managed to hit around 1.5k Per Shot with despair??? and almost 50k Per shot with Lanka? HeLLo?].


4) Proceed into wave 55+ and realize how stupid you sound. But that would require you logging off the forums and complaining that your trinity [support/tank] doesn't get as many kills as Nova [the Nuking Mage]? Da fuq? 


tl;dr - R U DUM.

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Antimatter Drop is terrible and a waste of a mod slot. If they one-shotted a boss with it, they sat there and unloaded thousands of bullets into it; bullets that could have just gone into the boss for the same result -_-;


How the hell is Antimatter Drop terrible? I use it + 1 or 2 shots with my Hek and it already deals 3000-4000 damage on T3 Void Defense

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She's extraordinarily OP. Able to erase waves in mere seconds. For the same amount of energy Ember can do the same thing, (to Infested) but it takes her a good while longer (and she must be grounded).


Suggested fix would be to lengthen the cast time of Mol.Prime, or make it cost more energy.

And reduce range. 

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Nova IS OP, with no disscusion. She is stronger than Ember or Saryn for Infested or Volt for Corpus. That should be changed. Frames designed to eliminate ONE enemies type are weaker than Nova.



Yea, she's OP. I'm fine with chain explosions of Molecular Prime doing a billion damage on screen.


But does it need to make primed targets take double damage AND slow them as well?


I'm sure it doesn't.


Edit: And upon further evaluation, her Antimatter Drop is everything Nyx's Absorb should be. It absorbs and amplifies damage much better and she doesn't have to compromise her safety as a squishy frame to use it. Nyx is also squishy but she has to position herself in the middle of combat to use Absorb for mediocre damage return.


Her 2nd ability is literally better than another frame's ult.



Yes, it is. Completely OP. Any Nova who enters in defense on Eris kills a single infested wave without me firing a single shot.


Correct this in next patch, please. Its too much easy with a Nova in the team.


Edit: and Nova parts are dropping too easy too. I see a lot of Mercury-based noobs with Novas, saying they farmed it. 



Lol at Nova requiring skill. You have to be brain dead to not be able to get the most out of this frame.


She's OP and the community knows it. 8/10, there is going to be a Nova in your game. I was in-game 12 hours today and it was rare to not have a Nova in my game. One guy even commented that it was his first game all day that he hadn't seen a Nova in one mission I played.  Hell, it's not too uncommon to have 2 Novas in your game. lol You might as well sit back and relax because you aren't going to be able to empty a single clip because she'll single handedly solo anything that matters sans T3 Void missions. It's ridiculous.


Oh well, I don't care if this community doesn't want to admit Nova is OP. I'll abuse her as well. I just Forma'd a few weapons and frames and I'm going to get carried to 30 by Novas. :D lol


If Nova is suppose to be the new standard, fine. Just be sure to buff up the other frames to her level as well. I'm tired of my Nyx being a one trick pony, make Banshee's Silence actually useful, buff the other frames, etc.



As someone who has played Nova extensively, and loves doing so, she's pretty ridiculous. People seem to forget that m. prime also slows and doubles the damage taken by those affected. Tier 3 Orokin Defense missions are a breeze. Even in the last few waves the only enemies to survive stacked explosions are the level 130 ancients and heavy gunners, who are still taking double damage from myself and allies, making them easy kills.



shes OP as hell /Thread

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The thing about Nova is that she does what Vauban does...but better. Vauban was and still is overpowered. Nova is just moreso.


The big complaints (or the ones I've heard) about Vauban are that his 1 is too good in Defense, and it is. I will totally attest to that. The problem is, Nova is plain better. And, while she cannot decimate bosses (who does this once you're playing "god tier", anyway?), she can clear the path to said boss without ever firing more than a single shot.


A friend of mine, whom I'm playing with as I write this, is using his Nova with a maxxed Energy Syphon, near-max Streamline, and max Flow. He rarely has to fire 10 shots during the missions because we set off his M Primes for him because he runs ahead and casts it before we can get into the room. In the post-game reports, I'm getting less than 10% of the total damage...as Vauban.


For the record, I have Nova. I got her the day they fixed Raptor's drop issues. I don't play her unless I'm playing Solo because she makes the game entirely unfun for anyone you play with. They get little to no EXP off of your kills and could literally run to extraction while you do the entire mission yourself. Overpowered or underpowered aren't even relevant terms in the argument once you look at the CO-OP and FUN factors of this game, because with Nova, you're playing solo with in-game spectators.

