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I want an orange wall of "[Swearword here] Leukemia"


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Love this community. I haven't had Leukemia but I have had bowel cancer at age of 17 when I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease that has increased risk of developing this specific cancer. I was extremely fortune with both of the cancer and Croh's having survived them, others weren't so lucky. I would like to think I went to study Psychology so that in some small way I could help others trough life's difficulties to honor the memory of those who were taken by disease.

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9 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

@Telluric is a Senior Guide, not DE staff. Sorry, lol. Unless you were referring to the fact they said they'd post it on Twitter, in which case never mind.

I'm actually no longer a Guide of the Lotus - just a chat moderator these days ^-^

I did post the tweet tho!!


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