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FPS and Multiplayer


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I just gave this game shot and I have to say, from the community to the game mechanics it's a complex and brilliant game. However there is a crutch even a deal breaker that prohibits me before I commit any more time or resources to this game. It's the fact that frame rate is at an unplayable level when I play multiplayer. Other games which I play that are as graphically demanding do not give me this issues. As many people have said here, playing solo the game feels smooth as butter like (45-60 fps). However, the moment other players enter the equation the frame rate drops immensely to a point where gameplay is hindered. Beyond multiplayer destroying fps, I've noticed a few other variables that seem to affect fps negatively. In no particular order: corpus tiles, great number of enemies, extended periods of endless Mission types (survival/Defence), weather effects. However it should be noted that multiplayer seems to be the most prevalent variable harming fps. 


Please consider prioritising performance because it's the only thing stopping me from committing most of my resources to this game. Perhaps, more features to further tweak graphics or adding a 'performance over aesthetics' mode. I'm relatively new to this game but I understand the reasons for the loyal community that backs supports warframe and DE; it's a fantastic game. But if the core competency of warframe is its' gameplay and one of the key KPIs for said feature is Performance/frame rate, I would imagine to make this a priority for future updates? 

Edited by (PS4)HiPo1nt
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Hello HiPoi1nt,

First, I would like to welcome you to Warframe and we're glad you have enjoyed your time with the game so far. With that said, I can assure you that we are very much aware of the current state of Warframe's performance on consoles and we are actively investigating ways to improve this. We have been following each forum thread and working to solve every issue that players have been experiencing. Performance has been and will continue to be a priority for us with every update that we release. While I cannot yet go into details about future updates, it is absolutely our intention to have these issues solved in a timely manner.

If there are any other specific cases where you notice performance decreasing by a significant amount then please feel free to let us know. 


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On 8/16/2017 at 7:46 AM, (PS4)HiPo1nt said:

I just gave this game shot and I have to say, from the community to the game mechanics it's a complex and brilliant game. However there is a crutch even a deal breaker that prohibits me before I commit any more time or resources to this game. It's the fact that frame rate is at an unplayable level when I play multiplayer. Other games which I play that are as graphically demanding do not give me this issues. As many people have said here, playing solo the game feels smooth as butter like (45-60 fps). However, the moment other players enter the equation the frame rate drops immensely to a point where gameplay is hindered. Beyond multiplayer destroying fps, I've noticed a few other variables that seem to affect fps negatively. In no particular order: corpus tiles, great number of enemies, extended periods of endless Mission types (survival/Defence), weather effects. However it should be noted that multiplayer seems to be the most prevalent variable harming fps. 

I get this exact same issue. And this is not potato related. My friend has a beast computer with an I7 7700k CPU and a gtx hybrid 1080 GPU (as well as very good other stats) and in solo he gets around 300-500 fps max settings, as soon as he goes to the public, it drops into 90-200. A HUGE decrease in fps. Public seems to be a massive hindrance in this game and it has gotten to the point at least for me, where I don't really like public. I prefer to play in solo simply because the fps drops into the 40's and 50's in public. In solo I get around 100-300 fps max settings.  Raids are even worse. With 8 players, I can drop into 20-30 fps and it makes raids completely unplayable for me.


Edited by Arniox
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