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yes, shes effing awesome in defense...but is she OP in a bossbattel...nope...is she OP while soloing...nope....is she OP in anything besides endless defense...NOPE

gawd dammit guis  :<



You described Vauban.


Vauban is amazzing on xini. Is iffy everywhere else.



Nova can do whatever the hell she wants. Bosses,solo, defense.... I've seen it done

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The thing about Nova is that she does what Vauban does...but better. Vauban was and still is overpowered. Nova is just moreso.


The big complaints (or the ones I've heard) about Vauban are that his 1 is too good in Defense, and it is. I will totally attest to that. The problem is, Nova is plain better. And, while she cannot decimate bosses (who does this once you're playing "god tier", anyway?), she can clear the path to said boss without ever firing more than a single shot.


A friend of mine, whom I'm playing with as I write this, is using his Nova with a maxxed Energy Syphon, near-max Streamline, and max Flow. He rarely has to fire 10 shots during the missions because we set off his M Primes for him because he runs ahead and casts it before we can get into the room. In the post-game reports, I'm getting less than 10% of the total damage...as Vauban.


For the record, I have Nova. I got her the day they fixed Raptor's drop issues. I don't play her unless I'm playing Solo because she makes the game entirely unfun for anyone you play with. They get little to no EXP off of your kills and could literally run to extraction while you do the entire mission yourself. Overpowered or underpowered aren't even relevant terms in the argument once you look at the CO-OP and FUN factors of this game, because with Nova, you're playing solo with in-game spectators.


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Problems with people crying all they way Nova is op is actually the fact, that they can't kill fast enough.


For example i have Nova, my clanmate have Rhino. Rhino will outscore Nova by kills, because Stomp have high damage, and great range. And Stomp damage is doubled by MP. They only kills MP can provide is by chain reactions. Chain Reaction kills - Nova kills.

Also MP is the only utility power she have, it is a buff. Imagine MP+Roar+Sonar, looks nice in my opinion. MP deals too little direct damage in a long run to consider it op.

So what is the problem? With Nova i have like 800-900 kills on Kappa, which means i have a good xp income for entire party. This is good unless you are a kill@#&*(.

MP is now very favorite power by mentioned above kill@#&*(s.

But that is about it, MP is a damage buff.


AntiMatterDrop, AMD. Well that is very very very powerful ability, my personal best in 79k AoE damage with MPrime buff, i am pretty sure some players delivered a lot more damage with this power.

First of all you can always troll noob novas with this ability, easy.

Second of all this power requires care, time and patience to use it. And this power IS Nova's DD ability, not MP.

Third and the last AMD is still bugged even after the patch. Client side AMD disappears, they glitch and overall it is sad. What is the purpose to play Nova without AMD when Saryn do a better job just as well as Rhino, Basnhee and Ember? Those frames are superior in every way if Nova have no AMD or knowledge how to use it.

Without AMD Nova is useless.


Null star. emm... i don't know i have Rush mod in this slot because Null star is a waste of points. Why should i even bother with low damage ability when i have AMD to deliver AoE Punishment with greater results and damage output?


Wormhole. Useless. If a party member can't wallrun, can't slide, can't jump and have eyes in the &amp;#&#33; - remove that party member. The only purpose wormhole serves is to save you 10 seconds max during the run. But i still have it... pugs sometimes have problems with new grineer galleon.


So what do we have?

A warframe with two powers. One is a buff and second is real nice DD ability. And that's it.



TS, Nova like any other warframe is capable to execute any mission in this game, including assassinations. And if you can't kill a boss with this frame there is something wrong with you. i think you should l2p.

Edited by Althix
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Problems with people crying all they way Nova is op is actually the fact, that they can't kill fast enough.


For example i have Nova, my clanmate have Rhino. Rhino will outscore Nova by kills, because Stomp have high damage, and great range. And Stomp damage is doubled by MP. They only kills MP can provide is by chain reactions. Chain Reaction kills - Nova kills.

Also MP is the only utility power she have, it is a buff. Imagine MP+Roar+Sonar, looks nice in my opinion. MP deals too little direct damage in a long run to consider it op.

So what is the problem? With Nova i have like 800-900 kills on Kappa, which means i have a good xp income for entire party. This is good unless you are a kill@#&*(.

