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lukinu_u's Zephyr Rework


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So, how you may know, Zephyr is currently in a weird place because she is quite old, enough to possibly be the next Prime, but she never got a rework and her power still old and need some tweaks.
The main idea is to give her more crowd control capability and give her some team buff while keeping the idea of parkour benefits.
I won't give any precise number and will only use x, y and z because I'm not really good for balancing things. I will also use blue text for any further explaination for better visibility.

Passive :
Zephyr get a second in air bullet jump. Additionnally, she get increased bullet jump and aim glide while in air.
Basically, she will be able to do 2 bullet jump instead one, so you would be able to jump > bullet jump > bullet jump > roll.

1 - [Tail Wind] - 25 energy :
The power remain really similar, but now ragdoll enemies (guaranteed impact proc) in AoE during the whole duration and distance of the jump, providing better crowd control capability. Additionnally, direct hit on different targets will have various effects :

  • On allies : Negate any status effect on the target.
  • On enemies : Deal puncture damages with guaranteed proc.
  • On the ground : Impact create an explosion similar to Heavy Impact.

The radius of the knockdown AoE is affected by range, to let you focus on this if you want to use it as a decent CC ability.
Bullet jump mods will affect the status inflicted by the AoE and the range of this power to incite players to mod Zephyr for parkour.

2 - [Turbulance] - 50 energy :
Turbulance is now the 2nd power but still nearly the same.
Using [Tail Wind] inside a tornado while this power is active will add the tornado current element as AoE damages inside the area of your [Turbulance].
I assume my sentence is a bit ambigous, so I will use an example to illustrate how it work : Let's imagine there is a heat tornado in front of you and you have Turbulance active, then use Tail Wind and pass througth the said tornado. Your Turbulance will now deal heat damages inside the range of the shield.

  • Augment - Jet Stream : Remain the same but your projectile now also have x% of your current [Turbulance] element as additionnal damages.

3 - [Tornado] - 10 energy/s while charging :
Tornado is now the 3rd power. Hold the button for charge and release to launch a tornado where you currently aim, it will then ocillate like it currently do. The more you charge, the bigger and the more damages the tornado will be. The charge is only limited by energy (like Harrow's Thurible) so as long as you have energy, you can charge and make your tornado bigger and stronger.
The number of tornado is only limited by their duration, so as long as you have energy, you still able to spawn more tornados.

  • Augment - Funnel Clouds : Instead of a normal tornado, the power will now spawn 3 smaller tornados with 35% of the base range and strength. The duration remain the same.

4 - [Blizzard] - 25 + 3/s energy :
Zephyr disturb the weather in a set area. Violent winds in the area reduce enemies accruacy and may rarely desarm them.
Additionnaly, the winds affect elemental status effect on enemies inside the area :

  • heat : Duration is increased and enemies around in a small area may have the status transfered on them.
  • cold : Duration and slow percentage are increased.
  • toxin/gas/viral : All 3 status status get a constant cloud like gas proc that inflinct toxin.
  • electicity : Thunder can fall on the target, dealing damages and reseting the duration of the status.
  • blast : Enemies affected may burn.
  • corrosive/magnetic/radiactive : No effect.

The accruacy decrease percentage and desarm chances per second are both affect by power strength.
Range increase the range of the main area but dont affect the alterations of status effects.

  • Augment - ??? : Blizzard can be casted on an ally starting with 50% of the base range and decreasing with time to 5%.
    The decrease speed is affect by power duration.
Edited by lukinu_u
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I loved the ideas, specially because like me you dont find Tailwind useless. I often use it to get quicker from one place to the other, specially when needing to help a fallen allie.

15 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

4 - [Blizzard] - 25 + 3/s energy :

I think you ment Hurricane? Blizzard is always Cold Damage.

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