MP is now very favorite power by mentioned above kill@#&*(s.

But that is about it, MP is a damage buff.


AntiMatterDrop, AMD. Well that is very very very powerful ability, my personal best in 79k AoE damage with MPrime buff, i am pretty sure some players delivered a lot more damage with this power.

First of all you can always troll noob novas with this ability, easy.

Second of all this power requires care, time and patience to use it. And this power IS Nova's DD ability, not MP.

Third and the last AMD is still bugged even after the patch. Client side AMD disappears, they glitch and overall it is sad. What is the purpose to play Nova without AMD when Saryn do a better job just as well as Rhino, Basnhee and Ember? Those frames are superior in every way if Nova have no AMD or knowledge how to use it.

Without AMD Nova is useless.


Null star. emm... i don't know i have Rush mod in this slot because Null star is a waste of points. Why should i even bother with low damage ability when i have AMD to deliver AoE Punishment with greater results and damage output?


Wormhole. Useless. If a party member can't wallrun, can't slide, can't jump and have eyes in the &amp;#&#33; - remove that party member. The only purpose wormhole serves is to save you 10 seconds max during the run. But i still have it... pugs sometimes have problems with new grineer galleon.


So what do we have?

A warframe with two powers. One is a buff and second is real nice DD ability. And that's it.



TS, Nova like any other warframe is capable to execute any mission in this game, including assassinations. And if you can't kill a boss with this frame there is something wrong with you. i think you should l2p.

i don't think AMD is a good DD ability, in real fight, it's too slow, when your charge job is done, other dps frame(RHINO, SARYN,  or any frame dps ulta at lower level)already clear everythings. AMD is just a gd screenshot ability, beause no one know how many unit of ammo throw into AMD.

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Nova can do whatever the hell she wants. Bosses,solo, defense.... I've seen it done

Thats because the game except defence mode  is too easy and no one care "control"or"defence" and "dps" can take care all situation.


After 50 wave Nova  isn't that "good" because in that difficuly everyone focus back to "control" and "defence"

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Nova might be relegated to "average" status at Xini wave 50, but before that level a single Nova in the group makes the game extremely boring to everyone else in every type of mission except perhaps bosses (and only the bosses).


Personally, I don't go to wave 50 because by 25 or 30, I WANT TO DO SOMETHING ELSE. Especially if a Nova is running around effectively 2-shotting entire waves with M.Prime either using someone else or a drive-by Null Star to set it off. Sure, other frames can do that too, but Novas can do it from across an entire room with Stretch. 


Null Star is fine, it's like a second Dethcube. Antimatter is fine for lolzies, and it leaves her rather open. Wormhole is fun utility. M.Prime with its huge effect radius + huge chain reaction radius is dumb, and while loads of fun for the Nova, a real sore for everyone else playing the main game. And it slows/debuffs the targets? k, that's nice, she gets good utility also when the explosions finally become useless 50 waves in. Meanwhile everyone else can finally start playing the game at wave 20. 


Really I just want M.Prime to be a decision to cast - there's no risk at all with its range of effect and current insta-cast speed. 

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Basically it sounds like casual players who avoid difficult content are the ones who think Nova is OP.  Players who venture out into more difficult content know that M.Prime's usefulness drops of drastically.


Let me take some of you to a game and I will bring Rhino with Max Stomp +Stretch + Focus and own molecular prime over and over again.


Miasma will nuke mobs before Nova even has a chance to cast her ability.  Give me Ember's world on fire and some stamina mods and I will get 90% damage dealt every single round.  You guys fail to realize that you have to actually kill a mob with molecular prime...and then on top of that the damage has to kill the next mob.  This is basically useless on elite units when compared to a modded armor ignore weapon.  I took it to wave 20+ Xini and had to laugh at how useless it was, atleast Stomp and Crush have a stun.


I play alot of 2-man high wave defense and I can promise you, the only time I ever brought Nova was just to test her usefulness.  After about 2 games, I realized that she goes from "glass cannon" to just "glass" when the cannon falls off.  Then you go back to Vauban, Nyx, etc when you realize that NO ULTI compares to a Boltor or Kunai.  And people using Anti-Matter drop to set off M.Prime know that its a trivial trick that takes way too long and wont even work if your Daddy Vauban isnt around.


Nova is not overpowered, she can annoying to teammates on low level missions.  There is a massive difference.

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